The presentations contributed to this Digital Commons@Georgia Southern collection are produced by the faculty of Georgia Southern University.


Submissions from 2012

Effects of Stance Width on Hip Displacement During Parallel Squat in Women, Leeanna Woodworth, K. Marshall, George J. Davis, and Bryan L. Riemann

Insurance Companies, the Inter-Temporal Allocation of Resources, and Economic Growth, Mark A. Yanochik


Differential Effects Of Foot Sole Sensory Impairment On Balance And Gait, Shuqi Zhang and Li Li

The Relations Between sEMG and Knee Angles of 24 Style Tai Chi (TC), D. T. Zhu, Li Li, H. Hua, S. Luo, G. Cheng, and S. Wang

Submissions from 2011


Dying With Their Boots Off: Non-Traumatic Deaths Among American Troops in Vietnam, 1960-1975, David Adams, Sara S. Plaspohl, Melissa Reams, and DeShannon Hardy

Community Driven Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions: Findings and Lessons Learned From Sarasota Mobilizes Alcohol Reduction in Teens (SMART), Moya L. Alfonso, Sherri Reynolds, C. Lavarello, and H. Woodcum


VERB Summer Scorecard: Increasing Physical Activity Among Female Adolescents, Moya L. Alfonso, Zachary Thompson, Jenna Davis, Carol A. Bryant, Anita H. Courtney, Jeff A. Jones, and Robert J. McDermott


The Believe in All Your Possibilities Campaign: Updating a Social Marketing Campaign on a Shoe String Budget, Moya L. Alfonso, H. Woodcum, Sherri Reynolds, and John S. Luque

Language at the Center, Heidi M. Altman

Language Revitalization and Native Leaders, Heidi M. Altman


Native Language-Based Paradigms for Indigenous Midwifery, Heidi M. Altman

Graphical Poems for the National Anthem of Moldova: Our Language (Limba noastră) by Ion Găină, Olga Amarie

« Les mots pour toi sont le sel et le jeu » : si l’on parvenait à voir les jeux de Jacques Roubaud, Olga Amarie

Le Triptyque: « l’Arbre, le Poète, la Cathédrale » de Ion Găină, Olga Amarie

Poèmes graphiques de l’hymne « Notre Langue » (Limba noastră) de Ion Găină, Olga Amarie

The Triptych: The Tree, Poet, and Cathedral by Ion Găină, Olga Amarie

Trade as an Engine of Growth and Development in Africa, William Amponsah

Effects of Remittances and Market Size on Foreign Direct Investment to Sub-Saharan Africa, William Amponsah and Pablo Garcia-Fuentes

Agricultural Sector Investment, Outsourcing and Political Risks: The Case of Kenya’s Flower Trade with the EU, William Amponsah and Andrew Muhammad

Conflict, Instability and Trade, William Amponsah and Andrew Muhammad

From the Shadows to the Light: Senatorial Rhetoric and Voting for War, Barry J. Balleck

Social Media: Impact and Implications, Barry J. Balleck

Social Media: Impact and Implications, Barry J. Balleck

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Barry J. Balleck

Mechanism of firefly luciferase inhibition by novel naphthaquinone with modified anthracycline ring system, Rebecca Bedford, Maddi Laizure, Jamie Potter, Daniel LePage, Rachel Hoffmann, John C. DiCesare, and Robert J. Sheaff

Common Read Kick-Off: Ethical Engagement – Panel Discussion of “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", M. Beil and Sara S. Plaspohl

Haiti in November 2011: After the Earthquake, Helen Bland

Piti, Piti Zwaso ap Fe Niche Li, Helen Bland

Physical Activity Patterns and Intentions During Pregnancy Among a Sample of Women in Rural Underserved Are of the Southeast United States, Helen W. Bland, Elaine S. Marshall, and Bridget Melton

Induction of cell stress by a novel naphthaquinone with modified anthracycline ring system, Kevin A. Bohn, John C. DiCesare, and Robert J. Sheaff

Exploring the Utility of Open Source Data to Predict Malicious Software Creation, Adam Bossler, George Burruss, and Thomas J. Holt


