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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the //cah.georgiasouthern.edu/ target=_blank>College of Arts and Humanities.

Faculty Research in Georgia Southern Commons

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Submissions from 2014

Grand Strategy and the Great War, William T. Allison

Interpretation and Limits in the Contemporary French Novel, Olga Amarie

Order and Disorder in 21st Century Short Stories, Olga Amarie

Twin Tower Lovers Exhibit, Olga Amarie

Satan’s Aspersions, Christopher P. Baker

Italy and the First World War, Allison Scardino Belzer

Nurses, Spies, and Sacrifice: Female Citizenship and Patriotism in Italy, Allison Scardino Belzer

The Nineteenth-Century British Household: How Archival Research and Downtown Abbey Intersect at Armstrong, Allison Scardino Belzer

Women and the Experience of War, 1914-1918, Allison Scardino Belzer

Women and the Great War: Stories from the Front Lines, Allison Scardino Belzer

Women as Men’s Comrades in World War I, Allison Scardino Belzer

Austria-Hungary in the First World War: Experiences and Consequences, Jeffrey Burson

Cartesian Confrontations and Conversions in Early Modern France, Jeffrey Burson

Drawn and Quartered in Service to God and Mammon: French Jesuits between Power and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-century France, Jeffrey Burson

Popular Interpretations of Religious Conflict in Early Modern Europe, Jeffrey Burson

Brill’s Companion to Ignatius of Loyola: The Quest for the Historical Ignatius, Kathleen M. Comerford


Contingent Faculty: Career Paths and Possibilities, Kathleen M. Comerford

Cultural Memory and the Holocaust in America: Gendered Touchpoints across the Kairotic Timescape, Lisa A. Costello


Making Air with a Magic Bullet: The Multimedia Journalist’s Impact on News Production, Dean Cummings

Poe, Burroughs y Cortázar, Pre-textos y Pretextos, William O. Deaver

Beyond Don as Dorian: Fin de Siecle, Mad Men, & Aesthetics, Helen E. Howells

Beyond Don as Dorian: Fin de Siecle, Mad Men, and Aesthetics, Helen E. Howells

From Notecards to Evernote, From JStor to Google, From Indirect Sources to Tinyurls: The Composite Nature of Research in the 21st Century, Helen E. Howells

“Refreshing Transformations: Turnings Students’ Annoying Lemons into Instructional Lemonade.” Co-presented with Nancy Remler, Helen E. Howells


Annotated Learner Corpus and Revision for L2 Learners, Jinrong Li

Design Education Challenges for Millennial Generation, Santanu Majumdar

Design Education for Millennial Generation, Santanu Majumdar

Interactive Teaching Methods to Engage Students through Responsive Learning in Organic Chemistry, Santanu Majumdar

The Impact of Shaping Future, Santanu Majumdar

The State of Design Education, Santanu Majumdar

Henry the Which? Who’s Who in Shakespeare’s History Plays, Sarah E. McCarroll

Jane Austen Goes Dancing: Romance and the Ballroom, Sarah E. McCarroll

The “Boy” Who Wouldn’t Grow Up: Peter Pan and the Dangers of Eternal Youth, Sarah E. McCarroll

Freedom Behind the Mask, Nicholas D. Newell

Get Your Script Off of the Stack, Nicholas D. Newell

L’amour Dans La Poesie Et La Musique, Nicholas D. Newell

‘So the Borders Here Are Not Really Fixed:’ Sustaining Gender Studies Through Global Literacy & Activist Pedagogy, Jane V. Rago

Teaching Global Citizenship Through Service Learning: Is Domestic or International Context a Contributing Factor?, Jane V. Rago

Gabriel García Márquez, ¿filósofo del amor? Paradigmas y rudimentos, Dolores Rangel

Multiplicidad dramática en “Rumor de Mar” de Dino Armas, Dolores Rangel


Cecil Brown: The Controversial Life of an Itinerant Broadcast Commentator, Reed W. Smith

