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Submissions from 2009

Reconstructing Multicultural Education: Transcending the Essentialist/Relativist Dichotomy Through Personal Story, Robert L. Lake

African American healing traditions: Gullah Geechee people and their African culture, Fayth M. Parks

African Americans and the Bible in American Culture, Fayth M. Parks

Students in Belize Study Abroad, Regina Rahimi

Success for ESOL students in the Middle Grades Classroom, Regina Rahimi

AASU and Belize: A Partnership between AASU and Elementary schools in Belize, Regina Rahimi, E. Alley, S. Askew, S. Campbell, C. Foster, and M. Williams-Adams

Cultural Responsiveness: The Impact of Study Abroad Experiences in Teacher Preparation Programs, Regina Rahimi, S. Askew, S. Campbell, and M. Williams-Adams


Race, Class, and Emerging Female Sexuality: Teacher Perceptions and Sexual Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

The Stories We Tell Ourselves, William M. Reynolds

Workshop: Mammalian Classification With a Focus on Georgia Mammals, Heather C. Scott

Educating the Posthuman, John A. Weaver

Collective Action and Sense of Community Among African American Homeschool Families, Meca Williams-Johnson

Overview of Quantitative Designs, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Data Analysis in Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Methods, Meca Williams-Johnson

The Distressing Discourse: Teachers Talk of Race and Emotional Experiences in the Classroom, Meca Williams-Johnson

The Distressing Discourse: Teachers Talk on Race And Emotions, Meca Williams-Johnson

Submissions from 2008

Closing Panel Discussion, Scott A. Beck

Innovative Teaching and Learning Strategies, Scott A. Beck

Innovative Teaching and Learning Strategies, Scott A. Beck

Mexican American Identities in Children’s Picture Storybooks: Thinking Critically and Diversely, Scott A. Beck

Mexican-American Immigration and Migration: A Cross-Border Dialogue, Scott A. Beck

Progressive Methods for Incorporating Communication, Culture, and Literature in the Language Classroom: Theoretical Overview, Scott A. Beck

Progressive Methods for Incorporating Communication, Culture, and Literature into the ESOL Classroom, Scott A. Beck

Literacy skills across the curriculum, J. Bergin, S. White, N. Hepting, B. Battiste, and Regina Rahimi

Georgia’s New High School Mathematics Curriculum: What Is It?, Gregory Chamblee and S. Taylor

Failing Mathematics: Documenting a Middle School’s Approach to Meeting the Challenge, Gregory Chamblee and P. Ward

Failing Science: Documenting a Middle School’s Approach to Meeting the Challenge, Gregory Chamblee and P. Ward

Cyberbullying: Guidelines for school psychologists, Terry D. Diamanduros, Elizabeth Downs, and Stephen J. Jenkins

Characteristics of generations Y and Z: Implications for RTI, Elizabeth Downs, Terry D. Diamanduros, and Stephen J. Jenkins


Teacher Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboards: A Comparison of Users and Future-Users in High School and Middle School Mathematics, Jeffrey Hall, Gregory Chamblee, and Tricia Hughes

Technology use among preservice teachers: Implications for instruction, Stephen Jenkins, Terry D. Diamanduros Ph.D., and Elizabeth Downs

Technology use among preservice teachers: Implications for instruction, Stephen J. Jenkins and Terry D. Diamanduros

Activist Practitioner Curriculum Inquiry: Researching the Life of Schools, Neighborhoods and Communities in the U.S. South, Robert L. Lake


Liberating Dissertation Writing: Life in Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities in the U.S. South, Robert L. Lake


More Than Words: Moving Currere Into the Universe of Discourse in Preservice Teacher Education, Robert L. Lake

Reconstructing Multiculturalism: Beyond the Essentialist/Relativist Dichotomy and Into Personal Story, Robert L. Lake


Motivating Low-Achieving Students during Pre-Service Teaching, Lin Lin and Jackie HeeYoung Kim

Understanding Curriculum 2, Marla B. Morris

Eco Wisdom: Learning from the Wild, Marla B. Morris and Mary Aswell Doll

Gullah Tales: Cultural Identity and Narrative Analysis, Fayth M. Parks

Psychotherapeutic Implications of Tibetan Folk Healing, Fayth M. Parks

Self Care in the Midst of It All: Anchors of Integrity, Fayth M. Parks

Effective Language Arts Instruction for ESL: What Middle and High School Students Say, Regina Rahimi

Helping Adolescents Who Struggle with Reading, Regina Rahimi

Help! My Eighth Graders Can't Read: Literacy and the Adolescent, Regina Rahimi

Successfully Teaching English Language Learners, Regina Rahimi


"If She Dresses Like That, She Must Be Sexually Active": Teachers' Presumptions of Adolescent Sexuality and Labeling "Slutty Girls", Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


"What Does She Expect When She Dresses Like That!" Teacher Roles in Labeling "Sluts", Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


“What Does She Expect When She Dresses Like That?”: Teachers’ Perceptions of Emerging Adolescent Female Sexuality, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

You're Not Like Me! Dealing With Our Differ, Regina Rahimi, P. Zaldivar, D. Rayans, J. Peny, and C. Crosby

