About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Development of Novel Pyridazine Derivatives and Drug Delivery Systems Against Dengue, Janae A. Culmer
Educational Transformational Leadership and Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior Motives, Jeremy T. Davis
An Innovative Elastohydrodynamic Seal Concept for Gases, Matthew J. DeMond
Sociocultural Correlates of Obesity and Overweight Among Healthcare Providers and Ancillary Staff in Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Study, Abraham A. Deng
The Psychological Challenges of Adults with Severe Mental Illness During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kadiatou Diallo
Rural Feminism and Perspectives of Women Farmers in the Agriculture Industry: "I don't think I'd want to be a man in this industry", Cassie M. Duncan
Analytical Modeling of a Novel Elastohydrodynamic Seal Design for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles, Ikenna C. Ejiogu
Synthesis of Functionalized Aromatic Heterocyclic Compounds and its Applications in Organized Self-assemblies, Emmanuel T. Fasusi
The Role of Motivation in Community Partner Perceptions of Service-Learning, Jayda P. Felder
Does Insufficient Effort Responding Account for the Relationship Between Psychopathy and Social Desirability?, Logan F. Folger
Investigating the Effect of a Facultative Symbiont, Hamiltonella defensa, on Pea Aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Fecundity and Behavior in Elevated CO₂ Atmospheres, Tyler J. Follman
Effects of Titanium and Cerium Addition on Grain Size and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Iron Castings, Shelton F. Fowler IV
The Synthesis and Biocatalytic Reduction of Beta-keto Alkynes, Rhema M. Francis
The Unsettled Space Within: Examining Lived Experiences of a Foreign-Born/Immigrant Teacher in North Georgia Through Currere, Nicoleta C. Frank Mrs.
Applying Conservation Genomic Techniques to Guide Management of the Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander (Ambystoma bishopi), Miranda Gaupp
Design And Implementation of An Automatic Word Generator For Word Matching Interactives, Evan Miles Gertis
Freedom's Song: Cultivating Creativity and Releasing Imagination Through Music-A Speculative Memoir, Amanda L. Gonzales
Biomimetic Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles for Catalytic Application, Emily A. Groover
The Tragedy of Caspian: C. S. Lewis and His Trauma, Chandler Hanton
The Relationship Between Physical Mobility and Firefighter Occupational Task Performance, Shelby Harbison
Exploring Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Practitioners’ Attitudes on Attire, Claire Harding
Survival Lifetime Models for Competitive Vaccination Strategies, Recovery and Disease Related Death in Infectious Disease Dynamical Systems, Md Mahmud Hasan
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of an Elastohydrodynamic Seal for Gases, Mohammad Fuad Hassan
Magnetotheological Elastomeric Micropump Designs for Drug Delivery, Rubayet Hassan
Rurality in Relation to the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, Kimberly N. Hayes
Experiences and Perceptions of Female Athletic Trainers Working With Male Coaches in Male Sports, Sierra Hobday
Stress, Stress Appraisal and Coping in Athletic Trainers during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lawson Holton
Why So Few Women? A Case Study of Female Superintendents in P-12 Public Education Systems, Alfreda M. Howard
Vistas Y Experiencias: Exploring the Development of Professional Self-efficacy of Nonnative Spanish Foreign Language Teachers, Tiffany A. Howell
Social Media Use and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Katelyn Hughes
Characterization of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes and Polystyrene/CNT Composites Prepared with Microwave-Induced Polymerization, Allen Hulette
Voices Rising: Exploring the Tensions of Homeschooled Women Defining Themselves within a Religious Culture, Natalie S. Immings
Structural and Functional Characterization of Two Poly(aspartic acid) Hydrolases, Amanda Jansch
Factors Associated with Employees' Trust and Confidence in their Supervisors: Case of Department of Health and Human Services, Shobana Jayaraman
Microbiological Water Quality of Tybee Island and Occurrence of Human Pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Beach Water and Tidal Pools, Sarah H. Jillson
Fabrication of Soft Gripper Via Direct Inkjet Writing Additive Manufacturing, Evan D. Johnson
Impostorism on Campus: The Effects of Stereotype Threat on State Inauthenticity and State Anxiety in Two Samples of African American College Women, Gabrielle Y. Johnson
Using Machine Learning to Analyze Software Requirement Dependencies, Mehakpreet Kaur
Reconceptualizing the Genuis Within: the Intersection of Tracking and Neoliberalism, Hannah L. Kessler
Towards Effective and Efficient Intrusion Detection with Deep Learning, Seongsoo Kim
The Relationships Between Sleep Quality, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Injury in High School Student Athletes, Karleigh Kirsch
Murder She Wrote: Victorian Women and Deviant Desires, Sarah E. Knowles
The Impact of Gloves and Simulated Occupational Tasks on Handgrip Strength in Structural Firefighters, Sarah Lanham
Epigenetic Buffering in Introduced House Sparrows, M. Ellesse Lauer
