

"I am as sick of boring presentations as you are" admitted Medina (2008, p. 93), explaining how the typical academic lecture embodies the antithesis of scholarly, brain-rich teaching and learning. In contrast to what Kohn (1999, p. 218) decried as the "mind numbing" monotony of even the most well intended academic monologues, Medina explained that brains retain lessons learned through concrete experiences with emotionally cogent and relevant stimuli. Are such research-based insights the sort Boyer (1990) was invoking in Scholarship Reconsidered, which made the case for a new standard of scholarly teaching and learning? Thinking so, this essay synthesizes existing learning cycle theories and emerging cognitive neuroscientific insights to extend the discussion of research-based options for lighting up learners’ minds through the scholarship of 21st century brain-compatible teaching and learning. This essay concludes by illustrating a constructivist curriculum model for illuminating students’ minds by transforming learning through cognitive neuroscience.

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