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The publications archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Parker College of Business.
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Submissions from 2018
Exploring the Propagation of Fake Cyber News: An Experimental Approach, M. Maasberg, E. Ayaburi, Charles Liu, and Yoris Au
Supplier Innovation Strategy and Performance: A Matter of Supply Chain Market Positioning, Alan W. Mackelprang, Ednilson Bernardes, Gerard J. Burke Jr., and Chris Welter
Stock Returns and the Tone of Marketplace Information: Does Context Matter?, Nicholas Mangee
Donation-Based Crowdfunding and Nontaxable Gifts, Cheryl T. Metrejean and Britton A. McKay
An Empirical Test of the Olympic Tourism Legacy, Steven E. Moss, Kathleen Gruben, and Janet Moss
AI Thinking for Cloud Education Platform with Personalized Learning, P. Rad, M. Roopaei, N. Beebe, M. Shadaram, and Yoris Au
“Do as I Do and Not as I Say”: Exploring Price-Oriented Maverick Buying During Supplier Selection, Marc A. Scott, Gerard J. Burke Jr., and Joseph Szmerekovsky
Service Recovery, Justice Perception, and Forgiveness: The “Other Customers” Perspectives, Hyunju Shin, Riza Casidy, and Anna S. Mattila
An Assessment of the Association Between Renewable Energy Utilization and Firm Financial Performance, Hyunju Shin, Alexander E. Ellinger, Helenka H. Nolan, Tyler D. DeCoster, and Forrest Lane
A comparative assessment of win-win and win-lose negotiation strategy use on supply chain relational outcomes, Stephanie Thomas, Jacqueline K. Eastman, C. David Shepherd, and Luther Denton
Submissions from 2017
Accounting Standards and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Registered ADRs, Yaseen S. Alhaj-Yaseen, Leslie B. Fletcher, and Kean Wu
On Academic Rankings, Unacceptable Methods and the Social Obligations of Business Schools, Daniel G. Bachrach, Elliot Bendoly, Danielle Beu Ammeter, Richard Blackburn, Kenneth G. Brown, Gerard J. Burke Jr., Ty Callahan, Kay Yut Chen, Vikki Haag Day, Alan E. Ellstrand, O. Homer Erekson, Jaime Alonso Gomez, Tim Greenlee, Rob Handfield, Martha L. Loudder, Manoj Malhotra, Kathy Ruby Petroni, Alex Sevilla, Scott Shafer, Margaret Shih, and Doug Voss
Trade Based Money Laundering in Select Asian Economies: A Comparative Approach Using the Gravity Model, Henry Balani, Joshua J. Lewer, and Mariana Saenz
The Battle for Customer Loyalty: An Examination of Customer Loyalty in the Goods and Services Domain, Kwabena G. Boakye, Charles Blankson, and Victor R. Prybutok
An Assessment of National Healthcare Service Delivery: A Ghanaian Illustration, Kwabena G. Boakye, Charles Blankson, Victor R. Prybutok, and Hong Qin
Regional Industrial Informality and Efficiency in Mexico, 1990-2013, Gregory Brock and Vicente German-Soto
Chapter 10: Training and development: Issues and human resource information systems applications, Ralf Burbach and Steven Charlier
Book Review: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Constance Campbell
Self-monitoring, Steven Charlier
Chapter 2: Undergraduate Programs in the U.S: A Contextual and Content-Based Analysis, Steven Charlier, Lisa A. Burke-Smalley, and Sandra L. Fisher
Workplace cyberdeviance, Steven Charlier, Gary W. Giumetti, Cody J. Reeves, and Lindsey M. Greco
Change the Metrics to Liberate the IS Field, Michael J. Cuellar, Duane P. Truex, and Hirotoshi Takeda
The Tax Snares That Can Invalidate Conservation Easements, William Brian Dowis and Ted D. Englebrecht
An Empirical Assist To Determine Whether An Activity Is Engaged In For A Profit, William Brian Dowis, Ted D. Englebrecht, and Justin S. Cox
Programming Case: A Methodology for Programmatic Web Data Extraction, John N. Dyer
When to Give a Flip: Flipping a MBA Marketing Project, Jacqueline K. Eastman
The Influencers of Time Perspective, Personality, and Cognitive Age on Sustainability Behaviors for Older Americans, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Sianne Gordon-Wilson, and Pratik Modi
Institutional Ownership and Earning Management by Bank Holding Companies, E. Elyasiani, Y. Wen, and Rongrong Zhang
Development of a Forensic Accounting Program Emphasis: One School’s Response to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Leslie B. Fletcher, Leslee N. Higgins, J. Lowell Mooney, and Thomas A. Buckhoff
The Asymmetric Impacts of Currency Misvaluation on ADR Mispricing, Axel Grossmann, Thanh Ngo, and Marc W. Simpson
