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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading.

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Submissions from 2013

Crisis Intervention, M. Baggett, Delores D. Liston, W. Bede Mitchell, and L. Tellier

Partnering with Higher Education, M. Baggett, Delores D. Liston, W. Bede Mitchell, and L. Tellier

Latina Resiliency: In Pursuit of STEM Careers, Gillian Ursula Bayne, Katie L. Brkich, Lorena Claeys, Belinda Bustos Flores, Alejandro J. Gallard Martinez, Wesley B. Pitts, and Alma D. Stevenson

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Inquiring into Learning and Learning Communities, Lorraine S. Gilpin, Judith Longfield, and Diana Sturges

Teaching Critical Thinking In The Era of Standardization and High Stakes Testing, Ming Fang He, Sabrina Ross, Sonia Janis, Wynnetta Scott-Simmons, Lyndall Muschell, Holley Roberts, Derrick Tennial, and Michel L. Pantin

An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills and Writing Attitudes through the Lens of Historical Figures in a Third Grade Classroom, Anne Katz

Early Learning College Literacy Project, Anne Katz


Promoting Academic Achievement and Empowerment through Struggling Readers’ Verbal Protocols in Response to Artists’ Biographies, Anne Katz


The Art of Reflection and Expression: Expanding the Writing Skills of Pre-Service & Graduate Education Students, Anne Katz

The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia, Anne Katz

The Social Construction of Disabilities and Differences: Fostering Appreciation of Diversity through Children's Literature, Anne Katz

The Teens for Literacy Program: Students Generating Ideas to Promote Literacy among their Peers, Anne Katz, Allen Berger, and John Hobe


Embedding Information Literacy in a preservice Teacher Education Language Development Course, Anne Katz and Jackie HeeYoung Kim

The Strong Poetry of Place: A Co-Auto/Ethnographic Journey Through Place, Consciousness, and Education, Tricia M. Kress and Robert L. Lake


Constructing a Community of Thought: Letters on the Scholarship, Teaching and Mentoring of Vera John-Steiner, Robert L. Lake

Deterritorializing Peace Education Through Being-Based Pedagogy, Robert L. Lake


That’s Alright Mamma: How Southern Blacks Invented Rock and Roll, Robert L. Lake

Where Jagger Learned to Move: The Role of African-American Spirituality in the Creation of Rock and Roll, Robert L. Lake


Eagle QuaRC: Faculty Reflections on the Creation of a Campus-Wide Qualitative Research Community, Robert L. Lake and Christopher Brkich


Converging Self/Other Awareness: Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire on Necrophilia and Biophilia, Robert L. Lake and Vicki Dagostino

The Dialectic of Positive Freedom From Hegel to Fromm and Beyond, Robert L. Lake and Vicki Dagostino


Freire and Marx in Dialogue, Robert L. Lake and Tricia M. Kress


Exploring the Tensions Between Narrative Imagination and Official Knowledge Through The Life of Pi, Robert L. Lake and Laura Rychly


Sexual Harassment and Bullying Experiences from Middle and High School, Delores D. Liston and Regina Rahimi

Animals and the Posthuman: A Manifesto, Marla B. Morris and Peter M. Appelbaum

I am Animal, Marla B. Morris and Mary Aswell Doll


I am Dirt, I am Noise: Myth, Style, Allegory, and Currere, Marla B. Morris and Mary Aswell Doll


Exploring the Experiences of Female High School Dropouts in Georgia, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

A Curriculum of Place: Questions about the South, William M. Reynolds

Hey, Hey, My, My, Joe L. Kincheloe Friend, Teacher, Scholar, Musician, William M. Reynolds

Liberation Theology and Paulo Freire: On the Side of the Poor, William M. Reynolds

“Redneck Piece of White Trash”: Southern White Youth and “Redneck”: Epistemologies of Class and Race Identity, William M. Reynolds

Reforming the Schooling of Zombie Desire, William M. Reynolds

Southernization, William M. Reynolds

Troops for Teachers: Militainment and Education as Recruitment, William M. Reynolds

Where are The Mockingjays? The Commodification of Monstrous Children and Rebellion, William M. Reynolds

Youth. Poverty and Critical Consciousness, William M. Reynolds

A Curriculum of Place: Understanding Emerging through the Southern Mist, William M. Reynolds

Understanding Curriculum, William M. Reynolds

A Curriculum of Place: Understandings Beyond the Southern Mist, William M. Reynolds, Julie Garlen Maudlin, Bob Lake, and Ugena Whitlock

Critical Geographies of Race, Gender, and Sexuality, Sabrina Ross, Jennifer Bowman, Oscar M. Ceron, Kristen Denney, Alexine Holmes, Andrea Kinney, Renee La Gon, Anna Waddell, and Kathy Whitaker

