Term of Award

Fall 2024

Degree Name

Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Committee Chair

Marcel Ilie

Committee Member 1

David Calamas

Committee Member 2

Prakashbhai Bhoi


Aeroelastic phenomena encountered during flight have considerable effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of fixed-wing aircraft. Transonic aeroelastic phenomena are often characterized by unique flow features which have complex ramifications for aircraft in transonic flight. Computational study of high-speed aeroelastic phenomena requires a fully-coupled aeroelastic algorithm. A series of wing designs are studied with a computational finite volume method solver accompanied by a finite element method solver for the calculation of structural deformation. The computational model for the flow field is validated with experimental data. Modeled flight conditions include transonic flows with bordering subsonic and supersonic cases included for completeness. The consequences of aeroelastic effects on the near-wing flow field are studied by visualization of the flow field surrounding the wing. The impact of dynamic aeroelastic effects on the flow over the wing surface and shock-induced flow separation is evaluated. Self-compounding dynamic instability in the upper transonic regime is modelled, and its effect on the aerodynamic performance and structural response is quantified.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material


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