About this Collection
The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's and Doctorate degrees conferred by the University.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Development of a Classification System for Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) EEG Signal Using EEG EPOCX Device and Deep Learning Models, Akintomide Michael Adebile
Synthesis and Processing of PCL and IRDYE Nanoparticles for Application in Drug Release Mechanism, Michael Adeniyi
Child Sexual Abuse Cases in the Catholic Church vs. Secular Groups: A Media Content Analysis, Hannah G. Adkison
Assessment of the Utilization of Healthcare Services Specific to Pregnancy-Related Complications In Rural And Medically Underserved Georgia, Diana L. Aguirre
Understanding the Feasibility of Improving Interfacial Properties in Direct Ink Writing of Silicone-Polyurethane Resin Hybrid Material, Ayobami Samuel Akinfenwa
Essays on Firm Innovation and Operational Performance, Senali Amarasuriya
Expanding Cultural Empathy Through Multicultural Children’s Literature: An Ethnographic Inquiry with First Grade Children in Rural Georgia, Marianna L. Anderson
The Effect of Tempo on Prone Hamstring Exercise - An Exploration of Unilateral Bias, Derick A. Anglin
Hepatic Transcriptomic Assessment of Sprague Dawley Rats in Response to Dietary Perfluorobutane Sulfonate (PFBS) Ingestion, Isaac Appiah
The Relationship Between Isolation and Social Emotional Experiences in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jana Arslan
Sana Sana: Unlearning Generational Expectation Through Performance, Jalen R. Ash
Middle Savannah River: An A/r/tographic Ecopedagogical Ethnography Experimenting with Rhizomatic Perspectives, Lisa Augustine-Chizmar
Factors Associated With Patient Portal Utilization, Preventive Services Utilization, and Health Promoting Behaviors Among Adults in the United States, Elizabeth Ayangunna
Assessing Drought Effects on Consumer-Mediated Processes Using Experimental Wetlands, Victoria T. Baglin
Exploring Service Differences Among Labeled Populations During Humanitarian Response, Sean C. Bear
Predictions of the Dynamic Complex Modulus of Non-Conventional Asphalt Concrete Using Machine Learning Techniques, Annie Benson
Exploring a Culturally Relevant/Responsive/Sustaining Third Grade Social Studies Curriculum: An Ethnographic Inquiry, Lucia Benzor
Endogenous Antioxidant Response and Lipid Peroxidation Levels in Muscle Tissue of the Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus), Bailey Berry
Extralegal Bias in the United States Military in Sexual Assault Cases, Taylor F. Blackston
Examining The Nexus of Housing Instability and Neighborhood Within New York City (NYC), Benjamin Boateng
Conceal Reveal, Jacquelyn A. Bolton
Fabrication and Testing of Nanoscale Reinforced UHMWPE Fibers and Their Composites, N'pessan Prisca Bonou
Relationship Between School Climate and Student Achievement in Middle Schools, Brad Boykin
For Black Girls, By Black Girls: Examining the Experiences of Black Women in Historically White Learning Spaces and Reimagining Spaces With Our Needs in Mind, Florence Takeshia Brown
The Precontact Utilization of a Depressional Wetland at the Gresston Spring Site (9DG152) in Dodge County, Georgia, Jonathan L. Brown
Expanses, Austin J. Buchanan
Brownsville, 1906: Manufacturing Myth and Memory, Francis C. Busby
Educator Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Preparedness to Work in High Poverty Schools, Kristen Carroll
It's Not a Phobia: Reducing Transnegativity Using Imagined Intergroup Contact, Rachel Cook
Hearing Silent Voices: Counternarratives of African American Students Overrepresented in Special Education Programs, Janet Cooks
Use of Hematological Markers to Assess Physiological Condition and Health Status in Free-Ranging Sand Tiger Sharks (Carcharius taurus), Chestina N. Craig
Toward a Curriculum of Wonder, Imagination, and Empowerment: Critiques on Neoliberal Infiltration in Education, Andrea L. Cramsey
Remote Sensing of Georgia Tidal Marsh Habitats Using Aerial Photography and Planetscope Satellite Imagery, Harrison M. Currin
Self-Supervised Learning Using Physiological Signals from Wearable Sensors for Mental Stress Assessment, Whitney M. Curwin
Views of Asexuality and Transgender Individuals: The Role of Religious Beliefs, Allison Davis
The Relationship of Academic Integration to College Persistence for Female Military-Affiliated Students, Terezia A. Dean
Constructing (un)Situated Women: Situated Knowledges in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things (1997) and Balli K. Jaswal's Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows (2017), Necole T. DeLoach
Stability Control of Laterally Coupled Quad-Loop Dynamical Systems, Novel Kumar Dey
Strengthening the Academic Progress of Students Within Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Leslie Dial
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience Through the Eyes of Transition, Andrew J. Dies
Nice Girls, Wild Women: The Call of the American Wilderness and Feminine Rejection of the American Dream, Alice Paige Dillard
Examining Second-Year Retention: Student Perceptions of Campus Resources for Sophomores, Theresa Rose Duggar
The Use of the Pile Driving Analyzer for Piles Seated on Rock, William Eason
A Novel Approach to Detecting and Mitigating Keyloggers, Damilola Osedumbi Elelegwu
Accessing the Relative Sustainability of Point-of-Use Water Disinfection Technologies through Costs and Environmental Impacts, Bright C. Elijah
