"Signature Moves" by Laura Cruz, Hillary H. Steiner et al.


Although the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) has been described as the signature pedagogy of educational development (a professional field focused on support for teaching and learning in higher education), there is little systematic evidence of the scale and scope of the SoTL support practices that centers for teaching and learning (CTLs) are currently using, how they are using them, and how these practices connect across the ecosystem of higher education. To understand the evolving intersection between educational development and SoTL, we used web scraping/content analysis to explore the current state of SoTL support at U.S.-based CTLs (as reflected in their websites), with the aim of mapping the current landscape of the signature pedagogy, nearly thirty years after Boyer first challenged us to rethink the relationships between scholarship, teaching, and learning.

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Updated Visualizations May 2024.docx (124 kB)
REVISED Figures and Table
