International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Active Journals | Georgia Southern University

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning is an open, double-blind peer reviewed electronic journal published in May and November each year by the Faculty Center at Georgia Southern University. The journal is an international forum for research and information about the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and its applications in higher/tertiary education.

Reviewers wanted! If you would like to review for ij-SoTL, please visit the guidelines and sign up form here.

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Current Issue: Volume 18, Number 2 (2024)

Letter from the Editor


Letter from the Editors
Joe Pellegrino, Delores D. Liston, and Delena Bell Gatch

Research Articles


Nurturing Teamwork, Intercultural Competence, and Belonging in First-Year STEM Students
Aparajita Jaiswal, Muna Sapkota, MyAnna Marie Ramos, Laura Starr, and Aletha Stahl


From Crisis to Resilience: Pandemic Perspectives on College Student Experiences, Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning
Diana Botnaru, Anna C. Brady, Dragos Amarie, April Garrity, Erica Hillsnipe, Caroline Hopkinson, Cynthia Lynes, and Eryn Michelle Maher