Examining Officer Support for Community Policing On- and Off-Line, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Correctional Innovation: Working to Identify "Pockets of Excellence" from an Administrative Point of View, Adam Bossler, Jessie Krienert, and Shane Dixon


Study Guides: To Give or Not to Give? That is the Question!, Velina Boteva, Emmanuel Clottey, Lauren Bigham, Aaron Dilday, Kimberly Lawrence, Judith Longfield, and Ram Polur


Media Coverage and Framing of the Employee Free Choice Act, Ted Brimeyer

Forensic Accountants as Experts, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraud and the Law, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraud Prevention via Employment Screening, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraudulent Financial Reporting, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Keeping Honest People Honest: The Importance of Internal Controls, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Keeping Honest People Honest: The Importance of Internal Controls, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Lean Accounting, Timothy D. Cairney

Families Standing Tall as Integral Members of the Care Team, Sheri Carey


A Trio of Experiences: SMART Scholars at Georgia Southern University, J. Michelle Cawthorn, Joy Darley, Marlynn Griffin, Brian Koehler, and James Lobue

Pre-Professional Block as a NOYCE Scholar Preparation and Selection Tool, J. Michelle Cawthorn, Joy Darley, Marlynn Griffin, Brian Koehler, and James Lobue

Teen Pregnancy Update: Why are Rates so High in the South?, Joanne Chopak-Foss

Rethinking the Health Curriculum in Georgia: Using a Standards Based Approach to Teach Drug Use Prevention and Risky Sexual Behavior, Joanne Chopak-Foss and Bridget F. Melton

Improving Health Literacy to Reduce Health Risk Behavior in Adolescents, Joanne Chopak-Foss and Linda B. Synovitz

Social Supports as Predisposing Factors in Rural and Non-Rural Nursing Home Admissions, Adrienne L. Cohen and Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda


The Effect of Substrate Particle Size on Sprint Performance in Three Species of Desert Lizards, Clint E. Collins, Jessica Self, Roger A. Anderson, and Lance D. McBrayer

Conservation of Natural Resources: The Role of Environmental Science, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Consumer Responses to Catastrophic Amphibian Declines in Neotropical Streams, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Best Practices in Health and Skill Related Fitness Testing, Gavin T. Colquitt, Starla McCollum, Tony Pritchard Dr., Jody L. Langdon, and GSU HPE Majors Club


Meeting the NASPE Initial Teacher Standards Through Comprehensive Program Assessment, Gavin T. Colquitt, Tony Pritchard, Starla McCollum, and Jody Langdon

Action Research in the Gym: It’s Not a Dirty Word!, Gavin T. Colquitt, Ashley Walker, Jody Langdon, Starla McCollum, and Tony Pritchard

Embodying Difference: Building Community through Critical and Transcultural Literacies, Lisa A. Costello

Feminist Art Activism: Mentoring Art Students through Genre Writing, Lisa A. Costello

Progress Towards the Synthesis of Dragmacidin Derivatives for Cancer Treatments, Stephen Crooke, C. Michele Davis McGibony, and Christine R. Whitlock

Progress Towards the Synthesis of Dragmacidin Derivatives for Cancer Treatments, Stephen N. Crooke, C. Michele Davis McGibony, and Christine R. Whitlock

Legal Pragmatism and Strategic Decision Making: Examining the Effects of Congressional Statutory Challenges, Brett W. Curry

Subject Matter Expertise and Judging on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Brett W. Curry and Banks Miller

Invited speaker, 8th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Christopher P. Cutler

Reliability and Validity of the Boston Biomotion Instrument in the Measurement of Upper Extremity Power and a Comparison to the Seated Shot Put Test, George J. Davies, David Lake, Bryan L. Riemann, J. S. Campbell, J. W. Waterman, and L. Miller

EMG analysis and pain ratings of 3 lunge directions with a matched-cohort of symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects with patella-femoral pain syndrome, George J. Davies, Bryan Riemann, C. A. Carter, and M. L. Yang

