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Submissions from 2015


Innovation, Firm Performance, and Appropriation: A Meta-Analysis, Mary Beth Rousseau, Blake D. Mathias, Laura T. Madden, and T. Russell Crook


Validating the Reduced Burnout Scale and Sequencing of Burnout, Brian N. Rutherford, C. David Shepherd, and Armen Tashchian


The Politics of Emotion: The Relationship between Emotional Labor and Political Skill across Job Types within the IT/IS Profession, Paige Rutner, Feruzan Irani Williams, Constance Campbell, and Cynthia Riemenschneider


The Impact of Emotional Labor and Conflict-Management Style on Work Exhaustion of Information Technology Professionals, Paige Rutner and Cindy Riemenschneider


Unintended Consequences of Starting an SCM Logistics and Transportation Doctoral Program: Lessons Learned, Stephen M. Rutner, C. David Shepherd, and Paige Rutner

Attacking Classroom Apathy, Chuck Ryan, Steven E. Moss, and Janet Moss


Multi-Generation Pricing and Timing Decisions in New Product Development, Michelle M. Seref, Janice E. Carrillo, and Arda Yenipazarli


Line Manager Implementation Perceptions as a Mediator of Relations Between High Performance Work Practices and Employee Outcomes, David Sikora, Gerald R. Ferris, and Chad H. Van Iddekinge


The SEC, the Courts and Whistleblowers: An Examination into the Strength of the Anti-Retaliation Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act as Defined by Recent Federal Court Decisions, Stephanie R. Sipe, Cheryl T. Metrejean, and Timothy A. Pearson


Regional Contrasts in Consumers’ Attitudes and Behavior Following the BP Oil Spill, Alex M. Susskind, Mark A. Bonn, H. Leslie Furr, and Benjamin C. Lawrence


Deep-Level and Surface-Level Individual Differences and Applicant Attraction to Organizations: A Meta-Analysis, Brian W. Swider, Ryan Zimmerman, Steven D. Charlier, and Abigail J. Pierotti


Psychological Climate: Relevance for Sales Managers and Impact on Consequent Job Satisfaction, Cathy Owens Swift and Constance Campbell

Negotiation Strategy Impact on Supply Chain Relationships, Stephanie Thomas, Karl Manrodt, and Jacqueline K. Eastman


The Impact of Relationship History on Negotiation Strategy Expectations: A Theoretical Framework, Stephanie P. Thomas, Karl B. Manrodt, and Jacqueline K. Eastman


Employment Qualifications, Person-Job Fit, Overqualification Attributions, and Hiring Recommendations: A Three-Study Investigation, Katina W. Thompson, David Sikora, Pamela L. Perrewe, and Gerald R. Ferris


A Cross Country Comparison of Best Practices in Recruitment and Selection, Greg Vickers, Michael P. McDonald, and Sara J. Grimes


Justifying Aggregation with Consensus-Based Constructs: A Review and Examination of Cutoff Values for Common Aggregation Indices, David Jonathan Woehr, Andrew Caleb Loignon, Paul B. Schmidt, Misty L. Loughry, and Matthew W. Ohland


A Robust Voting Machine Allocation Model to Reduce Extreme Waiting, Muer Yang, Xinfang Wang, and Nuo Xu


The Classical Bargaining Model for Organized Labor, Mark Yanochik and John King


A Road Map to New Product Success: Warranty, Advertisement and Price, Arda Yenipazarli


The Economics of Eco-Labeling: Standards, Costs and Prices, Arda Yenipazarli


Green, Greener or Brown: Choosing the Right Color of the Product, Arda Yenipazarli and Asoo J. Vakharia


Pricing, Market Coverage and Capacity: Can Green and Brown Products Co-exist?, Arda Yenipazarli and Asoo J. Vakharia

Submissions from 2014


Big Data Analytics and Data Science Undergraduate Degree Programs, Cheryl L. Aasheim, Paige Rutner, Susan Williams, and Adrian Gardiner


PECSNET: The Next Generation Pervasive and Context Aware Social Network, Debopam Acharya, Divya Lohani, and Hyo-Joo Han


Price Discovery for Cross-Listed Firms with Foreign IPOs, Yaseen S. Alhaj-Yaseen, Eddery Lam, and John Barkoulas

The State of Salesperson Burnout Research and Scaling, Scott C. Ambrose, Brian N. Rutherford, C. David Shepherd, and Armen Taschian


Boundary Spanner Multi-Faceted Role Ambiguity and Burnout: An Exploratory Study, Scott C. Ambrose, Brian N. Rutherford, C. David Shepherd, and Armen Tashchian


Q-TAM: A Quality Technology Acceptance Model for Technology Operations Managers, Kwabena G. Boakye, Thomas McGinnis, and Victor R. Prybutok


Development of a Service Continuance Model with IT Service Antecedents, Kwabena G. Boakye, Thomas McGinnis, Victor R. Prybutok, and Audhesh K. Paswan


