About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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Student instructions from the College of Graduate Studies
The approved version of a thesis or dissertation may not be modified. Requests to modify embargoes or release options must be signed by the major professor and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies for approval. For additional information about embargoes, see Dissertations & Theses: Understanding Embargoes.
Additional ETD Collections
The works are also available in the following collections:
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Developmental and Individual Differences in Visual Word Search, Michaela D. Simpson
Investigation of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Aza-Michael Reactions, Nadia Z. Singleton
Tickets, Tokens, and Teachers' Experiences with PBIS in Georgia, Tabitha Sirmans
Does Race Have An Influence on The Athletic Trainer-Coach Relationship, Cayce M. Sloan
The Effect of Magnitude and Probability on Plea Bargain Decision-Making, Megan L. Small
Investigations of the Low Temperature Combustion Regions and Emissions Characteristics of Aerospace F24 in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber and a Common Rail Direct Injection Ci Engine, Richard C. Smith III
A Different World: The Experiences of Black Women at a Southern Predominantly White Institution, LaToya Stackhouse
Crippling Stagnation: Disability Imagery and the Handicapped South, Amber L. Stickney
"A World of Mists and Shadows": Women's Experience in Ireland as Portrayed in James Joyce's "The Dead" and Kate O'Brien's Without My Cloak, Megan S. Stone
Population Genomics of Redbreast Sunfish (Lepomis Auritus): Exploring Gene Flow and Local Adaptation in a Widely Distributed Freshwater Fish, Garret J. Strickland
CFD and Heat Transfer Analysis of Rocket Cooling Techniques on an Aerospike Nozzle, Geoffrey Sullivan
Economic Aesthetics, Ashrafi Sultana
Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Mood Disorder Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Parent-Child Religious Congruence, Jasmine Swann
Barriers to Musculoskeletal Injury Reporting in High School Athletes: A Qualitative Study, Mikayla Talak
Effects of Unpaved Roads on Relative Abundance and Epigenetics of Early Successional Lizards, David Tevs
Pipeline to the Casket: Counter-Stories of Black K-12 Teachers in Georgia Against the Decision to Arm Teachers, Latoya D. Thomas
The Application of Deep Learning and Cloud Technologies to Data Science, Ian A. Trawinski
The Influence of Microplastic Fibers on Copper Concentration in the Ribbed Marsh Mussel (Geukensia demissa), Alina S. Tucker
Counterstories of High School Black Males and their Experiences of the Mainstream Curricula, Kayla Turner
Relationship Between Participation in a Dual Enrollment Program, Students’ Race and Socioeconomic Status and Their Retention and Graduation, Nicholas Urquhart
Examining Practitioners’ Perspectives On Access To Professional Psychological Help For Division I Male Athletes, Nicole Vana
Neosublime, Reframing the Philosophical, Kathy Varadi
Analysis of Frequency Tunable Antennas to Overcome High Q Values and Propagation Modelling, John W. Verboom
Stop, Then Go! Rapid Acceleration Offsets the Costs of Intermittent Locomotion When Turning in Florida Scrub Lizards, Cheyenne Walker
Non-Inferiority Testing: Kernel Estimation and Overlap Measure, Larie C. Ward
Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Diabetes Management: A Retrospective Study in an Urban Medically Underserved Population Area (UMUPA)., Lisa Ariellah Ward
Femininity Reclaiming Chivalry in the Harry Potter Series, Ashley M. Watson
Confronting the Haunted South: A Journey into the History, Legacy, and Life of Boggs Academy, Caroline G. Whitcomb
Molybdenum Oxide/Antimony Nanobelts Embedded in Asymmetric Membranes for Use as High-Capacity Lithium/Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes, Logan Williams
Toward Novel Optical Functionalities Through Intelligent Photonic Structure Design, Robert J. Williamson
A Form Of Our Own: An Examination of Black Sonnet-Samplers, LaVonna D. Wright
Process of Manufacturing Nanoparticles (NGR Peptides with a Biodegradable Polymer) by Electrospraying for Developing an Active Targeting Drug Delivery System for Cancer Therapy, Anthony James Yamasta
Highway Stormwater Runoff On-site Treatment Using Bioslope With New Media Of Biochar Amended Topsoils, Ahmed I. Yunus
Synthesis and Behavior of Mechanical and Optical Properties in Nano-Bacterial Cellulose Network Reinforced in PMMA Substrate, Guangheng Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Impact of Blended Salt Anti-icers/Deicers on Properties of Asphalt Binders, Nurudeen A. Abidoye
Designing Microfluidic Devices To Produce Nonlinear Chemical Gradients, Oluwafemi Matthew Akinniyi
Leadership Preparation In Promoting Parent And Family Engagement With Elementary School Principals, Janetta K. Alabi-Isama
Unobtrusive Assessment Of Student Engagement Levels In Online Classroom Environment Using Emotion Analysis, Sasirekha Anbusegaran
Arnold Transformations as Applied to Data Encryption, Haley N. Anderson
Sexual Dimorphism of Thermal Preference in Florida Scrub Lizards (Sceloporus woodi) and Predicting Response to Climate Change in Two Rare Habitats, Sidney E. Anderson
Numerical Approximation of Lyapunov Exponents and its Applications in Control Systems, Nakita K. Andrews
Assessing Habitat Suitability of Ribbed Mussels (Geukensia Demissa) in Georgia Salt Marshes by Examining Predicted Mussel Densities and Mussel Population Parameters, William K. Annis Jr
The Role of Symbiotic Algae in the Acclimatization of Oculina arbuscula to Ocean Acidification, Erin M. Arneson
Mediation Analysis in Categorical Variables under Non-Ignorable Missing Data Mechanisms, Sarah A. Ayoku
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of NACA Airfoil Wing with Winglets, Courtney Danielle Bachmann
LSTM-Based Model For Human Brain Decisions Using EEG Signals Analysis, Lorela Bano
Disease Prevalence and the Population Genetic Structure of Crassostrea virginica Along the Georgia Coast, Sarah Batchelor
The Effect of Motivational General-Mastery Imagery on Reaction Time Performance and Heart Rate, William J. Bean Jr.
