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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology.

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Submissions from 2013

The Relationship Between Student Attitudes Toward Physical Education and Fitness, Gavin Colquitt, Ashley D. Walker, Jody L. Langdon, Starla McCollum, and Melanie Pomazal

What are the optimum parameters for plyometric training of the shoulder: a comparison of medium vs high volume on selected outcome measures?, George J. Davies, Kimberly J. Arnsdorff, S. Anderson, K. Burton, D. Voight, and Bryan Riemann

Manual Therapy Techniques of the Shoulder: Objective Quantification of Forces Using Hand Held Dynamometry, George J. Davies, Michael J. Tankovich, J. E. King, C. A. Jacobs, and Bryan L. Riemann

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Inquiring into Learning and Learning Communities, Lorraine S. Gilpin, Judith Longfield, and Diana Sturges


The Effect of Tai Chi on Posturo-Respiratory Synchronization in Frail Older Adults, Matthew L. Holmes, Brad Manor, Lewis A. Lipsitz, and Li Li

H-Index Measurement is Important in Persons with Peripheral Neuropathy, Matthew L. Holmes, Shuqi Zhang, Duckchan Jang, and Li Li

The Relationship Between Neuropsychological Function and Sports-Related Concussion, Kassandra Johns, Thomas Buckley, Jody Langdon, and George Shaver

Does Neuropsychological Testing Aid in the Prediction of Concussion?, Kassandra Johns, Thomas Buckley, George Shaver, and Jody Langdon


Predictors of Cultural Pluralism and Diversity Among Undergraduate Kinesiology Majors, Jody Langdon, Paul Rukavina, Christy Greenleaf, and Anne Gibbone

1). Problems& New Development of Statistics in Kinesiology; 2). Current Issues in Biomechanics; and 3). Neuromuscular and Fatigue, Li Li

1). Problems& New Development of Statistics in Kinesiology; 2). Current Issues in Biomechanics; and 3). Neuromuscular and Fatigue, Li Li

1). Problems& New Development of Statistics in Kinesiology; 2). Current Issues in Biomechanics; and 3). Neuromuscular and Fatigue, Li Li

Current Issues in Biomechanics, Li Li

Problems & New Development of Statistics in Kinesiology, Li Li


Reliability of Nerve Function Assessment in People with Peripheral Neuropathy, Li Li, Matthew L. Holmes, Shuqi Zhang, and Duckchan Jang


Attitude, Awareness, and Behaviors Related to Nutrition and Health Among College Youth, Eric Lutzenberger, Padmini Shankar, and Jody Langdon

Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes in Amateur Motocross, Kristina Miller, Glenn Burdette, Thomas Buckley, and Jody Langdon


NCAA Division I Student Athletes’ Lived Experience of an In-Season Concussion, Matthew Moreau, Jody Langdon, Daniel R. Czech, and Thomas A. Buckley


Relationships Between Trunk Kinematics at the Critical Time Points in Baseball Pitching, Sakiko Oyama, Yu Bing, J. Troy Blackburn, Darin Padua, Li Li, and Joseph Meyers


Improper Trunk Rotation Sequence is Associated with Increased Maximal Shoulder External Rotation Angle and Shoulder Joint Force during Baseball Pitching, Sakiko Oyama, Bing Yu, Darin A. Padua, J. Troy Blackburn, Li Li, and Joseph B. Myers


Diversity Attitudes and Achievement Goals in Physical Education Pre-Service Teachers, Paul Rukavina, Anne Gibbone, Chisty Greenleaf, Jody Langdon, Jayne Jenkins, Penelope Portman, and Lynda Ransdell

The Effect of Scapular Fatigue on Upper Extremity Power, E. Schneider, C. Smith, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

The Effectiveness of Online Education Interventions on Coaching Students’ Concussion Knowledge, B. Simons, Thomas Buckley, Jody Langdon, and Glenn Burdette

Introduction to Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics, Diana Sturges

Moldova and its foods, Diana Sturges

SoTL projects in the classroom: benefits of assessment at a course level, Diana Sturges

Why study Human Anatomy and Physiology?, Diana Sturges

Doing SoTL: Inquiring into Teaching and Learning, Diana Sturges and Lorraine S. Gilpin