The Impact of Economic Perceptions on Status Consumption: An Exploratory Study of the Moderating Role of Education, Dora E. Bock, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and Benjamin P. McKay


The Impact of Gender, Perceived Knowledge, and Perceived Risk on Retirement Investment Decisions: An Exploratory Study, Dora E. Bock, Lindsay Larson, and Jacqueline K. Eastman


Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility Reimbursement and Upcoding, John R. Bowblis and Christopher Brunt


The Long Run Industrial Growth of Veracruz State, 1955-2008, Gregory J. Brock


Another Look at Technical Efficiency in American States, 1979-2000, Gregory J. Brock and Constantin Ogloblin


The Informal Economy of Veracruz State during the Fox Administration, Gregory J. Brock, Jie Tan, and Robert Yarbrough


Jimmy Carter, Alfred Kahn and Airline Deregulation: Anatomy of a Policy Success, John H. Brown


Health Insurer Market Power and Primary Care Consolidation, Christopher Brunt and John R. Bowblis


Health IT Adoption, Productivity and Quality in Primary Care, Christopher Brunt and John R. Bowblis


Payment Generosity and Physician Acceptance of Medicare and Medicaid Patients, Christopher Brunt and Gail A. Jensen


Pricing Distortions in Medicare’s Physician Fee Schedule and Patient Satisfaction with Care Quality and Access, Christopher Brunt and Gail A. Jensen


Incorporating Evidence-Based Management into Management Curricula: A Conversation with Gary Latham, Steven D. Charlier


In-Memory Databases & Complex Event Processing: The Rise of Real-Time Computing with Predictive Analytics, John N. Dyer, Kevin Lee Elder, and Ronald J. MacKinnon


A Survey and Discussion of Competing Mean-Variance Statistics in Portfolio Analysis, John N. Dyer, Ronald J. MacKinnon, and Kevin Lee Elder


Millennial Money Matters: The Impact of Perceived Knowledge and Perceived Risk on Retirement Investment Decisions, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Dora E. Bock, and Lindsay Larson


The Role of Involvement on Millennials' Mobile Technology Behaviors: The Moderating Impact of Status Consumption, Innovation and Opinion Leadership, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Rajesh Iyer, Sara Liao-Troth, Donnie F. Williams, and Mitch Griffin


Information Risk and the Cost of Capital, David Eckles, Martin Halek, and Rongrong Zhang


Using the Cloud to Teach ERP, Kevin Lee Elder, Ronald J. MacKinnon, and John N. Dyer


A Linear Review of the Great Recession's Impact on Tourism Behavior, H. Leslie Furr


Six Rules for Implementation of the General Ledger in SAP ERP, Mary Gordon and John N. Dyer


Using Videoconferencing to Solve a Business Finance Problem: Challenges and Lessons Learned from a Transatlantic Experience, Axel Grossmann, Michael D. Chatham, Rainer Stöttner, and Roman Görlitz


The Dynamics of Exchange Rate Volatility: A Panel VAR Approach, Axel Grossmann, Inessa Love, and Alexei G. Orlov


A Panel-Regression Investigation of Exchange Rate Volatility, Axel Grossmann and Alexei G. Orlov


The Equilibrium Level and Forecasting Performance of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Indexes Using an Export and Import Price-Based Relative PPP Model, Axel Grossmann, Chris Paul, and Marc W. Simpson


Sweet Peas Stitchery: A Case of a Start-Up Merchandiser – Part A, Kathleen Gruben and Leslie Fletcher


A Blueprint for Mass Customization in Higher Education, Mark D. Hanna and Samir Barman


A Framework for Explaining Accounting Students’ Formal Communication GAP, Charles Harter and Robert Marley

Individual Investors: Asset Allocation vs. Portfolio Insurance (Puts or Calls), John Hatem, Ken Johnston, and Elton Scott

Millennials' Media Attitudes and Use: The Impact of Extroversion and Introversion, Rajesh Iyer, Heather Monteiro, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and Heidi Rottier


Assessing Advertising Efficiency: The Case of Super Bowl Advertising, Jin-Woo Kim


Top-Down, Bottom-Up, or Both? Toward an Integrative Perspective on Operations Strategy Formation, Yoon Hee Kim, Fabian J. Sting, and Christoph H. Loch


External Environment Pressure on Organizational Innovation Adoption: from Literature to a Conceptual Model, LeeAnn Kung and Hsiang-Jui Kung


eWOM Watchdogs: Ego-threatening Product Domains and the Policing of Online Product Reviews, Lindsay Larson and Luther Trey Denton

Perceived Environmental Sector Importance as a Determinant of Managerial Information Search Behavior, John Leaptrott and J. Michael McDonald

Managerial Carrots and Sticks: Encouraging Strategy Implementation, John Leaptrott, J. Michael McDonald, and Jerry W. Wilson


Forward Premium Anomaly of the British Pound and the Euro, Allissa A. Lee, Axel Grossmann, and Marc W. Simpson