An Evaluation of the Equilibrium Value of the Euro and its Predecessors based on Economic Fundamentals, Axel Grossmann, Chris Paul, and Marc W. Simpson
The Impact of Exchange Rate Deviations from PPP Equilibrium on the U.S. Demand for Foreign Equity Securities, Axel Grossmann, Chris Paul, and Marc W. Simpson
The Impact of Cognitive Age on Materialism, Status Consumption and Loyalty Proneness on the Indian Elderly, Rajesh Iyer, Jaqueline K. Eastman, Ruppal W. Sharma, and Kevin L. Eastman
Raising Entrepreneurs: Can Parenting Style Amplify Entrepreneurial Intentions and Behaviors?, David Jiang, Scott D. Hayward, and M. Lane Morris
More Than A Feeling: The Promise of Experimental Approaches for Building the Affective and Cognitive Microfoundations of Family Firm Behavior, David Jiang and Timothy Munyon
The Effects of Major Customer Networks on Supplier Profitability, Yoon Hee Kim
Signaling for Access to High‐Demand Markets: Evidence from the US Motion Picture Industry, Amanda S. King, John T. King, and Michael Reksulak
The Impact of Servitization on Firm Performance: A Service Dominant (S-D) Orientation Perspective, Nihar Nitin Kumthekar and Kwabena G. Boakye
The Moderating Effect of Firm Size on the Relationship Between Customer Collaboration, IT Capability, and Logistics Performance, Nihar Nitin Kumthekar, Kwabena G. Boakye, and Joseph B. Skipper
Flipped Learning Activities for an Introduction to Java Course, Hsiang-Jui Kung and LeeAnn Kung
Flipped Learning Activities for an Introduction to Java Course, Hsiang-Jui Kung and LeeAnn Kung
Pursuing a Vendor-Endorsed ERP Award for Better Job Prospect: Students’ Perceptions, LeeAnn Kung and Hsiang-Jui Kung
How Inventory Consignment Programs Can Improve Supply Chain Performance: A Process Oriented Perspective, Manoj K. Malhotra, Alan W. Mackelprang, and Jayanth Jayaram
Dodd-Frank Tough to Dismantle, Nicholas Mangee
New Evidence on Psychology and Stock Returns, Nicholas Mangee
Review of Economic Rules by Dani Rodrik, Nicholas Mangee
Tighter Labor Market Alters Policy Prospects, Nicholas Mangee
Does the Bite Live Up to the Bark? An Analysis of Fraudster Repercussions Before and After Implementation of Directive No. 144, Britton A. McKay
Comparing Standard Deviation Effects Across Contexts, Ben Ost, Anuj Gangopadhyaya, and Jeffrey C. Schiman
Workload and Teacher Absence, Ben Ost and Jeffrey C. Schiman
Sustainable Operations, Tharanga Rajapakshe, Asoo J. Vakharia, Lan Wang, and Arda Yenipazarli
High Skilled Labor Force Brain Drain and Corruption: the Case of Colombia, Mariana Saenz and Joshua J. Lewer
Gender and Policy Roles in Farm Household Diversification in Zambia, Mariana Saenz and Eric Thompson
The Effect of a Limited-Edition Offer Following Brand Dilution on Consumer Attitudes Toward a Luxury Brand, Hyunju Shin, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and David L. Mothersbaugh
Employing Proactive Interaction for Service Failure Prevention to Improve Customer Service Experiences, Hyunju Shin, Alexander E. Ellinger, David L. Mothersbaugh, and Kristy E. Reynolds
Exploring the Elements of Consumer Nostalgia in Retailing: Evidence from a Content Analysis of Retailer Collages, Hyunju Shin and Janna Parker
Zero-Slack, Noncritical Paths, Jacob V. Simons
The Value of Restrictive Covenants in the Changing Bond Market Dynamics Before and After the Financial Crisis, Marc W. Simpson and Axel Grossmann
Cause-Related Marketing and Millennials: Impact of Product Type and Donation Style, Bryant Smalley, Jacob Warren, and Jacqueline K. Eastman
Assessing the State of Top Management Teams Research, Steven Stewart and Allen C. Amason
Online Community Health Simulation, Hirotoshi Takeda, Brett Young, and Michael J. Cuellar
The Impact of the Motivation for Status on Consumers’ Perceptions of Retailer Sustainability: The Moderating Impact of Collectivism and Materialism, Mertcan Tascioglu, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and Rajesh Iyer
The Impact of Personalization and Compatibility with Past Experience in E-Banking Usage, May Wang, Stella Cho, and Luther Trey Denton
To Collaborate or Not to Collaborate: Prompting Upstream Eco-efficient Innovation in a Supply Chain, Arda Yenipazarli
Green, Greener or Brown: Choosing the Right Color of the Product, Arda Yenipazarli and Asoo J. Vakharia
Product Market Competition, Competitive Strategy, and Analyst Coverage, Rongrong Zhang
Submissions from 2016
Do Market Size and Remittances Explain Foreign Direct Investment Flows to Sub-Sahara Africa?, William Amponsah and Pablo Garcia-Fuentes
