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Georgia Southern Commons hosts 18 University-related journals and proceedings, 30 University-related conferences and events, undergraduate research from the Honors College and graduate research from the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies and more. Click on a link below to submit your research to an open call for submissions. In the case when a call for submissions is closed, you will be provided with an electronic form to contact the appropriate administrator for information about the publication or event.
- Academic Units
- Honors College
- Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies
- Awards
- Conferences & Public Events
Conferences & Events
- Active Conferences
- Inactive Conferences
- Honors College Theses
- Journals
Active Journals
- Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History
- Current Issues in Middle Level Education
- Curriculum Studies Collaborative Journal
- Georgia Educational Researcher
- Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Journal of Applied Marketing Theory
- Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association
- National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Journal
- Teaching Social Studies in the Peach State
- The Coastal Review: An Online Peer-reviewed Journal
- The Journal of Case Learning and Exceptional Learners
- Theory and Applications of Graphs
- Inactive Journals
- Patent and Trademark Resource Center
- Georgiavation
- PTRC Spreadsheets
- Research @ Georgia Southern
- CEC Research