About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
County and Individual Child-level Characteristics Associated with Elevated Blood Lead Levels in the State of Georgia, JaLisa Jordan
Can We Talk About Sex? Exploring Teacher Preparedness of Comprehensive Sex Education Delivery in Southeast Georgia, Tanya Jules
Examining the Impact and Implementation of Protected Administrative Time on Provider Well-Being and Service Delivery Indicators Within a Multi-State Network of Primary Care Medical Practices, Lauren Junge-Maughan
Social and Structural Determinants of Health as Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Older Adults in the United States, Kingsley Kalu
Georgia LGBTQ+ Young Adults Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Distress, Barriers, and Networks, Aubrey D. Kehoe
Evaluating Reactive Gliosis in the Brain of Adult Zebrafish Following the Ingestion of Nanopolystyrene., Hannah A. Kelehear
Police Discretion and DUI Arrests: Examining the Influence of Demographics, Agency Type, Temporal Factors, and Upcharging, Katherine E. Kennedy
Investigation of Topologically Protected Wave Propagation Near Dirac-Like Cones in Acoustic Metamaterials, Md Arif Iqbal Khan
Numerical Modeling of Thermal Runaway in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Decomposition Kinetics and Inter-cell Contact Resistance, Shehzad Khan
Association Between Physical Activity and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Keagan Kiely
Impact of Dual Enrollment Program Models on College Student Readiness, Persistence, and Retention in Secondary and Post-Secondary Environments, Sharon K. Komanecky
A Qualitative Exploration of Spousal Labor Migration and the Postpartum Experiences of Women in Nepal, Sandhya Lohani
Coverage Probability of the Pooled Estimates of Sensitivity and Specificity From a Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Testing Accuracy (Dta) Studies, Joshua Longcoy
At-Risk Children: Adult Perception and Recognition of Mental Health Concerns, Abby D. Lucas
An Exploration of the Race and Gender Representations in Professional Wrestling in the United States: A Qualitative Case Study, Luther P. Lucas
Meeting the Moment: Seeking a Symbiosis of Economic Theory and Practice in Times of Crisis, Sallie Taylor Manning
Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy(RUS) for Material Characterization of Metal AM Parts, Malik Marks
Evaluation of the Navy Shipshape Program at a Large Navy Military Treatment Facility: A Comprehensive Swot Analysis Approach, Nia Nur Maye
Experimentatal and Numerical Investigation of Turbojet Engine Performance, Emissions, and Noise/Vibrations Using Jet-A and F24 Fuel, John W. McAfee Jr
Gathered Vessels, Marguerite E. McCoy
An Assessment of Functional Characteristics in Macroinvertebrates and Fishes in the Lower Ogeechee River, Molly A. McKeon
Experimental Investigation of Liquid Metal Embrittlement in Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel, Amelia McNamee
Investigation of Mechanically Fatigue Low-Frequency Energy Harvesting Effects on Isotropic Materials, Daniel J. Meade
Neo Retro: Rapid Prototyping and The Evolving Role of Artistic Practice, Robert D. Miller
The Distribution Of The Significance Level, Paul O. Monnu
A Message to the Messengers: A Critical Autoethnography of Culturally Relevant/Responsive/Sustaining Practices and Social Justice Education at a Metro Atlanta School, Andre B. Mountain
A Phenomenological Study on Teachers' Perceptions of the Loss of their Morale, Amy L. Mulvihill
Cultivation of a Commercially Important Macroalga (Ulva sp) for Polyculture Research in Coastal Georgia, Kyle Mundy
Enhancing the Bandwidth and Radiation Characteristics of Size-Reduced Antennas, Jack P. Nemec
Stability Analysis Of Vertical Industrial Pressure Vessel Resting On Load Cells Subjected To A Seismic Load., Kameron W. Nez
So Much Courage: Hemingway, War, and Rape, Tracie Nicolai
Parental Stress and Well-Being of Caregivers of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Southeast Georgia, Aurela Nikaj
All From One or One From All: Procurement Practice and Buyer Performance, Rahul Nilakantan
Aggressive and Non-aggressive Behaviors in Mixed and Non-mixed Dorymyrmex smithi and Dorymyrmex bureni Colonies of Southeastern Georgia, USA, Renee K. Nowicki
Psychotherapist Awareness and Competence Managing Social Media Concerns, Jing Wen Ong
Characterization of NASA Cold Atom Laboratory Potentials Using Variational Techniques, Samuel O. Oni
Problems in Chemical Graph Theory Related to the Merrifield-Simmons and Hosoya Topological Indices, William B. O'Reilly
White Woman in a Black Barbershop: Examining Racial Literacy Through Epistemic Curricula Spaces, Megan Paulk
Dungeons And Dragons™ (D&D) As A Brief Intervention For College Students, Alexander W. Peralta
Implementation of Cavity Vortex Generators To Mitigate Stall and Ice Accretion on the Naca 0012, Eric Pernell
Accounting For Variability Due To Resampling Using Bootstrapping, Dipendra Phuyal
Religious Iconography, Expressionist Lighting, and the Antihero's Spiritual Journey in Marvel's Daredevil, Savannah L. Pruett
Inside Out: The Effects of Water Quality and Stocking Density on Oyster Aquaculture in Georgia, Alexandra B. Raduege
