Content Posted in 2016
10 Strategies Proven to Inspire & Engage EVERY Student, Christian Moore
10 Ways Well-Meaning White Teachers Bring Racism Into Our Schools, Jamie Utt
1966-1967 Committee Membership List, Georgia Southern University
1967-1968 Committee Membership List, Georgia Southern University
1968-1969 Committee Membership List, Georgia Southern University
1998-1999 Academic Calendar, Harry Carter
1999-2000 Academic Calendar, Linda Bleicken
1999 SSWC Program, SSWC
2000 SSWC Program, SSWC
2001-2002 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2001 SSWC Program, SSWC
2002-2003 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2002 SSWC Program, SSWC
2003-2004 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2004-2005 Senate, Senate Committees, and University Committees, Georgia Southern University
2004 SSWC Program, SSWC
2005-2006 Senate, Senate Committees, and University Committees, Georgia Southern University
2005 SSWC Program, SSWC
2006-2007 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2006 SSWC Program, SSWC
2007-2008 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2008-2009 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2009-2010 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2010-2011 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2010 U. S. Census, Patrick Novotny
2011-2012 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2012-2013 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2013-2014 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2014-2015 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
2015-2016 Senate, Senate Committee, and University Committee Membershiip, Georgia Southern University
21st Century Literacy and the Rhetoric of Science: A Re-Evaluation of the Concept of Literacy, Josh M. Beach
21st Century Reasoning Modalities In Interdisciplinary STEM Education, Bryan Gallant
21st Century STEM Reasoning, Robert L. Mayes Dr. and Shawn Jackson
3D printing of Wrist Cock-up Splint Using Two Commercially Available Printers, Amanda Behr
3 Hats Debate, Bianca J. Nightengale-Lee
5-Point Scales: Five Points Away from Beating Behavior Problems, Michelle Bolling
6 Years In: The Warehouse, Jeff Schmuki
AAUP Resolution, Michael Moore
AAUP Resolution-Academic Freedom, Michael Moore
A Bayesian Model for Gene Family Evolution, Liang Liu, Lili Yu, Venugopal Kalavacharla, and Zhanji Liu
ABC Index of Trees with Fixed Number of Leaves, Mikhail Goubko, Colton Magnant, Pouria Salehi Nowbandegani, and Ivan Gutman
ABET Accreditation of IS and IT Programs in 2013, Ronald J. MacKinnon, Kevin Lee Elder, and John N. Dyer
ABET Accreditation of IS and IT Programs in 2013, Ronald J. MacKinnon, Kevin Lee Elder, and John N. Dyer
Abiotic and Biotic Factors Influence Refuge Use at the Community and Organismal Level, George Todd
A Bulloch Sampler, Smith Callaway Banks
A Bulloch Tapestry, Charles Bands, Daniel B. Good, Bill Lovejoy, Evelyn Mabry, C. D. Sheley, Rita Turner Wall, and David Williams
Academic Access and Achievement for At-Risk Students – Improving Education Outcomes, Diane Black
Academic Advisement: A Commitment to Complete College Georgia, Deborah N. Kittrell-Mikell
Academic Calendar 11-2-2009, Patricia B. Humphrey
Academic Civic Engagement: Fostering faculty and non-faculty relationships for student success, Misti McKeehen
Academic Dishonesty Discussion and Charge to the Welfare Committee, Georgia Southern University
Academic Freedom Policy (6-2-1998), Georgia Southern University
Academic Motivation Types in STEM Undergraduates, Diana Sturges Dr, Shainaz Landge Dr, Christopher Niemec Dr, Jessica Orvis Dr, and Dawn Tysinger Dr
Academic Success Center Report, Kathy Albertson
A Case Study for Teaching Quantitative Biochemical Buffer Problems Using Group Work and "Khan Style" Videos, Jose Barreto, John Reilly, David Brown, Laura Frost, Sulekha Rao Coticone, Terry Ann Dubetz, Zanna Beharry, C. Michele Davis McGibony, Ria Ramoutar, and Gillian Rudd
A Case Study on Tuning Artificial Neural Networks to Recognize Signal Patterns of Hand Motions, Stephen D. Hickman, Arash S. Mirzakhani, J. Pabon, and Rocio Alba-Flores
Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Toolkit for Georgia City and County Roads, Junsuk Kang, Gustavo Maldonaldo, Mike Jackson, Peter D. Rogers, Marcel Maghiar, David Jared, and Gretel Sims
Accelerated Insulation Recycling System (AIRS), Debalina Ghosh
Accessibility of Older Campus Buildings for Handicapped Persons, Nan LoBue
Accounting Information Systems: Ethics, Fraudulent Behavior, and Preventative Measures, jasmine s. smith
Accounting Majors' Perceptions of Future Career Skills: An Exploratory Analysis, Abbie Parham, Thomas G. Noland, and Julia Ann Kelly
Accuracy in Emergency Department Triage for Symptoms of AMI, Susan F. Sanders and Holli A. DeVon
Accuracy of Video Frame Size Forecasting, Micheal P. McGarry, Patrick Seeling, Rami J. Haddad, and Jesus Hernandez
Achieving Economic Growth and Sustainability Through Agri-Business Development, Morgan Jefferson
A Class of Graphs Approaching Vizing's Conjecture, Aziz Contractor and Elliot Krop
A Comparative Analysis of Text, Media, and Linguistic Discrimination toward Speakers of AAL from the 19th Century to the Present Day Classroom, Mary M. Neville
A Comparison of Active Leaming and Traditional Lecture Pedagogical Styles in a Business Law Classroom, LeVon E. Wilson and Stephanie Sipe
A Comparison of Field Methods at Camp Lawton (9JS1), William C. Brant
A Comparison of Size and Power of Tests of Hypotheses on Parameters Based on Two Generalized Lindley Distributions, Macaulay Okwuokenye and Karl E. Peace
A Comparison of the J‐1 Visa Waiver and Loan Repayment Programs in the Recruitment and Retention of Physicians in Rural Nebraska, Samuel T. Opoku, Bettye A. Apenteng, Ge Lin, Li-Wu Chen, David Palm, and Thomas Rauner
A Conspiracy to Resurrect Life and Social Justice in Science Curriculum with Henrietta Lacks: A Play, Dana Compton McCullough
A Constant of Change, Katie Brkich and T. Lamb
A Cross Sectional Study of Student Motivation in Undergraduate STEM Courses, Shainaz Landge, Diana Sturges, Dawn Tysinger, and Jessica N. Orvis
Acting Chair for the Undergraduate Committee, Phyllis Dallas
Activity 2: Narratives during the Jim Crow Era
Activity 2: Narratives during the Jim Crow Era
Acute Toxicity Study of Titanium Dioxide Nano Fibers In The Lung of Sprague Dawley rats, Daniel A. Hunter
Adapting and Applying the Q Sort Activity for Instructional Purposes, Lloyd Rieber
Adapting Servic-Learning for Introductory Courses, Randall Parish
Adapting the Access Northwind Database to Support a Database Course, John N. Dyer and Camille F. Rogers
Adaptive Control of Synchronization for Muti Axis Motion System, Marvin H.-M. Cheng, Sirajus Salekeen, Ezzat G. Bakhoum, and Cheng-Yi Chen
Adaptive Teaching: An Effective Approach for Learner-Centric Classrooms, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
Adding a Student Research Component to an Information Technology Ethics Course, David Kerven and Peter Meso
Addressing Community Engagement through a Grand Challenge Service-Learning MOOC, Claire Dancz, Jeffery M. Plumblee, Amy E. Landis, and Leidy E. Klotz
Addressing Obesity and Associated Medical Conditions in Latino Immigrant Communities in Southeast Georgia, John S. Luque, Moya L. Alfonso, Yelena N. Tarasenko, and Lisa C. Watson
Addressing Psychological, Mental Health and Other Behavioral Health Care Needs of the Underserved Populations in the U.S.: Role of Local Health Departments, Gulzar H. Shah, Huabin Luo, Nancy L. Winterbauer, and Kusuma Madamala
Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Governance, Richard Flynn
Ad Hoc Committee on Student Evaluations 11-6-2006, Les Furr
Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Student Ratings of Instruction Meeting Minutes: 10-28-2013, Georgia Southern University
Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Student Ratings of Instruction Meeting Minutes: 11-18-2013, Georgia Southern University
Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Student Ratings of Instruction Meeting Minutes: April 7, 2014, Georgia Southern University
Ad-hoc committee to examine the bases and methods for, and impacts of summer curriculum/course selection and deletion, M. Jill Lockwood
Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate the Issue of Classroom Security, Charles Crouch
A Dissertation Dialogue, Daniel Chapman
Administration expectations for, and data on, faculty research productivity, Robert Pirro
Administrator's serving on faculty senate and on senate committees, M. Jill Lockwood
Administrator’s serving on Senate or Senate Committees, Larry Mutter
Administrator’s serving on Senate or Senate Committees [and Promotion and Tenure Committees], Mark Welford
Administrator’s-serving-on-Senate-or-Senate-Committees-Previous-Discussions, Faculty Senate and Georgia Southern Univeristy
Administrator's teaching to help relieve our budget woes, Annette Laing
ADP Approval Form, Jean-Paul Carton
Advances in Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring Systems, Debopam Acharya and Hyo-Joo Han
Advances in STEM Education at Georgia State University, Anu Bourgeois and Paul Ulrich
a-Eleostearic Acid Extraction by Saponification of Tung Oil and Its Subsequent Polymerization, Amanda Murawski
Aerodynamic and Modal Analyses of Small Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine with Various Numbers of Blade Design, Emile Maroha
Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of Three Bladed Savonius Wind Turbine with Different Overlap Ratios and at Various Reynolds Number, Mosfequr Rahman, Khandakar N. Morshed, and Ahsan Mian
A Fair View: The Connection Between PBIS and Title I, Brian Mincey, Shoni Pittman, Vaneisa Benjamin, and Vincent Ervin
A Formula for the Partition Function That "Counts", Yuriy Choliy and Andrew V. Sills
A Framework for Explaining Accounting Students’ Formal Communication GAP, Charles Harter and Robert Marley
A Fraud Audit: Do You Need One?, Thomas Buckhoff, Leslee Higgins, and Debra Sinclair
African American Biographies: Bulloch County, Charles W. Bonds, Lella Theresa Gantt Bonds, Constance Jones, and Carolyn Postell
African American Father's Involvement in Education, Tasha Alston
African American Male Students’ Experiences in an Online Learning Program in an Urban Alternative School, Nekada Lewis
Africa’s Financial and Trade Policy Challenges under Regional Integration, William Amponsah
Against the Epistemicide: Itinerant Curriculum Theory Towards a Non-Abyssal Curriculum, Joan M. Paraskeva
A Generalized Class of Kumaraswamy Lindley Distribution with Applications to Lifetime Data, Broderick O. Oluyede, Tiantian Yang, and Bernard Omolo
Aggregate Data Modeling Style, Vladan Jovanovic and Steven Benson
Aggregation and Dollar-Weighted Returns Issues, Ken Johnston, John Hatem, and Chris Paul
A Grateful Nation Remembers: Bulloch County's World War II Roll of Honor, James D. Bigley Jr. and Rebecca Ziegler
AgriCULTURE, Jeff Schmuki
A Hopeful Pedagogy to Critical Thinking, Mark C. Nicholas and Miriam Raider-Roth
A Human Resource Approach to Improving an Alternative Break Experience, Mikaela Shupp, Luther T. Denton, and Katy Kaesebier
A Hybrid Simulation and Hands-On Experimentation for Electric Machines Laboratory, Youakim Kalaani, Rami J. Haddad, and Bikiran Guha
Airborne Bacterial Exposure at Workers' Breathing Height in an Organic Farm of Rural Georgia, Tedd Gandy, Nabanita Mukherjee, Bushra Shah, Subhrajit K. Saha, Pratik Banerjee, and Atin Adhikari
A Journeyman Professor's Walk through Metaphor, Philosophy, and Currere in Search of a Holistic Teacher Education Curriculum, Rupert C. Collister PhD
A Journey of Service-Learning: Three Different Professional Lenses, Nancy M. Arrington
A Journey of Service-Learning: Three Different Professional Lenses [Praxeological Learning: Social Justice and Social Capital], Nancy M. Arrington and Vickie Lake
A Leader's Mindset: Creating a Culture the Maximizes Achievement For All Students, Steven W. Edwards
Alejandro Jodorowsky: cine y estados de consciencia alterados., Sergi Rivero-Navarro
A Letter from Your Library Liaisons, Zach S. Henderson Library
A Letter from Your Library Liaisons, Zach S. Henderson Library
A Letter from Your Library Liaisons, Zach S. Henderson Library
A Letter from Your Library Liaisons, Zach S. Henderson Library
A Letter from Your Library Liaisons, Zach S. Henderson Library
Aligning Mapping Tools to Support Successful Learning in an Introductory Biology Course, Erin Duckett and Danilo M Baylen
A LinkedIn Analysis of Career Paths of Information Systems Alumni, Thomas L. Case, Adrian Gardiner, Paige Rutner, and John N. Dyer
A LinkedIn Analysis of Career Paths of Information Systems Alumni, Thomas L. Case, Adrian Gardiner, Paige Rutner, and John N. Dyer
Allegorical Representations in the Plays of Juan Carlos Rubio, Laureano Corces
Allies for Success: Writing Tutors’ Role in Scaffolding ESL Writing, Maria N. Zlateva
All Means All; Using Positive Behavior Supports for Successful Inclusion, Teri Jones, Valentina Contesse, and Angela Truex
Allocation of Duties of Tenure and Promotion at the College Level, Robert Costomiris
All Possible Regressions Using IBM SPSS: A Practitioner’s Guide to Automatic Linear Modeling, T. Chris Oshima and Theresa Dell-Ross
All Teachers are Language Teachers: Language Acquisition, Writing Assessment, and Their Effects on Student Success in Writing, Deborah Crusan
All the News That’s Fit to Sing: Phil Ochs, Vietnam, and the National Press, Thomas C. Waters
Alma Downtown Project, Kea'erra Wilson
A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study of Participants in Cervical and Prostate Health Education Programs in Southeast Georgia, Gerald R. Ledlow
Alternates for Elected College Representatives to Faculty Senate Standing Committees, Phyllis Dallas
Alternative Points of View: Graphic Novels for Critical Media Literacy, Gretchen E. Schwarz
A Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood Approach for Estimating Species Trees under the Coalescent Model, Liang Liu, Lili Yu, and Scott V. Edwards
Amend Faculty Handbook on Faculty Evaluations, Clara Krug
Amendment to Faculty Handbook: Guidelines on Tenure and Promotion, David Dudley and Faculty Welfare Committee
Amendment to Operating Guidelines for the Faculty Research Committee, Trent Maurer
Amendment to section 205.06 - Procedures for Faculty Evaluations, Jean-Paul Carton and Faculty Welfare Committee
Amendment to Section 205.07, Student Ratings of Instruction, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Amendment to the Faculty Development Committee's Procedures, Clara Krug
Amend the Senate By-Laws to Clarify What Passes a Motion, Patricia B. Humphrey and Senate Executive Committee
American Indian Boarding Schools Haunt Many
American Indian Boarding Schools Haunt Many
American Military History: A Survey from Colonial Times to the Present, William T. Allison, Jeffrey G. Grey, and Janet G. Valentine
American Print History, Donald Armel
A Method to Increase Student Comprehension with Illusions, Kevin Lee Elder, David E. Deviney, and Ronald J. MacKinnon
A Method to the Madness: Infusing Critical Thinking Strategies Into Online Courses, Randall E. Osborne and Paul Kriese
A Metric and Topological Analysis of Determinism in the Crude Oil Spot Market, John Barkoulas, Atreya Chakraborty, and Arav Ouandlous
A Micro-Hydro Power Generator Electrical System Design and Implementation, Zack Floyd
A Middle-Class African-American Child in Desegregating Savannah: The Reminiscences of Justice Leah Ward Sears, Rebecca M. Davis
A Mixed Methods Assessment of the Implementation of Electronic Health Records in Local Health Departments, Karmen S. Williams
A Mixed Methods Assessment of the Implementation of Electronic Health Records in Local Health Departments, Karmen S. Williams
A Multiagent Data Warehousing (MADWH) and Multiagent Data Mining (MADM) Approach to Brain Modeling and Neurofuzzy Control, Wen-Ran Zhang and Lulu Zhang
A Multilevel Analysis of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Effect on Preterm Births in Georgia, USA, Wei Tu, Jun Tu, and Stuart H. Tedders
A Multi-Method Exploration of the Relationship between Knowledge and Risk: The Impact on Millennials’ Retirement Investment Decisions, Lindsay Larson, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and Dora E. Bock
A Multiuser EEG Based Imaginary Motion Classification Using Neural Networks, Sylvia Bhattacharya
A mutual charge to the Welfare Committee that Jean-Paul chairs and to the Service Committee that Jerry Wilson chairs to look into how service is valued and evaluated around or across the campus, Georgia Southern University and Senate Executive Committee
An addition to Section 211, "Policy on Pre-tenure Review," in the Faculty Handbook, Clara Krug and Faculty Grievance Committee
An All Inclusive Practical Approach to PBIS, Sandra Long, Ben Steele, and Nicole Hudson
An Alternative Experimental Method to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids, Zach Wilkes
Analysis and Recommendation from the Task Force to Study Salary Increases Tied to Faculty Promotions, Linda Bleicken
Analysis of Adding a Faculty-Led Online Meeting in a Nursing Course, Sharon Dickey and Carrie Alajoki
Analysis of Cases on Ethics in Educational Leadership, Angela J. Moton
Analysis of Relapse in Leukemia Patients With Missing Data Using an Extension of the EM Algorithm, Braydon Schaible
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Modern Ballistic Resistant Materials Using Finite Element Techniques, Mosfequr Rahman, S. Cashwell, M. Dockery, Adam Chevalier, Adam Barlow, Bowen Jones, and Sirajus Salekeen
Analysis of the Persistence of Enteric Markers in Sewage Polluted Water on a Solid Matrix and in Liquid Suspension, Yolanda Brooks, Asli Aslan, Sushil Tamrakar, Bharathi Murali, Jade Mitchell, and Joan Rose
Analytical Solution of Shock Waves Equation with Higher Order Approximation, Valentin Soloiu, Marvin H. Cheng, and Cheng-Yi Chen
Analytical Workflow in MS Excel: Reflections & Conceptual Model, Adrian Gardiner
Analyzing Predictors of Drinking and Driving Among Gender Cohorts within a College Sample, Justin Hoyle
An Analysis of CPA Firm Recruiters’ Perceptions of Online Masters of Accounting Degrees, Paul Metrejean and Thomas G. Noland
An Analysis of the Sleep Quality of Undergraduate Students, Brianna N. Carter and Joanne Chopak-Foss
An Artificial Neural Network Model for Wind Energy Estimation, Adel El-Shahat, Rami J. Haddad, and Youakim Kalaani
An Assessment of the Current State of Cybercrime Scholarship, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
An Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Emergency Response Communication System, Robin David Grodi
An Edge-Swap Heuristic for Finding Dense Spanning Trees, Mustafa Ozen, Hua Wang, Kai Wang, and Demet Yalman
A Neighborhood Team Approach to Strengthening University-Neighborhood Relations, Tito Luna
An Empircal Study of the Functional Relationship between a Responsive Classroom Management Program and Student Outcomes, Alisa L. Long, Dr.
