The following collections feature scholarly and creative works by current and former faculty in the College of Arts and Humanities at Georgia Southern University.

Faculty may contribute works produced while serving at Georgia Southern by submitting a copy to Please provide the version licensed by the copyright holder (e.g., the publisher) for open access publication following any mandatory embargo period.

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Browse the College of Arts and Humanities Collections:

Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art

College of Arts and Humanities College Publications

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Bookshelf

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Exhibits

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Media Appearances and Interviews

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Performances

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Presentations

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Publications

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Translations

College of Arts and Humanities Faculty Videos

College of Arts and Humanities Videos

Department of Communication Arts

Department of English

Department of History

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Department of World Languages and Cultures

Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music