Term of Award

Summer 2023

Degree Name

Master of Science, Civil Engineering

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Civil Engineering and Construction

Committee Chair

Celine Manoosingh

Committee Member 1

Francisco Cubas

Committee Member 2

Soonkie Nam


Dredging is the removal of sediments and debris from the bottom of lakes, rivers and other water bodies. It is a necessary routine in waterways around the world because sedimentation, the natural process of sand and silt washing downstream, gradually fills up channels and harbors. Every year in the US, the dredging of shipping channels, harbors, waterways, canals, and lakes produce large quantities of valuable sediment material in some locations and an unwanted inconvenience in others. The United States Army of Corps (USACE) has been dredging sediment from the Savannah River since the 19th century. A crucial requirement for maintaining a deepened harbor is having a designated placement area for sediment. The Corps call these designated areas dredged material containment areas (DMCA). The Savannah Harbor’s DMCAs spread across 5,500 acres along the South Carolina side of the lower Savannah River. With this area rapidly approaching capacity, there is an urgent need for impactful solutions that will transfer and curtail a substantial amount of existing and incoming material in an ongoing and sustainable way. Necessitated and supported by GDOT’s Waterways Office, The Army Corps of Engineers, and the City of Savannah Sanitation Department, this study focuses on the direct implementation of a significant amount of dredge material for use as cover in the City of Savannah’s Dean Forest Landfill Extension.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material

