Term of Award

Spring 2016

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Art

Committee Chair

Onyile Onyile

Committee Member 1

Patricia Carter

Committee Member 2

Santanu Majumdar


Graphic design is a powerful tool, which has the power to shift perspective and create an impact. A recent shift in the design world has graphic designers using their skill sets to address complex social problems, to engage their audience in new ways that bring awareness to a social issue for the greater good of society. This thesis examines how graphic design collaboration ignites social change within a community and inspires transformation in human behavior. It explores how designing for the greater good impacts our society; and how these collaborative experiences improve the community and clients they serve. This thesis will also showcase how design can benefit the greater good through a multi-disciplinary design think-tank devoted to fostering experience by stimulating creativity through collaboration of students with actual clients.

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