Impact of study guides on students' perceptions and academic performance: the case of undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology classes, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer

Outline vs. completed study guides in Human Anatomy & Physiology: Perceptions and influences on academic achievement, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer

Students' perceptions of two different study guides: The case of Human Anatomy and Physiology classes, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer

The value of learning in the Human Anatomy and Physiology class: Student perceptions, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer

Males and Females Perform Differently on Tests Related to Core Stability, Andy Waldhelm and Li Li


Concussion Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions in English Football (Soccer), Joshua Williams, Thomas Buckley, Jody Langdon, and Jim McMillan


Concussion Knowledge and Attitude in English Soccer (Football), Joshua Williams, Jody Langdon, James McMillan, and Thomas A. Buckley

H-Index Is Independent From Other Sensory Measures Among People With Peripheral Neuropathy, Shuqi Zhang, Matthew L. Holmes, Duckchan Jang, and Li Li


Central Nerve System Adaptation in People with Peripheral Neuropathy, Shuqi Zhang, Matthew L. Holmes, and Li Li

Submissions from 2012

Students' academic motivations in three disciplines, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, Trent W. Maurer, Padmini Shankar, and Diana Sturges


Weight Management Goals and Practices at a Southeastern University, Lauren Bigham, Bridget Melton, Jody Langdon, and Rebecca Riggs

The Effectiveness of Isolated Exercise Shoulder Rehabilitation Program on Patients With Shoulder Pain; and Detraining Effects, C. Birke, Michael J. Tankovich, M. Gignilliat, T. McCullouch, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davies

Impairments in Dynamic Postural Stability Following a Lateral Ankle Sprain, Anne Bryan, Thomas Buckley, Barry Munkasy, and Jody Langdon

NASM Movement Analysis Screening: reliability, construct validity and association with static physical performance measurements, M. Bush, C. Griffin, K. Willenbring, David Bringman, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

Student perceptions of meaningful learning in Human Anatomy and Physiology classes, John Dobson, Diana Sturges, and Trent W. Maurer

Intrasession Reliability and the Relationship Between the Explosive Bench Press and Medicine Ball Chest Pass Assessments of Upper Extremity Power, Jayme D. Eitner, G. Ken Limbaugh, George J. Davis, and Bryan L. Riemann

A Randomized Prospective Training Study of Open Kinetic Chain and Closed Kinetic Chain Perturbation Training in Clients With Shoulder Pain, W. C. Ewin, K. E. King, A. Kirksey, George J. Davis, David Bringman, A. Wilcox, and Bryan L. Riemann

Objective Quantification of Forces Used With Joint Play and Manual Therapy Techniques for the Shoulder, J. E. King, George J. Davis, Michael J. Tankovich, C. A. Jacobs, and Bryan L. Riemann

Effects of Unweighting on Heart Rate Response and Speed/incline Adjustments Necessary in Elite Runners, Robert G. LeFavi, Aubrey G. Morris, Jayme D. Eitner, Ernest Ledesma, and Bryan L. Riemann

Course experiences and learning in undergraduate education: a comparison study, Marcel Maghiar, Diana Sturges, and Trent W. Maurer

Students’ academic motivations in three disciplines, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, Padmini Shankar, and Diana Sturges


Students' Academic Motivations in Three Disciplines, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Diana Sturges, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar

Intra-session and Inter-session Reliability of a Modified Trunk Rotation Flexibility Test, Laura Moore, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

NCAA Division I Student-Athlete’s Lived Experience of an In-Season Sports Related Concussion, Matthew Moreau, Thomas Buckley, Daniel R. Czech, and Jody Langdon

Ground Reaction Force Analysis of the Anterior and Crossover Single Leg Hop Tests, M. J. Nelson, Brent R. Sloss, and Bryan L. Riemann

Shoulder Muscle Activation of Novice and Experienced Weightlifters During Dumbbell Bench Press Exercises, A. L. Phillips, Joshua Luczak, George J. Davis, and Bryan L. Riemann

Limb, Gender and Anthropometric Factors Influencing Normative Data for the Biodex SD Athletic Single Leg Stability Test, Bryan L. Riemann and George J. Davies