Reinforcement Learning: Low Discrepancy Action Selection for Continuous States and Actions, Jedidiah Lindborg
Succession Planning Using Servant Leadership Model For Nurses At The Atlanta Veteran Affairs Health Care System, Lauren Littlejohn
Analysis Of Overall Survival Data Using Mixture Cure Model, Manyun Liu
Capitalizing on Stress: Improving Affect and Self-Efficacy Through an Arousal Reappraisal Intervention, Angel Long
Sexual Victimization and Disordered Eating among Sorority and Fraternity Members, Jennifer L. McGinness
A Secondary Data Analysis Exploring the Impacts of Synchronous and Asynchronous Sexual Assault Bystander Intervention Training: A Pilot Study, Jacquelyn A. Mesenbrink
Sexual minority stress and mental health: An investigation of rural-urban differences in social support, Justin T. Miller
License Plate Image Quality Enhancement Utilizing Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks, Mark Moelter
Coaxial 3D Printing with Agarose and Gelatin with Cells, Marcela Montoya
The Funeral's the Thing: Unification Through the Burial Rite in Hamlet, Ferrell J. Mowell
Hemocyte-mediated immune response to a bacterial infection in the cat flea (Ctenocephalides Felis), Melanie Muñoz
Assessing the Factors Related to the Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Perioperative Division: A Case Study at a Level 1 Trauma Center, Lakeysha R. Mutcherson
The Role of Cardiorespiratory Fitness to Attenuate Arterial Stiffness in Firefighters, Thomas Nagel
Perplexions: Perceptions, Plexi and Prose, Amy B. Nelson
Optimization of Passive Flow Control Technique for Enhanced Turbulent Mixing in Supersonic Propulsion, Andrious Nelson
The Medieval “Chosen One” In Modern YA Series: A Cultural Wonder, Emily S. Nipper
Determining Cause Of Failure For Load Cells Supporting Vertical Pressure Vessels Subject To Wind Loading, Seth Nowak
Hyphenated Identity and Negotiated Intersectionality: A Memoir of a First-Generation Nigerian-American Male Teacher in an Inner City Title 1 Elementary School in Georgia, Gerald Chidiebere Nwachukwu
Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions Against Respiratory Tract Infectious Diseases, Sylvia Ofori
Modelling Muscle Activation Using EMG Signal, Mercy U. Okonna
Controlled Voltage of Hot Snare Polypectomy Device in Electrosurgical Device, Saidi Olayinka Olalere
Evaluation of Guardrail Performance in High-Risk Accident Zones and Identification of Barrier Alternatives, Maria Jose Ordonez
EEG Signals Classification Using LSTM-Based Models and Majority Logic, James A. Orgeron
Analysis of Spatial Discrepancies Between 76-Foot Close Range Photogrammetric and Terrestrial-Lidar Models, Abdoul K. Ouangre
Fabrication and Testing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites via Vat-Photopolymerization Additive Manufacturing, Anthony G. Palacio
Proof-of-Concept: Safety Hazard Identification and Impact Minimization Using 3D BIM and VR Devices Through the Case-Studies, Sudeep Pangeni
Comparative Analysis of Mushrooms Using Decision Trees, Random Forest, and Neural Network Algorithms, Sanny S. Patel
The Effects of Cultural Competence and Therapy Duration on Minority Populations’ Therapy Preferences, Sofia Perez
Leadership Self-efficacy of Students Participating in On-Campus Leadership Programming, Benjamin S. Phillips
Bridging the Gaps: Exploring Factors Associated With Goal Achievement Within an Accountable Care Organization Care Coordination Program, Jessica L. Polk
Seasonal Variation in Anthropometric and Performance Variables in American Professional Soccer Players, Hannah Elizabeth Ramirez
Coping Self-Efficacy as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Trauma and Disordered Eating, Bethany Owens Raymond
A Study of Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic Metal Core Wire for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Alexander L. Reichenbach
Amblyomma quadricavum (Schulze, 1941) (Acari:Ixodidae): First Description of the Nymphal Stage and Phylogenetic Assessment of Its Taxonomic Status, Ashleigh V. Riggs
Nitrate Removal During the Shoulder Months in the Occoquan Reservoir: A Comprehensive Study, KM Risaduzzaman
Male Color Badges Advertise Multiple Messages: Tradeoffs Among Color Badge Intensity, Size, and Ectoparasite Load, Katherine M. Roberts
No Rest for the Weary: The Association of Quality of Life and Health Outcomes in EMS Personnel, Carlene A. Robinson
Behavior and Chemical Signals as Markers of Colony Identification in Argentine Ants (Linepithema Humile), Stephanie A. Rohrbach
Evaluation of Hemp Seed Meal as a Fish Meal Replacement through Growth and Digestibility Trials in Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis), Anthony Sample
Developing And Validating A Machine Learning-Based Student Attentiveness Tracking System, Andrew L. Sanders
INSTINCT, Eric Sanders
Improving Cyber Security in Power Systems Using Neural Networks, Dylan Savage
The Influence of Faculty Peer Network Communication in the Diffusion of a Centralized CURE, Nicole L. Scheuermann
Characteristics and Regions of Hospital Locations and the Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage., Zahra Shahin
Cryptography Through the Lens of Group Theory, Dawson M. Shores
Florida Sand Skink and Blue-tailed Mole Skink: Expanding Geographic Coverage of Genetic Analysis for Conservation, Emma Simpson