The Effectiveness of Blocked Vs Random Exercise Training Programs Using Isolated Shoulder Exercises and Selected Outcome Measures, George J. Davies, Bryan L. Riemann, L. Simpson, and G. Stephens

Judicial Subject Matter Expertise and Agency Theory, Trenton Davis, Brett Curry, and Banks Miller

Energy flux streamlines vs. the alternatives for the visualization of energy flow in acoustical scattering problems: Simple examples, Cleon Dean and James P. Braselton

A View of the Other from Joaquim Nabuco's Minha Formacao, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Cultural Differences Between Brazil and the United States, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Ethics & Academic Issues, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

From Genocide to Leading Information and Communication Technology Hub in East and Central Africa: The Case of Rwanda, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Life Chances and Life Choices for Health, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Politics and Policy in Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Chinese in Latin America: The Commodity Lottery Winners and Losers, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

United States Security Policy: Strategic Threats and Alternative Responses, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

World Perspectives, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Bytes not Bullets: Wars in the Digital World, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz

Fresa y chocolate: A Subtle Critique of the Revolution in Crisis, William O. Deaver

The Impact of the PEP Grant on Elementary Physical Education, Steve Elliott, Starla McCollum, Tony Pritchard, and Gavin Colquitt

Enriching Honors—Adding a Service-Learning, Leadership, or Other Component to Your Honors Program or College, Steven Engel

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Navigating the Waters of the Academically Adrift: Departmental Honors Sequences, Steven Engel


Trophic Basis of Production in a Neotropical Headwater Stream, T. Frauendorf, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Matt Whiles, Karen Lips, Catherine Pringle, and Susan Kilham

The SoTL: Impact in the Classroom and Beyond Georgia Southern SoTL Travelers, Laura Frost, Delena Gatch, Judith Longfield, and Diana Sturges


Multidisciplinary POGIL - A faculty learning community, Laura J. Frost, Abbie Parham, Trent W. Maurer, Joanne Chopak-Foss, Rose M. Gee, Alison Rushing, Dena Hale, Linda Mullen, Cathie Johnson, and Don Slater

Puppets and Storytelling, Jessica Garner and Elizabeth Stow

Faculty Development Through Service Learning: Combining Teaching, Service, and Scholarship, April W. Garrity

Grammatical Judgment Tasks: Evidence From AAE Speakers, April W. Garrity, S. L. Pruitt-Lord, and Janna Oetting


Conversion to Guided Inquiry Laboratories in Introductory Physics Courses, Delena Bell Gatch

Using Technology in the Sciences, Delena Bell Gatch

Assessment of Smokeless Tobacco Use in the History and Physical Examination by Primary Health Care Providers, Rose M. Gee, Brenda Talley, Elaine Marshall, and D. Allen

Assessment of Smokeless Tobacco Use in the History and Physical Examination by Primary Health Care Providers, Rose M. Gee, Brenda Talley, Elaine Marshall, and D. Allen


Analyzing Gender Gaps in the Criminal Justice System: a Cross-national Comparison, Laurie A. Gould

Exploring the Relationship Between Gender Violence and State Failure: Preliminary Findings, Laurie A. Gould

Health as hegemonic masculinity: The symbolic construction of health in Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness magazines, Beverly L. Graham and Chris B. Geyerman

Studies on the Catalytic Dehalogenation of Environmental Contaminants Mediated by Nanoparticle Photochemistry, R. Groom, R. Cook, Delana A. Gajdosik-Nivens, and Will E. Lynch

Haptic Applications in Medical Simulation in Surgical Training-Dentistry, Felix G. Hamza-Lup


Multimodal Environments with Haptic Feedback for E-learning, Felix G. Hamza-Lup


A Survey of Visuo-Haptic Simulation in Surgical Training, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Crenguta M. Bogdan, Dorin M. Popovici, and Ovidiu D. Costea


Haptic User Interface and Practice-based Learning for Minimally Invasive Surgerical Training, Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Adrian Seitan, Costin Petre, Mihai Polceanu, Crenguta M. Boghan, and Dorin M. Popovici