An ESOL/Elementary School Approach to Preventing Youth-At-Risk, Lisa Homann and Nancy Hurst
An Evaluation of Spirituality among Graduate and Professional Degree Students: Year Four, Lucy J. Bush, Jeffrey S. Hall, Bobby C. Jacob, W. Loyd Allen, Elaine C. Harris, Angela O. Shogbon, Wesley N. Barker, and Annesha White
A New Class of Generalized Modified Weibull Distribution with Applications, Broderick O. Oluyede, Shujiao Huang, and Tiantian Yang
A New Class of Generalized Power Lindley Distribution with Applications to Lifetime Data, Marvis Pararai, Gayan Warahena-Liyanage, and Broderick O. Oluyede
A New Compound Class of Log-Logistic Weibull Poisson Distribution: Properties and Applications, Broderick O. Oluyede, Gayan Warahena-Liyanage, and Mavis Pararai
A New Generation of Memory: The Great Grandchildren of the Spanish Civil War in Cielo abajo, Shelly Hines-Brooks
An Examination of Happiness between Race, Gender, and School Classification: An Echo Boomer Analysis, Kaitlyn E. Carmichael
An Examination of the Forward Prediction Error of U.S. Dollar Exchange Rates and How They Are Related to Bid-Ask Spreads, Purchasing Power Parity Disequilibria, and Forward Premium Asymmetry, Marc W. Simpson and Axel Grossmann
An Experimental Design Exploring the Functional Relationship Between On-Task Behavior and Concrete Math Manipulatives, Teresa L. Abbey, Dr.
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Foam on the Vibration Quality of Aluminum Tube Structure, Masud Nawaz and Aniruddha Mitra
An Exploration of Design Students' Inspiration Process, Sibel Dazkir, Jennifer Mower, Kelly Reddy-Best, and Elaine Pedersen
An Exploration of the Impostor Phenomenon and its Impact on Black Women Administrators in Higher Education in the South, Marian Muldrow
An Exploratory Investigation of the Periodic Performance Evaluation Process for Marketing Faculty: A Comparison of Doctoral Granting and Non-Doctoral Granting Universities, C. David Shepherd, Susan S. Carley, and Randy S. Stuart
An Extremal Problem for Finite Lattices, John Goldwasser, Brendan Nagle, and Andres Saez
An Increasing Trend in Health-Care Professionals Notifying Children of Unhealthy Weight Status: NHANES 1999–2014, Andrew R. Hansen, Dustin T. Duncan, Jennifer A. Woo Baidal, Ashley Hill, S. C. Turner, and Jian Zhang
An industrial chemical used in coal-washing influences plankton communities in freshwater microcosms, Danielle Turner
An Integrated Environmental Pressure Perspective on Software as a Service Adoption in Supply Chain Firms, LeeAnn Kung, Casey G. Cegielski, and Hsiang-Jui Kung
An Integrated Framework for Intersectorality: Nonprofitness and Its Influence on Society and Public Administration Programs, Robbie Robichau, Kandyce M. Fernandez, and Patsy B. Kraeger
An Integrated Model of Quality for Mass Services in the Context of Ghanaian Retailing Banking Sector, Kwabena G. Boakye, Victor R. Prybutok, and Charles Blankson
An Integrative Model of Student Formation and Leadership in Service, Katherine Feely and Maryellen Callanan
An Interactive Tool to Improve Learning of Data Modeling: A Survey Study, Hsiang-Jui Kung and LeeAnn Kung
An Interdisciplinary Team-based Mobile Robots design course for Engineering, Fernando Rios-Gutierrez and Rocio Alba-Flores
An International Experience on Pre-Service Teachers' Sense of Efficacy, S. Michelle Vaughn and Rebecca Z. Grunzke
An Interview with Bulloch County Native Dr. Leila Daughtry Denmark, Ann Harwell Parker
An Invitation Is Not Enough: Strategies for Inclusive Dialogue, Danyel Addes, Jessica Shanken, and John Nwosu
An Iterative, Low-Cost Strategy to Building Information Systems Allows a Small Jurisdiction Local Health Department to Increase Efficiencies and Expand Services, Kay Lovelace and Gulzar H. Shah
Announcement of the Final Date to Withdraw from Classes Without Academic Penalty, Clara Krug
A Non Parametric Procedure for Change Point Detection in Linear Regression, Jing Sun
A Note On Job Market Conditions And Students Academic Performance, Chris W. Paul II and Joseph Ruhland
A Note on the Categories of Unemployment in a Principles of Macroeconomics Course, William Levernier and Bill Z. Yang
A Note on the Evaluation of Long-run Investment Decisions using the Sharpe Ratio, John Hatem, Ken Johnston, and Elton Scott
Another Look at Technical Efficiency in American States, 1979-2000, Gregory J. Brock and Constantin Ogloblin
An Outcomes-Driven Approach for Assessment, Youakim Kalaani and Shonda Bernadine
A Novel Knowledge Modeling Approach, A. Jakupovic Mestrovic, Mile Pavlic, and Vladan Jovanovic
A Novel Passive Islanding Detection Technique for Converter- Based Distributed Generation Systems, Bikiran Guha, Rami J. Haddad, and Youakim Kalaani
A Novel Peer-assisted Hybrid Flipped Classroom Model Using Online Discussion, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
An R Package for Species Tree Analysis, Liang Liu and Lili Yu
Anti-Chinese USA - Racism & Discrimination from the Onset, Zak Keith
Anti-Chinese USA - Racism & Discrimination from the Onset, Zak Keith
Anti-Islanding Techniques for Distributed Generation Systems – A Survey, Bikiran Guha, Rami J. Haddad, and Youakim Kalaani
Antropofagia y feminismo en la narrativa de Ivana Arruda Leite, Núria Sabaté Llobera
A Panel-Regression Investigation of Exchange Rate Volatility, Axel Grossmann and Alexei G. Orlov
A Partition Function Connected with the Göllnitz-Gordon Identities, Nicolas A. Smoot
A Passive Islanding Detection Approach for Inverter-based Distributed Generation Systems Using Rate of Change of Frequency Analysis, Bikiran Guha, Rami J. Haddad, and Youakim Kalaani
A Phenomenological Investigation of Cheerleaders' Lived Experiences of Mental Blocks, Erin M. Lawrence
A Phenomenological Study of Teachers' Perceptions of Kindergarten Retention: Are Standards to be Blamed?, Ginger DeLaigle
A Phylogenetic Model for Understanding the Effect of Gene Duplication on Cancer Progression, Qin Ma, Jaxk H. Reeves, David A. Liberles, Lili Yu, Zheng Chang, Jing Zhao, Juan Cui, Ying Xu, and Liang Liu
A Pilot Study of Instructional Alignment in College Teaching, Mike Metzler
Apparent Authority to Consent, Rebecca Davis
Appeals heard by the Academic Standards Committee, Kathleen Koon
Application Form for Faculty Research Grants, Georgia Southern University
Application of Web Published Virtual Instruments in Delivering Engineering Instructions and Performing Experimental Research, Shahnam Navaee
Applied Meta-Analysis with R, Ding-Geng Chen and Karl E. Peace
Appointment of ad hoc committee to draft a new Student Rating of Instruction, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Apportionment, James M. LoBue
Apportionment: COBA and COST to Information Technology, James M. LoBue
Apportionment: Comparison of Members from Each College, Georgia Southern University and Faculty Senate
Approval of the Amended USG Faculty Council Bylaws, Patricia B. Humphrey
Approval of the Amended USG Faculty Council Bylaws, Patricia B. Humphrey
A Pragmatic Ecology of Education: Media Ecology as the Response to John Dewey’s "Experience and Education" in a Mediated World, Anthony J. Saraceno
A Proper Constitutive Model for Numerical Analysis of Lightweight Membrane Structures, N. M. Houssain, K. Woo, C. H. Jenkins, and Mosfequr Rahman
A Proposal for Evaluating Georgia’s Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver Program, Donald Lamar Ariail
A PTAS for the Multiple Parallel Identical Multi-stage Flow-shops to Minimize the Makespan, Weitian Tong
A Qualitative Examination of the Needs of Mothers in College in the Rural Southeast, Danielle N. Bostick
A Quantitative Comparative Analysis of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Healthcare Preparedness Program Performance in Georgia, Saroyi C. Morris
A Quantitative Risk Analysis Framework for Bow-Tie Models, Ionut Iacob and Alex Apostolou
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Community Responses to Drought Conditions in a Coastal Plains Floodplain, Erica L. Johnson and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud
“A Quest for Life among the Ruins : Ne quitte pas les vivants by Chantal Chawaf”, L. Nannette Mosley
Archery and Firearms Shooting Center Business Plan, Robert Costomiris
Archibald Bulloch, Smith Callaway Banks
Are all temporary faculty no longer working with contracts?, Cliffton Price and Tina Whittle
A Real-Options Approach to Post-Hurricane Loss Valuation of Damage Property: Rebuild or Repair?, Risa Kumazawa, J. Tim Query, and Mark Yanochik
Are Celebrities Charged with Murder Likely to Be Acquitted?, Maria Wong, Alan K. Goodboy, Michael P. Murtagh, Amy Hackney, and Lynn E. McCutcheon
Are E-Cigarettes an Optimal Choice for Harm Reduction for Tobacco Smokers?, Brenda Talley, Deborah Allen, and Kathryn H. Anderson
A Report on the Status of Hispanics in Education: Overcoming a History of Neglect, Richard Verdugo
A Report on the Status of Hispanics in Education: Overcoming a History of Neglect, Richard Verdugo
A Research-Based Approach to Teaching Written Standard English, Dulce de Castro
A Resolution about President Michael Adams' Retirement Package, Clara Krug and Senate Executive Committee
A Resolution Pertaining To A Bulloch County Voting Precinct On The Georgia Southern University Campus, Patrick Novotny
A Resolution to Reduce Bias Tenure and Promotion Decisions within the Unit and College, Mark Welford
A Review of Southern Folkways Journal, Bob Hughes (Ed.)
Arguing for Argument: Teaching Student Advocacy, Christopher C. Burnham PhD
Aristide Torchia: Demonología e historicidad en El club Dumas (1993) de Arturo Pérez Reverte, Francisco García-Rubio
Aristotle Writing Science: An Application of His Theory, Timothy D. Giles
Art Advisory Panel Helps Courts Sculpt Estate Valuations, William Brian Dowis, M. Anderson, and Ted D. Englebrecht
Art Corner: "A Glimpse of Discernment" and "A Thousand Blessings", Bradley E. Bunn
Artificial Neural Network (ANN): Smart & Energy Systems Applications, Adel El-Shahat
Artificial Neural Networks in Classifying Hand Gestures through Electromyography, Kyle Leep
Art in Odd Places (AiOP): The Artifacts, Jeff Schmuki
Artistic Collage as Mythical Playground, David W. Seaman
Artists Respond, Jeff Schmuki
Arts/Industry: Collaboration and Revelation, Jeff Schmuki
A SASR Algorithm for Imputing Discrete Missing Outcomes Based on Minimum Distance, Macaulay Okwuokenye and Karl E. Peace
A Scientific Decoding of YinYang 1-2-4-8-64 for Equilibrium-Based Granular Computing, Wen-Ran Zhang and Justin Zhang
A Selected Review of our Black Ancestors from "The Free State of Jones", Noran L. Moffett, Nurah-Talibah N. Moffett, and Narsett L. Wilkins
A Service Learning Partnership for Wilderness Education in Coastal Georgia, John Peden, Monica Harris, Phillip Brice, James Fritz, Kristin Love, Mady Russell, Julie Swantek, and Scott Waters
A Service-Learning Partnership for Wilderness Education in Coastal Georgia, John Peden, Madalyn Russell, and Monica Harris
A Short History of New Hope Church, Margaret H. Prosser
A Short History of Willow Hill School, Sarah Cone Lee
Asian American History Timeline
Asian American History Timeline
A Significant Population of Very Luminous Dust-Obscured Galaxies at Redshift z ~ 2, Arjun Dey, B.T. Soifer, Vandana Desai, Kate Brand, Emeric Le Floc'h, Michael J. I. Brown, Buell T. Jannuzi, Lee Armus, R. Shane Bussmann, Mark Brodwin, Chao Bian, Peter Eisenhardt, Sarah J.U. Higdon, Daniel Weedman, and S. P. Willner
A Simple and Effective 1,2,3-Triazole Based “Turn-On” Fluorescence Sensor for the Detection of Anions, Debanjana Ghosh, Shannon Rhodes, Karena Hawkins, Domonique Winder, Austin Atkinson, Marshall Ming, Clifford Padgett, Jeffery A. Orvis, Karelle Aiken, and Shainaz M. Landge
A Simple Option-Theoretic Approach to the Lease Versus Purchase Decision, Charles Harter and Wm. Steven Smith
A Snake Charmer without the Music: Motivating the Students of Today, Amelia Simmons
A Social Look at Student-Instructor Interactions, Janie H. Wilson, Karen Z. Naufel, and Amy Hackney
Asolectin from Soybeans as a Natural Compatibilizer for Cellulose-reinforced Biocomposites from Tung Oil, Ashley E. Johns
A Spicy Kind of High: A Profile of Synthetic Cannabinoid Users, John Stogner and Bryan Miller
Assemblage Structure, Production, and Food Web Dynamics of Macroinvertebrates in Tropical Island Headwater Streams, Keysa G. Rosas-Rodriguez
Assessing Changes in Safety Net Providers Since the Passage of the Affordable Care Act, Arlesia Mathis, Julia Burke, and Gulzar H. Shah
Assessing DNP Impact Using Program Evaluations to Capture Healthcare System Change, Ursula A. Pritham and Patricia White
Assessing Male vs. Female Business Student Perceptions of Plagiarism at a Southern Institution of Higher Education, Daniel Adrian Doss, Russ Henley, Ursula Becker, David McElreath, Hilliard Lackey, Don Jones, Feng He, Mingyu Li, and Shimin Lin
Assessing Officer Perceptions and Support for Online Community Policing, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt
Assessing Outcomes: Asking Students to Document Learning, Donna N. Sewell
Assessing Seasonality of Travel Distance to Harm Reduction Service Providers among Person Who Inject Drugs, Sean T. Allen, Monica S. Ruiz, Amira Roess, and Jeffery A. Jones
Assessing Shoreline Change and Vegetation Cover Adjacent to Back-Barrier Shoreline Stabilization Structures in Georgia Estuaries, Katherine R. Wakefield
Assessing Skills and Capacity for Informatics: Activities Most Commonly Performed by or for Local Health Departments, Kate Drezner, Lisa McKeown, and Gulzar H. Shah
Assessing the Dangers of ‘Dabbing’ – Mere Marijuana or Harmful New Trend?, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller
Assessing the Education and Training Needs of Nebraska's Public Health Workforce, Brandon L. Grimm, Patrik Johansson, Preethy Nayar, Bettye A. Apenteng, Samuel T. Opoku, and Anh Nguyen
Assessing the Feasibility of the Employer as a Health Advisor for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, Siddhartha Roy
Assessing the Mediation of a Fuller Social Learning Model on Low Self-Control's Influence on Software Piracy, George W. Burruss, Adam Bossler, and Thomas J. Holt
Assessing the Relationship between Divergent Drinking and Perceptions of Friendship Quality between Students, John Stogner, John H. Boman, and Bryan Lee Miller
Assessing the Risk Factors of Cyber and Mobile Phone Bullying Victimization in a Nationally Representative Sample of Singapore Youth, Thomas J. Holt, Sarah Fitzgerald, Adam Bossler, Grace Chee, and Esther Ng
Assessing the Value of the Introductory Computer Concepts Course: 2004 to 2013, John N. Dyer, Ronald J. MacKinnon, Hyo-Joo Han, and Kevin Lee Elder
Assessing Undergraduate Accounting Students’ Analytical and Reflective Skills, Ebenezer Kolajo and Felix Amenkhienan
Assessment of a Community Based Learning Project with Teens, Karen J. Berman and Kristi Papailler
Assessment of Anti-Saccades Within 24 to 48 Hours Post-Concussion, Nathan D'Amico
Assessment of Anti-Saccades Within 24 to 48 Hours Post-Concussion, Nathan D'Amico
Assessment of Barriers to Screening Mammographs for Rural, Poor, Uninsured Women and a Community Plan of Action, Muna Wagner, Kathryn H. Anderson, and Lee Broxton
Assessment of electrode surface area in Electrical Impedance Myography study using Finite Element Method, Somen Baidya
Assessment of Scientific Reasoning as an Institutional Outcome, David A. Westmoreland
Assessment of Self-Identified Learning Outcomes for Students in a Graduate-level Professional Program Online Course - II, Olajide O. Agunloye
Assessment of the Knowledge And Skills of School Personnel to Respond to Diabetic Emergencies in Georgia Public Schools, Alesha Wright
Assessment of the Wear Effects of Low- and High- Speed Jet Impingement of Alumina Nanofluids on Heat-Exchanger Materials, Fnu Aktaruzzaman, Gustavo J. Molina, Valentin Soloiu, and Mosfequr Rahman
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, W. Bede Mitchell
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, W. Bede Mitchell
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, Clement Lau
Assessment Work Team Essence Notes, Clement Lau
Association Between Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Sleep Quantity in Pregnant Women, Kassandra Snook
Association of Religious Commitment and Perceived Stress Levels in College Students, Brianna N. Carter
A Stochastic Walk Down Mexico’s Mesoamerican Frontier, 1990-2011, Gregory J. Brock and Constantin Ogloblin
Astronaut Challenge- The Use of Virtual Immersion to Develop Student Interest in STEM., John Melcher
A Study of Black Teachers’ Perceptions of the Academic Achievement of Black Male Students in Elementary Schools in Rural Georgia, Marshall F. Aker
A Study of Mechanical Behavior and Morphology of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced UHMWPE/Nylon 6 Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposite Fiber, Mujibur R. Khan, Hassan Mahfuz, Ashfaq Adnan, Theodora Leventouri, and Saheem Absar
A Study of the Media's Portrayal of the Measles Outbreak, Ashley K. Lawrence
A Summary of the Findings of the Faculty Senate Task Force on the Role of the Faculty in Shared Governance, Georgia Southern University
A Survey and Discussion of Competing Mean-Variance Statistics in Portfolio Analysis, John N. Dyer, Ronald J. MacKinnon, and Kevin Lee Elder
A Systematic Review of Sex-based Differences in Diarrheal Disease and Helminthic Infections, Varadan Sevilimedu
A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin
A Teacher's Guide to Religion in the Public Schools
A Teacher’s Story: Promoting Rhetorical Flexibility via Transfer of Writing to Media, Jonna C. Mackin
A Technical and Economical Study of Implementing a Micro- grid System at an Educational Institution, Matthew S. Purser, Youakim Kalaani, and Rami J. Haddad
A Template for Alternative Writing: The History and Future of Authentic Youth Voice, Kaitlyn I. Glause
A Test of Symmetry Based on the Kernel Kullback-Leibler Information with Application to Base Deficit Data, Hani M. Samawi and Robert L. Vogel
Athlete and Non-Athlete Quiet Stance Postural Performance, Megan Mormile
Athletes Who Train on Unstable Compared to Stable Surfaces Exhibit Unique Postural Control Strategies in Response to Balance Perturbations, D. S. Blaise Williams III, Nicholas G. Murray, and Douglas W. Powell
Athletic Budget Increases, Marc D. Cyr
Athletic Program's Support for Academic Mission of the University, Michelle Haberland
A Three Act Module for Teaching Genetic Techniques to High School Students, Matthew Tipton
A Three-Act Module for Teaching Genetic Techniques to High School Students, Matthew Tipton
A Time for Action: A Large Urban School District’s Response to Advancing the Success of Our Young Men of Color, Carmencita Figuoreroa
“At-Risk” Rural Middle-School Students’ Perceptions of Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics, Deborah A. Bowers
Attendance Policy for University Sponsored Activities, Errol-Anthony Spence-Sutherland and Student Government Association
Attendance Verification Issues for Online Students, John Dyer
A Two-Process Model of Metacognitive Monitoring: Evidence for General Accuracy and Error Factors, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Gregory Schraw, Fred Kuch, and Aaron S. Richmond
Audit Fees and Client Industry Homogeneity, Timothy Cairney and Errol Stewart
A Unified Approach to the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes in Electrical Engineering Programs, Youakim Kalaani and Rami J. Haddad
A uniform procedure for administering SRIs, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Authority to cite parking permit violations and adjudicate citations., John Dyer
Autonomous Methods in the Application of Simple Swarm Capabilities, Joseph Watt III
Autonomy Support for Online Students, Eunbae Lee, Joseph A. Pate, and Deanna Cozart
A Viability Study of Photovoltaic Systems, Youakim Kalaani and William Nichols
Awareness of Novel Drug Legality in a Young Adult Population, Michael Singleton, John Stogner, and Bryan Miller
A Web-based Tool for Teaching Data Modeling, Hsiang-Jui Kung and Hui-Lien Tung
A Web-based Tool for Teaching Data Modeling: A Survey Study, Hsiang-Jui Kung and LeeAnn Kung
A Youtube Calculus Workbook (Part 1), Frédéric D. Mynard
A Youtube Calculus Workbook (Part 2), Frédéric D. Mynard
