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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the //cah.georgiasouthern.edu/ target=_blank>College of Arts and Humanities.

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Submissions from 2019

Art in an Era of Ambient Technology: Information as Difference, Art as Differencing, Jason Hoelscher

Art, Information, and the Aesthetic Singularity, Jason Hoelscher

Combinatorial Creativity and Constraint in Adjacent Possibility Space, Jason Hoelscher

Dialogue and Disruption in the Studio Classroom, Jason Hoelscher

Information Efflorescence and Aesthetic Space: On the Post-Object Artwork as Differential Field Condition, Jason Hoelscher

Museum of Contemporary Art: Denver: Visiting artist/speaker, Jason Hoelscher

Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design: Visiting artist, Jason Hoelscher

Language, grammar, and power, Jinrong Li

Understand the challenges in writing facing multilingual students, Jinrong Li

Language learning needs of basic writers and multilingual writers: Similarities and differences, Jinrong Li and Peggy J. Lindsey

Rethinking the Role of Feedback in Performance Composition, Jinrong Li, Peggy Lindsey, and Warren Merkel

Design Thinking Workshop 2019, Santanu Majumdar

Ideation Workshop 2019, Santanu Majumdar

Thinking Through Making, Santanu Majumdar

Back in the Narrative’: Creating the Citizen Body in Hamilton, Sarah E. McCarroll

"One Man’s Vision of the World”: Yeats and the Abbey Theatre, Sarah E. McCarroll

A painter and her muses, Mia Merlin

Pentimento: The Beauty of the Search, Mia Merlin

The Landings Art Association, Mia Merlin

Harnessing the Shadows: Ghosts, Vampires, and Undying Relationships to Our Past, Kendra R. Parker

Her Bondage and Her Freedom? Roxane Gay’s Hunger as Kin to Emancipatory Narratives, Kendra R. Parker


The role of Turnitin in peer review: Comparing L1 and L2 students’ use of PeerMark and their perceptions, Kevin Psonak, Mimi Li, and Jinrong Li


Jóvenes cronistas mexicanas: conciencia moral e identidad nacional, Dolores Rangel

La memoria colectiva: cronistas mexicanas del siglo XXI, Dolores Rangel

Managing the Team to Manage the Project, Joy Robinson and Lisa Dusenberry

Effect of Focus of Attention on Second Year Band Students, Laura A. Stambaugh

Finger Kinematics During the First Days of Playing a Wind Instrument, Laura A. Stambaugh

Motor Learning Applications in Music Research, Laura A. Stambaugh

Music and the Brain for Music Educators, Laura A. Stambaugh

Old Dogs and New Tricks: Performance Changes as Senior Adults Learn a Wind Instrument, Laura A. Stambaugh

Planning for, Implementing, and Concluding a Sabbatical, Laura A. Stambaugh

Using Motion Capture Technology to Analyze Beginning Wind Performance, Laura A. Stambaugh

You Have Questions, Let’s Find Answers: Collaborative Research Between Performance and Research Faculty, Laura A. Stambaugh

A Multi-modal Investigation of Woodwind Performance, Laura A. Stambaugh and Carolyn J. Bryan

The Relationship Between Interval Identification and Error Detection by Music Education Majors, Laura A. Stambaugh and Bryan E. Nichols

The Relationship Between Interval Identification and Error Detection by Music Education Majors, Laura A. Stambaugh and Bryan E. Nichols

Troubling Maternity in the Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Anglo-Atlantic, Felicity Turner

An Anatomy of Knowledge: Medicine in the Civil War Era South, Felicity M. Turner

From Midwife to Physician: The Development of Medicine in Nineteenth-Century America, Felicity M. Turner

Proving Pregnancy: Physicians, Infanticide, & the Law in the Nineteenth-Century US, Felicity M. Turner

Revisiting Sarah Grimké’s Legal Disabilities of Women: Property and the Gendered Language of Rights in the Antebellum US, Felicity M. Turner

The Physician, the Jury, & the Corpse: Infant Death in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Felicity M. Turner

The Physician, the Midwife, & the Corpse: Interpreting Infanticide in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Felicity M. Turner

To Own What She Knows: Property and the Gendered Language of Rights in the Nineteenth-Century US, Felicity M. Turner

Submissions from 2018


Civil-Military Relations in the Reconstruction South: Three Community Studies, William T. Allison


Cultural Landscapes of War: Commemoration the First World War in Africa, America, and Australia, William T. Allison


Georgia’s Military Past, William T. Allison

My Lai and the Legacy of Vietnam: A 50-Year Perspective, William T. Allison


There’s A Lot Going On: America, Vietnam, and LBJ in January 1968, William T. Allison


With Arms or Food? A Local View of American Policy in Revolutionary Russia, 1918-1919, William T. Allison

