Term of Award

Fall 2023

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Art

Committee Chair

Jeff Garland

Committee Member 1

Matthew Mogle

Committee Member 2

Jason Hoelscher


This document will explain the nature of Austin Buchanan. This will go over the ideas, process, the executions, and the theories of my artwork. Explaining the ideas of space within, on, and around (outside), the picture plane.

The work included focuses on how a manipulated 2D surface evokes an experiential reaction. This manipulation enhances the actual experiences of real space that happens once someone becomes an observer of a 2D artwork and the conceptual idea of window space. This work challenges the ideas of the traditional picture plane illusion and the Flatbed surface or “Flatness” by expanding the picture plane into a wider scope by connecting and interacting with everything that exists within, on and beyond the picture plane. These interactions expose the conceptual ideas of the piece that act on levels of real spatial interaction between the elements. This work reflects research from the surreal era of artwork and into the ideas of different spaces from the minds of Leo Stienberg, David Summers, and other artists within the art world who deal with spatial concepts.

This idea of an expanded Flatbed Picture Space pushes the interaction between the viewer and the picture plane. The Flatbed picture plane and ideas on surrealism will be investigated in an in-depth manner to explain how these relations and thoughts assist in the execution and completion of my works of art. In turn this will dispel into how those ideas that transpire into artworks change the experience of viewing artworks and how they force other objects in space to operate functionally.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material

