Term of Award

Fall 2023

Degree Name

Master of Science in Applied Engineering (M.S.A.E.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Manufacturing Engineering

Committee Chair

Lianjun Wu

Committee Member 1

Drew Snelling

Committee Member 2

Haijun Gong


This project focuses on the design and fabrication of an experimental setup for orthopedic-tool testing, tailored for a surgical instrumentation company. The multifaceted project encompasses a literature review, conceptual design, prototyping, and rigorous testing, resulting in a versatile control system capable of assessing various orthopedic tools, including bone drills, saws, burrs, and power handpieces.

Orthopedic surgical procedures (which include cutting and/or drilling into bone) often need to be performed on bones for faster recovery. The drilling and cutting process can cause an increase in temperature at the cutting site which can cause bone necrosis. The tools also need to be reliable and operate at optimum speeds and loading to increase success rates of surgical procedures. To optimize the cutting conditions, minimize thermal osteonecrosis and, other unwanted damage of bone during surgery; the cutting process, effect of the tool design and cutting parameters on the tool performance need to be investigated. As such, a mechanism for testing the bone-cutting tools is important.

The experimental setup integrates state-of-the-art sensors and measurement devices, capturing crucial data such as force, speed, and temperature. A user-friendly control interface enhances operational efficiency, while safety features, ensure user well-being and system integrity. Calibration processes and performance criteria set the stage for comprehensive testing, with iterative feedback loops from stakeholders guiding continuous refinement and documentation finalization.

Future work is outlined, including advanced sensor integration, dynamic simulation models, clinical validation studies, and collaborative research initiatives. This project sets the foundation for ongoing advancements in orthopedic tool testing, emphasizing adaptability to emerging technologies and a commitment to improving patient outcomes in bone surgery.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material