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Georgia Southern University
Backpack Buddies: Addressing Hunger and Poverty Through Service-Learning, Kathy Thompson, Rita Buschbacher, Conor Naughton, Selena Blankenship, and Gayle Andrews
Bacterial Community in the Biofilm of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) PreBiofilter in Bench-Scale Pilot Plants for Surface Water Pretreatment, Tiehang Wu, George Yuzhu Fu, Michael Sabula, and Tommy Brown
Bacteria Source Tracking on the Vernon River Watershed: Lessons Learned by the City of Savannah, Peter D. Rogers, Zachary Strickland, and Laura Walker
Bacteria Source Tracking Shapes a Holistic Watershed Management Plan, Peter D. Rogers, Laura Walker, and Marc Frischer
Bacteriophage as an Alternative Indicator for Microbiological Pollution at Marine Beaches, Javier Gallard
Bacteriophage as an Alternative Indicator for Microbiological Pollution at Marine Beaches, Asli Aslan
Bahamian elementary school principals' and teachers' perceptions of inclusive education, Tracy Nae Colebrooke
Bahamian Elementary School Principals' and Teachers' Perceptions of Inclusive Education, Tracy Colebrooke
BA in Modern Languages 2/14/2008, Georgia Southern University
Balance-Unbalance: An International Conference on Water, Climate, and Place - group exhibition, Jeff Schmuki
Banality of Evil, Karin Fry
Barbeque Restaurants and Public Schools: The Common School Visions of Orestes Brownson and Horace Mann, Richard J. Hartsell
Barriers to Interracial Marriage? Examining Policy Issues Concerning U.S. Citizens Married to Undocumented Latino/a Immigrants, April M. Schueths
Bayesian Multivariate Regression for High-dimensional Longitudinal Data with Heavy-tailed Errors, Viral Panchal
Becoming a Scientist: Using First-Year Undergraduate Science Courses to Promote Identification with Science Disciplines, Chloe Ruff and Brett D. Jones
Becoming OpianChocTaliRican: A Black Man in a Multiracial World, Michael Williams
Behavior of Methane Flame in the Channel Type Meso-combustors, Mahbub K. Ahmed, Ahsan Choudhuri, and Mosfequr Rahman
Behind the Scenes with Instructional Videos, Carrie Moran, Rachel Mulvihill, Rosie Flowers, and Karli Mair
Being Critical: (In)Equity in Education for Students with Disabilities, Ellen Hotchkiss
Benefits of Service Learning in CHFD 3135- Youth Development, Katherine Delp, Kristen M. Prichett, and Alice Hall
Benefits of Using a Problem-Solving Scaffold for Teaching and Learning Synthesis in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry I, Joseph C. Sloop, Mai Yin Tsoi, and Patrick Coppock
Bespoke Information Literacy Instruction: Tailoring the Framework to Fit Your Information Literacy Program, Bethany Havas, Adrienne Harmer, David Minchew, and Patty Lee
Best Practices for International Service-Learning, Orsolya Kolozsvari Dr., Thomas R. Hochschild Dr., Carly Redding Dr., Kimberly Mannahan Dr., and Adam Johnson
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art Newsletter, Georgia Southern University
Beware of False Profits, Bonita K. Peterson Kramer and Thomas Buckhoff
Beyond Composition: Teaching Students How to Transition from Composition Classes to the Business Writing Classes, Helen A. Soter and Sara J. Smith
Beyond Navel Gazing: The Evidence Base for Employing Reflective and Metacognitive Practices in our Teaching, Sarah Leupen
Beyond Scared Straight: A Formula for Misdirected Focus and Disempowerment in the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Thais Council
Beyond the Barriers of Language in Support of At-Risk Immigrant Youth, Mara Zapata
Bid-Ask Spreads, Deviations from PPP and the Forward Prediction Error: The Case of the British Pound and the Euro, Axel Grossmann and Marc W. Simpson
Big Data Analytics and Data Science Undergraduate Degree Programs, Cheryl L. Aasheim, Paige Rutner, Susan Williams, and Adrian Gardiner
Bio-based Composites for Tissue Engineering from Tung Oil and Collagen, Audrey Scholz
Biochemical and Genetic Consequences of Sleep Deprivation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Jade Boykin
Biogeographical Patterns in the Hard-Tick Genus Amblyomma Koch 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae), Matthew H. Seabolt
BIOS 6135 - Topics of Inference in Biostatistics, Lili Yu
BIOS 6331 - Regression Analysis in Biostatistics, Jingjing Yin
BIOS 6531 - Categorical Data Analysis, Haresh Rochani
BIOS 7431 - Statistical Issues in Drug Research and Development, Karl E. Peace
BIOS 7534 - Data Management for Biostatistics, Haresh Rochani
BIOS 8130 – Advanced Topics in Biostatistics, Robert L. Vogel
BIOS 9130 - Research Seminar in Biostatistics, Hani Samawi
BIOS 9131 - Advanced Statistical Theory for Biostatistics I, Hani Samawi
BIOS 9132 - Advanced Clinical Trial Methodology, Karl E. Peace
BIOS 9135 - Advanced Survival Analysis, Lili Yu
BIOS 9231 - Bayesian Statistics I, Hani Samawi
Biosorption of Colour-Imparting Substances in Biologically Treated Pulp Mill Effluent Using Aspergillus niger Fungal Biomass, Sarah Grainger, George Yuzhu Fu, and Eric R. Hall
BIOS/PUBH 6541 - Biostatistics, Jingjing Yin
Biotic, Jeff Schmuki
Bipolar Logic and Bipolar Knowledge Fusion, Wen-Ran Zhang
Bishop John England and Episcopal Collegiality, Brian J. Cudahy
Black Immigration Is Remaking U.S. Black Population, Report Says, Fredrick Kunkle
Black Immigration Is Remaking U.S. Black Population, Report Says, Fredrick Kunkle
Black Lives Matter? Public Accounts of Police Officers' Use of Lethal Force, Akiv Dawson
Black Man - Black History Month, Stevie Wonder
Blended Course Design's Impact on Student Attainment of Learning Outcomes, Laura Walker
“Blogueros,” or the Importance of Meaningful Writing: Using Blogs to Initiate Collaboration and Innovation in Foreign Language Education, Grant Gearhart
Blow-Up Solution and Blow-Up Rate of Bose-Einstein Condensates with Rotational Term, Nyla Basharat
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Dependent Coverage, Patricia Price
Book Review: Flammable Cities: Urban Conflagration and the Making of the Modern World., Anna R. Alexander
Book Review of Christine Sleeter’s White Bread: Weaving Cultural Past into the Present, James C. Jupp
Book Review: Where do I go from Here? Meeting the Unique Educational Needs of Migrant Students by Karen Vocke, Scott A. Beck and Denise Weems
Books or Boots: A Case Study of the Dependents of the Deployed, Meagan Arrastia, Aria Nicole Alvarez, and Breanna Mechelle Drummond
BOR Policy 2.5.2 Motion, Michael Moore, Marc D. Cyr, Sandra Peacock, Fred Mynard, Kathleen M. Comerford, Richard Flynn, Michelle Haberland, Robert Yarbrough, and Mark Welford
Brassica oleracea var. Italica (Broccoli) and Brassica oleracea var Italica x Alboglabra (Broccolini): A Comparison of Vitamin C Content and Consumer Acceptability, Samantha K. Akins, Joelle Romanchik-Cerpovicz, and Paul Cerpovicz
Breaking Barriers-Realizing the Potential of Higher Education to Embrace Inclusion of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Michelle R. Haney
Breaking Bones and Barriers: Is Necessity the Mother of Curricular Invention/Innovation or Compromise in Realigning a Social Studies Method Course?, Cole Reilly Ph. D.
Breaking Bread: Holistically Meeting Needs to Increase Writing Tutorial Success and Engagement, Jennifer A. Dorian and Brice Nakamura
Bridges: A Public School Program for At-Risk Youth with Disabilities, Paul W. Bauer and Wendi Pendergrass
Bridging the Gap: Knowing What They Need to Know, Ellen H. Hendrix
Bridging the Many Thresholds of Informed Writing, Jacqueline E. Cason
Brief Familiarization Primes Covert Imitation in 9-month-old Infants, Bennett I. Bertenthal and Ty W. Boyer
Brief Report: Teaching History of Psychology for the Historically Challenged Instructor, Janice N. Steirn
Bringing Success to the First Year: PBIS Starter Tips, Dr. Julie Treadwell and Kimberly Dorminy
Buffalo Soldier, Bob Marley
Building a head of STEAM: Opportunities and Challenges Surrounding the Implementation of STEM/STEM Programs, Joseph S. Covert, Markus Hitz, Paul F. Baldwin, Bryan Fagan, and Mark Merges
Building and Sustaining High Student Engagement in STEM Fields: Using a Discipline-Specific Course-embedded Research Model (4YURCE) and Service Learning Internships, Clay Runck, Bernadette M. Peiffer, Allison D'Costa, David Pursell, Tirza Leader, Judy Awong-Taylor, Thomas Mundie, and Patrick Smallwood
Building a SOTL Culture Across Modalities and Disciplines, Morgan Denney, James Brooks, and Jean Mandernach
Building Capacity and Creating Connections through Workshops, Edy A. Delgado and Benjamin W. Brubaker
Building Students’ Civic and Moral Responsibility and Assessing Outcomes through Service Learning, Lori Moog
Bulloch County One-Room Schools, Smith Callaway Banks
Bulloch Crossroads, Kemp Mabry
Bulloch Roots and Religion, Bulloch County Historical Society
“But I’m not a Racist!”: White Fragility in the Context of Diversity Pedagogy, Westry Whitaker and Lauren Johnson
But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Gloria Ladson-Bilings
Bylaws, Article I, Section 3, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws Change: Coordinate the elections of faculty to the Senate, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws Change re: definition of full-time faculty, Michael Moore and Senate Executive Committee
Bylaws Changes: Elections Deadline, Michael Moore
Bylaws changes re: committee membership and chairs, Michael Moore
Bylaws Change to Article IV, Section 13 (Graduate Committee), Richard Flynn
Bylaws Compared: Original Dr. Grube's suggested changes compared to Bylaws edited 2-18-2002, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws: Modification to Faculty Senate Standing Council:, Charlene Black
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 10-16-2003, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 10-8-2014, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 11-16-2011, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 1-1-2001, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 11-27-2007, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 12-1-1999, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 2-14-2012, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 2-20-2013, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 2-9-2004, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 3-27-2003, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 4-18-2006, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 4-21-2015, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 4-25-2002, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 6-23-2004, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 6-25-2003, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws Revision Action of the Faculty Senate: Athletics Committee, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws Revision Action of the Faculty Senate: CLEC, Georgia Southern University
Bylaws Revision: Article IV, Section 5, Section 10, Section 16, Section 18, Section 20, Section 24, Section 26, Section 28, James M. LoBue
Bylaws Revision: census and apportionment, James M. LoBue
Bylaws, Section 25C-area of faculty development changed to area of faculty service, Ming Li
By Practitioners, For Practitioners: Informing and Empowering Practice Through Practitioner Research, Cordelia D. Zinskie and Dan W. Rea
By Students, For Students: The Building of an Inclusive Campus Community, Dr. Brynn Welch, Professor Delilah White, Travis Proffitt, Taequan Kates, and Aaron Taylor
Calculations for furlough deductions, Michael Pemberton
Calendar Committee: Issues and Composition, Clara Krug
Calendar for Summer 2000, Fall 2000, and Spring 2001, Linda Bleicken
Camp PAWS: A Positive Alternative to Suspensions in Early Elementary, Julie Boyd
Campus Alerts, Leticia McGrath
Campus Communication Plans for carrying guns legislation?, Kathy Albertson
Campus Security in an Era of Heightened Risk, Kathleen M. Comerford
Campus Tobacco Survey Presentation, America Minc
Campus Tobacco Survey Presentation, Raymona Lawrence
Can Blogging be Interactive in the Composition Classroom?, Steph L. Buongiorno
Can Computational Thinking Predict Academic Performance?, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
Can Differences in Attachment to Parents and Level of Self-Control Explain the Gender Gap in Juvenile Delinquency? Testing a Gendered Attachment-Self-Control Theory, Helmut Hirtenlehner, Brenda Blackwell, and Johannes Kepler
Can Students Peer-Assess Project Presentations Effectively?, Rami Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
Carbon Sequestration and Biomass Production Potentials of Switchgrass-Pine Agroforestry Systems in the Southeastern Coastal Plain, Martin R. Day
Carmen Martín Gaite’s Nubosidad variable: The Eclipse of the Sentimental Heroine, Lynn Celdrán
“Carnaval de Barranquilla: La lenta aniquilación de una tradición. Joselito ya no quiere morir más”, Eduardo Pacheco
Cash Balance Plan as a Real Option: Financial Innovation and Implicit Contracts, John Hatem, Ken Johnston, and Elton Scott
Catch 22: Perceived Issues with Quantitative Easing and the Asset Purchase Mechanism, Trevor R. Camper
Caught in the Act: Immersion of Hands-on Molecular Biology Applications in High School Forensic Science Course, Sarah Duong
Census and Apportionment, James M. LoBue
CEO For a Day: Promoting Audience-Centered Writing through Scenario-Based Prompts, Paullett Golden
Challenges and Innovations in Surveying the Governmental Public Health Workforce, Jonathon P. Leider, Gulzar H. Shah, Nikki Rider, Angela J. Beck, Brian C. Castrucci, Jenine K. Harris, Katie Sellers, Danielle Varda, Jiali Ye, Paul C. Erwin, and Ross C. Brownson
Challenging Paradigms: Critical Media Literacy in Eating Disorder Treatment, Lori Bindig
Change: Harnessing the Power of Conflict, Eric Landers
Change in Attitudes toward Mental Illness as a Function of Mental Hospital Experience, Joseph Charles Bullington Jr.
Change in dates for summer pay, John Howard Brown
Change of Procedure for Hiring non US citizen, Frank Goforth
Changes in Faculty Research Committee programs, Frédéric D. Mynard
Changes to Spring 11 semester Calendar, Christian Gibson and Student Government Association
Changes to the Balance of Faculty Responsibilities in Teaching and Research/Creative Activity, Rob Pirro
Changing the picture for low performing schools graduation and attendance rates, Frank Brown
Changing the World One Community at a Time: Social Justice Education and Teachers as Healing Agents, Revital Zilonka
Chapter 10: Further Examining Officer Perceptions and Support for Online Community Policing, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt
Chapter 30: Technology and violence. In Cuevas, Carlos and Rennison, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
Chapter 75: Online Abuse: Cyberstalking, Harassment, and Stalking, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt
Chapter 8: Relationships with Other Professionals, C. Robinson and Brandon B. Hunt
Chapter Nine: Establishing Community-based Organizations, M. West, Patsy B. Kraeger, and T. Dahlstrom
Characteristics of Effective Alternative Schools in Georgia: Leaders’ Perceptions, Janet L. Poole
Characteristics of Local Health Departments Associated with Implementation of Electronic Health Records and Other Informatics Systems, Gulzar H. Shah, Jonathon P. Leider, Brian C. Castrucci, Karmen S. Williams, and Huabin Luo
Characteristics of Local Health Departments Associated with Their Implementation of Electronic Health Records and Other Informatics System, Gulzar H. Shah, Jonathon P. Leider, Brian C. Castrucci, Karmen S. Williams, and Huabin Luo
Characterization of Selenate Reducing Bacteria, Matthew Tipton
Characterization of UHMWPE Nanocomposite Fibers Reinforced with PVP-coated SWCNTs, Stephanie M. Hulsey
Charging EV using PV Panel with DC-DC Converter, Adam Johnston
Charging the Batteries by Driving the Car: Working with Analogies in the Writing Classroom, Michele E. Rozga
Charles Minshew Resolution, Rebecca Ziegler
CHARLESTON STRONG: Community Hope and Healing Through a Collaborative Mural Project, Tiffany R. Silverman, Blake T. Carrizales, and Conway F. Saylor
Charter School Governance: An Exploration of Autonomy and Board Effectiveness, June A. Erskine
CHBE 9130A - Research Methods in Community and Behavioral Health, Levi Ross
CHBE 9235 - Communication and Advocacy, Moya L. Alfonso
CHBE 9335A - Global Health and Preparedness, Andrew Hansen
CHEEF: A Program Promoting Physical Activity in High Risk Children, Dena Garner, Tremaine Shivers, Zach Ford, Fernando Gonzalez, and Melissa Mills
Chick-fil-A, David Seaman
Chick-fil-A, Devid Seaman
Child Care Facility, Steven Weiss
Childhood Asthma in Georgia, Hani Samawi, James H. Stephens, Gerald R. Ledlow, and Ren Chunfeng
Childhood Asthma in Georgia, Hani Samawi, James H. Stephens, Gerald R. Ledlow, and Ren Chunfeng
Children Want to Write...If We Let Them: A Case Study of Writing in the Elementary Classroom, Charlene A. Andrews
Chinese Social Media Reaction to Information about 42 Notifiable Infectious Diseases, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Yi Hao, Jingxian Cai, Yuchen Ying, Braydon Schaible, Cynthia Mengxi Yu, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, and King-Wa Fu
Chinese Students in KSU Libraries: Their Information Needs and Seeking Behaviors, Ying Chen, Li Chen, and Yongli Ma
Chocolate Choices, Katie L. Brkich and Christoper Andrew Brkich
Choose Your Own Rubric (Sort Of), Monique Bos
Christy Mahon Comes to Athens, Tennessee: The Playboy of the Western World in Appalachia, C. Austin Hill
Church Attendance and Religious Experience: Differential Associations to Well-Being for Norwegian Women and Men?, Marianne Nilsen Kvande, Christian Andreas Klöckner, and Michael Nielsen
Circularly Polarized Electrically Small Cross Dipole Antenna Using Inductively Coupled Feed, Joshua B. Haney
Civil Death: An Examination of Ex-felon Disenfranchisement and Reintegration., Bryan Miller and Joseph Spillane
Civil Marriage Laws, Jeffery Jones
Clarification of the Role of Student Ratings of Instruction in teaching evaluation, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Clarification on web page control and template delays and design, Kathy Albertson
Classifying Resolving Lists by Distances between Members, Paul Feit
CLASS Notes, Georgia Southern University
CLASS Notes, Georgia Southern University
CLASS Notes, Georgia Southern University
CLASS Notes, Georgia Southern University
Class Sizes and Teaching Loads, Frédéric D. Mynard
Clay in GA Invitational: Ceramic Educators in the Red Clay State, Jeff Schmuki
CLEC remain structured similarly to the way it is structured now, Marc D. Cyr
Client Education Handouts as a Veterinary Student Learning Module, Cynthia Ward
Clinical Characteristics of Active Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability, Mary Elizabeth Winningham
Clinical Trial Methodology, Karl E. Peace and Ding-Geng Chen
“Closing the Literacy Gap for Urban Youth: Successful Instructional Strategies for the ELA Classroom.”, Molly A. Ferryman
Coal Disasters: Geology and Politics in Uneasy Collaboration, Karen M. McCurdy
Coalescent Methods for Estimating Species Trees from Phylogenomic Data, Liang Liu, Shaoyuan Wu, and Lili Yu
Coaxial Electrospinning of Polycaprolactone Core-shell Nanofibers Encapsulating Cancer Dug 5-Fluorouracil for Active Targeted Drug Delivery, S. Iqbal, Mujibur R. Khan, Saheem Absar, A. Diamanduros, S. Chamber, and K. Scarpinato
Cognitive Networks: Applications and Deployments, Jaime Lloret Mauri, Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Danda B. Rawat, and Javier Manuel Aguiar Perez
COHE 7232A - Health Promotion Planning, Andrew Hansen
COHE 7234 - Community Health Analysis and Assessment, Moya L. Alfonso
Cohen Factorizations: Weak Functoriality and Applications, Saeed Nasseh and Sean Sather-Wagstaff
Colaboratory: Design Collaboration for The Greater Good, Lindsay B. Tyson
Colaboratory: Design Collaboration for the Greater Good, Stephanie Arends Neal
Cold hard facts - Soft skills are important :Integrating soft skills into Information Literacy Instruction, Sarah Crest and Simmona Simmons
Collaborate to Change Lives…One Semester at a Time, Nicole M. DeClouette
Collaborating for Success! Building a Digital Learning Object Repository, Shannon L. Dew; Barbara Markham; Sharon Uskokovich; and Ronald L. Carr, Ph. D.
