About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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Student instructions from the College of Graduate Studies
The approved version of a thesis or dissertation may not be modified. Requests to modify embargoes or release options must be signed by the major professor and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies for approval. For additional information about embargoes, see Dissertations & Theses: Understanding Embargoes.
Additional ETD Collections
The works are also available in the following collections:
Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Patient Satisfaction in Mental Health Treatment for Female Veterans, Jodi Ashman
South Asian American Experiences of Microaggressions and Wellbeing: The Moderating Role of Social Support, Archita Birla
Educator Perceptions of Crisis Frequency and Levels of Preparedness in Rural Schools, Misty C. Duncan
The Moderating Effects of Self-Compassion on the Relationship Between Shame and Depression in Military Populations, Sarah Foran
Perceived Credibility of Allegations of Sexual Assault Across Victim Race and Mental Health History, Liyah C. Morgan
How Does Psychopathology Impact the Trajectory From State to Trait Mindfulness?, Veronica O'Brien
Resilience and Grit in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Danielle Oehring
Impact of Costume and Rape Myths on Perceptions of the Need for Consent in Interactions with Cosplayers, Kiana Monique Perez-Jimenez
Centuries of a Heavy Conscience: American Ecogothic in Cormac McCarthy’s The Orchard Keeper and Stephen Graham Jones’ The Only Good Indians, Michaela Smith
The Elite and the Illicit: Women, Power, and History in Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses and Cities of the Plain, April Trepagnier
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Power Electronic Converter Reliability Improvement Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, Felix Adabla
Moveit Transfer Attack: Protecting Organizations From Similar Attacks Using Robotic Process Automation, Helen J. Adesola
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on United States (U.S.) Immigrants’ Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes, Aishat A. Adewoye
Development and Characterization of Vegetable Oil Based, Acrylated Resins for Stereolithography 3D Printing, Julius A. Adeyera
Characterization of Carbon Nanotube/Polystyrene Composites Prepared via Microwave-Induced Polymerization, Hubert Agamasu
Diversity of Hymenolepidid Cestode Infecting Sorex roboratus and Sorex tundrensis in Mongolia, Rokeya Ahmed
Feasibility of Pile Driving Analyzer for Pile On Rock, Tanvir Ahmed
Enhancing Flight Delay Predictions Using Network Centrality Measures, Joseph Ajayi
Investigating Flash Flood Occurrence Using Negative Binomial Models in Maryland, United States of America, Zainab O. Akinsemoyin
The Perception and Use of Telemedicine within the United States, Jennifer E. Akpo
Examining the Moderating Effect of Self-Compassion Between Rumination and Alcohol Use, Victoria Forgea Allen
On Fβ -Score for Medical Diagnostics Tests of Binary and Multi-Class Diseases: Proposing New Measures of Accuracy, Marwan Alsharman
Concentration Effects of Ytterbium(III) Ions on the Physical, Structural, Thermal, and Optical Properties of Barium Phosphate Glasses, Richard Amesimenu
Computer Cravings in 20th Century Schools: From Creativity to Capitalism, Keely E. Amos
The Effects of Cultural Responsiveness and Therapy Duration on Black Americans’ Therapy Preference, Katilyn M. Ashley Treem
The Influence of Water Quality on Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Demographics and Disease on Sapelo Island, Georgia, Wil E. Atencio
Development in Two Classic Graph Theoretical Problems, Oluwakayode M. Aweda
Natural Convection Heat Transfer Characteristics of Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Fins in Horizontal and Vertical Orientations, Ayomide Ayoola
Performing Holt-Winters Time Series Forecasting Using Neural Network Based Models, Kazeem Olanrewaju Bankole
There and Back Again: Nick Adams' Masculine Journey from 'Indian Camp' to 'Fathers and Sons.', Michael F. Basista
Motherhood: Exploring Generational Shifts as Roles and Responsibilities Increase, Marissa Beemer
What Does It Mean To Be The GOAT: A Narrative Study On Retired White Male Elite Individual Sport Athletes?, Tyler Behrmann
Service-Learning and Student Success: Are Underrepresented Students Gaining the Same Benefits?, Sondra Bellard
Machine Learning Based Three-Limb Core-Type Transformer Core Aspect Ratios Identification, Ananta Bijoy Bhadra
Shifting Blame on Students: Intersecting Dynamics of Victim Characteristics in School Employee Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Cases, Marlena G. Bolton
The Monster Mash: A Monster Studies Approach to Literature in the University Classroom, Megan L. Bowen
Exploring the Consistency of Flow Regimes Within and Among Ecoregions of the Southeastern United States, Frank Paul Braun IV
Land Management in the Ocala National Forest Effects Lizard Densities and Their Helminth Communities, Michael N. Brennan
Effects of an 8-Week Undulating Training Program on Firefighter Body Composition, Muscular Fitness, and Occupational Performance, Dylan R. Brown
What’s Agape Love Got To Do With It?: Teaching With Courage, Passion, and Compassion in a Rural Elementary School in North Georgia, Jhanna Bryson
Variation in the Fear Response of Atlantic Sand Fiddler Crabs (Leptuca pugilator) to Anthropogenic Disturbance, Katrina L. Buttram
The Relation Between Disordered Eating and Perceived Stress, Tori E. Byars
A Pupillometric Study of Cognitive Effort and Mathematics Anxiety, Mary Josephine Carney
