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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the School of Human Ecology.

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Submissions from 2015

Self-determination theory as a predictor of students’ motivation and academic performance, Deborah Allen, Trent W. Maurer, Delena Gatch, Diana Sturges, and Padmini Shankar


Transformational Learning: the Connection Between Student Transitions and Growth, Nikki DiGregorio, Amanda J. Rich, Caitlin E. Bailey, and Kelley J. Perkins

Assessing and Facilitating Learning in the Family Science Classroom: An Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy, Nikki DiGregorio, Bahira Sherif Trask, and Barbara H. Settles

Exploring Early Childhood Teachers' Practices to Support Social Emotional Development and Skills, Katy Gregg and L. Richards

Enhancing Executive Function and Regulation Skills, Alice Hall


The “How and Why” of Using Positive Guidance With Children, Alice Hall

Working With Diverse Populations, Alice Hall

Analyzing and Modifying Activities for Children: A Collaborative Approach (Intermediate, I & II), Jerri J. Kropp, Brent Wolfe, and Keeli M. Rigdon


Exploring Student Responses to Learning Organic Nomenclature Topic Using a Visual Analogy Versus Traditional Lecture, Shainaz Landge, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, and Shannon Rhodes


Guidelines for authorship credit and order in collaborative faculty-student SoTL projects, Trent W. Maurer

Do you speak SoTL?, Trent W. Maurer and Nancy M. Arrington


A Content Analysis of Online Retailers' use of Environmental Claims in Apparel Product Descriptions., Beth Myers


The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: The why and the how, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer


Self-Determination Theory as a Predictor of Students’ Motivation and Academic Performance, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar

Fundamentals of Leadership for Emergency Service Managers, Julie Swantek and John Peden


The Influence of Group Development on Stress Appraisal and Coping Responses of Expedition Trip Leaders, Julie Swantek and John Peden

Technology Matters: The Meaningful Integration of Technology into Preschool Classrooms, Dina Walker-Devose PhD, T. Lee, Jessica DeLaigle, Lauren Eades, and L. Johnson


Violence towards Tanzanians with Albinism: A CHW Program to Improve Awareness and Prevent Discrimination, K. Waller, John Peden, and Jeffrey Carithers

Inclusion and Accessibility: Myths vs. Reality, Brent Wolfe

Leading Activities and Engaging Participants, Brent Wolfe

The Importance of Licensure in Recreational Therapy, Brent Wolfe

What is Recreational Therapy?, Brent Wolfe

What is Recreational Therapy?, Brent Wolfe

Is It Time to Move to a Master’s Degree for Entry-Level Recreational Therapy Positions?, Brent Wolfe and D. DeVries

Students, Welcome to ATRA!, Brent Wolfe and Keeli M. Rigdon


Situational Influences on Experiences of Long Trail Hikers: an Application of Means-End Theory, Justin Yun and John Peden


Developmental Trajectories Among Emerging Adult Men and Women, Jennifer Zorotovich


Five Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood: a Comparison Between Students, Nonstudents, and College Graduates, Jennifer Zorotovich


Subjective Social Status and Positive Indicators of Well-being Among Emerging Adults, Jennifer Zorotovich

Submissions from 2014


Blogging about Service-Learning Experiences, Helen D. Barrett, Trent W. Maurer, and Jerri J. Kropp

Same-Sex Marriage Policies and Lesbian Family Life, Nikki DiGregorio


Navigating Professional Personalization Within Family Science, Nikki DiGregorio, Joshua Titus, and Barbara H. Settles


Exploring Student Commitment to Use Peer Advice, Delena Gatch and Trent W. Maurer


Acting or Reacting?: Creating High Quality Supportive Environments to Prevent Challenging Behaviors, Katy Gregg

Data Collection in Qualitative Research, Katy Gregg


Tier 1 of the Pyramid Model – Acting or Reacting: Creating High Quality Supportive Environments to Enhance Social Emotional Development, Katy Gregg

Exploring the relationship between the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) and teacher self-efficacy, Katy Gregg, Caitlyn Cofer, Emily Urbanski, and John Peden


Tier 1 of the Pyramid Model – Acting or Reacting: Creating High Quality Supportive Environments to Enhance Social Emotional Development - Part 1 of 2, Katy Gregg and Courtney May

Children’s Perceptions of Summer Day Camp Program Staff, Alice Hall and Alexius Coleman


Aligning Best Practices in Antibias Education and Inclusion With Internships and Field Placements in Higher Education, Alice Hall, Katy Gregg, and Sharleen Espinet

Preschool Methods: An Evaluation of Laboratory School, Alice Hall and John Peden

Comparison of Student Learning Outcomes: Online Section vs. Face-to-Face Section, S. Hunter and Jennifer Zorotovich

Using Multiple Modalities to Engage Students in a Freshman Honors Course, Jerri J. Kropp, Helen D. Barrett, K. Mahoney, and Mikaela Shupp

The Effects of Animal-assisted Therapy in Various Settings, Jerri J. Kropp and Mikaela Shupp


Assessing an elaborate visual analogy in an undergraduate chemistry course, Shainaz Landge, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, and Shannon Rhodes

Course valuing, approaches to study and academic performance: The case of undergraduate Construction Management classes, Marcel Maghiar, Diana Sturges, and Trent W. Maurer


