The Journal of Case Learning and Exceptional Learners
Editors-in-Chief: Dr. Kathryn Haughney, Georgia Southern University
Dr. Jeongae Kang, Illinois State University
Dr. Aftynne Cheek, Appalachian State University

The Journal of Case Learning and Exceptional Learners (JCLEL) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes special education case studies for students with moderate to extensive living and learning needs. Case studies are accepted for publication as either observation-based descriptions of individual experiences or as intervention-based descriptions of IEP team decisions, interventions, or associated outcomes. Accepted manuscripts may be submitted as a companion to another published intervention or as a stand-alone piece and may include multimedia components.

This journal is designed to provide high-quality case studies with consistent and thorough descriptions of real learning experiences. For researchers, this journal is an opportunity for professionals in the field of special education and individuals with disabilities to collaborate in anonymous information sharing with a national reach. Published articles may be freely applied to teaching and learning for teacher education, professional development, and for research explorations.

We welcome new reviewers, so please reach out to the Editorial Board for more information on how you can serve.

See About This Journal for more information.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2024)

Editor's Notes

Intervention Case Study