Online Learning, Web 2.0 and Higher Education: a Formula for Reform, Judi Repman and Elizabeth Downs

On the Horizon: Will Web 2.0 Change the Face of Online Learning?, Judi Repman, Cordelia D. Zinskie, and Elizabeth Downs

Peer evaluation of online courses, R. Way, Stephen J. Jenkins, Terry D. Diamanduros, and Elizabeth Downs

African Americans and Homeschooling, Meca Williams-Johnson

Novice Researchers Approach to Exploring Emotions in the Classroom, Meca Williams-Johnson

Under the guidance of a master teacher: Teachings and research of Dr. Asa Hilliard, Meca Williams-Johnson

Under the Guidance of a Master Teacher: Teachings and Research of Dr. Asa Hilliard, Meca Williams-Johnson

African American Home Education Parents Describe Their Teacher Efficacy Beliefs, Meca Williams-Johnson and Cheryl Fields-Smith

Submissions from 2007

Controversias en la Educación Mexicana-Americana / Controversies in Mexican American Education, Scott A. Beck

Educación Post-Secundaria en Los Estados Unidos, Scott A. Beck

Mexican American Identities and Markets, Scott A. Beck

Theory and Practice in Second Language/L2 Instruction, Scott A. Beck

Meeting Middle Grade Preservice Math Teachers Needs: Consensus or Not?, Gregory Chamblee

Georgia’s New Grades 6 – 8 Mathematics Curriculum: What Is It?, Gregory Chamblee and S. Taylor


A Curriculum of Imagination in an Era of Standardization, Robert L. Lake

East Meets West in Curriculum Studies, Robert L. Lake

The Heart of What Matters: Differentiation and Reflexive Pedagogy, Robert L. Lake

Exploring Identity in Schools: Tensions of Gatekeepers and Agents of Change, Delores D. Liston and Lorraine S. Gilpin


Affirming and Sustaining Joy in the Life Work of National Teachers of the Year, Delores D. Liston and Camille Lowe Shirah

Nuclear Cowboys and Native Visions: Place and Competing Representations of the American West, Marla B. Morris

Mind the Dog. Howl of the Wolf, Marla B. Morris and Mary Aswell Doll

The Dystopic University, Marla B. Morris, William M. Reynolds, and John A. Weaver

Folklore, psychology, and healing: Responding to the work of Afro-Cuban artist Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Fayth M. Parks

How culture and tradition can help mothers and daughters talk about avoiding early pregnancy and STD, Fayth M. Parks

In a sacred place: Tibetan Buddhist nuns’ ancient practices of mind, Fayth M. Parks

Multicultural therapies, PSYC 4436 Theories of Psychotherapy, Fayth M. Parks

Multicultural therapies, PSYC 4436 Theories of Psychotherapy,, Fayth M. Parks

Rethinking strategies and competencies required to help women change at risk behaviors: An innovative culturally-derived strategy for prevention and intervention, Fayth M. Parks

Professionals Specializing in Mental Health Invited to Participate in Bilateral Exchanges with Professional Counterparts in China and Tibet, Fayth M. Parks, F. M. Jacobsen, and L. Comas-Díaz

Making Sense of Standards: The Relationship of Theory and Practice in the Life of a First Year Professor, Regina Rahimi

Games! Games! Games! (And other strategies for getting to know others), Regina Rahimi, E. Davis, and P. Hannigan

Environmental Justice: Inconvenient Perspectives, William M. Reynolds

The Curriculum and Politics of the Civic Gospel in the Rustbelt and in the South, William M. Reynolds

Thinking Globally and Acting Locally, William M. Reynolds


Looking Beyond Short-Term Implementation and Low Level Concerns: Assessing the Full Impact of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), Scott W. Slough and Gregory Chamblee

Out of the Ivory Tower and into the Trenches: Case Study of Taking a Year's Leave to Again Teach in the Middle Grades Classroom, E. Strauser, Regina Rahimi, and M. Mahan

Corporatizing the Dystopic University or How I Earned Tenure at an Amusement Park, John A. Weaver

Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Qualitative Research, Meca Williams-Johnson

The Racial Identity Development of Young African American Home-educated Children, Meca Williams-Johnson

American Parental Involvement and Home Schooling, Meca Williams-Johnson and Cheryl Fields-Smith

Submissions from 2006

Diversity Issues, Scott A. Beck

Hispanic Influence in the US, Scott A. Beck, Vince Kohler, and Jorge W. Suazo Dr.

Problem-Solving and Grades 2 – 5 Students: A Discussion of Their Solutions, Gregory Chamblee

The Impact of Race and Racism on Students Emotions: A Critical Race Analysis, Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby and Meca Williams-Johnson


Social Justice and Holistic Education: What Elementary Teachers Can Do, Lee Woodham DiGiovanni and Delores D. Liston

Changing Fields?: Interpreting Classroom Teaching Experiences, Nicole R. Harper and Delores D. Liston


An Inquiry Into Curriculum of Imagination, Robert L. Lake

On Not Being Able to Play, On Not Being Able to Do Anything: Pink Floyd, Regression and Currere, Marla B. Morris

Myth, Madness and Medicine, Marla B. Morris, Mary Aswell Doll, and Delese Wear