Term of Award

Spring 2023

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mathematics (M.S.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair

Charles Champ

Committee Member 1

Andrew Sills

Committee Member 2

Kyle Bradford


The quality control chart has long been used to monitor for a change in an industrial process. We discuss the Shewhart chart and CUSUM chart in their use for detecting a change in the process mean. We discuss the two sided CUSUM chart proposed by Uys and Lombard (2007). Integral equations are derived that are useful in analyzing the performance of the CUSUM charts. The performance of the Shewhart chart, the CUSUM chart, and the V-mask CUSUM chart in detecting a change point of the process mean are compared using simulation.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material


Available for download on Wednesday, April 19, 2028
