About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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The works are also available in the following collections:
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Creating a Georgia Southern Spider Collection: Can DNA Barcoding Help?, Guy B. Hobbs
(Un)Qualified Immunity: An Analysis on Qualified Immunity and Civilian Sentiments, Guy Hodge II
College Athletes' Experiences with a Lower Body Re-Injury: A Phenomenological Investigation, Samantha Holder
Reclamation of Fused Silica From Investment Shells Used for Casting Steel, Samuel L. Holt
In-Situ Process Monitoring for Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) Through Acoustic Technique, Md Shahjahan Hossain
Evaluating the Effects of Self-Control Depletion on Task Persistence: A Focus on the Moderating Effects of Performance Monitoring, Hayley Houseman
Distance Comparison Assessment in 3D Point Cloud Models Georeferenced via Static GNSS and Rapid RTK, Usman Kayode Ibrahim
Quality Assurance of Lightweight Structures via Phase-based Motion Estimation, Ikenna E. Ifekaonwu
An Investigation on Driver’s Fatigue Using Eye Tracker in Addition to Electromyography and Possible Implementable Driver’s Fatigue Detection and Warning System Using Fuzzy Logic, Osahon S. Iroghama
Identifying Collegiate Athlete's Motivation to Continue Training in Quarantine Compared Between Sexes, Delaney A. Jamison
Classification of Student Attentiveness on Video Data Using Facial Expressions Extracted from Minimal Image Sequences, Angur M. Jarman
How do Special Education Teachers View the Phenomenon of Black Male Overrepresentation in Special Education?, Lelon B. Jeffers
Development of a Mathematical Model for Galvanic Cells, Joshua C. Johnson
Power and Control: An Exploration of Health and Medicine at Camp Lawton (9JS1), Emily L. Jones
Peptide-Assisted Synthesis of Magnetic Carbon Nanotubes for the Removal of Toxins from Aqueous Solutions, Honora V. Jones
Evaluation of Supervised Deep-Learning for Improved Pneumonia Diagnosis, Andrew Kalaani
Essays on Operations Strategy and Market Performance: Empirical Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry, Ata Karbasi-Kheyr
Effects of an Educational Intervention on Students’ Knowledge and Attitude towards Working with Older Adults, Johnna L. Kelley
Mechanical Properties of Nanomodified Hybrid GFRP Composite Materials, Micah Rop Kimutai
Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Health: NCAA Division I Coaches' Experiences, Perceived Role, and Barriers, Kelsey Kinnamon
Assessing Short-Term Microalgal Community Responses Over Altering Hydrological Conditions in Experimental Wetlands of Costal Georgia, Maggie M. Kuhn
Influence of Political Affiliation on Perceived Media Bias and Trustworthiness in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tabitha Lamberth
Bias of Rank Correlation Under A Mixture Model, Russell Land
Analysis of Size-Reduced, Directive Antenna Arrays, Kevin Aaron Leon
The Joint Effects of Tangible and Intangible Assets on Operational Performance, Huiling Liu
Optimizing a Whole-Genome Approach to Screen DNA Methylation in Chestnut-crowned Babblers, Faith Loggins
New Longitudinal Error Balancing Approaches for Closed Traverses, Jose L. Manzano
Effects of a Suggestion Based Intervention on Human Cooperation in the Stag Hunt Game, Melvin S. Marsh
Measuring the Success of a Coastal Sand Dune Restoration on Tybee Island: Plant Growth, Sand Accretion, and Implications for Management, Shannon Matzke
Using Zebrafish (Danio rerio) to Evaluate the Use of Food Waste Based Feed in Sustainable Small-Scale Aquaculture, Caitlin May
Misrepresentation of Asian Americans in Media: A Multiperspectival Cultural Studies, Christina Mayers
Moral Injury: Examining the Role of Meaning Making in Veterans, Katelyn A. McCreight
Do the Age and Drama Type of Individuals Affect Their Perceived Social Status?, Bradly A. McGinnis
Long-Term Disability Following a Hamstring Injury, Savannah McLain
Study of Student Resource Use in Introductory Chemistry Courses, Sarah E. Melvin
Comparative Conservation Genomics of a Suite of Imperiled Freshwater Mussels, Scott C. Meyer
Identifying Strategies to Increase the Recruitment and Retention of Minority Males in the Public Health Workforce: A Two-State Comparative Case Study Approach, Melicent R. Miller
Understanding Racial Experiences and the Influence of Family on Stress and Familism Attitudes, Jaqueline Miranda
Lipid Metabolites as Energy Stores in Four Stingray Species, Lauren Moniz
Advancements In Bio-based Novel (co)Monomers for Polymeric Materials, Khristal Anne Monroe
Qualitative Study of Factors Contributing to Fertility Service Use Among Cancer Survivors of Reproductive Age in the US, Angela Rodgers Moore
Analysis of Miniaturized, Circularly Polarized Antennas for Bidirectional Propagation, Mason C. Moore
Culturally Contested Curriculum? African American Students and Classical Education, Mary E. Negley
Predation Threat in a Variable Landscape: Connecting Predation Risk to Nesting Success for the Seaside Sparrow (Ammospiza maritima macgilivraii), Corina D. Newsome
Search for the Missing Link Between Bench and Bedside – Epidemiological Relationship Between Folate and Lung Cancer Death, Blessing Odion
