This collection features presentations by current and former faculty and staff in the School of Human Ecology.
Faculty and staff may contribute works produced while serving at Georgia Southern by submitting copies to Please provide the version licensed by the copyright holder (e.g., the publisher) for open access publication following any mandatory embargo period.
Submissions from 2018
What’s the Big I.D.E.A.: Identifying and Overcoming Implicit Bias, Dina Walker-Devose PhD and Delton DeVose
BCDI Advancing the Dream: The Path Forward for Black Children and Families, Dina Walker-Devose PhD, Delton DeVose, and R. Jean-Sigur
Empowering Recreational Therapists, Brent Wolfe
Leading Activities and Engaging Participants, Brent Wolfe
Servant Leadership and the Recreational Therapist: Exploring Connection, Brent Wolfe
Servant Leadership and the Recreational Therapist: Exploring Connections, Brent Wolfe
Where Are We Now? Understanding the Licensure Process in Georgia for Recreational Therapists and Pinpointing Our next Move Forward, Brent Wolfe, S. Rangel, and L. Kelly
Aging in Place, Jennifer Zorotovich
Aging in Place, Jennifer Zorotovich
Aging Simulation Exercise, Jennifer Zorotovich
Navigating Conversations With Children About Dying and Death, Jennifer Zorotovich
Service-learning in Higher Education, Aging- Focused Courses: a Model for Collaborative, Interdisciplinary Research, Jennifer Zorotovich, Rebecca G. Ryan, and Adrienne Cohen
Submissions from 2017
Service-Learning at Eagle Nation: Systematic Evaluation of Student Experiences, Adrienne L. Cohen, Moya L. Alfonso, Dina C. Walker-DeVose, Jennifer Zorotovich, and Urkovia Andrews
Student Design Process in Interior Design Education, Sibel Seda Dazkir, Angelita Scott, and Amy Boyett-Whiter
Effective Pedagogy of Sexualization and Objectification, Nikki DiGregorio and Amanda J. Rich
Supporting Future Professionals: Students' Perceptions of the Value of Internships, Meghan K. Dove, Nikki DiGregorio, and Katy Gregg
Supporting future professionals: Students’ perceptions of the value of internships, Meghan K. Dove, Johnnye Rogers, Catherine W. O'Neal, and Paul Fisher
Sustainability in the Apparel Discipline: The Layers of ESRAP, Rachel Eike, Erin Irick, Beth Myers, and Virginia Noon
Building Self-efficacy in Apparel: Service Learning Through Garment Alterations, Rachel Eike, Beth Myers, and Diana Sturges
Schedules, Prompts, Choices, and More: Using Visuals to Support All Children in the Classroom, Katy Gregg
Teaching stream positions: Mapping and advocating for SoTL in diverse landscapes, Diana Gregory, Arshad Ahmad, Mary T. Huber, Trent W. Maurer, and Nicola Simmons
Make Dramatic Play More Than Home Living, Alice Hall
Review of the Research: Are Therapy Dogs in Classrooms Beneficial?, Jerri J. Kropp
Evidence-based Student Internship Projects, Jerri J. Kropp, C. Evans, A. Morales, and Sarah Tahami
Exploring Compassion Fatigue and Burnout: Issues and Interventions Relevant to Child Life and Recreational Therapy, Jerri J. Kropp and Brent Wolfe
Incorporating the mentoring of undergraduate research into your professional portfolio, S. Larson, Trent W. Maurer, P. Miller, and Brad Wuetherick
Reflecting Upon Teaching Diversity Centered Courses: From Novice to Veteran, Delores D. Liston and Nikki DiGregorio
Authorship credit and co-inquirer learning in faculty-student SoTL projects, Trent W. Maurer
Creating meaningful surveys to measure student learning in SoTL projects, Trent W. Maurer
Reducing prejudice towards marginalized groups: Replication and extension, Trent W. Maurer and Cassidy Keim
Fitting the Pieces Together to Represent the Profession: Your Chance to Ask the Hard Questions, B. McCormick, A. Richard, Brent Wolfe, and R. Williams