Collaborating with On-Campus & Industry Partners to Enhance Experiential Learning, Angela McKillip and Kay Cutler
Collaboration: University Literacy Center and Public Library, Paulette Harris
Collaborative Teaching and Learning in an Upper Level Mathematics Class, Frederique Drullion
Collection Development Policy for Digital Commons@Georgia Southern, Debra G. Skinner
Collections Work Team Essence Notes, Jessica Minihan
Collections Work Team Essence Notes, Jessica Williams
Collections Work Team Essence Notes, Jessica Williams
Collective Leadership for Community Engagement: Empowering community partners as co-creators and co-educators, Jennifer W. Purcell and Brian M. Wooten
College Algebra in Context with Applications to the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences (3rd. Ed.), Ronald J. Harshbarger and Lisa S. Yocco
College Algebra in Context with Applications to the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences (4th Ed.), Ronald J. Harshbarger and Lisa S. Yocco
College and University Student Impact on Local Literacy Program, Brian C. Halderman and Mary Flannigan
College Level Review Committee (Educational Leave), Clara Krug and Faculty Development Committee
College of Information Technology on the Faculty Grievance Committee, Clara Krug
College Ready With 21st Century Research Skills, Barbara Holland
College Students’ Evaluations of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IFAT), Sherry L. Serdikoff
Colon, Breast and Prostate Cancer Screening Behavior and Status in Bulloch County, Georgia., Gerald R. Ledlow and Kelley Chester
Color Removal from Pulp Mill Effluent Using Immobilized Coal Fly Ash, Jason McLean
Columbus State University’s Servant Leadership Program: A Phenomenological Study, Wendi M. Jenkins
Combating Artificial Maturity in Generation iY: Leveraging Habitudes® in the Classroom, Allysse Whatley
Combinatorial Optimization of Subsequence Patterns in Words, Matthew R. Just
Combined Effects of Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl Phosphonium Chloride and Ammonium on Plankton Community Structure in Blackwater Pond Mesocosms, Marina N. Osier
Combining Linguistic Accuracy and Cultural Awareness in Teaching Writing to ESL/EFL Learners, Abdeljalil Naoui-Khir
Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of JP-8 Blends and ULSD #2 with Similar CN in a Direct Injection Naturally Aspirated Compression Engine, Valentin Soloiu, Henry Ochieng, Jabeous Weaver, Marvin Duggan, Spencer Harp, Brian Vlcek, Craig Jenkins, and Marcis Jansons
Combustion Characteristics of a Charcoal Slurry in a DI Diesel Engine and the Impact on the Injection System Performance, Valentin Soloiu, Jeffery Lewis, Yoshinobu Yoshihara, and Kazuie Nishiwaki
Combustion, Noise, and Vibrations of a Bio-fueled IDI Engine, Jose Moncada
Committee Alternates Proposal, James M. LoBue
Common Coding and Stimulus Class Formation in Pigeons, Thomas R. Zentall, Lou M. Sherburne, and Janice Steirn
Common Native American Stereotypes Debunked, Shannon Ridgway
Common Native American Stereotypes Debunked, Shannon Ridgway
Common Native American Stereotypes Debunked, Shannon Ridgway
Communicating in Public: Key Concepts and Application Activities, Chris B. Geyerman and Beverly L. Graham
Communicating in Public: Key Concepts and Application Activities (2nd Edition), Chris B. Geyerman and Beverly L. Graham
Communicating the Risk of Scientific Research, Timothy D. Giles
Communication Theory in the Composition Classroom: Aligning Social Scientific and Rhetorical Approaches to Persuasion, Melissa L. Carrion
Communication Within Hospice Interdisciplinary Teams: A Narrative Review, Angela R. Moore, Randi Ginger Bastian, and Bettye A. Apenteng
Community Cultural Wealth and Collaboration: Communities and Educators Unite for English Learners!, Adriana Abundis and Lorena Claeys
Community Engagement 2.0: Developing Curriculum through Community Partnerships, Lee M. Miller, Joyce McCauley, and Abbey Zink
Community Engagement and First Year Students: Exploring Initiatives that Deepen Impact, Ashley Y. Oliphant, Kelly Misiak, Annie Jonas, and Brooke Millsaps
Community Engagement through Financial Education and Asset Building, Laura Martin, Janae Owens, and Community Partner
Comparing Differences Ans Similarieties in the European Banking System, Using the French, German, Italian, Spanish and English Banking System, Sarah Gleissle
Comparing k Population Means with No Assumption about the Equality of the Population Variances, Charles W. Champ
Comparing Standard Deviation Effects Across Contexts, Ben Ost, Anuj Gangopadhyaya, and Jeffrey C. Schiman
Comparing the Effectiveness of Varying Instructor-Personalized Approaches in the Asynchronous Classroom, John P. Steele, Sarah N. Robertson, and B. Jean Mandernach
Comparing Top-Down with Bottom-Up Approaches: Teaching Data Modeling, Hsiang-Jui Kung, LeeAnn Kung, and Adrian Gardiner
Comparing Top-Down with Bottom-Up Approaches: Teaching Data Modeling, Hsiang-Jui Kung, LeeAnn Kung, and Adrian Gardiner
Comparison of Practice Based Research Network Based Quality Improvement Technical Assistance and Evaluation to Other Ongoing Quality Improvement Efforts for Changes in Agency Culture, William Livingood, Angela Peden, Gulzar H. Shah, Nandi A. Marshall, Ketty M. Gonzales, Russell B. Toal, Dayna Alexander, Alesha Wright, and Lynn D. Woodhouse
Comparisons of Alumni Giving Through the Framework of the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification, Jarrad D. Plante Ed.D. and Josh Truitt Ph.D.
Comparison Study of First Time Abortion Patients versus Repeat Abortion Patients Using Rotter's Locus of Control, Sharon Holmes
Compensation for campus visit by Dr. Rice, Robert Costomiris
Competitive Spillovers and Regulatory Exploitation by Skilled Nursing Facilities, John R. Bowblis, Christopher Brunt, and David C. Grabowski
Complete Global Analysis of a Two-Scale Network SIRS Epidemic Dynamic Model with Distributed Delay and Random Perturbations, Divine Wanduku
Composición escénica y visual en los cuentos de Silvina Ocampo, Clara Mengolini
Comprehensibility of Universal Healthcare Symbols for Wayfinding in Healthcare Facilities, Seunghae Lee, Sibel Seda Dazkir, Hae Sun Paik, and Aykut Coskun
Comprehensive Review of Administrators, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Computational Analysis of Laminar Forced Convection in Rectangular Enclosures of Different Aspect Ratios, Mosfequr Rahman, A. Houdson, Gustavo Molina, and Valentin Soloiu
Computational Analysis of Laminar Natural Convection in Rectangular Enclosures of Different Aspect Ratios with Different Heating Conditions, Mosfequr Rahman, Charles Walker, Gustavo Molina, and Valentin Soloiu
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of the Effects of Water Injection in a Diesel Engine, Rabun Z. Wallace
Computational Studies on the Flow Field of Various Shapes-Bladed Vertical Axis Savonius Turbine in Static Condition, Jobaidur R. Khan, Mohammad M. Bashar, and Mosfequr Rahman
Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Engineering – What’s the Difference?, John O'Malley, Adrian Gardiner, Jim Harris, and Rami Haddad
Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Engineering – What’s the Difference?, John O'Malley, Adrian Gardiner, Jim Harris, and Rami Haddad
Computing for Engineers: Course Notes, Shonda Bernadin and Rami J. Haddad
Concepts, challenges, and prospects on Multiagent Data Warehousing (MADWH) and Multiagent Data Mining (MADM), Wen-Ran Zhang
Conceptualizing a Model of Status Consumption Theory: An Exploration of the Antecedents and Consequences of the Motivation to Consume for Status, Jacqueline K. Eastman and Kevin L. Eastman
Conceptualizing Curriculum Through a Critical Spatial, Amara H. Perez
Concerning the immediate establishment of a faculty club, David Seaman
Concerning the immediate establishment of a faculty club, Georgia Southern University
Conducting Effective Ponzi Scheme Investigations, Thomas Buckhoff and Bonita K. Peterson Kramer
Conduct of Faculty Searches, Robert Costomiris
Confederate Soldier, March 4, 1862 - April 9, 1865, Wiley Nessmith and Sally Ann Akins Deal
Connectedness of a Class of Two-Dimensional Self-Affine Tiles Associated with Triangular Matrices, Jingcheng Liu, Sze-Man Ngai, and Juan Tao
Connecting, Assessing and Working with ESL One-Shot Students, Marissa Mozek
Connecting Emotions to Behavioral Outcomes, Whitney L. Spears
Connecting Game and Instructional Design Through Development, David Matthew Boyer, Mete Akcaoglu, and Silvia Pernsteiner
Connecting STEM with Design Thinking, Dawn M. White
Connecting the Business to IT Operations: The Coca-Cola Company, Zachary L. Davidson
Consensual Relationships with Students, David Dudley
Consequences of Secondary Calibrations on Divergence Time Estimates, John J. Schenk
Conservation of Information and e-Business Success and Challenges: A Case Study, Huilien Tung, Hsiang-Jui Kung, Désirée S. Lawless, Donald A. Sofge, and William F. Lawless
Contemporary Mathematics: Recent Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Andrea R. Nahmod, Christopher D. Sogge, Xiaoyi Zhang, and Shijun Zheng
Contextualizing Information Literacy: Why “Why” Makes All the Difference, Wendy Doucette
Continued Use of the DFW rate in annual teaching evaluations of faculty, Gregory J. Brock
Continuity in Color: The Persistence of Symbolic Meaning in Myths, Tales, and Tropes, McKinley May
Continuous Improvement in the Assessment Process of Engineering Programs, Youakim Kalaani and Rami J. Haddad
Continuum of a Declining Trend in Correct Self-Perception of Body Weight among American Adults, Amber Morgan
Contracting Endomorphisms and Dualizing Complexes, Saeed Nasseh and Sean Sather-Wagstaff
Contractual Obligations of Employer? ORP vs TRS, James P. Braselton
Contract versus Price Discrimination: Evidence from the SONJ Case, John H. Brown
Contrast Medium-Induced Apoptosis And Autophagy In Kidney Proximal Tubular Cells, Jasmine Fuller
Controlled Accentuation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer Cell Models by Redox-Active Molecular Probes, Rebecca Erin McCall
Controlling the Curriculum: Inservice Teacher Education as Product Implementation Training, Christopher B. Crowley
Control of the Public Health IT Physical Infrastructure: Findings From the 2015 Informatics Capacity and Needs Assessment Survey, Kelley Chester, Barbara L. Massoudi, and Gulzar H. Shah
Convening Neighbors to Deepen Capacity and Innovation, Travis Proffitt
Convergence Foundations of Topology, Szymon Dolecki and Frédéric D. Mynard
Convergencia del existencialismo y el surrealismo en Rayuela de Julio Cortázar, Damary Ordones
Converting Big Data into Public Health, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, and King-Wa Fu
Co-Owners in Engaged Learning: Reimagining the Library-First Year Writing Partnership as a Community of Practice, Patrick D. Rudd and Paula Patch
Coping with an Advanced Stage Lung Cancer Diagnosis: Patient, Caregiver, and Provider Perspectives on the Role of the Health Care System, K. Monirul Islam, Samuel T. Opoku, Bettye A. Apenteng, Ann Fetrick, June Ryan, M. Copur, Addison Tolentino, Irfan Vaziri, and Apar K. Ganti
Copyright, Fair Use, and Social Media Instruction for Undergraduates, Elizabeth Kelly
Core Curriculum Task Force Composition (2-3-2010), Patricia Humphrey and Senate Executive Committee
Corona Treated Hybrid Nanocomposite Textile Fiber, Quazi Nahida
Corporal Punishment Around the World, Matthew Pate and Laurie A. Gould
Correctional Institutions and HIV Patient Care Services, Zenora D. Sanders
Correction of Verication Bias using Log-Linear Models for a Single Binaryscale Diagnostic Tests, Haresh Rochani, Hani M. Samawi, Robert L. Vogel, and Jingjing Yin
Cost and Value of Dependent Verification, Robert Costomiris
Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects - FS-RA-2102-01
Co-Teaching: Creating Differences in Teachers' Professional Identity, Jessica Davis
Coteaching in an Inclusion Setting: Perceptions of Third- Through Eighth-Grade Educators, Crystal Ricks
Counternarratives of Curriculum in Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities in the South, Ming Fang He
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) as Settings for Producing Competent Graduates: Grounding Perception with Measures of Core Competencies, Michael Sanderson, Nancy V. Russell, Mariya Campbell, Therese Poole, and Paul N. Ulrich
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) as Settings for Producing Competent Graduates: Grounding Perception with Measures of Core Competencies, Michael Sanderson, Nancy Russell, Mariya Campbell, Therese Poole, and Paul Ulrich
Course load for temporary faculty, Sonya Huber
Course Waitlist Utilization, Brett Curry
Court-Appointed Special Advocates in the Rural South: A Fidelity Assessment, Shanna N. Felix
Courtesy and Special Events Essence Notes, Deb Bever
Courtesy and Special Events Essence Notes, Deb Bever and Alva Wilbanks
Crafting Powerful Civic Engagement Programs, Kristina Snader
Crane Metamarketing Survey, Richard Flynn
Crash (film), Paul Haggis and Bob Yari
Craving the Appearances: Poetics and the Twilight of Sight, Patrick J. Scanlon Mr
Crazy Good Chrome Apps for Educators, Daniel E. Rivera Mr.
Create a Responsive Learning Community for ELLs, Yu Ren Dong
Create a Responsive Learning Community for ELLs, Yu Ren Dong
Creating a Custom Classroom for Every Learner: How Smart Authoring Tools Enable Active, Adaptive Learning, Benny Johnson
Creating a Game for Psychology, Michael Nielsen
Creating Bonds across Campus: Integrating Elements of Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum, Adrienne Harmer, Benjamin Shepler, Chantelle Anfuso, Rashad Simmons, Bethany Havas, David Minchew, and Patricia Lee
Creating Conceptual Frameworks for Student Success in Research-based Writing, Kay Halasek and Melissa Cherry
Creating Conversations: Opening Spaces for Multimodal Composition, Kim Haimes-Korn Dr. and Jeanne Bohannon Dr.
Creating Effective Tier II Behavior Support Plans for Individual Students., Sarah S. Barbour and Sarah Barbour
Creating Flipped Student-Centered Classrooms, Amanda Fox 5095399
Creating Opportunities for Institutional and Disciplinary SoTL Advocacy and Growth, Jennifer Friberg
Creating Peace in Our Communities: An analysis of community reconciliation techniques, Jessica Shanken
Creating SoTL Projects from an Evidence-Based University Initiative, Teresa Flateby Ph.D., Colton Magnate Ph.D., Lainie Wilson JD, Jerri Kropp Ph.D., and Melanie Stone Ph.D.
Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty and Chair Searches, Marc D. Cyr
Creative Destruction on the Chechen Frontier?, Gregory J. Brock
Criminology’s Theoretical Incarceration: Qualitative Methods as Liberator, John J. Brent and Peter Kraska
Crisis española: El mensaje populista en la música contracultura, Abraham Prades
Crisis Events in K-12 Online Learning: Educator Perceptions and Preparedness, Dawn Tysinger, Jeffrey A. Tysinger, and Terry D. Diamanduros
Criteria and Procedures for Faculty Evaluations, Georgia Southern University and Senate Executive Committee
Critical Media Literacy and the Re/conceptualization of English, Lydia Brauer
Critical Media Literacy Program, Critical Media Literacy
Critical Pedagogy in the Spanish Classroom, Ana Zurita
Croatan Indians in Bulloch County, Malinda Maynor
Cross-Correlation Study of Grades in Calculus I, Maria Ludu
Cross Disciplinary Perceptions of the Computational Thinking among Freshmen Engineering Students, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
Crossing the Border: Enhancing Relationships through Cultural Competence, LaMarr Shields
Cross-Jurisdictional Resource Sharing in Changing Public Health Landscape: Contributory Factors and Theoretical Explanations, Gulzar H. Shah, Adrian Badana, Claire Robb, and William C. Livingood
Crowdfunding and Income Taxes, Cheryl Metrejean and Britton McKay
CS 2013 Curriculum- An Example, Vladan Jovanovic
Cuba at the Crossroads of Change: A First-hand Account of Cubans’ Expectations in a Period of Transition., Pedro J. Lopes
Cuba y su imagen esperpéntica en Mi tío el empleado (1887) de Ramón Meza, Vicente Gomis-Izquierdo
Cultivating a Community of STEM Polymaths at UNG, Sarah Formica, Royce Dansby-Sparks, Margaret Smith, and Gregg Velatini
Cultivating Commitments, Relationships and Positive Interactions (CCRPI - K-8 Academy), Larry A. Guilford and Carolyn Rupert
Cultural Beliefs and Understandings of Cervical Cancer Among Mexican Immigrant Women in Southeast Georgia, John S. Luque, Yelena N. Tarasenko, Jonathan N. Maupin, Moya L. Alfonso, Lisa C. Watson, Claudia Reyes-Garcia, and Daron Ferris
Cultural Brokerage: A New Age in Literacy Instruction, Wynnetta Scott-Simmons
Culturally Responsive Instruction to Engage all Students, Nancy D. Charles
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: A Needed Change in Stance, Terminology, and Practice, Django Paris
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: A Needed Change in Stance, Terminology, and Practice, Django Paris
Current Concussion Education Practices in NCAA Member Institutions: A Descriptive Study, Samuel E. Johnson II
Current Happenings with STEM in Georgia, Sheila Jones
Currently, what is the established procedure for dealing with salary disputes?, Debra Sabia
Current Valuation of Conservation Easements: An Analysis and Review, William Brian Dowis and Ted D. Englebrecht
Curriculum as a Traumatized Body: Rehabilitating School Through the Arts, Lolita N. Morales
Curriculum Core Task Force Composition (2-2-2010), Lorne Wolfe
Curriculum Dialogues Book Talk: Teaching with Disney, Julie C. Garlen, William M. Reynolds, Cole Reilly, Laura Rychly, and Stacie Pettit
Curriculum Setting and Pre-Clinical Dental Students’ Stress Level, Yang Kang DDS, PhD
Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative Program [2016], Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative
Cyber-Attack Risk Low for Medical Devices, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, Sheng Xu, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, and Bradford J. Wood
Cybercrime, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
Cyber Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice, Danda B. Rawat, Joel Rodriques, and Ivan Stojmenovic
Cyber Security for Smart Grid Systems: Status, Challenges and Perspectives, Danda B. Rawat and Chandra Bajracharya
Daily Hassles Among College Students: The Role of Spirituality on Risky Behaviors and Emotional Distress Indices, Kristen N. Campbell
Dances with Superwolves? Love, Nietzsche, and Jack London as the Darwinian Romantic, Esther Stuart
Dancing With The Stars – Situations, Tasks, Action And Results – An Inquiry Into The Beliefs, Identify And Practices Of African American Women Assistant Principals, Anissa H. Johnson
"Dark Ops": Programming and Hacking Drones, William Wade Smith
Data Based System Evaluation Framework, Vladan Jovanovic and Zoran Marjanović
Data Management Plan ― General Outline, Jeffrey M. Mortimore
Data Management Plan ― Generic Template, Jeffrey M. Mortimore
Data Mining Intrusion Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, Xiaoyun Liu, Gongjun Yan, Danda B. Rawat, and Shugang Deng
Data Model Transformations- Relational to Dimensional, Vladan Jovanovic and James Harris
Data Vault and High Quality Data Modeling Principles, Geoff Collins, Matt Hogan, Vladan Jovanovic, Mark Shibley, and Connard Williams
Data Warehouse and Master Data Management Evolution- A Meta- Data Vault Approach, Danijela Subotic, Vladan Jovanovic, and Patrizia Poscic
David "Frank" Franklin Bacon, Jr.
