About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Sustainability Practices in Aquaculture: Using Algae Turf Scrubber Biomass to Raise Black Soldier Flies as an Alternative Feed in Blue Tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, Culture, Michelle C. Lowery
Sleep Duration and All-Cause Mortality, Association Stratified by Metabolic Syndrome Status, Arshpreet Kaur Mallhi
Evaluating Blood Pressure and Hypertension Awareness in Municipal Workers in the Southeast US, Kayden R. McAlvin
Predicting Online Course Success from Usage of an Online Tutoring System, Brett Miles
Intra- and Inter-Firm Coordination: Transactive Memory and Relational Governance Perspectives, Irita Mishra
Joint Hypothesis Testing on Predictive Values, Roshni Modi
The Diversity of Hymenolepidid Cestodes Inhabiting Sorex caecutiens and Sorex isodon Shrews in Mongolia, Nicholas C. Moore
The Relationship Between Academic Advising and Students' Completion of Corequisite Gateway Courses, Michael P. Moran
Predicting Graduation Rates of First-Generation College Students, Brynn L. Munro
Supports and Services to Improve Academic Success of High School Student Athletes, Samuel G. Nichols
Design and Fabrication of a Force-Displacement Control Mechanism for Bone-Surgical Tool Testing, Kenneth Nwagu
Enhancing Traffic Safety in Unpredicted Environments with Integration of ADAS Features with Sensor Fusion in Intelligent Electric Vehicle Platform with Implementation of Environmental Mapping Technology, David S. Obando Ortegon
Comparative Analysis of Fullstack Development Technologies: Frontend, Backend and Database, Qozeem Odeniran
Factors Associated With Physical Activity Intent Among Adults With Multiple Sclerosis, Biebele Okpeahior
Addressing Breast Health Disparities Among Recent, Established African-Born Immigrant Women and Second-Generation Americans in Prince George County, Maryland, Omolola Okunromade
“My OB/GYN Has The Worst Bedside Manner…” A Qualitative Analysis of Patient-Provider Communication And Mental Health Outcomes of Women In Rural Georgia, Tobi F. Oloyede
Acceleration Patterns During Standing and Running Tumbling Passes in Collegiate Cheerleading, Benjamin L. Paquette
Change Point Analysis Using Cumulative Sum Charts, Apurv Patel
Pre-Entry Attributes as Predictors of Attrition for First-Time, Full-Time, First-Generation College Students, Malerie Payne
Mitigation of Aeroacoustic Noise of a Fixed Wing Using Passive Flow Control, Cameron L. Perry
Love Is Blind but the World Sees in Black and White: A Memoir, Kriston Pittman
The Strong Families Program: Utility of Telehealth Parenting Skills Psychoeducation, Grace C. Prosperi
Tobacco Product Use, Cessation, Anti-Tobacco Education, and Smoke-Free Schools: Findings From the Ecological and Cross-Sectional Studies Using Global Youth Tobacco Survey, Willie P. Rajvong
Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for the Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Southeastern U.S. Estuaries, Jerome Reimers
Aging Under Erasure, Pamela H. Reynolds
Investigation of Additives and Ingredients of Bio-Resin for Visible Wavelength Laser-Induced Polymerization, Patrick Riggs
Investigation of Manufacturing Techniques for Magnetorheological Elastomers to Expand Feasibility in a Diverse Array of Applications, Austin S. Robbins
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Response to Submarine Groundwater Discharge, Brielle K. Robbins
Mental Health Help-Seeking Behaviors of First-Year University Students, Kylie A. Roberts
Development and Praxis of Ph Drug Delivery System Contra Zika, Julissa Rodriguez
Training Specificity and Functional Performance in Collegiate Cheerleaders, Carly Routman
Decision Making Related to Situations When Sexual Violence Might Occur, Shakeia Salem
What Could Go Wrong? Patient and Hospital Characteristics Associated With Pediatric Quality of Inpatient Care and Pediatric Adverse Events, Michael H. Samawi
Vibration-based Evaluation of Material Properties and Health State of Soft Materials, Matthew Sands
Network Intrusion Detection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Hamed T. Sanusi
Art as Ritual: The Realm Between Identities, Haley Scarboro
New Women in the Old Dominion: Race and Gender in Progressive-Era Virginia, Rachel Scott
Comparative Analytics on Chilli Plant Disease using Machine Learning Techniques, Sai Abhishta Roy Seelam
Using the CIPP Model of Evaluation on a Health Disparities Curriculum Delivered to Medical Residents in 12 Residency Programs, Gauri K. Shevatekar
Plankton Responses to Microplastic Fiber Exposure, Conner J. Simon
Identifying and Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Students at Georgia Southern University, Kylan J. Simpson
Sense of Belonging on a Consolidated Campus: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Student Perceptions, Amy D. Smith
ShePrEP: Examining the Influence of the Messaging and the Messenger Associated with PrEP Uptake Among African American Women, Christian C. Spears
Implementation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Complementary Non-Destructive Testing on Concrete Structures, Macy Spears
Desistance as a Signal of Rehabilitation: Understanding Public Perception and the Moderating Role of Redeemability, Jasmyn Stevens