The Role of VaR in Enterprise Risk Management: Calculating Value-at-Risk for Portfolios Held by the Vane Mallory Investment Bank, Allissa A. Lee and Betty J. Simkins


Understanding Value-at-Risk to Avoid Risk Management Breakdown, Allissa A. Lee and Betty J. Simkins


The Role of a Bad News Reporter in Information Technology Project Escalation: A Deaf Effect Perspective, Jong Seok Lee, Michael J. Cuellar, Mark Keil, and Roy D. Johnson


Review of "Nonlinear Time Series: Theory, Methods, and Applications with R Examples" by Ronald Douc, Eric Moulines, and David S. Stoffer, Jun Liu


Why Won't Task Conflict Cooperate? Deciphering Stubborn Results, Misty L. Loughry and Allen C. Amason


Assessing Teamwork Skills for Assurance of Learning Using CATME Team Tools, Misty L. Loughry, Matthew L. Ohland, and David Jonathan Woehr


The Relationship Between Supply Chain Integration and Performance: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation and Implications for Supply Chain Management Research, Alan W. Mackelprang, Jessica Robinson, Ednilson Bernardes, and Scott Webb


ABET Accreditation of IS and IT Programs in 2013, Ronald J. MacKinnon, Kevin Lee Elder, and John N. Dyer


Our Economic Times: Big Banks Fail Dodd-Frank, Nicholas Mangee


Our Economic Times: Budget Opportunities Arise as Corporations, Economy Strengthen, Nicholas Mangee


Our Economic Times: EITC and Minimum Wage Most Effective Together, Nicholas Mangee


Our Economic Times: IMF Reports U.S. Economy to Drive Global Growth, Nicholas Mangee


Our Economic Times: New Study Links Income Inequality, Education, Nicholas Mangee


Our Economic Times: Public Investment Promising for Economy, Nicholas Mangee


Our Economic Times: Russian Sanctions Compromise Western Growth, Nicholas Mangee


Stock Market Outlook for 2014 is Mixed, Nicholas Mangee


Stock Prices, the Business Cycle and Contingent Change: Evidence from Bloomberg News Market Wraps, Nicholas Mangee


Stocks Set Nominal Highs, Nicholas Mangee


M&A: The Incredible Shrinking U.S. PC Industry, Robert Marley and J. Lowell Mooney


Generalizability Revisited: Comparing Undergraduate Business Students to Credit Union Managers, Michael P. McDonald, Darrell Parker, John Leaptrott, and Sara J. Grimes


Rent Seeking in Successive Monopoly: The Case of Casino Gambling in New Orleans, Franklin G. Mixon Jr. and Rand Ressler


Mobile Risks Demand C-Suite Action!, J. Lowell Mooney, Abbie Gail Parham, and Timothy D. Cairney

International Tourism and the Olympics: The Legacy Effect, Steven E. Moss, Kathleen H. Gruben, and Janet Moss

International Tourism and the Olympics: The Legacy Effect, Steven E. Moss, Kathleen H. Gruben, and Janet Moss


Medical Advertising on Demand: A Content Analysis of YouTube Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertisements, James A. Muncy, Rajesh Iyer, and Jacqueline K. Eastman


Leader Emergence: The Development of a Theoretical Framework, William I. Norton Jr., Monique L. Ueltschy Murfield, and Melissa S. Baucus


The Two Faces of High Self-Monitors: Chameleonic Moderating Effects of Self-Monitoring on the Relationships between Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviors, In-Sue Oh, Steven D. Charlier, Michael Mount, and Christopher M. Berry


SMARTER Teamwork: System for Management, Assessment, Research, Training, Education, and Remediation for Teamwork, Matthew W. Ohland, Richard A. Layton, Daniel Michael Ferguson, Misty L. Loughry, and Hal R. Pomeranz


UCPERF: An Urgent Care Patient Satisfaction Instrument, Hong Qin, Victor R. Prybutok, Daniel A. Peak, and Kwabena G. Boakye


Organizational Resources and Demands Influence on Workplace Bullying, Mary Beth Rousseau, Kimberly A. Eddleston, Pankaj C. Patel, and Franz W. Kellermanns


The Effects of Excise Taxes and Clean Air Laws on Adult and High School Smoking Rates in the United States, Yassaman Saadatmand, Michael Toma, and Jeremy Choquette


Value Relevance of Human Capital Based Disclosures: Moderating Effects of Labor Productivity, Investor Sentiment, Analyst Coverage and Audit Quality, Ananda Samudhram, Errol Stewart, Jayasinghe Wickramanayake, and Jothee Sinnakkannu


An Examination of the Forward Prediction Error of U.S. Dollar Exchange Rates and How They Are Related to Bid-Ask Spreads, Purchasing Power Parity Disequilibria, and Forward Premium Asymmetry, Marc W. Simpson and Axel Grossmann


Online Teaching and Learning Project Management, Manouchehr Tabatabaei