Day 20 - The Librarians Have Finally Accepted Me as One of Their Own: Experiential Learning at The University of Alabama Libraries., Alex Boucher, Erica England, and Karlie Johnson
Deacon Charlie James Thadius Allen
Deacon Johnnie (Buck) Bing Jr.
Deacon Nathaniel "Big Boy" Brewton, Sr.
Dean’s Council, Chris Ford and Student Government Association
Death in a Jar: The Study of Life, Mary Rebecca Wells
De-Bias Techniques for Better Decision Quality, LeeAnn Kung, Dianne Hall, and Hsiang-Jui Kung
Decadent City Spaces, Globalization, Science-fiction and Emerging Latino Nerd-nostalgia in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao., Lukasz D. Pawelek
Decolonizing the Female Body in "Las tres virgenes de Santo Tomás", Martin Ward
Defined Benefit Pension Fraud: A Ticking Time Bomb, Stephanie Sipe, Cheryl Metrejean, and William Donaldson
Delay the Release of Grades on WINGS, Georgia Southern University
Deleting Classes First Day for Non-Attendance, Nancy Shumaker
Deleting Classes First Day for Non-Attendance, Patrick Novotny
Deleting Classes First Day for Non-Attendance, Linda Bleicken
Deleting Students who do not attend first day 6-21-2006, Georgia Southern University
Deletion of Students for Non-Attendance on the First Day of Class, Clara Krug
Demand Versus Supply: Assessing the Capacity of MPA Programs to Satisfy the Growing Need for Professional Management in Local Government, Gerald T. Gabris, Trenton J. Davis, and Kimberly L. Nelson
Democratizing Science and Science Education through Citizen Science in the Satilla Watershed, L. L. Jenkins, Gwendolyn Denise Carroll, and M. P. Mueller
Density of Gallai Multigraphs, Colton Magnant
Department of Defense STARBASE Robins: Maintaining the STEM Pipeline through, Wesley Fondal Jr., Andrea McGee, and Walter Stephens
Department of Mathematical Sciences Annual Report, Steven Damelin
Dependent Audit Verification Savings Information, Robert Pirro
Dependent Verification Assistance, Robert Costomiris
Depression and First Person Singular Pronoun Usage Revisited: A Meta-Analytic Review, To'Meisha S. Edwards
Des animaux et des hommes ou la personnification des animaux dans Les contes d’Amadou Koumba., Marion Crackower
Descriptive Epidemiology: Person, Place, Time, Steven T. Fleming and Jeffery A. Jones
Design, Analysis and Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad hoc Network for Emergency Response Communications, Robin D. Grodi
Design, Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation of Real-time Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cloud-based Cognitive Radio Networks, Nimish Sharma
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials with Time to Event Endpoints, Karl E. Peace
Design and Development of an Electric Drive-By-Wire Vehicle: The Flagship for the Intelligent Vehicle Laboratory, Zach A. Coles
Designing a Graduate Discussion Board Rubric to Faciliate Higher-Order Learning, Leigh Hart
Designing and Documenting Community Engagement for Tenure and Promotion, Lesley M. Graybeal, Debra Burris, and Amy Hawkins
Designing Decision Aids to Promote the Development of Expertise, Jacob M. Rose, Britton McKay, Carolyn Strand Norman, and Anna M. Rose
Designing for Desire: An Exploration of Feminine Identity, Jessica Raymond
Designing the Future in Small Communities: Higher Education Assistance in Economic Development Planning & Visioning, Betsy McGriff, Ilka McConnell, Stephan Durham, and Jason Christian
Design of an Intensive Study Session for “At-Risk” Students in Chemistry, Beulah S. Narendrapurapu and Jessica Orvis
Design of Dual Band, High Gain, Close Spaced Frequency Tunable Antenna, Jinxi Chen
Design of Meanings:A Multiple Case-study of Meaning Making with Videos as Multimodal Texts, Ha T. Nguyen
Design Principles for Visual Displays: Past, Present and Future, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Gregory Schraw, and Andreas Stefik
Desilusión política y asociación a frentes de liberación nacional: Género, subjetividad e identidad política en Centroamérica, Karen J. Barahona
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures, Kris Sloan
Destapando el silencio de la Transición: las voces marginadas en Daniela Astory la caja negra de Marta Sanz, David J. Martinez
Details Regarding the Elite Sport Shooting Center, Robert Costomiris
Detection of Acinetobacter baumanniiin Human Lice, Shamta Warang
Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grid Communication Systems, Danda B. Rawat and Chandra Bajracharya
Detection of Location Falsification Attacks in GPS driven Cloud-assisted Cognitive Radio Networks, Swetha R. Reddy
Detection of Wolbachia in Human Lice, Matthew Anderson
Determinants of Corporate Diversification: Evidence from the Property Liability Insurance Industry, Thomas R. Berry-Stölzle, Andre P. Liebenberg, Joseph Ruhland, and David W. Sommer
Determining Unique Agents by Evaluating Web Form Interaction, Ben Cooley
Detrás de la máscara de obediencia las monjas escriben: El ejemplo de la Venerable Madre María Magdalena Lorravaquio, Tabitha Humphrey
Developing an Emergency Communications Framework Using Unmanned Arial Vehicles, Sterling Holcomb
Developing a Pedagogy in Speech-Language Pathology: A Journey as an Assistant Professor, Janet L. Bradshaw
Developing a Service-Learning Student Facilitator Program: Lessons Learned, Jerri J. Kropp, Nancy M. Arrington, and Veena Shankar
Developing a Showcase for Undergraduate Research: A Georgia Southern Version of Posters on the Hill, S. Todd Deal and Janice N. Steirn
Developing Blended Learning in Library Instruction to Cultivate Research and Critical Thinking Skills in the Undergraduate Student Population, Bernadette López-Fitzsimmons
Developing Capacity for Community Engagement: Communication Strategies for Crossing Organizational, Community, and Geographic Boundaries, Jennifer W. Purcell and Casey D. Mull
Developing media literacy skills using a threshold concept: A case study for a large enrollment course, Amy Hughes
Developing Molecular Tools for Diagnosis of Human Ehrlichiosis, Megan Mears
Developing STEM Critical Thinking and Creativity through Team Building in the Classroom, Kathy Marks
Developing the Whole Teacher: A Phenomenological Case Study of Student Teachers' Emotional Experiences in One Teacher Education Program, Kathleen M. Crawford
Developmental toxicity of Tetrakis (hydromethyl) phosphonium chloride (THPC) in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos, Lan L. Nguyen
Development and Validation of an Educational Psychology Misconception Scale for Pre-Service Teachers, Morgan McAfee M.A., Lihua Xu Ph.D., and Bobby Hoffman Ph.D.
Development in Children with Spanish Speaker Parents: A Sample Case, Clara Mengolini Mengolini and Fernando Palacios
Development of a Disaster Preparedness Program for Pets in South Coastal Georgia, Karen Hambright Ph.D.
Development of a Service Continuance Model with IT Service Antecedents, Kwabena G. Boakye, Thomas McGinnis, Victor R. Prybutok, and Audhesh K. Paswan
Development of a Sickle Cell Disease Readiness for Transition Assessment, Marsha Treadwell, Shirley Johnson, India Sisler, Matthew Bitsko, Ginny Gildengorin, Rogelio Medina, Fernando Barreda, Kimberly Major, Joseph Telfair, and Wally R. Smith
Development of a Testing Rig for Erosion with Nanofluids, Gustavo Molina and Mosfequr Rahman
Development of PEG and TEMPO Functionalised ROMP Monomers for Advances in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injuries, Caleb Alexander Bahannon
Development of Virtual Learning Exercises in an Online Health Course, Jodi Clark MD
Differences in Health Literacy Knowledge and Experiences among Senior Nursing Students, Sharon S. Williamson and Joanne Chopak-Foss
Differentiated workloads and Pathways to Success model, Frédéric D. Mynard and Senate Executive Committee
Digital Badges, Bringing About Changes to STEM Credentialing and Instruction, Thomas Koballa
Digital Commons Brochure, Office of Marketing and Communications
Digital Commons Infographic, Office of Marketing and Communications
Digital Libraries for Creative Writing, Pilar G. Carcedo
Digital or Traditional? Students Weigh in on preferences in the writing process, Julia Hans Dr.
Directional Antenna Miniaturization and Wireless Network Security Improvements, Joseph Meador
Direct Physical Data Vault Design, Dragoljub Krneta, Vladan Jovanovic, and Zoran Marjanović
Discontinued Athletic Programs, Georgia Southern University
Discourse Analysis: A Bridge between Grammar Instruction and Writing Practice, Nan S. LoBue
Discourse and the Logic of Education Reform: A Cultivated Narrative of Crisis in Media Reporting in Kansas, Jessica P. Kerr
Discover...Books, Articles, Everything in a Single Search!, Debra G. Skinner and Jessica M. Minihan
Discovery of Novel Quinolone Derived Compounds as Psychotherapeutic Agents, Ashley B. Williams
Discovery of Quinoline-Derived Trifluoromethyl Alcohols, Determination of Their in vivo Toxicity and Anticancer Activity in a Zebrafish Embryo Model, Vinoth Sittaramane, Jihan Padgett, Philip Salter, Ashley Williams, Shauntell N. Luke, Rebecca McCall, Jonathan Arambula, Vincent B. Graves, Mark Blocker, David Van Leuven, Keturah Bowe, Julia Heimberger, Hannah C. Cade, Supriya Immaneni, and Abid Shaikh
Discrepancy Analysis Between Close-Range Photogrammetry And Terrestrial LiDAR, Sam R. Newsome Jr
Discrete Fourier Restriction Associated with Schrödinger Equations, Yi Hu and Xiaochun Li
Discussant, Theodorea Berry
Discussion of change in title of Associate Provost to Vice Provost, Ted Moore
Discussion of the “Blueprint” for Graduate Study, Clara Krug
Discussion of the Final Draft of the Quality Enhancement Plan prior to submission to Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Linda Bleicken
Discussion of Tuition Remission for children of GSU faculty members, Leigh Ann Williams
Disease-Driven Amphibian Declines Alter Ecosystem Processes in Tropical Streams, Matt R. Whiles, Robert O. Hall Jr., Walter K. Dodds, Piet Verburg, Alex D. Huryn, Catherine M. Pringle, Karen R. Lips, Susan Kilham, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Amanda T. Rugenski, Scot D. Peterson, and Scott Connelly
Disfluent Fonts Don't Help People Solve Math Problems, Andrew Meyer, Shane Frederick, Terence C. Burnham, Juan D. Guevara Pinto, Ty W. Boyer, Linden J. Ball, Gordon Pennycook, Rakefet Ackerman, Valerie A. Thompson, and Jonathon P. Schuldt
Dismantling Barriers:Positively Impacting Youth Living in Poverty and Homelessness, Rajni Shankar-Brown
Disproportionality in Special Education: Current Data and Recommendations, Jasolyn l. Henderson and Paula Freer
Disruptive Student Behavior, Clara Krug
Dissociative Identity Disorder: Practice-Informed Research For Counselors-In-Training, Josh Matthew Littleton
Dissolution of the Ad Hoc Committee on Student Evaluations, Les Furr
Distinctness of EEG Based Brain Signal Readings and Their Potential for Biometric Systems, Kaushik Bhimraj
Distribution of Evaluations of Administrators, Jeanette Rice
Distribution of FY 2015 Budget Cuts, Robert Yarbrough, Kathleen M. Comerford, Frédéric D. Mynard, Richard Flynn, Trent W. Maurer, Michelle Haberland, Scott Beck, Marc D. Cyr, Michael Moore, and Sandy Peacock
District PBIS Implementation, Bob Burgess
Do Credit Cards Really Reduce Aggregate Money Holdings?, Bill Z. Yang and Amanda King
Documentation of SoTL Trends: A Pilot Investigation in Family Science, Nikki DiGregorio, Trent W. Maurer, and Swaha Pattanaik
Does Enterprise Resource Planning Certification Courses Influence IS Enrollment?, Huilien Tung and Hsiang-Jui Kung
Does Medium Matter? A Comparison of Initial Meeting Modes for Virtual Teams, Hyo-Joo Han, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Jerry Fjermestad, and Yuanqiong Wang
Does Process Oriented Student Feedback Help College Math Achievement?, Tharanga Wijetunge and Kirthi Premadasa
Do Manipulative Help Pre-Service Teachers in Understanding Mathematics?, VEENA PALIWAL
Domestic Partner Proposals, David Dudley and Faculty Welfare Committee
Domestic Partners’ Benefits, David Dudley and Faculty Welfare Committee
Domestic Partners Issue, David Dudley and Faculty Welfare Committee
Do Omnivorous Shrimp Influence Mayfly Nymphs in a Tropical Island Stream?, Nicholas A. Macías, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Jonathan W. Duggins, and Alonso Ramírez
Dos Concepciones, un mismo ideal: La mujer en la España finisecular, Christian Rubio
Doubling Up: A Voice of Hidden Homelessness in a Single Gendered High School, Cheryl Jamison
Downtime Procedures, Dustin Anderson
Do You Know What They Don’t Know? : How Students Conduct Research, Peggy L. Nuhn and Min Tong
Do You Know What They Don’t Know? : How Students Conduct Research, Peggy L. Nuhn and Min Tong
Do You See What I Hear? Visual Literacy for Music Students, Elizabeth J. Weisbrod and Paula L. Hickner
Draft of University Statutes-Revision, Georgia Southern University
Draft Revised Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 10-24-2000, Candy Schille
Drawing Numbers and Listening to Patterns, Loren Zo Haynes
Drawing on Metaphors of Teaching to Elicit Reflexive Thinking, Nita A. Paris and Harriet Bessette
Drinking Coffee with Undergrads: Non-Traditional Approaches to Outreach, Reference Services, and Engagement in an Academic Library Setting., Alex Boucher, Karlie Johnson, Kayla Johnson, and James Gilbreath
Dr. Suess Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodore Seuss Geisel, Richard H. Minear
Drug Policy, David N. Khey and Bryan Lee Miller
Dual-band, Electrically Small, Parasititc Array Antenna for Wireless Communication Systems, Yen Le
Dual Basis Functions in Subspaces, Scott N. Kersey
Due dates for the Faculty Development funds request, Barbara Hendry and Sue Moore
Duluth, GA: Stormwater Education and Outreach Plan, Scott Blair
Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of FSAE Racer for Development of Stability Control System, Stone D. Williford
Dystopian Identities, Julie C. Kimble
Dystopian Identities: Exhuming the World of Zombies through the Camera's Eye: A Documentary, Julie Kimble
Eagle Alert System, Joseph Ruhland
Eagle Executive Magazine, Georgia Southern University
Eagle Executive Magazine, Georgia Southern University
Early Alert Changes, Amy A. Hackney, Dan Bauer, Christopher Caplinger, Michelle Cawthorn, Rob Clouse, Marshall R. Ransom, and an-hoc committee to examine early alerts
Earnings Smoothing, Executive Compensation, and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Property Liability Insurance Industry, David L. Eckles, Martin Halek, Enya He, David W. Sommer, and Rongrong Zhang
Ebola and Social Media, Kathryn C. Finch
Ebola and the Social Media, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, Chi-Ngai Cheung, Adriana Miu, and King-Wa Fu
Ecología y discurso: La naturaleza del problema, Eva Morón
Ecology Revisioned, Jeff Schmuki and Robin Germany
Editor’s Introduction: “The Irish in the South.”, David T. Gleeson
Editor's Note, Delena Bell Gatch
Educating the Posthuman: Biosciences, Fiction, and Curriculum Studies, John A. Weaver
Educational Leave, Steven Damelin
Educational Leave Policy Discussion, Robert Yarbrough, Michael Moore, Robert Costomiris, Michelle Haberland, M J. LaMontagne, Kathleen M. Comerford, and Scott Beck
Educational R&D, Peter L. Ulrich
Educator Perspectives on Four Unique Implementations of Pinterest in the Classroom, Lucas J. Jensen
Effective Classroom Management Strategies for "At-Risk" Learners, Aviva Goelman-Rice
Effective Instruction for English Learners, Margarita Calderón, Robert Slavin, and Marta Sánchez
Effective Instruction for English Learners, Margarita Calderón, Robert Slavin, and Marta Sánchez
Effectiveness of a Supplemental Instruction Program in a Statistics Course, Emily Baum and Brandon Samples
Effectiveness of a Supplemental Instruction Program in a Statistics Course, Emily Baum
Effectiveness of the Sport Education Fitness Model on Fitness Levels, Knowledge, and Physical Activity, Tony A. Pritchard, Andrew R. Hansen, Shot Scarboro, and Irina Melnic
Effective Teaching Strategies for English Learners, Nancy Testa
Effect of Air Flow Rates in Versatrap Slit Impactor Cassettes on the Collection of Atmospheric Mold Spores in a Rural Community, Bushra Shah, Tedd Gandy, Oreoluwa Adeyinka, Galela Shebani, and Atin Adhikari
Effect of Natural Products Against Growth of Three Allergenic and Toxigenic Molds, Brittany Loadholt, Teyaijah Givens, Nosa Lloyd Nwaonumah, Bushra Shah, and Atin Adhikari
Effect of Natural Products on Overall Microbial Activity in Household Items, Teyaijah Givens, Nosa Lloyd Nwaonumah, Brittany Loadholt, Bushra Shah, and Atin Adhikari
Effect of Ply Stacking Sequence on Structural Response of Symmetric Composite Laminates, Mosfequr Rahman, Saheem Absar, Fnu Aktaruzzaman, Abdur Rahman, and Awlad Hossain
Effects of a Training Program to Enhance Autonomy Supportive Behaviors among Youth Soccer Coaches, Jody L. Langdon, Robert J. Schlote, Brandonn S. Harris, Glenn P. Burdette III, and Sara Rothberger
Effects of Beta-alanine Supplementation and High Intensity Interval training among Recreationally Active Females, Mary E. Yarbrough
Effects of Biochar And Nutrients on Soil and Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) Feedstock Properties, Matthew W. Pfister
Effects of Content Acquisition Podcasts to Develop Preservice Teachers' Content Knowledge in Mathematics Strategies for Teaching Children with Exceptionalities, Katherine B. Green PhD and Jessica Bucholz PhD
Effects of Ions on Peptide Structure and Function, Aimee Renee
Effects of Nutritionally Charged Biochar on Vegetable Crop Growth, Health and Yield, Elizabeth Baker
Effects of Rapid pH and Salinity Change on the Physiology of a Local Estuarine Fish Species, Fundulus heteroclitus, Shauna Tietze
Effects of Salinity and pH Change on the Physiology of an Estuarine Fish Species, Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus, Shauna M. Tietze
Effects of Self-Perception of Reading Skill on Absolute Accuracy of Metacomprehension Judgements, Heekyung Kwon and Tracy Linderholm
Effects of Serum Levels of Vitamin A and Precursors on Colorectal Cancer Mortlaity, Chimuanya Okoli
Effects of Strategy Training and Incentives on Students' Performance, Confidence, and Calibration, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume and Gregory Schraw
Effects of the Oxidation/Reduction Potential on Sediment Ammonia Release in Surface Waters, Edward Waters
Efficient Synthesis of Novel Triazole Chemosensors Using Click-Chemistry, Richard Govan
Egypt's Struggle Between Islamic Traditions and Western Modernity in Midaq Alley (Zuqaq al Midaq) and The Yacoubian Building (Omaret Yacoubian), Asmaa S. Mansour Ms.
