Teaching Financial Literacy with Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning [POGIL]

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Abstract or Description

Presentation given at 2013 SoTL Commons: A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

This session presents a project that compared the learning gains from teaching financial literacy courses to undergraduate students through two methods: lecture and Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning [POGIL]. Students enrolled in six sections of a financial literacy course received instruction either through lecture only or a hybrid of lecture and POGIL. The hybrid group outperformed the lecture group on 60% of classroom assignments. Within the hybrid group, students scored significantly higher on exam questions derived from POGIL material than from lecture material at both the �Remember� and �Apply� levels of Anderson and Krathwohl's [2001] taxonomy. Session objectives include introducing the POGIL method and inviting the audience to participate in a brief sample activity. Attendees will learn how POGIL was used in this context and adapted for this context from other disciplines, how students reacted to it both academically and personally, and the advantages and disadvantages of using POGIL over lecture.


SoTL Commons Conference


Savannah, GA


