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The publications archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the College of Education.

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Submissions from 2013


Student Perceptions of Digital Storytelling as a Learning-Tool for Educational Leaders, Jason LaFrance and Jason Blizzard


Bridges are Made for Movement, Robert L. Lake


Sailing with Septima: A Curricular Journey Through the Jim Crow South, Robert L. Lake


Constructing a Community of Thought: Access Through Epistolary Understanding, Robert L. Lake and M. Cathrene Connery


Converging Self/Other Awareness: Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire on Transcending the Fear of Freedom, Robert L. Lake and Vicki Dagostino

The Cognitive Psychology of Multiple Text Comprehension: What Can Educators Garner from the Literature?, Tracy Linderholm


Taking Toll: The Impact of Sexual and Gender Harassment in the Lives of Middle and High School Students, Delores D. Liston and Regina Rahimi


Quantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science: A Learning Progression, Robert L. Mayes, Jennifer Forrester, Jennifer Cristus, Nissa Yestness, Franziska Peterson, and Rachel Bonilla

Complex Adaptive Systems and Quantitative Reasoning in an Interdisciplinary STEM Mathematics Classroom, Robert L. Mayes and Kania Greer


Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics and Science Education: Papers from an International STEM Research Symposium, Robert L. Mayes and Larry Hatfield

Teaching Math and Science in the Context of Energy and Climate: Building Students Quantitative Reasoning Skills and Scientific Understanding, Robert L. Mayes, J. Myers, and Mark Lyford


Quantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science: Learning Progression for 6th to 12th Grades, Robert L. Mayes and Franziska Peterson

Quantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science: Learning Progression for 6th to 12th Grades., Robert L. Mayes and Franziska Peterson


Quantitative Reasoning Learning Progressions for Environmental Science: Developing a Framework, Robert L. Mayes, Franziska Peterson, and Rachel Bonilla


Principals’ Perceptions of their Technology Leadership Preparedness, Wendy Metcalf and Jason LaFrance


Forced to Learn: Community-based Correctional Education, Ron Mottern, C. Amelia Davis, and Mary F. Ziegler


Employment Supports that Promote Job Attainment, Maintenance, and Advancement for People with Intellectual and Development Disabilities, Christine L. Nittrouer, Julie Pickens, and Karrie A. Shogren


Frames of Mind: Biblical Imagery, Positive Psychology of African Americans and Gullah Geechee Sea Island People and Their Culture, Fayth M. Parks

Promoting Social Justice and Empowerment in Northern Thailand’s Hill Tribe Villages, Fayth M. Parks


Psychotherapy with Members of Latino/Latina Religious and Spiritual Traditions, Fayth M. Parks, M. C. Zea, and M. A. Mason


Campus Conflicts: College Students' Perceptions of Heterosexism and Homophobia in Colleges and Universities, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

I Won’t Back Down: Counter-narratives of Visibility and Vulnerability in a Bleak House, William M. Reynolds

Liberation Theology and Paulo Freire: On the Side of the Poor, William M. Reynolds

Militainment and War: How Long Must We Sing This Song?, William M. Reynolds

The Era of Recruitment: The Militarization of Everything, William M. Reynolds

The Stubborn Persistence of Hope, William M. Reynolds


Examining the Role of Facilitated Conflict on Student Learning Outcomes in a Diversity Education Course, Sabrina N. Ross

The Politics of Politeness: Theorizing Race, Gender, and Education in White Southern Space, Sabrina N. Ross

Using student questions to drive learning or the physics of the Hulk’s Jump…., Heather C. Scott


K-12 Online Learning Environments and Training Needs for School Psychology Practioners, Dawn Tysinger, Jeffrey A. Tysinger, Terry D. Diamanduros, and Kathryn Kennedy


Accreditation of Graduate Online Degree Programs in a College of Education, Cordelia Zinskie, Judi Repman, and Elizabeth Downs

Submissions from 2012

An Examination of Educational Leadership Program Field Experiences in K-12 Virtual Schools, Dennis Beck and Jason LaFrance


Is Concrete a Rock?, Katie L. Brkich


QR Codes 101, H. Crompton, Jason LaFrance, and M. Van't Hoof


"A play is not a journal article:” A review of Johnny Saldaña’s Ethnotheatre: Research from Page to Stage, C. Amelia Davis