Garment Workers’ Rights Are Women’s Rights: Suggestions for Future Studies on Support for Socially Responsible Businesses, Beth Myers and Rachel Eike
Exploring Parents’ and Occupational Therapists’ Views on Facilitating Social and Emotional Development, Salena C. Neuwar and Katy Gregg
Characteristics of Local Health Departments Involved in Climate Change Mitigation, John Peden and Gulzar H. Shah
Well-being and the Home Environment: a Phenomenological Exploration, Angelita Scott
Students’ perceptions of ISSOTL: Insights, challenges, and aspirations, Roselynn Verwoord, Aaron Long, and Trent W. Maurer
Critical Conversations: Identifying and Overcoming Implicit Bias, Dina Walker-Devose PhD
Who Me?: Identifying and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Classrooms and Therapeutic Spaces, Dina Walker-Devose PhD and Delton DeVose
Silent No More: Building Bridges of Understanding Through Critical Conversations, Dina Walker-Devose PhD, Y. Ledford, A. Schueths, P. Olsen, and A. Trejo
ATRA – Empowering Recreational Therapists, Brent Wolfe
ATRA – Empowering Recreational Therapists, Brent Wolfe
ATRA – Why Should We Care?, Brent Wolfe
Leading Activities and Engaging Participants, Brent Wolfe
The Case for Recreational Therapy Licensure in the State of Georgia, Brent Wolfe, A. Pihera, S. Rangel, and L. Kelly
Aging in Place, Jennifer Zorotovich
Aging in Place, Jennifer Zorotovich
Experiencing Aging: a Hands-on Workshop for the Lodge at Bethany Staff, Jennifer Zorotovich
The American Paradox Surrounding the Final Stage of Development: Application of Research to Aid Family Coping, Jennifer Zorotovich
Targeting Ageism and Ableism: a Simulation on Loss and Decline, Jennifer Zorotovich and Nikki DiGregorio
Applying a Strengths-based Approach in Professional Practice, Jennifer Zorotovich and Nadia Flanigan
Effects of Pre‐existing Family Dynamics on Emerging Adults’ Emotions During Holiday Travel, Jennifer Zorotovich, Nadia Flanigan, and Patricia N.E. Roberson
Nonstudent Emerging Adults: a Phenomenological Approach, Jennifer Zorotovich and Alice Hall
First and Proud: Panel for First Generation College Students, Jennifer Zorotovich, L. Harris, T. Brown, and S. Cleary
Submissions from 2016
Apparel Product Development: From Visual Art Inspiration to Fashion Creation “Aðila”, Kyler Arnold and Youngjoo Lee
Diversity: Where Identities Intersect, Nikki DiGregorio
Same-Sex Marriage Policies and Lesbian Family Life, Nikki DiGregorio
Documentation of SoTL Trends: A Pilot Investigation in Family Science, Nikki DiGregorio, Trent Maurer, and Swaha Pattanaik
Inclusive Same-sex Marriage Research: Expanding Our Theoretical Horizons, Nikki DiGregorio and Amanda J. Rich
Student Diversity and Academic Outcomes: An Interactive Learning Experience, Nikki DiGregorio and Jennifer Zorotovich
Engaging students as partners in Australia, Canada, UK and USA: Students and staff telling their stories, Lucie Sam Dvorakova, Kelly Matthews, Ashley Akenson, Paulina Bounds, Peter Felten, Mick Healey, Ruth Healey, Katelyn Johnstone, Beth Marquis, Varun Puri, Trent W. Maurer, Paul Taylor, and Kelly Swaim
International stories of student-staff collaboration and engagement: The role of ISSOTL Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in connecting like-minded scholars, Lucie Sam Dvorakova, Kelly Matthews, Trent W. Maurer, Paul Taylor, Roselynn Verwoord, and Shevell Thibou
Incorporating Service Learning into the Apparel Curriculum Through a Mending and Alterations Shop, Rachel Eike, Beth Myers, and Diana Sturges
Service Learning Through an On-Campus Alterations Shop, Rachel Eike, Beth Myers, and Diana Sturges
Service Learning Through Clothing Alteration: a Study With Fashion Students, Rachel Eike, Beth Myers, and Diana Sturges
