Term of Award

Summer 2022

Degree Name

Master of Science in Applied Physical Science (M.S.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Committee Chair

Shainaz Landge

Committee Member 1

Debanjana Ghosh

Committee Member 2

Ji Wu


1,2,3-triazoles due to their structure, possess good optical properties and are capable of molecular recognition by their supramolecular capabilities of utilizing weak forces of interaction (such as hydrogen bonding, dipole interaction) in establishing a close association with targets. They are easy to synthesize, which opened the opportunity for a wide pharmaceutical application, mostly as pharmacological scaffolds. However, challenges such as poor water solubility, inefficient drug delivery and increased toxicities due to frequent dosing of drugs are commonly faced which reduces the efficacy of the drugs. It is therefore important to have “delivery vehicles” which could help transport the drugs to target sites retaining the original physicochemical properties. Surfactants are amphipathic in nature and have found tremendous applications as drug delivery systems (DDS) as well as help mimic the properties of a biological system. Understanding the interaction between bioactive fluorophores and surfactants is a continually growing area of research as it has so far helped to shed more light on variation of relationships that can possibly exist when these molecules are in a biological system. The fluorophores can also serve as a probe for micellar systems of various surfactants to establish more differential characteristics that exist among them. Our study involves the synthesis of potential bioactive 2- and 4-amino derivatives of 2-(4-phenyl 1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl) phenol (2-aminoPTP and 4-aminoPTP) using microwave assisted organic synthesis alongside copper catalyzed cycloaddition (CuAAC). Non-ionic micelles (such as Tween 20, Tween 80, Triton X-100) with variations in either their polar or non-polar compartment were being explored as DDS for hydrophobic 2-aminoPTP molecule. The physicochemical changes of the molecules within the micelle environment were evaluated using spectroscopic techniques (such as UV/Vis and fluorescence). Hence, discovering the behavior of these triazole based molecules in such media can help predict their behavior in a biological environment. Fluorescence quenching technique was used to determine the approximate location or position of the triazole molecule within the micelles.

Research Data and Supplementary Material

