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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the College of Education.

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Submissions from 2012

Emotional Intelligence, Fayth M. Parks

Mental Health Intervention Strategies for the HIV/AIDS Infected Population, Fayth M. Parks

Boys will be Boys? Male Students’ Perceptions of Heterosexism and Harassment, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


Pervasive Vulnerabilities: Sexual Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

Making Information Literacy H'app'en in the School Library, Judi Repman, Elizabeth Downs, Lucy Green, and Stephanie Jones

A Curriculum of Critical Compassion, William M. Reynolds

Cinematic Visions and Lost Causes: The Civil War and the South, William M. Reynolds

Cranked Up and Pushed: Threatening and Monstrous Children, William M. Reynolds

Education after Hope: Youth Culture and Democratic Education, William M. Reynolds

The Era of Recruitment: The Militarization of Everything, William M. Reynolds

The Lost Cause: Cinematic Constructions Of The Southern Identity, William M. Reynolds

Where are the Mockingjays?, William M. Reynolds

Empowering African American Learners Through Critical Literacy, Sabrina N. Ross and Alma D. Stevenson

Post-Plastic Parenting: Ethical Consumerism and Critical Pedagogy, Laura Rychly and Julie C. Garlen


Consuming Pedagogies, Jennifer A. Sandlin and Julie C. Garlen


Cultural Studies of Children: Critical Perspectives on Childhoods, Jennifer A. Sandlin and Julie C. Garlen


Academic Achievement for All: How to Reach and Teach Diverse Struggling Learners, Alma D. Stevenson

How to Reach and Teach Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners, Alma D. Stevenson

Panel on Minorities in Doctoral Studies, Alma D. Stevenson

The Rhetoric of (After) Life, John A. Weaver

Mission in Research, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative research & Rigor, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Research Writing Skills, Meca Williams-Johnson

Submissions from 2011

Why Do They Do It? Hosting Pre-service Teacher Candidates During Troubling Times in Education, Missy M. Bennett

E-portfolios and Wimba: Sharing Student Reflections across an Online Program, Elizabeth Downs and Judi Repman


An Examination of Interactive Whiteboard Perceptions Using the Concerns-Based Adoption Model Stages of Concern and the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Model of Instructional Evolution, Jeffrey Hall, Gregory Chamblee, and Scott W. Slough

An Investigation of Six Online Learning Stages in E-learning, Jackie HeeYoung Kim

Researching Online Teaching Pedagogy Through an Action Research Community of Practice, Jackie HeeYoung Kim

Determining the Effectiveness of the 3D Alice Programming Workshop for at-risk High School Students, Jackie HeeYoung Kim, Patricia Wachholz, Wendy J. Marshall, and Bill Harris

Web 2.0 Tools: Empowering Faculty to Move beyond the LMS, Charles Hodges, Kenneth Clark, Elizabeth Downs, Lucy Green, Stephanie Jones, S. Kenney, and Judi Repman

Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Instructional Technology Graduate Students During a Capstone Experience, Charles Hodges and Elizabeth Downs

Dear Maxine: An Inquiry Into Situated Philosophy Through Epistolary Genre, Robert L. Lake


Memory, Metaphor, Place, and Story: (Un)Abstracting Social Imagination, Robert L. Lake


She Who Learns, Teaches: Septima Clark and Black Women Activist Educators, Past, Present, and Future, Robert L. Lake, Katherine Mellen Charron, and Kristal T. Moore

Developing Independent Readers in Middle School?, Regina Rahimi

Compliment or Harassment? Male Students' Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in High School, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

Compliment or Harassment? Male Students' Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in High School, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

Hegemony, Race, and Teachers' Perceptions, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


Just Playin' Males' Perspectives of Sexual Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


Serious or Not? Male Perspectives of Sexual Harrassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


Perfect Pathfinders for Every Purpose, Judi Repman, Elizabeth Downs, Stephanie Jones, and Lucy Green

Democracy: Youth Culture and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

Forgiveness, Resentment, and Façade in the South, William M. Reynolds

Iron Man Nation: Democracy and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

The Way of the Soldier: Jarheads and Hurt Lockers: Perpetual War, Identity and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

Explorations of Prejudice Reduction in a Diversity Education Course, Sabrina Ross

The Politics of Politeness: Resistance to Social Justice Education in the South, Sabrina Ross

Journeys of Becoming Invigorating Curriculum Workers: Turning Points, Wide Awakenings, and New Ways of Researching Life in the U.S. South, William Schubert, William M. Reynolds, Ming Fang He, Sabrina N. Ross, Consuela Jean Ward, Wynnetta Scott-Simmons, Sonia Carlyle, and Michel Mitchell


