Term of Award


Degree Name

Degree of Master of Arts in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Gary Dudley

Committee Member 1


Committee Member 2



This study compared 51 female and 1+2 male members of a health class at Georgia College on the Opinions About Mental Illness Scale (OMI), the Attitudes Toward Behavior Modification Scale, and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. Also, nine members of the professional staff at Central State Hospital completed the OMI and the Attitudes Toward Behavior Modifi¬ cation Scale. The students were divided into four groups: group one com¬ pleted a pre-test and took part in the hospital volunteer program; group two completed a pre-test but did not participate in the program; group three participated in the program; and group four did not participate in the program; all four groups completed a post-test on all three instruments subsequent to the hospital experience. It was predicted: (l) that the par¬ ticipant groups would show greater attitude change on the OMI, (2) that scores on the OMI would be correlated with scores on the Marlowe-Crowne scale, (3) that high scorers on the Marlowe-Crowne scale would also show greater attitude change on the OMI, and (u) that participants and non-par¬ ticipants would differ significantly on the Marlowe-Crowne scale. Only hy¬ pothesis four was supported, t(91)=1.81,£

OCLC Number



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