Term of Award

Spring 2021

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Social Sciences (M.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Committee Chair

Ryan K. McNutt

Committee Member 1

J. Matthew Compton

Committee Member 2

Jennifer Sweeney-Tookes


In late 1864, as the American Civil War was entering its final stages, the Confederacy built a prison to ease the overcrowding at the infamous Andersonville prison. This prison, located in Millen, Georgia, would be known as Camp Lawton. Camp Lawton was abandoned in November of 1864 but has recently been the site of ongoing archaeological investigation. Despite this, little research has been done focusing specifically on health and medicine at Camp Lawton. In this thesis, I use qualitative analysis of Civil War prisoner and guard accounts and analysis of artifacts from Camp Lawton to understand the nature of access and consumption of materials of health and medicine. These methods were used to illuminate potential disparities between the prisoners and prison staff, as well as to paint a more complete picture by examining the historical and archaeological records. Results of the qualitative analysis and the presence of these materials in both areas suggest a proactive approach by prisoners and guards to achieving health in light of dwindling resources in the South during the final year of the American Civil War.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material


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