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The publications archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development.
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Submissions from 2017
Reporting Behaviors of Faculty and Staff to a Campus Behavior Assessment Team, Kerry Greenstein and Daniel Calhoun
“You Can Sort of Feel It:” Exploring Metacognition and the Feeling of Knowing Among Undergraduate Students, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Pamela Wells, C. Amelia Davis, and Jason Parker
Effects of Role-Play for Problem-Solving Skills and Engagement in Online Forums, Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Book Review: New Directions in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Research: Multiple Perspectives by Myint Swe Khine, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Professional Development for Technology Integration Into Differentiated Math Instruction, Jackie Hee-Young Kim, Ardyth Foster, and Moon-Heum Cho
Commentary: Response of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education to an Interview with Joseph South Regarding the Preparation of Educators to Evaluate the Efficacy of Educational Technology, Charles B. Hodges, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, and Arlene C. Borthwick
Self-Efficacy: A Rationale for Badging in Learning Contexts, Charles B. Hodges and Rachel S. Harris
Counseling people Living with HIV/AIDS, Brandon Hunt
Multicultural Counseling Competence, Candace N. Park and Kristen Dickens
Let’s keep taming the plague: The ongoing struggle of citizens, science, and AIDS, Fayth M. Parks
Building blocks for information literacy, Judi Repman, Randal D. Carlson, and Elizabeth Downs
Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses: Considerations for Graduate Preparatory Programs in Higher Education, Steven Tolman
The Effects of a Roommate-Pairing Program on International Student Satisfaction and Success, Steven Tolman
Submissions from 2016
Game Design as a Complex Problem Solving Process, Mete Akcaoglu, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Charles B. Hodges, and Philipp Sonnleitner
Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology, Glen Bull, Ann D. Thompson, Denise Schmidt-Crawford, Joe Garofalo, Charles B. Hodges, J. Michael Spector, Richard E. Ferdig, Dave Edyburn, and Kinshuk
Mindfulness in K–12 Education: School Counselor Connections, Richard E. Cleveland
The Effects of a Cross-Age Peer Mentoring Program on School Connectedness with Rural Populations, Sarah Elizabeth Cravey Kraus and Richard E. Cleveland
Counselor Education Doctoral Students' Experiences with Multiple Roles and Relationships, Kristen Dickens, Christine H. Ebrahim, and Barbara Herlihy
Supporting Metacognitive Awareness and Strategy Use Through Digital Photography in a Rural Title I School, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Mete Akcaoglu, and Wendy L. Chambers
The Effect of Precommitment on Student Achievement Within a Technology-Rich Project-Based Learning Environment, Qiang Hao, Rob Branch, and Lucas Jensen
Meeting Challenges in Active Learning: Guidelines for Professional Development of a Flipped Classroom Modeljhkim, Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Pedagogical Approaches to Media Literacy Education in the United States, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
The Effects of Online Peer Tutoring on Motivation and Higher Mental Operation in Online Discussion, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Teacher Self-Efficacy During the Implementation of a Problem-Based Science Curriculum, Charles B. Hodges, Jessica Gale, and Alicia Meng
Toward Broader Definitions of “Video Games”: Shifts in Narrative, Player Goals, Subject Matter, and Digital Play Environments, Lucas J. Jensen, Daisyane Barreto, and Keri Valentine
A Professional Development Framework for the Flipped Classroom Model: Design and Implementation of a Literacy and Math Integrated Professional Development Initiative, Anne Katz, Tricia Muldoon Brown, and Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Commandment Keeper Church, Fayth M. Parks
Chapter 8: Relationships with Other Professionals, C. Robinson and Brandon B. Hunt
Introduction to the Special Issue: Resident Assistants in College and University Housing., Deborah J. Taub, Robert Bradely Johnson, and Daniel W. Calhoun