A Puzzle with Significant Public Health Importance but Never Finished: The Relationship between Colorectal Cancer and Folate, Anunay Bhattacharya
Working Memory Capacity Among College Students: The Role of Gender and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Lydia R. Bickham
Free-Roaming Cat Abundance Across a Habitat Gradient, Rachel E. Bird
Design, Synthesis and Applications of Nanoparticles in Suppression of Mosquito-born Flaviviridae Viruses, Maria R. Blahove
The Association of Demographic Characteristics and Social Vulnerability with COVID-19 Outcomes, Gloria D. Boone
The Retention of African American Male College Students in East Georgia State College, Larry R. Braddy
Current Recommendations for Lower Body Aerobic Exercise in Chronic Unilateral Stroke - A Systematic Review, Jordan N. Brown
Dying for Change: the Impact of Awareness Prevention and Intervention on Graduate Assistant Stress, Marla Bruner
Applicant Religion and Work Qualifications Impacting Hiring Decisions, William T. Cagle
Effective Weather Messaging: Applying the Bad News Response Model to Hurricane Warnings, April S. Carr
United States Nursing Homes and Health Equity During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Carla Cooper
Effects of Golf-Specific Footwear and Prolonged Durations of Standing and Walking on Gait Mechanics, Andrew L. Crawford
Current Status of Design and Construction of Piles with a Pilot Hole on Rock, Charles C. Crowner
The Development of a Holistic Quality Score Using In-Situ Monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Ryan Daigneault
School Leaders' and Teachers' Perceptions of Preparedness for the Online K - 12 Setting, Deirdre Daniels
The Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Avian Mobbing Behavior, Jada T. Daniels
Predictive Influence of Anthropometric and Performance-based Measurements on Bone Mineral Density in Female Collegiate Athletes, Maisie E. Davis
Evaluating St. Catherines Island's Shoreline, Vegetation Line, and the Locations of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nests, Sydney O. Davis
Athletics as a Life Curriculum: Lessons Learned Through Different Aspects of Athletics, Thomas J. Davis
Supervisor Knowledge, Attitudes, and Interventions Methods of Burnout among Healthcare Providers, Wendy Deal
Using Genetic Approaches to Understand Tumorigenesis In Drosophila, Shawna Defreitas
The Quantification of Training Load in Professional American Soccer Players, Drew S. DeJohn
Counternarratives of Students with Dis/abilities in One Rural School District, Christy M. Descartes
Lack of Plasticity in Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Nesting Behavior and Fecundity in a Translocated Population, Jennifer N. DeSha
Well Stewardship Behaviors in Rural Georgia, James Dotherow
Automated Detection of COVID-19 with X-ray images by Neural Network Based Algorithms, Leslie J. Douglas
Cultures and Colonization in Tamora Pierce's Young Adult Novels, Jessica R. Dube
Habitat Use of Wintering Henslow's Sparrows (Centronyx henslowii) in Power Line Right-of-Ways, Abigail W. Dwire
The Effects of NaCl on the Triple Helix Structure of Collagen and the Reinforcement of Tung oil-based Polymers with Collagen Peptides, Christopher Dzorkpata
The Effects of Race, Sociopolitical Attitudes, and Geographic Location on Criminal Scripts, To'Meisha S. Edwards
Spline Interpolation and Optimization on Sparse Grids, Chukwugozirim Ehirim
Perceptions of Local Board of Health Effectiveness In Georgia, Amber Erickson
Unsupervised Classification of Atmospheric Ozone Profiles, Fouzia Fahrin
The Significance of the Automobile in 20th C. American Short Fiction, Megan M. Flanery
Epidemiology of Concussive Injuries in Collegiate Recreational Athletics, Maddison R. Flowers
Design of Compact Signal Distribution Device for Hoffman Reflex Methodologic Applications in Sports Medicine, Abayomi E. Folaranmi
Cannot Afford to Publicly Surrender: The Public's Influence on Ronald Reagan's Strategic Relationship with South Africa, Jessica P. Forsee
Present in Presence, Lyndsey A. Frantz
Ex-tensions: Material Entanglement and Intensities, Zohreh Galdizadeh Garmeh
The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Health Status in Southeast Rural Firefighters, Catherine G. Gallagher
Staffing Models Supporting Technology in Institutions of Higher Education, Zach Gorman
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of a Single-Stage Jet Engine Using Jet-A, Drake T. Grall
Deschooling Schooled Minds: Speculative Essays, Kelly Graziano
Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse: The Effects of Perpetrator Age, Rural Status, and Rape Myth Acceptance, Kalynn C. Gruenfelder
Surface, Depth and the Ephemeral Experience, Naghmeh Hachempour
Passing the Baton: An Integrated Approach to Succession Planning for Local Health Departments, Isabella M. Hardwick
Development and Scaling of Skull Shape for Snakes in the Genus Tantilla, Patrick J. Hennessey
Organizational Response Capabilities to Disruptions: Exploring Employee and Managerial Roles, Melanie Hinterplattner