Effects of Additions on the Microstructure, Macrostructure, and Mechanical Properties of Gray Iron, Evan J. Carter
Impact of Operational Conditions on the Transient Thermal Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Jairo Sebastian Casa
Combinatorial Models Used In Representation Theory, Carly P. Casey
Understanding the Impact of Process Interruption on Mechanical Properties in Metal Additive Manufacturing: A Comprehensive Investigation, Poojith C. Chigurupati
Beyond The Strong Black Woman: Navigating Resilience and Mental Health Using Social Media for Culturally Tailored Resources, Muchaneta N.M. Chikawa
South Georgia Post High School Graduates' Experience of Rural Education, Stephanie Chilton
The de Rham cohomology of a Lie group modulo a dense subgroup, Brant Clark
Pursuit of Happiness in Life and Education: Queer and Womanist Perspectives and Value-Creating Approaches~A Black Speculative Memoir, DaVeeda L. Clark
Imperial Adolescence in Kenzaburō Ōe's "Prize Stock", D'yanna Coffey
Investigating Division Quest: A Text-Based Adventure Narrative Game for Overcoming Difficulties of Mitosis Learning, Amanda G. Conner
Otherwise Futures Reimagined: Afrofuturism as Liberation for Black Women~A Black Speculative Fiction, Khristian Cooper
Social Media and Self-Esteem: LGBTQ+ Status as a Moderator, Owen Crabtree
Social Support in Black Individuals: The Moderating Effects on the Relationship Between Resilience and Well-Being, Imani Elise Crosby
Computational Analysis of a NACA 0012 Straight Wing at Various Reynolds Numbers Approaching Stall, John E. Crowe III
Joy in the Focus, Focus on the Joy, Alicia Cully
Detecting Bearing Race Defects with Inductive Magnetic Reluctance Sensors and Artificial Neural Networks, Collin Daly
A Comparative Analysis of a Family of Advanced Iterative Optimization Methods in Nonlinear Regression, Tanmoy Kumar Debnath
Classification in Supervised Statistical Learning With the New Weighted Newton-Raphson Method, Toma Debnath
Footwear Selection, Foot Type, and Running Biomechanics of Male Distance Runners With Previous Running Related Injury: A Case Series, Diego Castro I. Diaz
Exploring Collegiate Athletes' Experiences with Cliques, Cora G. Dodson
A Muse in a Minefield: Poets, Pedagogy, and the Practice of Liberation, Fran Dundore
Optimizing the Reliability Improvement of Power Electronic Converters Using Different Computational Optimization Techniques, Valentin A. Dun
Cybercrime Victimization: Online Routine Behaviors, Guardianship, and Identity Theft Victimization in a Nationally Reflective Sample, Ifeoluwa Stella Elegbe
Exploring Black Queer Doctoral Student Experiences with Utilizing Campus Services, Mitchell Everett
Geoelectrical And Hydrochemical Characterization of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Florida Bay, Ifeanyi Emmanuel Eze
Development of a Measure Assessing Adolescent Aggression: The Aggressive Behavior Risk Assessment- Adolescent- Parent Report (ABRA-A-PR), Katherine Fallon
Time Series Analysis Using Hierarchical Neural Network-Based Models, Oluwasayo Farotimi
Optimization of Filter Bank Canonical Correlation Analysis for Ssvep Based Brain Computer Interface, Nicholas Ferrara
Apple for the Teacher, Care for the Kids: The Impact of Quality Teacher-Student Relationships in a Creative Non-Fiction Study, Crystal D. Fleming
The Effect of First-Person Testimonial Versus Didactic Video Interventions on Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions Toward Buprenorphine, Tristan S. Fletcher
Identifying the Relationship Between Student Athletes' Online Social Media Presence, NIL Deals and Perceived Stress, Erin E. Gordon
Letters to Myself ~ Reflections of a New Teacher ~ A Curriculum of Self, Sarah Brittany S. Greneker
The Schooling Experiences of First-Generation Afro Caribbean Women Educated (Schooled) in the Southeastern United States, Sonya Griffin
Exploring The Relationships Among ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Emotion Regulation, Anna S. Hall
The Impact of Financial Wellness on Student Success, Holly Hamilton
Examining the Relationship Between Puberty and Trauma Symptomatology, Justina M. Harsche
Hillbilly Bands: Southern Rock's Impact on Southern Identity in the 1970s, John H. Hartman
Numerical Analysis of a Multi-Stage Elastohydrodynamic Seal for Aircraft Engines, Md Wasif Hasan
Mathematical Modeling of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Metal-Hydride Hydrogen Storage Systems, Muhammad Hasnain
Aeroelastic Phenomena of Fixed-Wing Aircraft in Transonic and Supersonic Flows Using a Tightly-Coupled Computational Approach, John C. Havenar
The Magic in the Music: Using Hip-Hop in the Classroom to Engage African-American Males in Reading, Ke'Kenyette Heath
Masculine vs. Feminine Women: Verdict, Blame, and Punishment Outcomes in the Legal System, Alaina Helmerichs
Synthesis and Biological Activity of Novel TU100 Derivatives Utilizing Heteroquinones, Christopher T. Holbrook
Navigating Barriers, Shattering Ceilings, and Beating the Odds: An Exploration of How Intersectional Oppression Impacts the Experience of Black Women School Leaders, Octavia K. Holloway
Bringing GANs to Medieval Times: Manuscript Translation Models, Tonilynn M. Holtz
Ethics in Literature: A Case Study of Hades and Persephone, McKenzie A. Howard
Simulation of Wave Propagation in Granular Particles Using a Discrete Element Model, Syed Tahmid Hussan
Development of a Novel Measure to Assess for Alcohol Misuse in Older Adults: The Alcohol Misuse Scale for Older Adults (AMSOA), Nathan Jensen
The Stress of Parents and Caregivers of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Enrolled in the Children's Medical Services Program in Georgia, Alysia O. Johnson