Jamming Econo: The Phenomenon of Perspectival Shifts in Indie Video Games, Keri Duncan Valentine and Lucas J. Jensen
Submissions from 2015
Connecting Game and Instructional Design Through Development, David Matthew Boyer, Mete Akcaoglu, and Silvia Pernsteiner
Utilizing Online Learning Communities in Student Affairs, Daniel W. Calhoun and Lucy Santos Green
How to get the most out of attending a national convention, Daniel W. Calhoun and Jason Laker
Creating a Safe School Environment: How to Prevent Cyberbullying at Your School, Terry D. Diamanduros and Elizabeth Downs
Addressing Relational Aggression in Schools through Collaboration, Terry D. Diamanduros, Jeffrey A. Tysinger, and Dawn Tysinger
Training Students to Provide Grief Counseling, Michael D. Hannon and Brandon Hunt
Using Google Tools for Online Coursework: Student Perceptions, Rachel S. Harris and Charles B. Hodges
E-Textbooks as a Classroom Tool, Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Blended Learning in Teacher Education: Uncovering its Transformative Potential for Teacher Preparation Programs, Jackie Hee-Young Kim, Danilo M. Baylen, Amy Leh, and Lijia Lin
How a Once-rejected Grant Proposal Was Later Funded by The State of Georgia, Jackie HeeYoung Kim and Moon-Heum Cho
Professional Development Tools and Technologies, Charles B. Hodges
Replication Studies in Educational Technology, Charles B. Hodges
More Than a Vacation: Exploring the Impact of Reentry for International Sojourners, Katie Kostohryz, Pamela Wells, Cristen C. Wathen, and David Wilson
Writing Stories in the Sciences, Eunbae Lee and John C. Maerz
Autonomy Support for Online Students, Eunbae Lee, Joseph A. Pate, and Deanna Cozart
Leveraging the Design and Development of Multimedia Presentations for All Learners, Lijia Lin, Amy Leh, Jackie HeeYoung Kim, and Danilo M Baylen
In Search of Quality: Using Quality Matters to Analyze the Quality of Massive, Open, Online Courses (MOOCs), Patrick R. Lowenthal and Charles B. Hodges
Preparing Candidates for Practice within K-12 Online Learning Environments: An Application to the Graduate Preparation Domains, Dawn Tysinger, Terry D. Diamanduros, and Jeffrey A. Tysinger
Submissions from 2014
Learning Problem-Solving through Making Games, Mete Akcaoglu
“I see smart people!”: Using Facebook to supplement cognitive and affective learning in the university mass lecture, Nicholas David Bowman and Mete Akcaoglu
Exploring the gender identity roles of Calhoun 25 entry-level men in student affairs, Daniel W. Calhoun and Deborah J. Taub
Mentor Relationships for Entry-Level Men in Student Affairs, Daniel W. Calhoun and Deborah J. Taub
Perceptions of Mentoring: Examining the Experiences of Women Superintendents, Scarlett Copeland and Daniel W. Calhoun
Cyberbullying: Georgia Southern University School Psychology Students' Action Research Projects, Terry D. Diamanduros, Jeffrey A. Tysinger, and Dawn Tysinger
School Librarians and Music Educators: A Concert for Student Success, Lucy Santos Green
Through the Looking glass: Examining Technology Integration in School Librarianship, Lucy Santos Green
School Librarians and Music Educators: Unique Interdisciplinary Partnerships, Lucy Santos Green and Brad Green
Mobile App Selection for 5th through 12th Grade Science: The Development of the MASS Rubric, Lucy Santos Green, Richard P. Hechter, P. Dawn Tysinger, and Karen D. Chassereau
A Case Study: The Role of Student-Generated Vidcasts in K-12 Language Learner Academic Language and Content Acquisition, Lucy Santos Green, Fethi A. Inan, and Nancy J. Maushak
Instructional Partners in Digital Library Learning Spaces, Lucy Santos Green and Stephanie Jones
Apple’s iBooks Author: Potential, Pedagogical Meanings, and Implementation Challenges, Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Competence in Solving Problems and Blended Learning Environment in Student Teaching, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
iBooks Author: Potential, Pedagogical Meanings, and Implementation Challenges, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
A Flipped Classroom Professional Development Initiative of Mathematizing Reading Instruction for Primary and Elementary Grade Mathematics Teachers, Jackie Hee-Young Kim, Anne Katz, Joshua K. Lambert, and Trica Brown
The Port Lesson: Grade 5 Mathematics Modeling for a Local Context, Charles B. Hodges, Edie R. Hipchen, and Traci Newton