Fantasme olympique et camps de concentration dans W ou le souvenir d’enfance de Georges Perec, Olga Amarie

Le “calvaire” de la passion chez Octave Mirbeau, Olga Amarie

‘Stupidly good’: A Classical Context for Milton’s Satan, Christopher P. Baker

Nutrition facts and consumption acts: Testing the effects calorie label design on consumers’ decision-making processes, Lauren Bayliss

Armistice Day: One Hundred Years of Remembrance, Allison Scardino Belzer


Italian Women in Uniform during World War I, Allison Scardino Belzer

Jane Austen and the Case for Great Books, Allison Scardino Belzer

LILAC and Citation Project Workshop, Jeanne Bohannon, Sandra Jamieson, Jinrong Li, J. R. Walker, and Carrie Wastal

The LILAC Project: Evaluating Students’ Languaging in Digital Spaces to Provide Pedagogies That Transform Information Literacies, Jeanne Bohannon, Jinrong Li, and Janice R. Walker

Early Modern European History, Jeffrey Burson

Popular Culture in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France and England, Jeffrey Burson

Visions of Catholic Modernity, I, Jeffrey Burson

Ambivalent Anti-Rousseauians: Christian Apologetics between Radicalizing Enlightenment and Jean-Jacques Rousseau before the French Revolution, Jeffrey D. Burson

Defending Catholic Visions of True Faith on the Eve of Revolution: Anti-Rousseauianism and Enlightenment Apologetics, c. 1760-1789, Jeffrey D. Burson

Roundtable Presentation on Dale K. Van Kley’s Reform Catholicism and the International Suppression of the Jesuits in Enlightenment Europe, Jeffrey D. Burson

Roundtable Presentation on The Future of European History and In the South, Jeffrey D. Burson


Critical Solidarity in the Neoliberal University, Chris Cartright and Jane V. Rago


Jesuits as Global Citizens: Geography and World History in European Jesuit Libraries, Kathleen M. Comerford

Letters between the Jesuits and the Medici Grand Duchesses, Kathleen M. Comerford

FYE Pedagogy and Course Design: Linking the First Year Seminar to Art History Curriculum, Cynthia Costa

Gaming in the Classroom: Using Games and Technology to Increase Student Engagement, Cynthia Costa

How the 20s Roared: Art and Artists of the Harlem Renaissance, Cynthia Costa

Monet to Matisse: Masterworks of French Impressionism, Cynthia Costa

Rodin: Reflecting Humanity, Cynthia Costa

The Responsibility of Rhetoricians to Challenge the Binary of Safe vs. ____?: Reinventing Safe Space as Brave Space, Lisa A. Costello

No One Is Watching: Millennial Disengagement from the Main Stream, Dean Cummings

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks – The Impact of Multimedia Journalism on Ageism in Television News, Dean Cummings


The Candy Bar – CHEAT TEST: SIX reasons why journalists take the bait of “Fake News’, Dean Cummings


The MMJ became a McJob: The McDonaldization of Multimedia Journalism, Dean Cummings

The 2018 Digital Showcase: Sights and Sounds of the South, Dean C. Cummings, Kenny D. Smith, and John Goshorn

También la lluvia y Cumbite: activismo, actores y agua, William O. Deaver

The Brown Berets and Black Panther Movement, William O. Deaver

Coding Meaningful Actions in Children's Digital Citizenship Web Games, Lisa Dusenberry

Contextualizing Research Through Serious Game Design, Lisa Dusenberry

Expanding Academic Job Options: Building a Bridge from Literature to Professional Writing and Communication, Lisa Dusenberry

Problem Solving, Adaptability, and Mediation, Lisa Dusenberry

Art as Information Ecology, Jason Hoelscher

Ten Theses on Art, Aesthetics, and Artificial Intelligence, Jason Hoelscher

Goats on the Beach: Pulling the Wool Over our Eyes in Guy de Maupassant’s Le Horla, William B. Holley

The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media, Carol P. Jamison

Spanglish and the Evolution of English, Carol Parrish Jamison

Marilyn Monroe, Murderess, Amanda Konkle

Postfeminism the Musical: The CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Amanda Konkle

Assessment Across Online Language Education, S. Link and Jinrong Li

Design Thinking and Game Design: A Productive Relationship for Writing Pedagogy?, Sarah W. Lozier-Laiola, Joy Robinson, Laquana Cooke, and Lisa Dusenberry

Design Thinking Workshop 2018, Santanu Majumdar

Invited talk with the Interior Design graduating seniors for Fall 2018 about Branding, Santanu Majumdar

Thinking Through Making, Santanu Majumdar

Thinking Through Making, Santanu Majumdar

The Cognitive Ecology of Objects and Things at Smallhythe Place, Sarah E. McCarroll