Predicting Jamming Systems Frequency Hopping Sequences Using Artificial Neural Networks, Charles Strickland
Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nesting Experience, Seasonal Variation, and Hatching Success on a Georgia Barrier Island, Luke Sundquist
Comparison Marker-Based and Markerless Motion Capture Systems in Gait Biomechanics During Running, Hui Tang
Comparing Amphiuma Means in Mainland and Coastal Georgia, Alexandra L. Theisen
Assessing the Fidelity of School-Level Professional Learning Community Implementation, William W. Thigpen II
Utilizing Role-Play to Enhance Content Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Towards the IEP Meeting: A Qualitative Case Study, Courtney Toledo
Methods on Implementing Radar and Antenna Solutions to Defense and Biomedical Problems, Jalexis E. Vanga Guzman
Care Partners of Older Adults Mental Health as Affected by Intensity of Care, Emily K. Wallace
Fabrication and Investigation of Microfluidic Devices that Produce Non-linear Chemical Gradients, Elijah L. Waters
Perspectives on the Use of Molecular HIV Data for Public Health, Margaret Watson
Investigations of a Surrogate Fuel Based on Fischer-Tropsch GTL and CTL in CVCC, IDI and DI Compression Ignition Engines, Amanda C. Weaver
The Portrayal of Disability in 19th and 20th Century American Novels, Taylor Whittington
A Comparison of Tung Oil Resin Reinforcements Using Fibrous Proteins and Peptides for Biological and Materials Applications, Parker L. Williams
Colorism and Implicit Bias: The Role of Skin Tone on Decision Making, Rachel E. Woosley
The Impact of Controlling Language and Source Similarity on Psychological Reactance, Caroline Yarbrough
Survey Of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations With Harmonic Potential, Ahmeed O. Yusuff
Implicit Beliefs About Anxiety and the Relationship with Competitive Anxiety Intensity and Direction, Luca M. Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Ring Bose–Einstein Condensate Atomtronic Rotation Sensor, Oluwatobi I. Adeniji
Generalization of Net Benefit of Diagnostic Tests into Multi-stage Clinical Conditions: A Collapsing Approach, Ferdous Ahmed
States' Public Health Funding and Population Health Outcomes: An Examination Through a Socio-Ecological Lens, Maureen K. Akubu-Odero
Development of A New Measure to Assess for Poverty-Based Stress: The Poverty-Based Stressor Scale (PBSS), Brianna N. Allen
Reliability Analysis of Power-Converters-Based Power Systems using Artificial Intelligence, Hamideh Alvand
Sediment Disturbance Effects on Bacterial Resuspension: Implications for the Presence and Persistence of Antibiotic Resistance in Surface Waters, Samantha G. Alvey
Cestode Diversity of Shrews (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) From North Carolina, Joshua E. Anderson
The Ethicality and Political Skill of Leaders and Subordinate Job Satisfaction: A Study of Accounting Faculty, Donald L. Ariail
Effects of Various Golf Bag Loading Strategies on Perceived Exertion and Vertical Jump Performance, Austen Arnold
Perimeter Delimitation, Simon A. Arzolay
Correlates of Risky Sexual Behaviors Among African American Females in Juvenile Detention Centers, Eghosa E. Asemota
Rational Design of Stable and Active Palladium Nanoparticles for Heck Reaction Catalysis, John D. Attelah
American Performance: Artistic Experience and the American Dream, Savannah M. Barrow
Factors Associated With Intention to Disclose Concussive Symptoms in Active Duty Soldiers, Carly Beck
Exploring Fourth-Grade Girls’ Construction of Their Mathematics Self-Beliefs, Nicole Bernard
Using AI-Enabled Gaze Tracking System to Understand Comprehension Patterns of Computer Science Students, Bradley Boswell
A Curriculum of Poststructural Reflections on Language, Power, and Alterity, Jennifer Bowers
The Use of an Evidenced Based Mobile App for PTSD Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial of STAIR Coach, Jason Brooks
The Heroine’s Journey: Reimagining Le Morte D’Arthur And The Star Wars Saga From A Female Point Of View, Ashley Campbell
Analysis of Bio-alcohols with Mie-scattering and LTC for Lowered Emissions in PCCI, Cesar E. Carapia
Culture For Sale, Jessica L. Cartwright
Comparative Analysis of Winglet Efficiency on Supercritical Versus Traditionally Cambered Airfoils, Evan Cathers
Religion and Meaning: Its Moderating Effects on Stressful Life Events and Mental Health, Kalie B. Chambless
Examining the Utility of Hope Interventions to Mitigate the Effect of Discrimination on Distress in African Americans, Sunia H. Choudhury
Mortality in Interspecific Hybrids of Nasonia vitripennis and Nasonia giraulti, Bonnie Cobb
Perceived Student Gains Associated with Peer Tutor and Supplemental Instruction Leader Experiences, Rebecca Cofer
Impact of Organizational and Market Factors on Nursing Home Nutritional Care 2014-2019, Christine Cooper
Evaluation of Tidal Fresh Forest Distributions and Tropical Storm Impacts Using Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery, Galen Costomiris
The Perspective of Riverkeepers and Environmental Groups on Poor Water Quality in Georgia, Jacob A. Crawford
The Development of a Novel Throwing Assessment for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Cory Cribb