Self-Efficacy for Learning Mathematics Asynchronously: Instrument Refinement and the Relationship to Mathematics Achievement, Charles B. Hodges, R. Caroline Jones, and Alyssa H. Prater
Teacher Self-Efficacy and the Implementation of a Problem-Based Science Curriculum, Charles B. Hodges, Alicia Meng, Mike Ryan, Marion Usselman, Beth Kostka, Jessica Gale, and Anna Newsome
Technologies on the Horizon: Teachers Respond to the Horizon Report, Charles B. Hodges and Alyssa H. Prater
Innovative Partnerships: Exploring School Librarianship through a Global Lens, Melissa P. Johnston and Lucy Santos Green
Examining the Flipped Classroom Model through Literacy and Math Integration: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Quality Professional Development Grant Initiative, Anne Katz and Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Collaborative Models for Librarian and Teacher Partnerships, Kathryn Kennedy and Lucy Santos Green
Mapping the Terrain: Educational Leadership Field Experiences in K-12 Virtual Schools, Jason LaFrance and Dennis Beck
Awakening the Muse: Creativity and Trauma, Fayth M. Parks
Online Credit Recovery: Benefits and Challenges, Teri Pettyjohn and Jason LaFrance
Interactivity is just the beginning: Administrative and support issues for web based programs, Judi Repman, Randal D. Carlson, Elizabeth A. Downs, and Kenneth Clark
The Role of the School Psychologist in K-12 Online and Blended Learning Environments, P. Dawn Tysinger, Jeffrey A. Tysinger, and Terry D. Diamanduros
Student Affairs Professionals’ Perceptions of Campus Incivility, Amy J. Zieziula and Daniel Calhoun
Submissions from 2013
Stories, Struggles, and Strategies: International Students and Faculty Job Searches, Danilo M. Baylen, Jackie HeeYoung Kim, Seungoh Paek, and Ugur Kale
Skills and perceptions of entry level staff supervision, Daniel W. Calhoun and Roger Mitch Nasser Jr.
A Winning Formula: Lessons from RTT-D Round 1 Winners, Resources for Round 2 Applicants, T. Clark, Lisa Hibbard, Kathryn Kennedy, Jason LaFrance, K. Oliver, and B. Swan
Building ePortfolio Development throughout an Online Graduate Program, Elizabeth Downs, Stephen J. Jenkins, Stephanie Jones, and Kenneth Clark
Evidence-Based Learning: Threading e-Portfolio Development throughout an Online Graduate Program, Elizabeth Downs, Stephen Jenkins, and Judi Repman
Language Learning through a Lens: The Case for Digital Storytelling in the Second Language Classroom, Lucy Santos Green
Revisiting Digital Video as a Technology Tool for Guided Inquiry, Lucy Santos Green
Where Technology and Science Collide: A Co-Teaching Experience between Middle Grades Science Methods and Instructional Technology Faculty, Lucy Santos Green, Kathryn Kennedy, Karen D. Chassereau, and Martha Schriver
Effects of Using Online Forum for Problem-Solving Skills and Collaborative Construction of Knowledge in Student Teaching, Jackie Hee-Young Kim
Coping Together: Collective Self-Regulation in a Web-Based Course, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Effective Blended Instruction: Learning to Overcome Challenges, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Transforming traditional lectures into Web-based learning: A model of constructivist learning environments (CLEs), Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Transforming Traditional Lectures Into Web-based Learning: a Model of Constructivist Learning Environments (CLES), Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Types of Blended Instructions: Different Approach to Different Mix, Jackie HeeYoung Kim
Suggestions for the Design of e-Learning Environments to Enhance Learner Self-Efficacy, Charles B. Hodges
Beyond One-Shot Workshops: Three Approaches to STEM Teacher Professional Development, Charles B. Hodges, Michael Grant, and Drew Polly
Improving College Students' Attitudes toward Mathematics, Charles B. Hodges and ChanMin Kim
Teachers' Beliefs on Emerging Technologies in the Classroom, Charles B. Hodges and Alyssa H. Prater
Teachers Comment on the Horizon Report, Charles B. Hodges and Alyssa H. Prater
Online Teaching: Recent Perceptions of Faculty at a Doctoral Research University, Charles B. Hodges, Raleigh Way, and Sonya S. Shephard
Trends and Issues in Distance Education: International Perspectives, Jason LaFrance
Student Perceptions of Digital Storytelling as a Learning-Tool for Educational Leaders, Jason LaFrance and Jason Blizzard
Principals’ Perceptions of their Technology Leadership Preparedness, Wendy Metcalf and Jason LaFrance