Environmentally-Acceptable and Water-Repellent Slippery Coatings, Afrina Rahman
Railroad Condition Monitoring Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Deep Learning Techniques, Md Arifur Rahman
Screening H3 Histone Acetylation in a Wild Bird, the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Daniella Ray
A Novel Magnetorheological Pump Concept for Insulin Delivery, Mohammad Towhidul Islam Rimon
Correlation Between Asphalt Binder’s Phase-Changing Properties and Performance Grade in Response to Different Modifiers at High and Intermediate Temperature, Riyadul Hashem Riyad
A Novel Fault Detection Method for Transmission Lines in IBR-Dominated Grids, Julio Rodriguez
The U.S. Southern Mothers Perspective On Affection, Destiny M. Rose
The Introduction Of A Digital, Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Support Tool In Sub-Saharan African Medical Schools: Predictors Of Use, Julie Rosenberg
Integration of Infrared Thermography and Deep Learning for Real-Time In-Situ Defect Detection and Rapid Elimination of Defect Propagation in Material Extrusion, Asef Ishraq Sadaf
Development of a New Green Infrastructure by Using Biochar Amended Topsoil for On-Site Stormwater Runoff Treatment, Ayesha Sadia
Factors Associated with Hepatitis C-Related Hospitalizations and Inpatient Mortality in the United States, Pre- and Post-Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christina R. Samuel
Testing Differential Predation as a Mechanism of Color Polymorphism in a Cryptic Lizard., Justin A. Sanclemente
Design and Synthesis of Small Molecules as Potential Anticancer Therapeudics, Austin Seymour
Post COVID-19 Workforce Dynamics and Health Informatics in Local Health Departments, Nardeen Shafik
Exploring the Sense of Belonging, Trust, and Community in Racial Self-Identity and Academic Success in a Private Catholic Military High School, Adell C. Sheahan
Encapsulating Scars, Ashley Smith
Turning The Tables On: A Black Mother Educator's Journey To Becoming An Advocate For Our Disabled Children--A Memoir, Cynthia Smith
Their Country: Black Women, Three Chords, and the Truth, Dmetri J. Smith
Exploring Cooperative Learning In High School Remedial and Test Preparation Classes, Carol Solomon-Jenkins
An Evaluation of Social Media Use and Its Association With Nutrition Behaviors Among Female Parents, Meredith St. Cyr
Cross-Layer Performance Evaluation of C-V2X, Dhruba Sunuwar
Reinforcement Learning: Applying Low Discrepancy Action Selection to Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, Aleksandr Svishchev
Self-Authorship Among First-Generation Learners: A Qualitative Study, Issac C. Taylor
Black Children's Learning Experiences In Pre-Kindergarten: Teachers' Stories From The Classroom, Sheila Rush Thompson
Numerical Analysis of a Novel Elastohydrodynamic Seal for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles With Experimental Verification, Ali Akbor Topu
Highlighting Opportunities for Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste from Universities with Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge, Md Nizam Uddin
Assessing Performance Optimization Strategies In Cloud-Native Environments Through Containerization And Orchestration Analysis, Daniel E. Ukene
Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Using EEG Signals For Mental Stress Assessment, Ugochukwu Uraechu
Search, Copy, Paste: How Students' Reliance on Smartphones Influences Learning, Tara L. Van Buskirk
Hybridization and Duplex Stability of Peptide Nucleic Acid Containing an Azobenzene Switch, Carmen J. Velasquez
Feasibility of Influencing Clinician Perceived Knowledge and Competence of Human Trafficking Via a Continuing Education Workshop, Rachel Wakefield
What Is It Really: The Role of Intergroup Threat in Educational Decision-Making, Kyle A. Walker
Always a Dreamer, Liz Walker
Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation by Bianisotropic Spheres, Maxwell A. Wallace
The Othered Mothers: Monstrous Motherhood in Dracula, Dawn, and Nightbitch, Makay C. Walsh
“Why Blackness, Black Girl?:” Discovering Multilocal Blackness in Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands and Americanah, Sydney A. Ware
Articulating Adolescence: A Cultural Study of Queer Youth and Visual Media, Thomas C. Weeks
Enumeration of Lattice Paths with Restrictions, Vince White
Transcending the Taboo: Using Literature To Explore Depictions of Suicide with Adolescents in Secondary Classrooms, Elizabeth M. Williams
Rising From Babylon: (Post) Colonialism, Power in Schools, And Curriculum Studies, Adam A. Winkler
Exploring Police K-9 Deaths, Their Causes, and Possible Remedies, John Wise
Chronic Training Load and Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Throughout a Season in Professional American Soccer, Tristan L. Young
Contemporary Chinese Parenting Anxieties: A Multiperspectival Cultural Studies of A Chinese Telenovela – A Love for Dilemma, Yining Zhang
Mammalian Biodiversity on Greenways Across an Urban-to-Rural Gradient, Brooklyn C. Zwinklis
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Campus Safety Data Gathering, Classification, and Ranking Based on Clery-Act Reports, Walaa F. Abo Elenin
Blockchain Securities Issues: Decentralized Identity System With Key Management Perspective, Olalekan O. Adaramola