Course Valuing, Approaches to Study and Academic Performance: The Case of Undergraduate Construction Management Classes, Marcel Maghiar, Diana Sturges, and Trent W. Maurer

Exploring Student Commitment to Use Peer Advice, Kyle M. Mahoney, Trent W. Maurer, and Delena Bell Gatch

Exploring Student Commitment to Use Peer Advice, Kyle M. Mahoney, Trent W. Maurer, and Delena Bell Gatch

Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning in financial literacy education, Trent W. Maurer

Reducing prejudice through a classroom activity using the Bogardus Social Distance Scale: Meaningful change or conformity?, Trent W. Maurer

Using SoTL as a bridge for interdisciplinary undergraduate research, Trent W. Maurer


The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Who, what, when, where, why, and how?, Trent W. Maurer, Diana Sturges, Nancy M. Arrington, and Hsiu-Lien Lu


The Role of Cause Involvement, Attitude Toward Cause-related Marketing and Perceived Motivations in Predicting Consumers’ Intentions to Participate in a CRM Campaign, Beth Myers


A Service Learning Partnership for Wilderness Education in Coastal Georgia, John Peden, Monica Harris, Phillip Brice, James Fritz, Kristin Love, Mady Russell, Julie Swantek, and Scott Waters


Assessing a “mail man” analogy to understand nomenclature topic in organic chemistry course, Shannon Rhodes, Shainaz Landge, Diana Sturges, and Trent W. Maurer

Globalization and Family Science: Assessing Students’ Aptitude for Social Change, Amanda J. Rich, Nikki DiGregorio, and Caitlin E. Bailey


Inclusive Same-sex Marriage Research: An Integrative Theoretical Model, Barbara H. Settles, Nikki DiGregorio, and Amanda J. Rich

Down Home: Understanding the Legacy of Property Rights, Spoiled Water Quality, Poverty, and Lax Regulation for Families in Appalachia, Barbara H. Settles, Nikki DiGregorio, and Joshua Titus

Expanding our understanding of visitor displacement: Voluntary and involuntary. Does the difference matter?, Bill Spain, Steven Burr, Dale Blahna, Jascha Zeitlin, and John Peden

Study guides in Human Anatomy and Physiology and students’ perceptions and academic performance, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer

Students’ academic motivation and grade estimation accuracy in a Human Anatomy and Physiology class, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar


Students’ Academic Motivation and Grade Estimation: Should We Care?, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar

Becoming a Better Recreational Therapist: Four Strategies for Success, Brent Wolfe

Facilitator Training, Brent Wolfe

Recreation Therapy Education on Licensure and Developing a State-Wide Recreation Therapy Organization, Brent Wolfe


Differences Among Emerging Adults: A Replication and Extension of Amato’s (2011) Work, Jennifer Zorotovich, Patricia N.E. Roberson, and Kristin Anders

Submissions from 2013

Students’ academic motivations in a graduate nursing program, Debbie Allen, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar

Students’ academic motivations in a graduate nursing program, Deborah Allen, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar


Students’ academic motivations in a graduate nursing program, Deborah Allen, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar


Mirrors, Movement and More!: Learning Centers in the Infant Classroom, Raina Chance and Katy Gregg

Motivation and Adults with Physical Disabilities: Factors That Increase Participation in Competitive Sports, S. Curry and Brent Wolfe

Data Collection and Analysis: An Introduction, A. Davis and Katy Gregg

Expanding the Counterstory: The Potential for Critical Race Methods Studies in Education, J. DeCuir-Gunby and Dina Walker-Devose PhD


Business Traveler Behavior after the Great Recession, H. Leslie Furr, Mark A. Bonn, and John Peden


The Impact of the Recent Recession Upon Tourism Behavior, H. Leslie Furr, Mark A. Bonn, and John Peden


Defining Quality and Inclusion: Listening to the Voices of Children, Families and Practitioners, Katy Gregg


Increasing Research Productivity Through Undergraduate Directed Studies, Katy Gregg

Riding the Tidal Waves of Emotions: Creating Supportive Environments to Prevent Challenging Behaviors, Katy Gregg

Data Collection and Analysis With IRB-approved Data Sets, Katy Gregg and April Schueths


Creating an Anti-Bias Curriculum, Alice Hall

Learn How to Increase Diversity Awareness and Reduce Prejudice, Alice Hall

Make Dramatic Play More Than Home Living, Alice Hall


The Benefits of Medical Play With Preschoolers: Reducing Fears and Increasing Knowledge and Coping Skills, Jerri J. Kropp

Scaffolded research in FYE Honors course, Jerri J. Kropp and Trent W. Maurer


Course Design in an Integrated First-Year Honors Sequence: Service Learning, Scaffolded Research, & Faculty Collaboration, Jerri J. Kropp and Trent W. Maurer


Illustrating Prejudice and Discrimination with a Class Activity on the Bogardus Social Distance Scale, Trent W. Maurer


Teaching Financial Literacy with Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning [POGIL], Trent W. Maurer

The impact of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique on course evaluations, Trent W. Maurer


The Impact of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique on Course Evaluations, Trent W. Maurer and Jerri J. Kropp

Improving reading compliance and quiz scores through the use of reading guides, Trent W. Maurer and Judith Longfield

Sustainability Forum, John Peden