Eigenvalue Estimates for Laplacians on Measure Spaces, Da-Wen Deng and Sze-Man Ngai
Eighteenth-Century Thought, 5, Jeffrey D. Burson
El arquetipo de la mulata: transgresora del status quo, Adelia Parrado-Ortiz
Elastic Properties of UHMWPE-SWCNT Nanocomposites’ Fiber: An Experimental, Theoretic, and Molecular Dynamics Evaluation, Mujibur R. Khan, Hassan Mahfuz, Ashfaq Adnan, Ishraq Shabib, and Theodora Leventouri
El desarrollo de Angeles Mastretta en su discurso feminista., Carlos Coria-Sánchez
E-Learning Lessons from the Corporate World, Hyo-Joo Han, Geoffrey Dick, Thomas L. Case, and Craig Van Slyke
Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use in Local Health Departments: Updates From the 2015 NACCHO Informatics Assessment Survey, Karmen S. Williams and Gulzar H. Shah
Electrospinning of Cisplatin-Loaded Cellulose Nanofibers for Cancer Drug Delivery, Saheem Absar, Mujibur R. Khan, Kyle Edwards, and David M. Calamas
Electrospun SnO2/TiO2 Composite Nanofibers for Lithium Ion Batteries, Toan Tran, Kathleen McCormac, Jianlin Li, Ji Wu, and Zhonghe Bi
Elementary School Students' Quantitative Reasoning: Processing Whole Numbers and Proportions, Ty W. Boyer and Natalie Branch
El exilio femenino como liberación de la mujer en Sab de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Esther Alarcón-Arana
Eligibility for Unemployment?, James P. Braselton
Eligibility of Full-time Lecturer and Temporary Faculty to Run for Senate Seats and Other Elected Positions, Cliffton Price
Elimination of references to the now defunct Executive Planning Council in Georgia Southern University documents and publications, Georgia Southern University
El inmigrante ecuatoriano en España: Representaciones desde La utopía de Madrid, Francesco Masala Martínez
Elizabeth Bishop, Randall Jarrell, and the Lost World of Real Feeling, Richard Flynn
El tarot como discurso de contestación en la caricaturista venezolana Rayma, Yanira B. Paz
Embedded Peer Coach Pedagogy to Improve Undergraduate Research in STEM Students, Lihua Xu Ph.D., Mary Tripp Ph.D., and Karin Chumbimuni-Torres Ph.D.
Embodied Place: Observations and Notations, Jeff Schmuki
Embracing the Digital Format in an Online Information Literacy Course, Tammy Ivins
Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions Instructor’s Manual, Julian Mooney
Financial and Managerial Accounting Instructor’s Manual, Julian Mooney
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Check Figures, J. Lowell Mooney
EMG Based Classification of Percentage of Maximum Voluntary Contraction Using Artificial Neural Networks, Stephen D. Hickman, Rocio Alba-Flores, and Mohammad Ahad
Emotion, Pedagogy, and Curriculum: Teaching in Migrant Children Schools in Urban China, Min Yu and Christopher B. Crowley
Emotion Recognition using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, Tejal Udhan
Empathy in Experiential Learning: Universal Design Problem Solving, Lilia Gomez-Lanier Dr.
Empirical Study: Mentorship as a Value Proposition (MVP), Doreen Sams, Rosalie Richards, Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Jennifer Hammack, Larry Bacnik, and Caitlin Powell
Employers’ Perceptions of Online Accounting Education, Manouchehr Tabatabaei, Alison Solomon, Emily Strickland, and Paul Metrejean
Employers’ Perceptions of Technology Competency: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Alison Rushing Dr., Xiaomei Song Dr., Marcel Maghiar Dr., Christopher Brown Dr., and Rose Mary Gee Dr.
Employing Music in the Cause of Social Justice: Ruth Crawford Seeger and Zilphia Horton, Karen M. McCurdy and Julia Schmidt-Pirro
Employment Supports that Promote Job Attainment, Maintenance, and Advancement for People with Intellectual and Development Disabilities, Christine L. Nittrouer, Julie Pickens, and Karrie A. Shogren
Empowering Impoverished Youth Through Autonomous Community Outreach Strategies to Improve Learning and Academic Success, Michael S. Mucedola
Encouraging Charitable Behaviors: The Impact of Charitable Motivations and Materialism, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Dora E. Bock, and Kevin L. Eastman
Encouraging Consumer Charitable Behavior: The Impact of Charitable Motivations, Gratitude, and Materialism, Dora E. Bock, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and Kevin L. Eastman
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Charles W. Champ and Deborah K. Shepherd
Endorsed extending the tenure of Richard Rogers as NCAA representative, Georgia Southern University
Endorsement and Support of Student Government Association's Tobacco Zones Resolution, Christopher Harmon and Student Government Association
Energy Efficient EPONs, Robert Bowyer
Energy Modeling of Differential Drive Robots, Mudasser Wahab, Fernando Rios-Gutierrez, and Adel El-Shahat
Enforcing Summer Registration Policy, Richard Flynn
Engaged Service-Learning and the Experiential Learning Requirement at UGA: A Case Study, Carol Britton Laws, Melissa Landers-Potts, and Paul H. Matthews
Engaged Student Learning with Action Research: Do You Have a PLAN?, Whitney N. Husid Dr. and Virginia L. Wallace Dr.
Engage Me and I Learn: Interactivity Brings Content to Life, Michael Qaissaunee and Kelly Parr
Engaging and Inequitable: The Impact of CTAE Courses in the Shaping of African American Graduates' Experiences, Stephanie F. Evans Mrs
Engaging College and Middle School Math Students through SL and Football, Laura Lynch
Engaging Different Learning Styles with the Walking Classroom Program, Nicole Hunter
Engaging Diverse Students in Statistical Inquiry: A Comparison of Learning Experiences and Outcomes of Under-Represented and Non-Underrepresented Students Enrolled in a Multidisciplinary Project-Based Statistics Course, Lisa Dierker (AE), Jalen Alexander, Jennifer L. Cooper, Arielle Selya, Jennifer Rose, and Nilanjana Dasgupta
Engaging Millennials in Writing while Improving Literacy, Shannon R. Stuckey
Engaging Patients and Caregivers in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research on Advanced Stage Lung Cancer: Insights from Patients, Caregivers, and Providers, K. Monirul Islam, Samuel T. Opoku, Bettye A. Apenteng, Ann Fetrick, June Ryan, M. Copur, Addison Tolentino, Irfan Vaziri, and Apar K. Ganti
Engaging Students as Decision Makers in the Planning Process at the Universal Intervention Level, John Vandenburgh
Engaging Students in Information Storage Management Courses, Vladan Jovanovic, Timur Mirzoev, Lee Toderick, Rick Homkes, and Mark Stockman
Engaging Students in Online Classes with WIMBA: A Preliminary Study, Camille F. Rogers
Enhanced Charge Carrier Concentration of SiC/CNT with N and P Type Doping Agents, Kyle Edwards, Mujibur R. Khan, Rafael Quirino, Brenda Beckler, and Saheem Absar
Enhancement of Delivery of Instructions Utilizing Web Published Virtual Instruments, Shahnam Navaee
Enhancing Connectivity for Communication and Control in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks, Danda B. Rawat, R. Grodi, and Chandra Bajracharya
Enhancing Connectivity for Spectrum-agile Vehicular Ad hoc Networks in Fading Channels, Danda B. Rawat and Sachin Shetty
Enhancing Electrical Engineering Technology Capstone Experience, Fernando Rios-Gutierrez and Youakim Kalaani
Enhancing Project Management with Lean World Class Manufacturing in Construction, Jacob Randles
Enhancing Reflection, Creativity, and Self-Efficacy Through Visual Art and Writing, Lauren R. Wells
Enhancing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through Micro-Level Collaboration across Two Disciplines, Nancy M. Arrington and Adrienne L. Cohen
Enhancing Service Delivery for National Development, Kwaku Appiah-Adu, Charles Blankson, and Kwabena G. Boakye
Enhancing Student Learning through Proactive Feedback Based Adaptive Teaching for Engineering Courses, Danda B. Rawat and Chandra Bajracharya
Enhancing the Learning Experience in a Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology Course, Rocio Alba-Flores and Youakim G. al-Kalaani
Enhancing The Learning Experience In A Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology Course, Rocio Alba-Flores and Youakim Kalaani
Enlightenment and Catholicism in Europe: A Transnational History, Jeffrey D. Burson and Ulrich L. Lehner
Enriching Teaching and Learning in a Teacher Education Course through a Field Experience Choice Assignment in Service-Learning, Nancy M. Arrington
Ensuring Economic Security for HIV Patients by Providing Opportunities Out of Poverty, Evelyn D. Gay
Enterprise Resource Planning Certification: Academia Vs Industry, Hsiang-Jui Kung and Huilien Tung
Entitled and Ensnared: Lessons from the Dark Side, Seth McCall
Entomological, Jeff Schmuki
Entre trapaceros anda el juego: Dinámicas de poder entre payos y gitanos en la España democrática del siglo XXI, María Julia de León Hernández
Enumeration of BC-Subtrees of trees, Yu Yang, Hongbo Liu, Hua Wang, and Scott Makeig
ENVH 7233 - Environmental Exposure and Impact Assessment, Atin Adhikari
ENVH 7234 - Environmental Toxicology, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu
ENVH 7235 - Field Methods in Environmental Health, Marina E. Eremeeva
Environmental Geology, James S. Reichard
Environmental Service Learning: Relevant, Rewarding, and Responsible, J. Michelle Cawthorn and Lissa M. Leege
EPID 7134 - Epidemiologic Methods II, Kelly L. Sullivan
EPID 7233 - Public Health Surveillance Methods, Jian Zhang
EPID 8130 - Field Methods in Epidemiology, Kelly L. Sullivan
EPID 9231 - Epidemiology of Chronic Disease, Jian Zhang
Epidemiology and Nursing Practice, William A. Mase
Equal Consideration for ORP & TRS Members, Bill Wells
Equipping Students for a Lifetime of Civic Engagement, Jackie S. Gillespie and Portia Botchway
Equitable Workload and Compensation for Faculty, Robert Costomiris and Faculty Welfare Committee
Equity-Minded Reform in Academic Reward Systems: What We Can and Should Do Now, KerryAnn O'Meara
Erosion Effects of Nanofluids on Selected Cooling-System Materials, Gustavo Molina, M. Hulett, Valentin Soloiu, and Mosfequr Rahman
Erratum: ``The 1 < z < 5 Infrared Luminosity Function of Type I Quasars'' (ApJ, 638, 88 [2006]), Michael J. I. Brown, Kate Brand, Arjun Dey, Buell T. Jannuzi, Richard Cool, Emeric Le Floc'H, Christopher S. Kochanek, Lee Armus, Chao Bian, James L. Higdon, Sarah J.U. Higdon, Casey Papovich, George Rieke, Marcia Rieke, J. D. Smith, B. T. Soifer, and Dan Weedman
Erratum: "Wheels of Fire. IV. Star Formation and the Neutral Interstellar Medium in the Ring Galaxy AM0644-741", James L. Higdon, Sarah J.U. Higdon, and Richard J. Rand
Error Analysis of Reweighted l₁ Greedy Algorithm for Noisy Reconstruction, Jiehua Zhu, Xiezhang Li, Fangjun Arroyo, and Edward Arroyo
Error Analysis of Reweighted l1 Greedy Algorithm for Noisy Reconstruction, Jiehua Zhu, Xiezhang Li, Fangjun Arroyo, and Edward Arroyo
ESPACIO ENTER: International Festival of Creativity, Innovation, and Digital Culture, Jeff Schmuki
Essential IT Controls for Preventing Cash Fraud, Robert Marley and J. Lowell Mooney
Establishment of timeline for transition to new SRI, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Estimating Species Trees from Unrooted Gene Trees, Liang Liu and Lili Yu
Estimation in the Exponentiated Kumaraswamy Dagum Distribution with Censored Samples, Broderick O. Oluyede and Shujiao Huang
E-Team Workflow: A Case Study in Improving Electronic Access Troubleshooting, Debra G. Skinner
Eternal Independent Sets in Graphs, Yair Caro and William F. Klostermeyer
Evaluating A Physical Activity App in the Classroom: A Mix Methodological Approach Among University Students, Bridget F. Melton, Helen W. Bland, Brandonn Harris, Destiny Kelly, and Kristin A. Chandler
Evaluating Ethics Education for Accounting Students, Sudhir K. Chawla, Zafar U. Khan, Robert E. Jackson, and Arnton W. Gray III
Evaluating Relationships between Mercury Concentrations in Air and in Spanish Moss, Kathryn T. Sutton, Risa A. Cohen, and Stephen P. Vives
Evaluating Student Autonomy and Competence in a College Classroom, R. Lainie W. Harris, Eun Bae Lee, and Lucy Santos Green
Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology, Glen Bull, Ann D. Thompson, Denise Schmidt-Crawford, Joe Garofalo, Charles B. Hodges, J. Michael Spector, Richard E. Ferdig, Dave Edyburn, and Kinshuk
Evaluation of Faculty Performance & Feedback, Jean-Paul Carton
Evaluation of Peanut Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Sprays, Combustion, and Emissions, for Use in an Indirect Injection Diesel Engine, Valentin Soloiu, Jabeous Weaver, Henry Ochieng, Brian Vlcek, Christopher Butts, and Marcis Jansons
Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction Program Learning Outcomes through Student Assessment, Brittney A. Ferrari
Evaluation of Tattoo Artists' Perceptions of Tattoo Regulations in the United States, Jessica L.C. Sapp
Evaluation Process: Does Your Nursing Curriculum Include The QSEN Competencies?, Joyce Pompey and Betty Abraham-Settles
Evaluations dialogue from Senate Listserv, Georgia Southern University and Senate Executive Committee
Evaluations dialogue from Senate Listserv, Georgia Southern University
Evidence-Based Practice across the Disciplines: An Information Literacy Instructional Approach, April J. Schweikhard
E-Waste Management in the United States and Public Health Implications, Jessica Seeberger, Radhika Grandi, Stephani S. Kim, William A. Mase, Tiina Reponen, Shuk-Mei Ho, and Aimin Chen
Examining Anxiety Schemas through the Context of a Stress-Intrapersonal Model, Kayla M. LeLeux-LaBarge
Examining Eating Disorder Pathology Through the Interpersonal Expression of Perfectionism and Contingent Self-Esteem, Kara M. Johnson
Examining State And Local Law Enforcement Perceptions Of Computer Crime, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and Sarah Fitzgerald
Examining State and Local Law Enforcement Perceptions of Computer Crime, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and Sarah Fitzgerald
Examining the Development of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Natasha Ramsay-Jordan
Examining the Effect of Regulating a Novel Drug: An Evaluation of Changes in Use of Salvia divinorum in the First Year of Florida’s Ban., John Stogner, David Khey, O. Griffin, Bryan Miller, and John H. Boman IV
Examining the Mediating Effects of Social Learning on the Low Self-Control – Cyberbullying Relationship in a Youth Sample, Carrie K.W. Li, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and David C. May
Examining the Relationship between Routine Activities and Malware Infection Indicators, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
Examining the Relationships Between Religiosity, Spirituality, Internalized Homonegativity, and Condom Use Among African American Men Who Have Sex With Men in the Deep South, Stacy W. Smallwood, S. Melinda Spencer, Lucy Annang Ingram, Jim F. Thrasher, and Melva V. Thompson-Robinson
Examining the Type, Frequency, and Interpretative Complexity of Visual Displays Appearing, Gregory Schraw and Antonio P. Gutierrez
Excess Compensation and the Independent Investor Test, Debra Sinclair and Britton McKay
Exercise and Visualize: Quick Masterery of Korean Basic Vowels and Consonants on the First Week, Jiyoung Lee Daniel
Exigent Circumstances, Rebecca Davis
Existence of Solutions for a Variable Exponent System without PS Conditions, Li Yin, Yuan Liang, Qihu Zhang, and Chunshan Zhao
Existence of Strong Solutions of a P(X) -Laplacian Dirichlet Problem without the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz Condition, Qihu Zhang and Chunshan Zhao
Expanded Learning Opportunities at a “Digital Ready” Community School in the South Bronx, Wendy Chen
Expanding Middle School Horizons: Integrating Language, Culture, and Social Studies, Deborah J. Short
Expanding Middle School Horizons: Integrating Language, Culture, and Social Studies, Deborah J. Short
Expanding the View: Adding a Graphical Interface to the DIY Breadboard Computer, Joseph S. Covert, Markus Hitz, and Paul F. Baldwin
Expansion of General Education Committee responsibilities to include oversight of the Core Curriculum, Jake Simons and General Education Committee
Experiences in Teaching IS Online, Ronald J. MacKinnon and Kevin Lee Elder
Experiences of a Georgia Boy in the Army of Northern Virginia 1861-1865, Martin W. Brett
Experiences of Stakeholders Participating in an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme in Southeast Georgia, Anna J. Wiles
Experiential Education: Arts to Philanthropy to Public and Nonprofit Administration, Patricia B. Kraeger PhD, Robbie Robichau, Kerry Kuenzi PhD, Phillip Cary Christian PhD, Leigh Nanney Hersey PhD, and Christian Carr PhD
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance for Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Models with Various Blade Designs, Travis E. Salyers
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in Search for an Efficient Design, Mosfequr Rahman, Mohammad M. Bashar, Gustavo Molina, Valentin Soloiu, and Travis E. Salyers
Experimental Investigation and Finite Element Modeling Analysis of Photostrictive Optical Actuators, Mosfequr Rahman, Masud Nawaz, Aniruddha Mitra, Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, and John E. Jackson
Experimental Investigation on Photostrictively Driven Optical Actuators, Mosfequr Rahman, Masud Nawaz, Anirudda Mitra, Nazanin Bassari-Gharb, and Mohammad Bhuiyan
Experimental Investigation on Photostrictively Driven Optical Acuators, Mosfequr Rahman, Masud Nawaz, Aniruddha Mitra, Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, and Mohammad Bhuiyan
Experimental Study of Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of Methyl Oleate, as a Surrogate for Biodiesel, in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine, Valentin Soloiu, Jabeous Weaver, Henry Ochieng, Marvin Duggan, Sherwin Davoud, Brian Vlcek, Craig Jenkins, and Christopher Butts
Experimental Study of Thermoelectric Properties of SWCNTs and SiC Nanoparticles and its Composites Doped with Sol-gel, Mujibur R. Khan, Miletus Jones, Luz Bugarin, and Salvador Sandoval
Experimental Study of Thermopower of SWCNTs and SiC Nanoparticles with B-P (Born-Phosphorus) Sol-Gel Diffusion, Mujibur R. Khan, Saheem Absar, Kyle Edwards, Onasis Garcia, and Rafael L. Quirino
Explaining Dynamic Interactions in Wiki-Based Collaborative Writing, Mimi Li and Wei Zhu
Exploratory Research in Erosion Effects of Nanofluids on Metallic Materials, Gustavo Molina, Mosfequr Rahman, M. Hulett, and Valentin Soloiu
Exploring a Three-Level Model of Calibration Accuracy, Gregory Schraw, Fred Kuch, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, and Aaron S. Richmond
Exploring Butane Hash Oil Use: A Research Note, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, and J. Mitchell Miller
Exploring Curriculum through Street Art, Kaitlin Popielarz 2409979
Exploring Cyber Harassment among Women Who Use Social Media, Sloane Burke Winkelman, Jody Oomen-Early, Ashley D. Walker, Lawrence Chu, and Alice Yick-Flanagan
Exploring Risk and Protective Factors for Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Youth: An Innovative Approach, Moya L. Alfonso
Exploring the Conceptual Framework for teaching Information Literacy skills to graduate students, Oluwakemi J. Elufiede and Janet Walsh
Exploring the Connection between Christian Colleges' Mission and Finance, Farrah Rachele Senn
Exploring the Consequences of Bullying Victimization in a Sample of Singapore Youth, Thomas J. Holt, Grace Chee, Esther Ng, and Adam Bossler
Exploring the Relationship Between Gender Violence and State Failure: A Cross-National Comparison, Laurie A. Gould and Laura E. Agnich
Exploring the relationship of MBD1 protein binding CpG sites of methylated DNA, Shelby L. Scherer
Exploring the Science Framework: Making Connections in Math with the Common Core State Standards, Robert Mayes and Thomas R. Koballa Jr.