A Paradox of Fact and Fiction: Cultivating the 'Literary Imagination' Through Quiet Rebellion, Eden A. Evans
Analysis of Dual-Element Antenna Configurations, Grant J. Evans
Medical Providers' Use of Maternal Mental Health Screening Tools During Prenatal Appointments in Southeast Georgia, Andreka Ewing
The Relationship Between Chronotypes and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Law Enforcement Officers, Alyssa N. Fail
The Influence of Urban Forms and Street Infrastructure on Pedestrian-Motorist Collisions, Taylor J. Foreman
Silver Linings Playlist: Exploring the Effectiveness of Music as an Emotion Regulation Tool, Caitlin Fountain
Computational and Experimental Investigation of Mass Reduced Aircraft Wing Ribs, Charles R. Fricks III
Sustainable Waste Management Through the Beneficial Use of Dredged Material from Savannah River, Gabriela Funes
DNA Methylation and the Response to Infection in Introduced House Sparrows, Melanie Gibson
An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties and Chemical Composition of LCD 3D Printed Specimens, Sebastian Gomez
The Effects of Cucurbitacin B and Silmitasertib on Metastasis and Itga6 Using the Zebrafish Tumor-Xenograft, Alexandra Griffis
Promoting the Positive: A Case Study of the Influence of School Climate on One Turnaround School From 2016-2022, Cynthia Gunner
Ruptures in Indentures in Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies and Unaccustomed Earth, Prabal D. Gupta
" ", Stephen Harmon
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risky Behavior: The Buffering Effect of Hardiness, Lindsey S. Heard
Developing Best Practices for the Propagation of Spartina alterniflora for use in Salt Marsh Restortaion, Justin Hinson
The Effect of Weekly Training Load on Match Result in American Professional Soccer, Cameron M. Horsfall
Leveraging Targeted Regions of Interest by Analyzing Code Comprehension With AI-Enabled Eye-Tracking, Md Shakil Hossain
Maternal & Spiritual Healing in J.D. Salinger's Nine Stories, Emily Pittman Hoste
Struggling to Survive: A Back Porch Memoir, Anna Howell
Understanding and Enacting Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Through Multicultural Children's Literature: A Case Study of Preservice Teachers in Georgia, Heather M. Huling
Effect of Training Modality on Intention to Exercise Among Law Enforcement Cadets Post Academy, Nicholas Hunt
Beyond Burden: A Curriculum of Caregiving as a Traumatic Event, Lora Hydrick
Well-posedness and Scattering of Magnetic Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation in 3D, Kenneth C. Ifekaonwu
Application of Big Data Technology, Text Classification, and Azure Machine Learning for Financial Risk Management Using Data Science Methodology, Oluwaseyi A. Ijogun
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics Predicting Missed Clinic Visits Among Patients Living with HIV on Antiretroviral Treatment., Osaremhen Ikhile
Racial Differences in Depression Indicators Before and After 2008 Financial Crisis in a Sample of Older Adults, Angelina E. Jackson
Evaluation of the Loving Support Peer Counseling Program on Breastfeeding Duration Rates Among African American Women Enrolled in the Program (2017-2018), Nancy S. Jeffery
A Camera-Only Based Approach to Traffic Parameter Estimation Using Mobile Observer Methods, Temitope D. Jegede
“Gimme Dat Ole Time Ligion” Tracing Music of the Gullah-Geechee Community from a Cultural Context: Continuity and Change, Renee Denise Jenkins
Perfectionism and Psychological Well-Being in Sport and Performance Psychology Professionals, Kaytlyn M. Johnson
The Conditional Effects of Emotion Regulation on the Relationship Between Occupational Stress and Suicidal Behaviors in Veterinary Students, Sara Carroll Johnson
Can Gratitude Lists Mitigate Burnout In First-Year College Students?, Catherine Jones
Using The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Mean Chart For Change Point Analysis, Clifford N. Jones
Effects of Imagined Financial Difficulties on State Adult Attachment Systems, Loren Jones
Assessing The Influence Of Gender Equity In The US State Legislatures On Prenatal Healthcare Utilization, Prachi Joshi
Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural Defects in Concrete Slabs, Ehsanul Kabir
OWASP ZAP vs Snort for SQLi Vulnerability Scanning, Christopher Kalaani
Effects of Perpetrator and Victim Gender, Rape Myths, and Report Timing on Blame Attributions Following Sexual Assault, Katherine E. Kennon
Investigating Salinity Intrusion Effects on Sapelo Island, Georgia Using Benthic Macroinvertebrate Bioindicators, Raymond Paul Kidder II
Evaluating a Model for Problematic Alcohol Use in Individuals With Chronic Pain, Caroline Kinskey
Athletic Identity and Intention to Report Concussions in Collegiate Club Recreational Athletes, Kiersten D. Kuhlman
Executive Function & Self-regulation in Preschool Age Children: Mindfulness Intervention, Larissa Lamarca
The Metanarratives of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Collective Cognitive Dissonance of Metamodernist Discursive Formation, John R. Lewis
Spatial Drivers of Freshwater Fish Biodiversity, Community Structure, and Diet Composition Across Georgia, USA, Patrick Lewis
"Why do you keep alone?:" Isolated Women in the Plays of Shakespeare, Alexus Litchfield
Emergency Preparedness and Response: Examining Rural Hospitals (RHs) Communication Systems Before, During, and After a Natural Disaster, Geremy D. Lloyd