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Let G be a connected graph and let w1,…wr be a list of vertices. We refer the choice of a triple (r;G;w1,…wr), as a metric selection. Let ρ be the shortest path metric of G. We say that w1,…wr resolves G (metricly) if the function c:V(G) → ℤr given by

x → (ρ (w1,x),…,ρ(wr,x))

is injective. We refer to c as the code map and to its image as the codes of the triple (r;G;w1,…,wr).

This paper proves basic results on the following questions:

  1. What sets can be the image of a code map?
  2. Given the image of a graph's code map, what can we determine about the graph?

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