Exploring the Utility of Open Source Data to Predict Malicious Software Creation, George Burruss, Thomas J. Holt, and Adam Bossler
Exploring Threshold Concepts in One-Shot Information Literacy Instruction, Thomas C. Weeks II
Extended Lindley Poisson Distribution, Mavis Pararai, Gayan Warahena-Liyanage, and Broderick O. Oluyede
Extended Quasi-Likelihood in the Generalized Linear Model for Right-Censored Data, Lili Yu, Ruifeng Yu, Liang Liu, and Dinggeng Chen
Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schemas for Data Vault Models, Curtis Knowles and Vladan Jovanovic
Extensive Dispersal of Endangered Roanoke Logperch Inferred Using Genetic Marker Data, James Henry Roberts, Paul L. Angermeier, and Eric M. Hallerman
Extent and Use of Summer Incentive Funds, Robert Costomiris
External Environment Pressure on Organizational Innovation Adoption: from Literature to a Conceptual Model, LeeAnn Kung and Hsiang-Jui Kung
Extra Compensation Policy, Charlene Black
Extremal Values of Ratios: Distance Problems vs. Subtree Problems in Trees II, Laszlo A. Szekely and Hua Wang
Extreme Filmic Journeys to Fathom Luminous Minds and Broken Bodies, Allison Watkins
Eye Safety in Educational Institutions in the State of Georgia, Scott H. Williams
Fabrication of Nano-scale Metal Organic Framework (MOF) Loaded Nanofibrous Membrane for Enhanced Gas Adsorption Performance, Wahiduz Zaman
Fabrication of Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber Membranes Functionalized With Metal Organic Framework for CO2 Capturing, Wahiduz Zaman, Mujibur R. Khan, Saheem Absar, Spencer Harp, Kyle Edwards, and Nathan Takas
Fabrication of Polyurethane Based Fabric Composite Shaft and its Experimental Study Under Triple Point Bending, Aniruddha Mitra, Sirajus Salekeen, and Mosfequr Rahman
Faces of Immigration: The American Dream is Not Dead, Megan E. Bright
Facilitating Advanced Thinking Skills through Problem-Based Learning, Charles T. Wynn Sr. and Richard S. Mosholder
Facilitating Lexical Acquisition in Beginner Learners of Italian Through Task-Induced Involvement Load, Vanessa J. Natale Rukholm
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
Facilities Forum, Georgia Southern University Facilities Services
F&A Cost Adjustment for Grants and Contracts, Brett Curry
Factors Affecting Substance Abuse and Treatment in Ghana: A Social-Ecological Perspective Using Photovoice, Ahmed Kabore
Factors Affecting Substance Abuse and Treatment in Ghana: A Social-Ecological Perspective Using Photovoice, Ahmed Kabore
Factors Associated with Faculty Use of Student Data for Instructional Improvement, Marilla D. Svinicki, Kyle Williams, Kadie Rackley, Anke J.Z. Sanders, Lisa Pine, and Julie Stewart
Factors Driving Local Health Department’s Collaboration with Other Organizations in the Provision of Personal Healthcare Services, Huabin Luo, Nancy L. Winterbauer, Ashley Tucker, and Gulzar H. Shah
Factors Driving Local Health Departments' Partnerships With Other Organizations in Maternal and Child Health, Communicable Disease Prevention, and Chronic Disease Control, Huabin Luo, Nancy L. Winterbauer, Gulzar H. Shah, Ashley Tucker, and Lei Xu
Factors Impacting Enrollment in Information Systems Programs, Manouchehr Tabatabaei and Mehdi S. Tehrani
Factors Influencing Mobile Data Service (MDS) Continuance Intention: An Empirical Study, Kwabena G. Boakye
Faculty and Staff Members Eating at Lakeside Cafe and Landrum Cafeteria, Clara Krug
Faculty appeals regarding tenure and promotion decisions at the college level, Robert Costomiris
Faculty Attendance at Graduations and Honors Day, James P. Braselton
Faculty Club 9-2-2009, David Seaman
Faculty Club 9-25-2009, David Seaman
Faculty Club 9-3-2009, David Seaman
Faculty Club Discussions, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Club monies/plan, Gregory J. Brock
Faculty Comments on SRI Results, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Faculty Councils and Committees 1969-1970, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Development Committee has considered the request for extension of the deadline for proposals for this year’s first round of Professional Development (Travel) Grants., Barbara Hendry, Sue Moore, Peggy Hargis, B. Davis, and Anastatia Sims
Faculty Development Committee motion to clarify “full-time faculty", Bill Yang and Faculty Development Committee
Faculty Development Committee motion to clarify “full-time faculty", Bill Yang and Faculty Development Committee
Faculty Evaluation Policy 10-25-2001, David Dudley and Faculty Welfare Committee
Faculty Evaluation Policy 9-17-2001, David Dudley
Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC) Policies and Procedures -- Ad Hoc Committee Review and Discussion, Bob Fernekes and Faculty Grievance Ad Hoc Committee
Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC) Policies and Procedures, Section 220-Final Committee Draft, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Grievance Procedures, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Grievance Procedures, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Grievance Process, Bruce Grube
Faculty Handbook, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Handbook, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Handbook, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Handbook, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Handbook, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Handbook changes, Frédéric D. Mynard
Faculty Handbook Index, Frédéric D. Mynard
Faculty input regarding activities in which the University expects them to participate in, James P. Braselton
Faculty Involvement in the Senior to Sophomore Program, Michael Nielsen
Faculty Observer, Michelle Haberland
Faculty Paycheck Schedule, Kathleen M. Comerford
Faculty Representation on the President’s Cabinet, Michelle Haberland, Marc Cyr, Robert Costomiris, Richard Flynn, Ming Fang He, Robert Lake, Trent Maurer, Michael Moore, Frédéric D. Mynard, Patrick Novotny, Sandra Peacock, Laura Valeri, Mark Welford, and Rob Yarbrough
Faculty Research Committee proposed revision to the Grant Competition Guidelines, Karen M. McCurdy
Faculty Research Committee proposed revision to the Grant Competition Guidelines, David Alley and Faculty Research Committee
Faculty Roles and Rewards: Recommendations on a Faculty Effort Assignment Model, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Roles and Rewards Task Force Discussions, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Roles and Rewards Task Force Report, Linda Bleicken
Faculty Searches, Kathleen M. Comerford
Faculty Searches, part II, Kathleen M. Comerford
Faculty Senate Bylaws Proposed Amendments Article 3, Section 7 2-12-2001, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1970-1971, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1971-1972, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1972-1973, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1973-1974, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1974-1975, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1975-1976, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1976-1977, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1977-1978, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate, Councils and Committees, 1978-1979, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-1997, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-1998, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-1999, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2000, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2001, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2002, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2003, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2004, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2005, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2006, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2007, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2008, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2009, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2010, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2011, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2012, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2013, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2014, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Librarian's Report-2015, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Library Committee Meetings Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Faculty Senate Library Committee Meetings Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Faculty Senate Library Committee Meetings Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Faculty Senate Library Committee Meetings Essence Notes, Alva Britt
Faculty Senate Library Committee Meetings Essence Notes, Alva Britt
Faculty Senate Minutes October 20 discussion on calendar, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Senate Representation of the New IT College, James M. LoBue
Faculty Senate Resolution to the Georgia Board of Regents re Foundation Funds as bonuses, Debra Sabia
Faculty Senate Seats for Temporary Faculty, Cliffton Price
Faculty Senate Supports Resolution, Gregory J. Brock
Faculty Senate Website-SharePoint, Patrick Novotny
Faculty Service 11-27-2007, Georgia Southern University and Faculty Welfare Committee
Faculty Spotlight Featuring Asli Aslan, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Spotlight Featuring Axel Grossmann, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Spotlight Featuring Jon Hilpert, Georgia Southern University
Faculty Welfare Committee and best practices for evaluation of instruction, Fred Smith and Faculty Welfare Committee
Faculty Welfare Committee Motion Regarding Periodic Review of Department Chairs, Robert Costomiris and Faculty Welfare Committee
Faculty Welfare Committee Motion Regarding Votes of No Confidence in Department Chairs, Robert Costomiris and Faculty Welfare Committee
Faculty Work Load Statement, Jean-Paul Carton and Faculty Welfare Committee
Fall 2000 Admission Standards, Charlene Black
Family, Community, Faith, & Social Services Partnering to Better Serve, Elizabeth H. Brown
FBA's and PBIS: Using FBA's as Part of Your PBIS Process to Improve Problem Student Behavior, Maggie Kjer PhD and Blake DuBose
Federally Sponsored Effort Documentation - FS-RA-2103-01
Female Natural Bodybuilding Competition Preparation: A 6-Week Case Study, Samantha G. Gwazdauskas
Final SRI Report, Georgia Southern University and Ad Hoc Committee on Student Ratings of Instruction
Finite Element Analysis in Implementing Silica Aerogel in High-Temperature Reusable Insulation Tiles for Space Shuttle, Mosfequr Rahman, J. Shaw, M. Roesel, B. Williams, J. Willies, Bowen Jones, M. Ahmed, and Sirajus Salekeen
Finite Element Analysis of a Hobie 16 Mast and Possible Alternatives for Improvement, Mosfequr Rahman, Bryan Calloway, Eric Sullivan, Matthew Darley, Anthony Hanson, Collin Hare, and Ahsan Mian
Finite Element Analysis of Polyurethane Based Composite Shafts Under Different Boundary Conditions, Mosfequr Rahman, FNU Aktaruzzaman, Saheem Absar, Aniruddha Mitra, and Awlad Hossain
Finite Element Analysis of Prosthetic Running Blades using Different Composite Materials to Optimize Performance, Mosfequr Rahman, Tyler Bennett, David Glisson, Darrell Beckley, and Jobaidur Khan
Finite Element Analysis of Silica Aerogel to Be Used in High Temperature Insulation Tiles for next Generation Space Tiles, Mosfequr Rahman, J. Shaw, M. Roesel, B. William, J. Willis, Sirajus Salekeen, and M. Ahmed
Finite Element Analysis of Various Design Projectiles as Bullet Models, Mosfequr Rahman, Steven Chrysosferidis, Sirajus Salekeen, Adam Chevalier, David Bell, Bowen Jones, and Adam Barlow
Finite Element Modeling Analysis of Photostrictively-Driven Optical Actuators for Excitation of Microdevices, Mosfequr Rahman and Masud Nawaz
Finite Element Modeling Analysis of Photostrictive Materials use in Optical Actuator for Microdevices, Mosfequr Rahman
Finite Element Modeling of Photostrictive Optical Actuators, Mosfequr Rahman and John E. Jackson
Finite Element Modeling of Structural Design Optimization of Various Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Models, Mosfequr Rahman, Adam Smith, Alex Freeman, James H. Denham, Luke Christopher, Wesley Huggins, and Zach Johnson
First-day drop 4-24-2007, Clara Krug
First Wave of Jamaican Immigration
First Wave of Jamaican Immigration
First-Year Experience Faculty Task Force report, Donna Saye
Fiscal Decentralization and China’s Regional Infant Mortality, Gregory J. Brock, Yinghua Jin, and Tong Zeng
Fishery Biologist for the Day, Mary Sweeney-Reeves and Mare Timmons
Five Essential Elements: Building Success for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Students, Ramona Garrison
Five-Minute Film Festival: Talking About Race and Stereotypes, Keyana Stevens
Flight of the White Feather: The Expansion of the White Feather Movement Throughout the World War One British Commonwealth, Kimberly Elisa Stevens
Flipped Learning for Scalable InfoLit Instruction in FYC, David Beach
Flipping for the Framework: Adapting a College Writing Library Instruction Session to the New Framework for IL using Flipped and Discovery Based Learning, Avril Cunningham Ms.
Flipping Homework: An Effective Homework Model, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
FloraBotica, Jeff Schmuki
Flow Behavior at Bifurcations in Branching Channel Networks, David M. Calamas and Mosfequr Rahman
Focusing on the Learner: Creating a Learner-Centered IS Course, Craig Van Slyke, France Belanger, and Thomas L. Case
Foodture, Jeff Schmuki and Wendy DesChene
Footing the Bill: Art and Our Ecological Footprint, Jeff Schmuki
Forcing the World to Fit Pre-Existing Prejudices: Why and How Global Education Has Failed in the State of Georgia, Michelle Reidel and Scott A. Beck
Forecast Grant Sizing for Video Delivery over Passive Optical Networks, Rami J. Haddad, Micheal P. McGarry, and Yuanqiu Luo
Forensic Information Literacy: the CSI Approach to Inquiry and Scholarly Communication, Bernadette Maria Lopez-Fitzsimmons
Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing – Multidisciplinary Team Development and Operations, William A. Mase, Samuel Adeyeye, Olga Amarie, Claudia Cornejo Happel, Ellen Hamilton, Shamika D. Jones, Jessica Orvis, and Neri Romero
For Rent Signs, John Weaver
Forums Regarding the Construction of a Shooting Sports Center, Robert Costomiris
Forward Premium Anomaly of the British Pound and the Euro, Allissa A. Lee, Axel Grossmann, and Marc W. Simpson
Fostering the Sense of Caring Among Teachers in the Era of Teacher Accountability, Chang Pu
Fractured Epistemologies: Autoethnographic Telling, Voices, and Counter-Voices of Youth Excluded from Public Education, Suniti Sharma
Frames of Military Veterans in Letters to the Editor in US Newspapers, Matthew Kleinsorge
Frameworking CRAAP: How We're Correlating the ACRL Framework to Content Evaluation with the CRAAP Test in Our Instruction Practices, Paul Campbell and Derek Malone
Framing “Leadership”: Holistic Integration of a Competencies-based Approach to Student Leadership Development in a Community Service Center, Christopher A. Skrable
Freedom of Choice: Popular Music and Album Reviews, Mike Czech
Free Speech Zone, Richard Flynn
French Poetry Today, Florin Beschea
Frequency Tunable Antennas for Smart Grid Communications, Brycent Chatfield
Freshmen, Information Literacy and Archival Practice, Greg Schmidt and Tommy Brown
Friends of the Henderson Library Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
Friends of the Henderson Library Essence Notes, Alva Wilbanks
From Aaron to Ivanhoe, Charles Bonds, Dorothy Brannen, Maggie Collins, Daniel B. Good, Nkenge Jackson, Evelyn Mabry, Carolyn Postell, Robert M. Seel, Rita Turner Wall, and Julius Ariail
From Boys to Men: the Influence of Commercialized Hip-hop on the Adoption of Alternative Forms of Masculinity by Black Male Adolescents, CHRISTOPHER GAITERS
From Boys to Men: The Influence of Commercialized Hip-Hop on the Adoption of Masculinity by Black Male Adolescents, Christopher Gaiters
From Misfit to Right-fit: Developing Classroom Culture and Climates Conductive to growth of Children in Under-Resourced High-Poverty Schools, Jelani Jabari Ph.D.
