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Georgia Southern Commons hosts 18 University-related journals and proceedings, 30 University-related conferences and events, undergraduate research from the Honors College and graduate research from the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies and more. Click on a link below to submit your research to an open call for submissions. In the case when a call for submissions is closed, you will be provided with an electronic form to contact the appropriate administrator for information about the publication or event.

Academic Units
Honors College
Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies
Conferences & Public Events
Conferences & Events
Honors College Theses
Active Journals
Inactive Journals
Open Educational Resources
Chemistry OER
Education OER
ESED 5234 - Master List
ESED 5234 - Summer 2016 List
History OER
Patent and Trademark Resource Center
PTRC Collections
PTRC Spreadsheets
Research @ Georgia Southern
CEC Research
Penland Lab
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Faculty Research
  • Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Student Research