Managing Technology and Change in U.S. Public High Schools: A Concerns-Based Adoption Model Approach, Scott W. Slough, Jeffrey S. Hall, and Gregory Chamblee

Working With Diverse Students, Alma D. Stevenson and S. Brown

Educating the Posthuman, John A. Weaver

Science and Creation: A Truly Complicated Conversation, John A. Weaver

The Authorities of Science and Religion: Of Weak Faith and Ideology, John A. Weaver

What Comes After the Post? Curriculum Studies, Myths, Understanding and the Posthuman, John A. Weaver

Distressing Discourse: Teachers Talk on Race And Emotions in the Classroom, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Analysis, Meca Williams-Johnson

Submissions from 2010

Failing Middle School Mathematics and Science: Student, Teacher and Principal Perspectives, Gregory Chamblee

"It's not better or worse, it's just different": Examining Jamaican teachers' pedagogical and emotional experiences during their first year of teaching in the U.S., Dionne I. Cross and Ji Hong

Activities and Ideas for Math 1 and 2, A. Donnell, J. Horne, and Gregory Chamblee

Instructional Design: Foundations for Collaboration among RTI Special Teams, Elizabeth Downs, Terry Diamanduros, and Stephen Jenkins


High School Mathematics Teachers and Interactive Whiteboards: A Longitudinal Study of 2 Users and 2 Future-Users, Year 3, Jeffrey Hall and Gregory Chamblee

Teaching From an On-Line Textbook With an On-Screen TI-83+ Graphing Calculator, Jeffrey Hall, L. Hall, and Gregory Chamblee

Voicethread Tutorials and Graphing Calculators, Jeffrey Hall, L. Hall, and Gregory Chamblee

eQuizzes in the Classroom, Jackie HeeYoung Kim

Evaluating College Teaching Based on Constructivism and Community of Inquiry Framework, Jackie HeeYoung Kim

Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Hybrid Technology Training, Jackie HeeYoung Kim, Wendy J. Marshall, Bill Harris, and LaQuita Denson

Beyond the LMS: Web 2.0 Tools for Online Programs, Charles Hodges, Stephanie Jones, Judi Repman, Elizabeth Downs, Kenneth Clark, and Randal Carlson


But My Facebook Is Private: Administrator and Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions of Social Network Site Postings, Robert L. Lake


Curriculum as Conversation in Peer Mediated Conflict Resolution, Robert L. Lake


Looking Deeper Than the Gradebook: Assessing Cultural Diversity Attitudes Among Pre-Service Teacher Candidates, Robert L. Lake


Vygotsky and Freire: Pedagogies and Politics, Robert L. Lake

Hip Hop and Bet vs. Mayberry and the Moral Majority: Negotiating Sexuality, Race, and Gender in Schools, Regina Rahimi

Schools Fostering Appreciation of Student Diversity, Regina Rahimi


Hostile High: Sexual Harassment on School Campuses, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


The Environment Is Still Hostile: Female Students' Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


The "New Hello" and Other Forms of Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


You Mean That Still Goes On? Young Women's Experiences with Sexual Harassment in High School, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

Life in a College of Education, Regina Rahimi, E. Rambo, C. Tupper, and R. Williams

Tools for Learning in 2010: Check out the Horizon Report, Judi Repman, Elizabeth Downs, Kenneth Clark, Randal Carlson, Stephanie Jones, Charles Hodges, Lucy Green, and Kathryn Kennedy

Education Interrupted and the Business of Schooling, William M. Reynolds

Neo-Post-Urban-Noir Graphic Novels and Critical Literacy: The Hard Connection, William M. Reynolds

The End of Education and the Business of Schooling, William M. Reynolds

Diversity Education as a Strategy for Reducing Intergroup Conflict In College Students, Sabrina Ross

From Moral Outrage to Moral Activism: The Role of Critical Race Theory in Educational Transformation, Sabrina Ross

Advancing Literacy: Identifying Constructs That Impact Proficiency in Reading and Writing, Meca Williams-Johnson

Advocacy and Qualitative Research, Meca Williams-Johnson

Collective Action and Sense of Community: African American Home Educators and Their Sense of Community, Meca Williams-Johnson

Examining Self-efficacy in Diverse Contexts, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Data Analysis Procedures, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Research Software Seminar, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Research Writing Skills, Meca Williams-Johnson

Race, Identity and Development, Meca Williams-Johnson