From My Work to Our Work: Integrating the new ACRL Framework into an Information Technology Course, David Kerven, Adrienne Harmer, and Patricia Lee
From Privilege to Assets: The Use of Asset Based Community Development in Service Learning Reflection, James Garrett
From Tangled Roots To New Growth: Narratives Of Black Women Who Have Embraced Their Natural Hair While Navigating The Workplace, Neshika L. Coney-Devine
From Tears to Tiers: Mental Health & PBIS in Schools, Jason W. Byars and Kelly Petaccio
From the Cotton Fields to the Football Fields: Plantation Politics, College Football, and Racial History in ESPN’s 30 for 30, Daniel Chapman and Robert Horner
From Theory into the Classroom: Practical Applications from Writing Across the Curriculum, Georgia Rhoades 2622075, Dennis J. Bohr, Sherry Alusow Hart Dr, Julie Karaus, Amanda Finn, Brendan Hawkins, and Katelyn Stark
Fronteras flexibles: la poética de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, Dolores Rangel
Full-Time Administrators Not Eligible, Patricia B. Humphrey and Senate Executive Committee
Funding for Condoleezza Rice appearance at GSU, Patricia T. Price
Funding for Faculty Development, Research, and Service, Clara Krug
Funding for Professional Travel and Research, Clara Krug
Furlough, David Seaman
Furloughs, Laura Valeri
Further Exploring Processing Differences Between Geometric Shapes and Shape Words, Chelsea V. Scordas
Future of Internet Technologies, Daniel Pavlic, Mile Pavlic, and Vladan Jovanovic
Future Trends in Information Literacy Instruction: Lessons Learned from 13 Libraries, Kirsten N. Dean
Future Use of YearEnd Funds, Robert Costomiris
Fuzzy Logic and Speech Recognition Applications on Autonomous Vehicles, Earl Smith
GACE Mathematics Assessment (022, 023), Gregory Chamblee
Gait Biometrics: Basic Patterns, Role of Neurological Disorders and Effects of Physical Activity, Li Li and Matthew Holmes
Galaxy Wars: Star Formation and Stellar Populations in Interacting Galaxies, B. Smith, James L. Higdon, Sarah J.U. Higdon, and N. Bastian
GALILEO: Staying Afloat in the Digital Age, Pamela Y. McCreless
Gallai-Ramsey Number of An 8-Cycle, Jonathan Gregory
Game Design as a Complex Problem Solving Process, Mete Akcaoglu, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Charles B. Hodges, and Philipp Sonnleitner
Games of Disruptive Imagination and Business Strategies in Film, Graciela Tissera
Game Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access with Multi-radio and QoS Requirements, Danda B. Rawat and Sachin Shetty
Game Theoretic Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cloud-based Cognitive Radio Networks, Danda B. Rawat, Sachin Shetty, and Khurram Raza
Gaming Against Plagiarism (GAP): A Game-Based Approach to Illustrate Research Misconduct to Undergraduate Engineering Students, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
GARCH(1,1) with Sifted Gamma-distributed Errors, Alan C. Budd
Garden Week, Jeff Schmuki
Gas Phase Formation of Noble Gas Molecules, Jerry Filipek II
GECC recommends changes to Core Course approval, review, and assessment, Michelle Cawthorn
Gender and Policy Roles in Farm Household Diversification in Zambia, Mariana Saenz and Eric Thompson
Gender Disparities in Water, Sanitation and Global Health, Bethany A. Caruso, Varadan Sevilimedu, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Archana Patkar, and Kelly Baker
Gender Disparity in Professional City Management: Making the Case for Enhancing Leadership Curriculum, LeAnn Beaty and Trenton J. Davis
Generalized Inference Confidence Band for Binormal ROC Curve, Jingjing Yin and Lili Tian
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: An Integrated Approach, Laura Frost, S. Todd Deal, and Karen Timberlake
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Concise. Practical, Integrated, Laura Frost and S. Todd Deal
Gen Y's Addiction to Web 2.0: Problem or Strategy?, J. Lowell Mooney, Harry R. Wright Jr., and Leslee N. Higgins
Gen Z: Experiential Learning in the 21st Century, Sarah E. Huisman
Geolocation-aware Resource Management in Cloud Computing Based Cognitive Radio Networks, Danda B. Rawat, Sachin Shetty, and Khurram Raza
Geometric-Based Algorithm for a Full Row-Rank System Matrix Along Multiple Directions in DT, Igor Lutsenko
Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Program [2015], GAPBS
Georgia Coastal Plain Rivers: Leaf Litter Processing and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages, Vallie B. Collins II
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy Program [2015], Georgia International Conference on Information Lieracy
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy Program [2016], Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy
Georgia Southern SoTL Fellows 2015-2016: Approaches, Resources, & Obstacles to SoTL, Richard E. Cleveland, R. Laine Wilson Harris, Shainaz M. Landge, Aslihan Unal, and Claudia Cornejo Happel
Georgia Southern University 5% cutback communication, Devon Jensen
Georgia Southern University and the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Robert Costomiris
Georgia Southern University Fact Book, Georgia Southern University
Georgia Southern University Fact Book, Georgia Southern University
Georgia Southern University Fact Book, Georgia Southern University
Georgia Southern University's Relationship with Pro-Gun Lobby Groups, Scott Beck
Georgia Southern University Statement on Harassing and Threatening Behavior, David Dudley and Faculty Welfare Committee
Georgia v. Randolph, Rebecca Davis
GERA Conference Program [2016], Georgia Educational Research Association
Getting Blood from a Stone: Improving Using Educator Driven, Cost Effective, Meaningful Professional Development for Writing Teachers Using Digital Communities of Inquiry, Teresa Marie Kelly and Josef Vice
Getting Patients ACA Coverage, Access to Care, and Viral Suppression, Kathleen A. McManus, Anne Rhodes, Steven Bailey, Lauren Yerkes, Robert Rodney, Carolyn Engelhard, Karen Ingersoll, George Stukenborg, and Rebecca Dillingham
Getting Physical with IPads, tracy I. Robinson
Getting Ready for Open Enrollment: Supporting Clients Living with HIV, Juli Powers, Mira Levinson, and Naima Cozier
Getting Things Done: The AmeriWay; Exploring AmeriCorps as a Signature Program that Develops Civic Minded Service Leaders, Jen Welch, Megan Mitchell, Eric Russell, Khalin Johnson, and Exell Jackson
Giving Students’ Voice: Examining Transformational Methods to Engage Student Learning, Christina M. Gipson and Simone Stewart
Giving Voice to SoTL, Trent W. Maurer
Global Access Project, Annette Laing
Global Handwashing Day 2012: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Chinese Social Media Reaction to a Health Promotion Event, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Jingxian Cai, Yi Hao, Yuchen Ying, Benedict Shing Bun Chan, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, and King-Wa Fu
GLSO Health News: Health Screenings, Jeffery Jones
GLSO Health News: Visits to Physicians, Jeffery Jones
Go Big or They’ll Stay Home: Using Service-Learning to Reclaim the Moral and Societal Purpose of Education, Billy Osteen and Lane Graves Perry III
Going Public Abroad: The Dynamics of Return Spillovers in an Atypical International Cross Listing Case, Yaseen S. Alhaj-Yaseen, Eddery Lam, and John Barkoulas
Gold and Silver Nanoparticle Based Superquenching of Fluorescence: A Review, Debanjana Ghosh and Nitin Chattopadhyay
Golden Eggs versus Plastic Eggs: Hyperbolic Preferences and the Persistence of Debit, Amanda King and John King
Google Forms: A Real-Time Formative Assessment Approach for Adaptive Learning, Rami J. Haddad and Youakim Kalaani
Googling Academe, Timothy D. Giles, Angela Crow, and Janice R. Walker
Gorenstein Flat Preenvelopes, Alina Iacob
Gorenstein Injective Covers and Envelopes over Rings That Satisfy the Auslander Condition, Alina Iacob
Gorenstein Projective (Pre)Covers, Michael J. Fox
Gorenstein Projective (Pre)Covers, Micheal James Fox
Gorenstein projective precovers in the category of modules, Katelyn Coggins
Gorenstein Projective Resolvents, Edgar E. Enochs, Sergio Estrada, Alina Iacob, and Sinem Odabasi
Governance and Organizational Effectiveness: Toward a Theory of Government Performance, Laurence E. Lynn Jr. and Robbie W. Robichau
Governing the Restoration of Civil Rights for Ex-felons: An Evaluation of the Executive Clemency Board in Florida, Bryan Miller and Joseph Spillane
Grade Reporting within 48 hours, Robert Costomiris
Grading Scale, Michael Moore
Grading Smarter while Students Learn, Kent Divoll
Graduate Catalog, Georgia Southern University
Graduate Committee Minutes, Mary Jernigan
Graduate Committee Minutes, Audie Graham
Graduate Committee Minutes, Audie Graham
Graduate Committee Minutes, Audie Graham
Graduate Committee Minutes, Audie Graham
Graduate Committee Minutes, Audie Graham
Graduate Committee Minutes, Audie Graham
Graduate Faculty Status, Larry Mutter and David Allen
Graduation Rates for Student Athletes at Georgia Southern University., Marc D. Cyr
Grandparent Caregiving Among Rural African Americans in a Community in the American South: Challenges to Health and Wellbeing, Emmanuel Clottey, Alison Scott, and Moya L. Alfonso
Graphing Calculator Manual (11th Edition), Patricia B. Humphrey
Graphing Calculator Manual for the TI-83/84 Plus, TI-89, and TI-Nspire: Stats: Modeling the World 3rd Edition, Patricia B. Humphrey and John Diehl
Graphs Obtained from Collections of Blocks, Colton Magnant, Pouria Salehi Nowbandegani, and Hua Wang
Greedy Trees and Degree Sequences, Rachel Bass
Green, Gold, Uncle Sam, and information literacy., Seth Porter
Group-antimagic Labelings of Multi-cyclic Graphs, Dan Roberts and Richard M. Low
GrowingChange: Media Products as Therapy for Adjudicated Youth, Jason S. Hutchens
Growing Food Security: Food Pantry Gardens as Outdoor Classrooms, Brian Campbell, Emily McLendon, and Tessa Howard
Growing GKR: Increasing the Undergraduate Research Component, Debra G. Skinner
GSU Class Credit Given for High School Courses, Marc D. Cyr
Guides by the Side: The Role of Technical Services in Information Literacy Instruction, Ruth L. Baker and Jeffrey M. Mortimore
Guiding Principles Senate Committee Structure, Georgia Southern University and Senate Restructuring Task Force
Guiding Principle Task Force on Senate Restructuring, Georgia Southern University and Senate Restructuring Task Force
Gulf South Summit on Service Learning Program [2016], Gulf South Summit on Service-Learning
Gulf South Summit Program [2016], Gulf-South Summit
Guns, Gender, Geography: Exploring Reasons for Gun Ownership, Lauren N. Kadet
Guns on Campus 10-12-2011, Michelle Haberland
Guns on Campus 10-4-2011, Michelle Haberland
H.265 Video Traffic Prediction Using Neural Networks, Collin Daly
Habits of Mind in the classroom: Threshold Concepts, Instructional Philosophy, and SoTL, Alicia S. Hansen and Brad Petitfils Ph.D.
Hagin - Beasley Letters 1854-1895, Margie H. Barden, Dorothy H. Hope, and Margaret H. Prosser
Handling the Past: How 5th Grade Students Use Historical Documentaries to Affirm Racial Identity, Andrea D. Kiel
Hans Christian Andersen: Retellings of Fairy Tales, Kristen Flippo
Having a Voice in Authentic Engaged Partnerships: A Workshop for Community Partners, Cassie Simon, Josephine Pryce, and Vicky Carter
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI): The Perfect Storm has Arrived!, Rodney E. Rohde, Marilyn Felkner, Julie Reagan, Amber Mitchell, and Pat Tille
Healthcare Coordination and Transition for Individuals with Genetic Conditions, Sharon Romelczyk, Sharon Homan, Joseph Telfair, Gaurav Dave, Alisha Keehn, Deborah Maiese, and NCC Evaluation Workgroup
Health Departments’ Engagement in Emergency Preparedness Activities: The Influence of Health Informatics Capacity, Gulzar H. Shah, Bobbie J. Newell, and Ruth E. Whitworth
Health Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease and High Blood Pressure Among Adults in Rural Underserved Communities, William Amponsah, Marian M. Tabi, and Godfrey A. Gibbison
Health Informatics: It’s for All Business School Majors, Kevin Lee Elder, Ronald J. MacKinnon, and John N. Dyer
Health Insurer Market Power and Primary Care Consolidation, Christopher Brunt and John R. Bowblis
Health IT Adoption, Productivity and Quality in Primary Care, Christopher Brunt and John R. Bowblis
Health premiums are withheld from all ten of their paychecks, Clara Krug
Health Professionals’ Attitudes and Beliefs About Breastfeeding, Sharon Radzyminski and Lynn Clark Callister
Helping Future Natural Resources Professionals Make Informed Policy Decisions, Patricia J. Hartman and James J. Shepard
Helping STEM Students Find a Sense of Belongingness and Stay Excited about Their Studies, Margie L. Lewkowicz and Brooke Skelton
Helping Students Understand the "T" and "Q" in LGBTQ, George Darden and Jamie Lewis
Help Wanted: Advocating for Youth-At-Risk in Transition Using a Comprehensive Wellness Approach, Gregory Johnston, Amy L. Onofre, and Linn Walker
Henderson News 4.3, Ashley Lowery and Paolo P. Gujilde
Henderson News 4.4, Bede Mitchell, Clement Lau, Paolo Gujilde, and Jessica Williams
Hepatic Gene Expression in Pups Exposed to 2-aminoanthracene in Utero Indicative of Susceptibility to Metabolic Syndrome, Grant Barnett
Hepatitis C-HIV Coinfection and the Medical Home, Gregory S. Felzien MD AAHIVS
Heterogeneous Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio enabled Vehicular Networks Using Network Softwarization, Swetha R. Reddy
Hidden History and Context: Explaining the Rates of and Disparities in School Discipline Outcomes, Richard Welsh
High Impact Resistance Fibers from Poly-Dicyclopentadiene, Dhruv Barvaliya
High Power Diode-Side-Pumped 1 112-nm Nd:YAG Laser Based on Master-Oscillator Power-Amplifier System, Biaolong Liu, Zhichao Wang, Feng Yang, Zhimin Wang, Yong Bo, Hongtao Yuan, Lei Yuan, Baoshan Wang, Jialin Xu, Yading Guo, Qinjun Peng, Jing-yuan Zhang, Da-fu Cui, and Zuyan Xu
High-Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies, D. Farrah, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Henric W. W. Spoon, B. T. Soifer, Lee Armus, Bernhard Brandl, Vassilis Charmandaris, Vandana Desai, Sarah J.U. Higdon, D. Devost, and J. Houck
High Velocity Impact Properties Characterization of Nano-Phased Bi-Layered Body Armor, Sirajus Salekeen, Mohammad G. Kibria Khan, and Shaik Jeelani
His Name Is Alton, Susan Sanders-Sammons
Hispanohablantes en el mapa rural de Georgia: datos demográficos, uso de inglés y español y la necesidad de un estudio sobre prácticas lingüísticas en la región del Medio -Atlántico., Angela Pinilla-Herrera and Ana Hernández
History and Culture: Boarding Schools
History and Culture: Boarding Schools
History Comes to Life in the Cemetery! Teach 8th Grade History on a Field Trip to a Headstone…, Sarah R. Hartman
History of Bethel Baptist Church, Herman Nessmith, Roy Smith, and Paul Nessmith
HIV/AIDS: Adults and Adolescents, Pregnancy and the Newborn, Gregory S. Felzien MD AAHIVS
HIV Care in The Trenches—Observations from a University Student Health Center in Rural Georgia, Brian M. DeLoach MD
Holding it Together: Teaching Students to Revise for Coherence and Clarity, Amy England
Homestead, Jeff Schmuki
Honor Code Proposal, Georgia Southern University and Student Government Association
Honors @ Georgia Southern, University Honors Program Students and Staff, Georgia Southern University
Honors Students Reflecting on a Clinical Experience in Alternative Education, Erin Mikulec
Hopscotch Building: A Model for the Generation of Qualitative Research Designs, Iván M. Jorrín Abellán
How Are We Impacting Communities in Short-Term International Service Immersion Programs?, Eliza Wethey
How Data Functions: Classroom Practices and School Policy, Ashli Walker, Shara Cherniak, and Danelle Chamberlin
How Long Does that 10-Year Smoke Alarm Really Last? A Survival Analysis of Smoke Alarms Installed through the SAIFE Program in Rural Georgia, Haresh Rochani, Valamar Malika Reagon, and Steve Davidson
How many faculty (by college) have been denied tenure this year?, Annette Laing
How many faculty have been found to have altered student ratings of instruction forms during the past 10 years?, Michael Nielsen
How Socioeconomic Status, Institutional Characteristics and Institutional Expenditures Correlate With Student Retention at Baccalaureate Degree Granting Colleges and Universities, Julian Schmoke Jr., Ph.D.
How Teachers Can Use Storytelling in Classrooms to Enhance Literacy Skills, Chang'aa Mweti
How to Design a Course Integrating Service-Learning Projects in an Educational Technology Course: A Case Example?, HwaChoon Park
How to Maintain Good Faculty Members for the Advancement of Georgia Southern?, Ming Fang He
How to Make PBIS Work Effectively in Your Classroom, Courtney L. Mulkey, Sherry L. Ferguson, and Kim Neal
How/to whom would a revision of the schedule of class times be best addressed/accomplished?, James P. Braselton
How was the community representation on the Presidential Search Committee determined?, Kathleen M. Comerford
HSPM 6136 - Healthcare Management, Samuel T. Opoku
HSPM 7090A - Selected Topics in Health: Geographic Information Systems, Jeffery A. Jones
HSPM 7133A - Public Health Policy & Ethics, William A. Mase
HSPM 7135A - Public Health Policy Development & Evaluation, Jeffery A. Jones
HSPM 7137 - Healthcare Finance and Payment Systems, James H. Stephens
HSPM 7232 - Public Health Finance, Charles Owens
HSPM 7235A - Healthcare Law and Ethics, Julie Reagan
HSPM 7332 - Population Health, Bettye A. Apenteng
HSPM 7335 - Healthcare Operations Management, Linda Kimsey
HSPM 7336 - The Healthcare Supply Chain, David E. Schott
HSPM 7338 - Contemporary Issues in Healthcare, James H. Stephens
Hubble Space Telescope Morphologies of z ~ 2 Dust Obscured Galaxies. I. Power-Law Sources, R.S. Bussman, Arjun Dey, J. Lotz, Lee Armus, Kate Brand, Michael J. I. Brown, Vandana Desai, Peter Eisenhardt, James L. Higdon, Sarah J.U. Higdon, B. T. Jannuzi, Emeric Le Floc'H, J. Melbourne, B. T. Soifer, and Daniel Weedman
Hubert United Methodist Church - 120th Anniversary & Dedication of New Addition, 1877-1997, Bulloch County Historical Society
Human Cognition and Aesthetic Design in Pedagogy and Online Learning, Seth Porter
Humanities Professors’ Conceptions of Assessment in General Education, Chad Rohrbacher
Human Trafficking: Exploration of Best Practices for Restoration and Integration for Survivors in Southeastern United States, Joel D. Shafer Mr.
Human Trafficking: Legislation and Extent, Morgan Podczervinski
Humor in the Second-Language Classroom, Victor M. Durán
Hunter/Gatherer, Jeff Schmuki
I Can Stop Anytime I Want to but I Just Don't Want To (Substance Abuse Treatment for Resistant Youth), Jeremiah Hopes
Identifying Predictors of Unwanted Online Sexual Conversations among Youth Using a Low Self-Control and Routine Activity Framework, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, Rebecca Malinski, and David C. May
Identities through Time: An Exploration of Identity Change as a Cause of Desistance, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Ray Paternoster
Identity and Ostentation in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, David Withun
Ideology and Pedagogical Practices: The Case of the Direct Method and the French Educational System Model., Ali Alalou
Ideology Critique as a Course of Action in Educational Leadership, C. Gregg Jorgensen Ph.D., J.D.
I Learned It From Watching You! Librarians Teaching Librarians, Jordan P. Moore and Jennifer A. Townes
Imagen y percepción de la inmigración ecuatoriana en España: alternativa literaria, Jesús Calzas Millán
Images of Haiti: The Flawed Jewel of the Caribbean, Nigel James
Immediate Communication: Social Media, Safety and the New Norm, Hunter Chadwick
Immigrants from the Middle East, Steven A. Camarota
Immigrants from the Middle East, Steven A. Camarota
Immune Activation Influences the Trade-off between Thermoregulation and Shelter Use, George Todd
“I’m Not Reading That”: Understanding the Role Professional Reading in Teacher Education, Brandon L. Sams
Impact of Laws Aimed at Healthcare-Associated Infection Reduction: A Qualitative Study, Patrica W. Stone, Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz, Julie Reagan, Jacqueline A. Merrill, Brad Sperber, Catherine Cairns, Matthew Penn, Tara Ramanathan, Elizabeth Mothershed, and Elizabeth Skillen
Impacts of Prisons in Rural Communities: Economic and Social Factors, Ashleigh T. Rasheed
Implementing a Community Empowerment Center to Build Capacity for Developing, Implementing, and Sustaining Interventions to Promote Community Health, Stacy W. Smallwood, Darcy Freedman, Ronald Pitner, Patricia Sharpe, Jennie Ann Cole, Shanna Hastie, and Brittney Hunter
Implementing Number Talks in the Second Grade Mathematics Curriculum, Sandra Mazzolini
Implementing PBIS With Fidelity - One District's Journey, Leigh B. Sears, Chad Crumley, and Whitney Montesinos
Implications of Social Media Use in Personal and Professional Settings, Vladlena Benson and Stephanie Morgan
Importance of Book Publishing at GSU, Karl E. Peace
Improved Complexity Analysis of Full Nesterov–Todd Step Feasible Interior-Point Method for Symmetric Optimization, G. Q. Wang, L. C. Kong, J. Y. Tao, and Goran Lesaja
Improved Estimation of Optimal Cut-Off Point Associated with Youden Index Using Ranked Set Sampling, Jingjing Yin, Hani M. Samawi, and Daniel Linder
Improved Full-Newton-Step Infeasible Interior-Point Method for Linear Complementarity Problems, Goran Lesaja and Mustafa Ozen
Improving Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability of Commercial Insulation, Celine F. Manoosingh, James Mihelcic, and Manjriker Gunaratne
Improving Learning Outcomes in Large Environmental Science Classrooms through Short-Term Service-Learning Projects, J. Michelle Cawthorn, Lissa M. Leege, and Elizabeth Congdon
Improving Lexical Accuracy: Working with Collocations, Lucia I. Llorente
Improving Measurement of Ambiguity Tolerance Among Teacher Candidates, Kent Allan Rittschof
Improving Number Sense with Elementary Mathematics Teachers, Christopher Charlie Jett
Improving screening for problem behaviors among homeless children in Georgia, Marvin So, Luisita G. Agbayani, Mariel K. Gutierrez, and Josef T. Griffins
Improving Teacher Training, Recruitment, and Diversity in New York: ESI and NYC Men Teach, Richard Haynes, Paul Forbes, Harvey Chism, and Crystel Harris
Improving the commencement ceremony participant screening process, Mark Hanna
Improving the Effectiveness of Homework in an Accelerated Summer Courses through Classwork, Rami Haddad and Youakim Kalaani