

Standards-based grading is an alternative grading system that gives students multiple opportunities to demon-strate proficiency in course standards or objectives. It has the potential to provide flexibility and reduce student anxiety, which are particularly important during difficult times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, stu-dents in a Precalculus course using standards-based grading between Spring 2021 and Spring 2022 were surveyed about how the pandemic had affected their learning and the benefits and challenges of standards-based grading. The students who took the course in Spring 2021, whose previous learning was least affected by the pandemic, were most likely to find standards-based grading beneficial. However, in all three semesters, students on average reported that compared with exams in previous math courses, assessments in the standards-based graded course were lower stakes and would better help them understand the material and to know what to study.

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