Novel Quantification and Localization of Water and Solute Transporters in the Tissues of the Spiney Dogfish (Squalus acanthias), Tolulope B. Ojo
Implementing a Neural Network for Supervised Learning with a Random Configuration of Layers and Nodes, Kane A. Phillips
Identification and Characterization of Clinically Relevant Small Molecules Using Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Melanocyte Systems, Jack T. Philp
School Leaders' Perceptions Of Effective Teachers In Title I Schools, Kacie Phipps
The Language of Trauma in Roxane Gay's Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, Cydney Price
An Exploration of Depression in African American Adults with Sickle Cell Disease: Symptoms, Coping Strategies and the Potential Benefits of Religiosity, Delores P. Quasie-Woode
Design and Development of Soft Earthworm Robot Driven by Fibrous Artificial Muscles, Beau Ragland
An Improved Mathematical Model for Anterior-Posterior Patterning of Drosophila Wing Disc, Mohammad Rubayet Rahman
New Results on Cyclic Compositions and Multicompositions, Silvana Ramaj
Frontline Service Workers Experiences in the Age of COVID-19, Aniyah R. Rasheed
Flourishing After Sexual Assault: An Examination of Self-Compassion in Women, Jessica E. Rick
Macroinvertebrate Responses To Hydrological Variation In Experimental Wetlands., Sergio A. Sabat-Bonilla
Which Toys are Right for Boys? How Threat and Confirmation of the Gender Hierarchy Impact Purchase Intentions for Stereotypical and Counter Stereotypical Products, Connor Samuelson
A Research Assistant's Perceived Skillset When Utilizing Deception, Ahmad Sarris
Schooled to Educate but not to Profit: Speculative Essays on the Political Economy of Education, Gregory A. Schmidt
Effect Of Therapist Religious Disclosure On Therapeutic Relationship In Rural Communities, Laura Serrano-Amerigo
A Semi-Active Vibration Isolator For 3D Printing On Shipboard, Mohammad Z. Shahabuddin
Beyond the Surface, Madeline M. Shelor
Teaching Trauma in Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life, Kat Shuman
The Effects of a Mirror on Cognitive Strategy And Performance of a Muscular Endurance Task, Brianna M. Simmons
Library Control of a Multi Robot System, Adrian T. Smith
“Dad, am I African?” A Digital Ethnographic Inquiry into the Identity of Second-Generation Nonimmigrant African High-School Graduates in the United States, Komivi M. Sodjago
Influence of Increased Options on Performance Generalization Across Two Variations of the Monty Hall Dilemma, Robert A. Southern
Injury Reporting Barriers Amongst Aviation Soldiers, Morgan Stanwood
Finding Correlation in Facial Emotions to Support Predictive Automated Labeling of Student Attentiveness, Atia Sultana
Mothering Through our Pain: Single Black Mothers’ Narratives, Yolanda E. Surrency
An Examination of Faculty and Staff Collaboration and Relationships in Higher Education, Jennifer Syno
Languages, Cultures, and Identities: Cross-Cultural Experiences of HBCU Students in a Study Abroad Program in Costa Rica, Irina M. Tedrick
Myelination: A Plastic Religion, Cody A. Thomas
The Relationship Between Posttraumatic Growth, Social Support, and Rurality, Chelsea Thweatt
Southern Ways: One Girl’s Experience with Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and Neglect, Merry Trammell
Folate and Risk of Cardiometabolic Disease Mortality, Felix Twum
Firefighters Self-Efficacy Of Injuries And Willingness To Report Injuries Within The Southeast Region Of The United States, Marissa Villafuerte
3D Printing Metal Lattice Structure Using Fused Deposition Modeling Process, Zezheng Wang
The Devaluation of Career Technical Education (CTE) by the Graduates of Wonderwood High School, Jason J. Weiss
Hydroamidation with Acetamides and Trifluoroacetamides, Gordon H. Whitetree
Music and Me: Empathy, Scholarship, and Songwriting as Evidence of Transformation, Samuel A. Wilson III
Towards a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: Learning from Black Teachers in Rural South Georgia, Leslee Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Relationship Between Burnout and Personality Traits in Secondary School Athletic Trainers, Marissa Abbondanzio
Health Behavior in International Student-Athletes, Alison Adams
Sleep Duration in Children with ADHD: Role of Family Social Routines among Children and Adolescents 3–17-year-olds in the United States., Adeyemi Adedokun
Assessing Public Health Workforce Informatics Competencies: A Study Of Three Health Departments In Metro Atlanta, Olatanwa Adewale
Childhood Asthma Management Practices in Rural Nigeria: Exploring the Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice of Caregivers in Oyo State., Oyindamola Akinso
The Effect of Patient and Hospital-level Factors on 30-Day Readmission After Initial Hospitalization Due to Stroke, Emmanuel Akowuah
Factors Associated With Advanced Care Planning: A Case Study of the Augusta University Family Medicine and General Internal Medicine Clinic Using A QUANT-Qual Sequential Design, Denisha M. Allicock
Change Point Analysis with Control Charts, Ibrahim L. Alliu
Images of Ancient Egypt and the Gender Politics of The Faerie Queene, Genavieve Alt
Clarifying The Relationship Between Sports Participation and Depressive Symptoms: Examining The Moderating Effect of Mental Toughness, Craig L. Anderson