Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing – Multidisciplinary Team Development and Operations

Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing – Multidisciplinary Team Development and Operations




Non-research Project / About SoTL


A multidisciplinary research team describes lessons learned through a SoTL study: identifying a research question, designing the study, collecting data, analyzing data, and presenting findings (Bishop-Clark and Dietz-Uhler). The team studied student engagement and analyzed a cohort of 30 FYE students. Session attendees will participate in active learning activities.


The team formed in Spring 2015 as a Faculty Learning Community of SoTL. Initial meetings focused on shared research interests, past research successes, and aspirational research goals.


The team engaged in lively discussion regarding potential inquiry which culminated in shared direction.


The team determined a timeline for the project with target benchmarks. An original research protocol for the pilot study was developed.


Student interviews were transcribed and a qualitative theme analysis conducted. An original coding rubric was developed. Presenters of this session will address the challenges and opportunities encountered in the process of carrying out SoTL projects in a multidisciplinary team, future directions for this continuing project, and share strategies that facilitated productive collaboration in this group. The journey taken by this multidisciplinary team as members moved through the stages of research development to implementation is presented using ‘The Blind Men and the Elephant’ analogy.

Session Format

Presentation Session


Room 218


Mar 30th, 3:00 PM Mar 30th, 3:45 PM

Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing – Multidisciplinary Team Development and Operations

Room 218

A multidisciplinary research team describes lessons learned through a SoTL study: identifying a research question, designing the study, collecting data, analyzing data, and presenting findings (Bishop-Clark and Dietz-Uhler). The team studied student engagement and analyzed a cohort of 30 FYE students. Session attendees will participate in active learning activities.


The team formed in Spring 2015 as a Faculty Learning Community of SoTL. Initial meetings focused on shared research interests, past research successes, and aspirational research goals.


The team engaged in lively discussion regarding potential inquiry which culminated in shared direction.


The team determined a timeline for the project with target benchmarks. An original research protocol for the pilot study was developed.


Student interviews were transcribed and a qualitative theme analysis conducted. An original coding rubric was developed. Presenters of this session will address the challenges and opportunities encountered in the process of carrying out SoTL projects in a multidisciplinary team, future directions for this continuing project, and share strategies that facilitated productive collaboration in this group. The journey taken by this multidisciplinary team as members moved through the stages of research development to implementation is presented using ‘The Blind Men and the Elephant’ analogy.