My Sister, Our Stories: Exploring the Lived Experience of School Leavers through Narrative and Poetics, C. Amelia Davis and Jennifer L. Pepperell


Theoretical Perspectives of Male Sexual Abuse: Conceptualization of a Case Study, Terry D. Diamanduros, Clare E. Cosetino, and Dawn Tysinger


Developing a Research Framework for Investigating the Transparency of ePortfolios, Elizabeth Downs, Judi Repman, and Kenneth Clark


Pregnant Pedagogy, Julie C. Garlen


Baby Culture and the Curriculum of Consumption: A Critical Reading of the Film Babies, Julie C. Garlen, Jennifer A. Sandlin, and Jonel Thaller


Examination of Factors Impacting Student Satisfaction with a New Learning Management System, Lucy Santos Green, Fethi A. Inan, and Bree Denton


Integrating Technology in Content Methods Courses: A Co-Teaching Experience, Lucy Santos Green, Kathryn Kennedy, Karen D. Chassereau, and Amanda Evans


Social Networking Postings: Views from School Principals, Marlynn M. Griffin and Robert L. Lake


Implications of Interactive Whiteboards Research for the Mathematics Classrooms, Jeffrey Hall, Gregory Chamblee, and Scott Slough


Secondary Mathematics Teachers and IWB: Pedagogical and Practice Changes, Jeffrey S. Hall and Gregory Chamblee


Overview and Acknowledgements, Larry Hatfield and Robert L. Mayes

A Web-Enhanced, Case-Based Instruction Model in Student Teaching, Jackie HeeYoung Kim


Dropping Out of High School: The Role of 3D Alice Programming Workshop, Jackie HeeYoung Kim


Emotion Regulation in Online Learning Environments, Jackie HeeYoung Kim


Self-Regulation and the Mental Representation-Based Task Analysis: A Case Study in a Web-Based Course, Jackie HeeYoung Kim


Introduction, Ming Fang He and Sabrina N. Ross


One Tool: One College: Georgia Southern University's College of Education iPad Project, Charles B. Hodges, Kenneth Clark, Elizabeth Downs, Judi Repman, Randal Carlson, Kathryn Kennedy, Stephanie Jones, and Lucy Santos Green


Preservice Teachers' Views of Instructor Presence in Online Courses, Charles B. Hodges and S. Forrest Cowan

Learner Self-Efficacy Beliefs in a Computer-Intensive Asynchronous College Algebra Course, Charles B. Hodges and R. Caroline Jones


The Evolution of ePortfolios for School Library Education: A Case Study, Stephanie Jones, Elizabeth Downs, and Judi Repman


Transforming Collaboration: Student Learning-Anytime, Anywhere, Stephanie Jones and Lucy Santos Green


Preparing Education Professionals for K-12 Online Learning, Kathryn Kennedy, Dawn Tysinger, Jason LaFrance, and Carrie Bailey


Effects of an Emotion Control Treatment on Academic Emotions, Motivation and Achievement in an Online Mathematics Course, ChanMin Kim and Charles B. Hodges


Reigniting Radical Hope and Social Imagination in "Dark Times", Tricia M. Kress and Robert L. Lake


Student Perceptions of Wikipedia as a Learning Tool for Educational Leaders, Jason LaFrance and Daniel W. Calhoun


Federal Government in the Governance of Schools Through Various Initiatives, such as No Child Left Behind, Improved Public Education?, Jason LaFrance and L. Chance


Society, Standards, and Technology Leadership Preparation, Jason LaFrance and Wendy Metcalf


Affirmation, Incubation, and Metaphoric Connection: A Journey Through Your Books, Robert L. Lake


Imagination, Play and Becoming the Text, Robert L. Lake


Letters as Windows Into a Life of Praxis: Using the Epistolary Genre to Explore the Tensions Between the Private Self and Public Action, Robert L. Lake


Looking Deeper than the Gradebook: Assessing Cultural Diversity Attitudes Among Undergraduates, Robert L. Lake and Kent Allan Rittschof


On the Cognitive Benefits of Cultural Experience: Exploring the Relationship between Studying Abroad and Creative Thinking, Christine S. Lee, David J. Therriault, and Tracy Linderholm


The Accuracy of Metacomprehension Judgments: The Biasing Effect of Text Order, Tracy Linderholm, Xuesong Wang, David J. Therriault, Qin Zhao, and Laura Jakiel


Exploring the Science Framework: Making Connections in Math with the Common Core State Standards, Robert Mayes and Thomas R. Koballa Jr.


Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematical Modeling: A Driver for STEM Integrated Education and Teaching in Context, Robert L. Mayes and Larry Hatfield


Exploring the Science Framework: Making connections in math with the Common Core Standards, Robert L. Mayes and Thomas R. Koballa


Exploring the Science Framework: Making connections in math with the Common Core Standards, Robert L. Mayes and Thomas R. Koballa


Quantitative Reasoning in Context, Robert L. Mayes ., Franziska I. Peterson, and Rachel Bonilla


Quantitative Reasoning: Perspective from STEM Faculty, Robert L. Mayes and Bryan Shader


Heavy Lifting by Humanitarian Work Psychology [Review of the book Humanitarian Work Psychology], Fayth M. Parks

A Curriculum of Critical Compassion, William M. Reynolds

Fast Spinning in the Middle: Running toward Social Justice within the Culture of Cruelty, William M. Reynolds

The Iron Man Nation: Democracy and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds


The Way of the Soldier—Jarheads and Hurt Lockers: Perpetual War, Identity, and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

Why Popular Culture in Education Matters, William M. Reynolds

Ethical Caring in Cultural Context, Sabrina N. Ross


Consuming Pedagogies: Controlling Images of Women as Consumers in Popular Culture, Jennifer A. Sandlin and Julie C. Garlen

The Hunger Games & Genetic Engineering, Heather C. Scott

(Re) Configuring the Public University in New Times: A Report to the Provost of Georgia Southern University, John A. Weaver, Brenda Marina, M. Morris, M. He, M. Moore, and J. Green

Submissions from 2011


Investigating Peer Review as an Intentional Learning Strategy to Foster Collaborative Knowledge-Building in Students of Instructional Design, Jennifer M. Brill and Charles B. Hodges


Corporatizing Sports: Fantasy Leagues, the Athlete as Commodity and Fans as Consumers, Daniel Chapman and John A. Weaver


It’s Not Better or Worse, It’s Just Different.’: Examining Jamaican Teachers’ Pedagogical and Emotional Experiences During Their First Year of Teaching in the Us, Dionne I. Cross, Ji Hong, and Meca Williams-Johnson


Creating a Safe School Environment: How to Prevent Cyberbullying at Your School, Terry D. Diamanduros and Elizabeth Downs

Tools of the Trade: Cyberbullying Resources, Terry D. Diamanduros and Elizabeth Downs

Integration of Student-Generated Vidcasts into English Language Learner K-12 Classrooms, Lucy Santos Green, Fethi A. Inan, and Nancy J. Maushak


An Examination of Interactive Whiteboard Perceptions using the Concerns-Based Adoption Model Stages of Concern and the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Model of Instructional Evolution, Jeffrey S. Hall, Gregory Chamblee, and Scott Slough


An Investigation of Six Online Learning Stages in E-Learning, Jackie HeeYoung Kim


Researching online teaching pedagogy through an action research community of practice, Jackie HeeYoung Kim


Determining the Effectiveness of the 3D Alice Programming Workshop for At-risk High School Students, Jackie HeeYoung Kim, Patricia Wachholz, Wendy J. Marshall, and Bill Harris

New and Emerging Data Visualization Tools, Charles B. Hodges


Communicating Mathematics on the Internet: Synchronous and Asynchronous Tools, Charles B. Hodges and Gail M. Hunger


Online Teaching: Perceptions of Faculty at a Research University, Charles B. Hodges, Raleigh Way, and Sonya S. Shepherd


From Generation Y to Z: Instructional Strategies for 21st Century Learners, Stephen J. Jenkins, Terry D. Diamanduros, and Elizabeth Downs


Mentoring in Support of Reform-Based Science Teaching, Thomas R. Koballa Jr. and Leslie U. Bradbury


Examination of the Fidelity of School-wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation and its Relationship to Academic and Behavioral Outcomes in Florida, Jason LaFrance