Adult Children’s Support to Aging Parents: The Role of Parent’s Marital Status, Nadia Flanigan
Creating SoTL Projects from an Evidence-Based University Initiative, Teresa Flateby, Colton Magnate, Lainie Wilson, Jerri J. Kropp, and Melanie Stone
Blended Learning for Today’s OST Professional, Jamie Garcia, Alice Hall, Janeal Roberts-Doctolero, and Maria Taylor
Technology in Early Childhood Classrooms, K. Gauthier, J. Slaughter, and Dina Walker-Devose PhD
Bullying Prevention and Education, Alice Hall
Learn How to Increase Diversity Awareness and Reduce Biases in Your Program, Alice Hall
Program Outcomes at Adventure-based Camps for Youth With Disabilities, Alice Hall, Jerri J. Kropp, John Peden, and Dan Matthews
Program Outcomes at Adventure-based Camps for Youth With Disabilities, Alice Hall, Jerri J. Kropp, John Peden, and Dan Matthews
Assessing Birth-5 Teaching Methods at a University Laboratory School, Alice Hall, John Peden, and Trent W. Maurer
Using SoTL to advance undergraduate research, Cassidy Keim, Karen Manarin, Trent W. Maurer, and Paul Taylor
How to Reduce Children's Fears of Doctor Visits Using Medical Play, Jerri J. Kropp and Mary Noe
Benefits of Having a Therapy Dog in the Classroom: A Review of Research, Jerri J. Kropp and Mikaela Shupp
Technology Matters: The Meaningful Integration of Technology into Preschool Classrooms, T. Lee, Jessica DeLaigle, Lauren Eades, L. Johnson, and Dina Walker-Devose PhD
Pushing the Boundaries: Ed Rossbach’s Fiber Arts as Inspiration for Apparel Design, Youngjoo Lee
Giving voice to SoTL, Trent W. Maurer
Integrating Scaffolded Research with Service-Learning into a First-Year Two Semester Course Sequence, Trent W. Maurer, Jerri J. Kropp, and Caroline Lathi
How to get started in SoTL, Trent W. Maurer and Karen Manarin
How the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning can advance undergraduate research, Trent W. Maurer, Karen Manarin, Paul Taylor, and Ben Connolly
Closing the loop: Using the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning to reframe thinking about assessment data, Trent W. Maurer and Diana Sturges
Quality of Life and Adults with Intellectual/developmental Disabilities: A Qualitative Examination of a Camp Experience Implementing Recreational Therapy Services, M. Monk, Erika Teilhaber, and Brent Wolfe
A mailman analogy: Retaining student learning gains in alkane nomenclature, Jessica Orvis, Diana Sturges, Shannon Rhodes, Ki-Jana R. White, Trent W. Maurer, and Shainaz Landge
Fundamentals of Leadership for Emergency Service Managers, John Peden and P. German
From Awareness to Advocacy to Activism: Using Ecological Systems to Conceptualize Faculty Roles for Addressing Sexual Violence, Amanda J. Rich, Nikki DiGregorio, and Bethany Willis Hepp
Intersections of Interior Design, Well-being, and the Home Environment, Angelita Scott and Denise A. Guerin
Aging in place: Enjoying your home for a lifetime, Angelita Scott, K. Moore, and T. Christner
Introduction to SoTL, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer
Student motivation and academic performance: Application of the Self-Determination Theory in undergraduate education, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar
The Influence of Group Development on Stress Appraisal and Coping Responses of Expedition Trip Leaders, Julie Swantek and John Peden
Exploring Trust in the Parent-Teacher Relationship, Dina Walker-Devose PhD
Build Bridges NOT Walls!, Dina Walker-Devose PhD and Nadia Flanigan
Building Bridges Not Walls, Dina Walker-DeVose and Nadia Flanigan
Parental Involvement and Low-SES Families, Dina Walker-Devose PhD and J. Taliaferro
ATRA – Moving RT Forward Toward the Future, Brent Wolfe
Leading Activities and Engaging Participants, Brent Wolfe