Academic Achievement and Performances of African American Masculinity, Sabrina N. Ross and Alma D. Stevenson

Toward a Posthumanist Education: A Manifesto, Nathan Snaza, P. Applebaum, D. Carlson, and John A. Weaver


How Bilingual Latino/a Fifth Graders Use Their Linguistic Resources During Science Instruction, Alma D. Stevenson


"Why in This Bilingual Classroom… Hablamos Más Español?” Language Choice by Bilingual Science Students, Alma D. Stevenson

"What If La Migra Gets Mamá When I'm at School?" Transnational Mixed-Immigration-Status Families in the United States and the Education of Their Children, Alma D. Stevenson and Scott A. Beck

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Faculty Training, Alma D. Stevenson and S. Brown

What Future do the Posthuman and Posthumanism (Re)turn Us: Meanwhile, How Do I Tame the Lingering Effects of Humanism?, John A. Weaver

Getting Funded: Guidance in Grant Writing Proposals for Youth Programs, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Analysis, Meca Williams-Johnson

The Challenges and Rewards of Teaching Qualitative Research Online, Meca Williams-Johnson and C. Amelia Davis

Submissions from 2012

Hell and Back Again: Critical Pedagogies in Time of War, Daniel Chapman and William M. Reynolds


SoTL Imperatives: Theoretical and Socio-Political Contexts, Lorraine S. Gilpin and Delores D. Liston


We Saved the Best for You: Letters of Hope, Wisdom, and Imagination to 21st Century Educators, Robert L. Lake and Tricia M. Kress

Curriculum as Literary Text, Marla B. Morris


Interweavings, Oscillations, and the Indecidabilities of Understanding, Marla B. Morris


Pervasive Vulnerabilities: Sexual Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

A Curriculum of Critical Compassion, William M. Reynolds

Cinematic Visions and Lost Causes: The Civil War and the South, William M. Reynolds

Cranked Up and Pushed: Threatening and Monstrous Children, William M. Reynolds

Education after Hope: Youth Culture and Democratic Education, William M. Reynolds

The Era of Recruitment: The Militarization of Everything, William M. Reynolds

The Lost Cause: Cinematic Constructions Of The Southern Identity, William M. Reynolds

Where are the Mockingjays?, William M. Reynolds

Empowering African American Learners Through Critical Literacy, Sabrina N. Ross and Alma D. Stevenson


Academic Achievement for All: How to Reach and Teach Diverse Struggling Learners, Alma D. Stevenson

How to Reach and Teach Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners, Alma D. Stevenson

Panel on Minorities in Doctoral Studies, Alma D. Stevenson

The Rhetoric of (After) Life, John A. Weaver

Mission in Research, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative research & Rigor, Meca Williams-Johnson

Qualitative Research Writing Skills, Meca Williams-Johnson

Submissions from 2011

Dear Maxine: An Inquiry Into Situated Philosophy Through Epistolary Genre, Robert L. Lake


Memory, Metaphor, Place, and Story: (Un)Abstracting Social Imagination, Robert L. Lake


She Who Learns, Teaches: Septima Clark and Black Women Activist Educators, Past, Present, and Future, Robert L. Lake, Katherine Mellen Charron, and Kristal T. Moore

Compliment or Harassment? Male Students' Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in High School, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

Hegemony, Race, and Teachers' Perceptions, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


Just Playin' Males' Perspectives of Sexual Harassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston


Serious or Not? Male Perspectives of Sexual Harrassment in Schools, Regina Rahimi and Delores D. Liston

Democracy: Youth Culture and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

Forgiveness, Resentment, and Façade in the South, William M. Reynolds

Iron Man Nation: Democracy and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

The Way of the Soldier: Jarheads and Hurt Lockers: Perpetual War, Identity and Critical Media Literacy, William M. Reynolds

Explorations of Prejudice Reduction in a Diversity Education Course, Sabrina Ross

The Politics of Politeness: Resistance to Social Justice Education in the South, Sabrina Ross

Journeys of Becoming Invigorating Curriculum Workers: Turning Points, Wide Awakenings, and New Ways of Researching Life in the U.S. South, William Schubert, William M. Reynolds, Ming Fang He, Sabrina N. Ross, Consuela Jean Ward, Wynnetta Scott-Simmons, Sonia Carlyle, and Michel Mitchell

Working With Diverse Students, Alma D. Stevenson and S. Brown

Educating the Posthuman, John A. Weaver

Science and Creation: A Truly Complicated Conversation, John A. Weaver

The Authorities of Science and Religion: Of Weak Faith and Ideology, John A. Weaver

What Comes After the Post? Curriculum Studies, Myths, Understanding and the Posthuman, John A. Weaver

Distressing Discourse: Teachers Talk on Race And Emotions in the Classroom, Meca Williams-Johnson