Applied Error Detection Skills by Music Teacher Candidates, Laura Stambaugh

Did You Hear That? Error Detection Skills in Music Education Candidates, Laura A. Stambaugh

Practice Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Laura A. Stambaugh

Promoting Schema Formation Among Wind Musicians of Varying Abilities, Laura A. Stambaugh

Books to Watch Out For: Gender and Sexual Minority Literature for Young People, Caren Town, Trina Smith, Laura E. Agnich, Dina Walker-Devose, and Scott A. Beck

Law as Method: African-American Bodies and Local Legal Practices in the Nineteenth-Century U.S., Felicity M. Turner

Submissions from 2013

Fragments d’écriture chez Brigitte Giraud, Olga Amarie

L’expression du conflit identitaire dans Je suis un écrivain japonais de Dany Laferrière, Olga Amarie

Multiculturalism in French and Francophone Literature, Olga Amarie

Servile Copulation in Milton’s Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Christopher P. Baker

Building and Explaining Modern Europe, Jeffrey Burson

Continuity and Change? Theology and Religious Practice in the Revolutionary Era, Jeffrey Burson

Evangelization at the Edge of Empire: Spanish Americans among Native Americans, Conversos, and Moriscos, Jeffrey Burson


All Politics is Local: The Medici-Habsburg Axis, 1532–88, Kathleen M. Comerford


A New Journal: Journal of Jesuit Interdisciplinary Studies, Kathleen M. Comerford


Brill’s Companion to Ignatius of Loyola I, Kathleen M. Comerford


Brill’s Companion to Ignatius of Loyola II, Kathleen M. Comerford


Jesuit Global Missions I, Kathleen M. Comerford


Not Just about Eleonora: Women and Support for Jesuit Colleges in Tuscany, 1547-1621, Kathleen M. Comerford

Envisioning the Relationships of Memory Narratives: Region as Strategy in Local Holocaust Museums in the United States, Lisa A. Costello

Teaching Genres of the Holocaust as a Dialogic of History and Memory, Lisa A. Costello

Ecclesiastical Authority in the Anglican South: Challenges to Advowson Rights, Christopher M. Curtis

Being Bilingual/Biliterate, William O. Deaver

Memories of Underdevelopment: Justifying the Cuban Revolution, William O. Deaver

Using Savannah as Text, Helen E. Howells

An Open Approach to Encounter 21st Century Problems, Santanu Majumdar

“Being Critical”, Santanu Majumdar

“Cool Design”, Santanu Majumdar

“Cool” Examples, Santanu Majumdar

Design Education for Millennial Generation, Santanu Majumdar

Sustainability from the Past, Santanu Majumdar

The State of Design Education, Santanu Majumdar

The State of Design Education, Santanu Majumdar

Dance? But It’s Shakespeare!: Period Dance for Actors, Sarah E. McCarroll

Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth’s Victorian Marriage, Sarah E. McCarroll

The Historical Body Map: Cultural Pressures on Embodied Cognition, Sarah E. McCarroll

The Past is Prologue: Practicing Theory and History, Sarah E. McCarroll

Creación y locura en la visión apocalíptica de Dulcinea encantada de Angelina Muñiz Huberman, Dolores Rangel

El disfraz de Catalina de Jesús Herrera, Diana Serrano

Jimmy Carter and Charles Ferris: The Men Who Shook Up the Federal Communications Commission, Reed W. Smith


The Real Designers of Telecommunications Deregulation: It Wasn’t Reagan or Fowler, Reed W. Smith

Composing in the Classroom, Laura Stambaugh

Effective Practice, Laura Stambaugh

Validation of a MIDI Wind Controller for use in Wind Performance Research, Laura Stambaugh

Online and Blended Learning with Google and Folio, Laura E. Valeri

Submissions from 2012

The Teaching and Learning of Intelligent Music Practice, S. Allen, R. Rosenthal, and Laura Stambaugh