Ethics Statement | International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Active Journals | Georgia Southern University

Ethics Statement

Ethical Guidelines for Authors

IJSoTL is committed to publishing work of the highest integrity. Toward that end, we provide the following requirements and offer some suggestions for authors.


Your submission must be your original work, and must not have been published elsewhere in any form or language (partially or in full), unless your new work is an expansion of some previous work. To avoid accusations of self-plagiarism, any re-use of your own previously-published material must be disclosed within the article. You must acknowledge any other works that you quote directly, paraphrase, or summarize, both in your text and in your References section.

Misrepresentation of your research, or manipulation of your findings injures our entire discipline. Your results must be presented as clearly and as honestly as possible. Studies with methodological flaws, manipulated data (through statistical analysis, image manipulation, or comping), or analyses that do not directly correlate with your findings will be rejected.

Your submission must include the totality of your study. That is, your work must not be split into multiple parts in order to increase the number of submissions. Exceptions to this may be studies that have a follow-up at a later date, or short manuscripts that details the underpinnings of an incipient or ongoing study. We will consider each study as an organic whole, and look for manuscripts that encompass your entire process.

Your submission must disclose any sources of funding or other external support. It should also include any potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial). If your work involved human participants, a statement on their informed consent must be included. Your touchstone for this process should be avoiding the possible appearance of impropriety.


Sole Submission:
IJSoTL will consider only sole-submission manuscripts. If your article is under consideration with us, submitting it to another journal will terminate our editorial review process.

IJSoTL reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines. The author or authors assume individual responsibility for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned guidelines.

IJSoTL will consider only manuscripts that incorporate extant SoTL literature (e.g., cites SoTL literature) and directly builds upon and expands/contributes to current discourses within SoTL.