Long-Memory Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Euro Era, John Barkoulas, Anthony G. Barilla, and William Wells
Encouraging Consumer Charitable Behavior: The Impact of Charitable Motivations, Gratitude, and Materialism, Dora E. Bock, Jacqueline K. Eastman, and Kevin L. Eastman
Journal Influence in Corporate Research, K. A. Borokhovich, Allissa A. Lee, and Betty J. Simkins
Competitive Spillovers and Regulatory Exploitation by Skilled Nursing Facilities, John R. Bowblis, Christopher Brunt, and David C. Grabowski
Ownership Status and Length of Stay in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Does Endogeneity Matter?, John R. Bowblis, John Horowitz, and Christopher Brunt
Creative Destruction on the Chechen Frontier?, Gregory J. Brock
Russian 1998–2007 TFP decomposed: some inspiration emerging from inherited Soviet legacy, Gregory J. Brock and Constantin Ogloblin
Pilot Course: A Teaching Practicum Course as an Integral Component of a Ph.D. Program, Carolyn M. Callahan, Charlene P. Spiceland, J. David Spiceland, and Stephanie Hairston
Career Paths of Computing Program Graduates: A LinkedIn Analysis, Thomas L. Case, Hyo-Joo Han, and Eric Rimes
R&D Information Systems: Utilization, Applications, Impact and Major Concerns, Thomas L. Case and John R. Pickett
Plugged In or Disconnected? A Model of the Effects of Technological Factors on Employee Job Embeddedness, Steven D. Charlier, Russell Guay, and Ryan Zimmerman
Emergent Leadership in Virtual Teams: A Multilevel Investigation of Individual Communication and Team Dispersion Antecedents, Steven D. Charlier, Greg L. Stewart, Lindsey M. Greco, and Cody J. Reeves
An Empirically-Simulated Investigation of the Impact of Demand Forecasting on the Bullwhip Effect: Evidence From U.S. Auto Industry, Chung-Yean Chiang, Winston T. Lin, and Nallan Suresh
A Faculty-Driven Approach to Starting and Operating a Student Managed Investment Fund, Don R. Cox and Delbert Goff
Critical Realism as a Sociomaterial Stream of Research, Michael J. Cuellar
Toward a Conceptualization of Research Output Quality, Michael J. Cuellar, Hirotoshi Takeda, and Duane P. Truex
Ideational Influence, Connectedness, and Venue Representation: Making an Assessment of Scholarly Capital, Michael J. Cuellar, Hirotoshi Takeda, Richard Vidgen, and Duane P. Truex
Rejoinder to the Response to "The Scholarly Capital Model", Michael J. Cuellar, Hirotoshi Takeda, Richard Vidgen, and Duane P. Truex
Can We Trust Journal Rankings to Assess Article Quality?, Michael J. Cuellar, Duane P. Truex, and Hirotoshi Takeda
Monte Carlo Simulation Design for Evaluating Normal-Based Control Chart Properties, John N. Dyer
Determinants of Perceived Learning and Satisfaction in Online Business Courses: An Extension to Evaluate Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Courses, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Maria E. Aviles, and Mark D. Hanna
Encouraging Charitable Behaviors: The Impact of Charitable Motivations and Materialism, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Dora E. Bock, and Kevin L. Eastman
Sweet Peas Stitchery: A Case of a Start-Up Merchandiser – Part B, Kathleen Gruben and Leslie B. Fletcher
Sweet Peas Stitchery: A Case of a Startup Merchandiser – Part B, Kathleen H. Gruben and Leslie Fletcher
Practical Issues in Assessment, Mark D. Hanna, Gerard J. Burke Jr., Vidyaranya Gargeya, Jacob V. Simons, Amy Strickland, and Larry Taube
Discounting at the Spread and Growing Annuities: A Note, John Hatem, Ken Johnston, and Ben Woods
Perceptions of Millennials’ Media Attitudes and Use: a Comparison of U.s. And Indian Millennials, Rajesh Iyer, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Heather Monteiro, Heidi Rottier, and Seema Singh Zokarkar
Effects of Technological Capability on Operations and Marketing Capabilities, Taeuk Kang, Hui-Chen Chen, and Jin-Woo Kim
Overcoming Information Overload in Retail Environments: Imagination and Sales Promotion in a Wine Context, Seth Ketron, Nancy Spears, and Bo Dai
Power, Relationship Strength, and Structural Holes in a Supplier's Network of Major Customers, Yoon Hee Kim
Depth versus Breadth in Video Rental Kiosks, Amanda S. King and John T. King
Coping With Dependence: A Logistics Strategy Based on Interorganizational Learning for Managing Buyer-Supplier Relations, Thomas J. Kull and Scott C. Ellis
Study of Effects of IT Capability on Logistics Performance: A Mediation Approach, Nihar Kumthekar, Joseph B. Skipper, and Kwabena G. Boakye