Asymmetry in Parkinson’s Disease is Reflected in the Timed Up and Go, K. M. Rose, A. W. A. van Gemmert, Jan M. Hondzinski, and Li Li

Shoulder Muscle Activation of Novice and Weight-trained Females During Push-ups on an Unstable Surface, B. Russel, J. L. Newsome, and Bryan L. Riemann

Hip Muscle Strength, Bilateral Ratios, Antagonistic Ratios and Single Leg Squat Performance in Persons With Low Back Pain and Controls, Jennifer Satterfield, Ken Queliza, George J. Davis, and Bryan L. Riemann

Impact of Low Carbohydrate and High Protein Fad Diets on Prevalence of Obesity in College Students, Padmini Shankar, Macaulay Okwuokenye, Laura H. Gunn, Diana Sturges, and Suman Ahuja

Human Anatomy and Physiology in Health Careers, Diana Sturges

What is SoTL and how to get involved?, Diana Sturges

A comparison of students academic motivations in anatomy and physiology, nutrition and physics, Diana Sturges, Trent Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar

Students’ academic motivations in three disciplines, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, and Padmini Shankar

Student perceptions of meaningful learning in Human Anatomy and Physiology classes, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, and John Dobson

Allied Health students’ perceptions of learning in undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology classes, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, and John L. Dobson

Course valuing inventory and student learning: Perceptions of health majors, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, and John L. Dobson


Student Perceptions of Meaningful Learning in Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes, Diana Sturges, Trent W. Maurer, and John L. Dobson

Effects of Drop Landing Height on Bilateral Asymmetry on Ground Reaction Forces During Depth Jumps, Nathan Tamargo, William Thomsen, George J. Davis, and Bryan L. Riemann

NASM Movement Analysis Screening: Reliability, Construct Validity and Association with Dynamic Physical Performance Measurements, K. Weiland, G. Woodward, M. Worsley, David Bringman, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

Effects of Stance Width on Hip Displacement During Parallel Squat in Women, Leeanna Woodworth, K. Marshall, George J. Davis, and Bryan L. Riemann


Differential Effects Of Foot Sole Sensory Impairment On Balance And Gait, Shuqi Zhang and Li Li

The Relations Between sEMG and Knee Angles of 24 Style Tai Chi (TC), D. T. Zhu, Li Li, H. Hua, S. Luo, G. Cheng, and S. Wang

Submissions from 2011

Best Practices in Health and Skill Related Fitness Testing, Gavin T. Colquitt, Starla McCollum, Tony Pritchard Dr., Jody L. Langdon, and GSU HPE Majors Club


Meeting the NASPE Initial Teacher Standards Through Comprehensive Program Assessment, Gavin T. Colquitt, Tony Pritchard, Starla McCollum, and Jody Langdon

Action Research in the Gym: It’s Not a Dirty Word!, Gavin T. Colquitt, Ashley Walker, Jody Langdon, Starla McCollum, and Tony Pritchard

Reliability and Validity of the Boston Biomotion Instrument in the Measurement of Upper Extremity Power and a Comparison to the Seated Shot Put Test, George J. Davies, David Lake, Bryan L. Riemann, J. S. Campbell, J. W. Waterman, and L. Miller

EMG analysis and pain ratings of 3 lunge directions with a matched-cohort of symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects with patella-femoral pain syndrome, George J. Davies, Bryan Riemann, C. A. Carter, and M. L. Yang

The Effectiveness of Blocked Vs Random Exercise Training Programs Using Isolated Shoulder Exercises and Selected Outcome Measures, George J. Davies, Bryan L. Riemann, L. Simpson, and G. Stephens

The Impact of the PEP Grant on Elementary Physical Education, Steve Elliott, Starla McCollum, Tony Pritchard, and Gavin Colquitt

The SoTL: Impact in the Classroom and Beyond Georgia Southern SoTL Travelers, Laura Frost, Delena Gatch, Judith Longfield, and Diana Sturges

Non-science majors’ academic motivation in science courses, Delena Gatch, Trent W. Maurer, Diana Sturges, and Deborah Allen

Moving to Success: Rhythm Transfer, Jody Langdon


Physical Fitness Components as Predictors of Academic Achievement in an Urban Minority Population, Jody Langdon, Gavin T. Colquitt, Tony Pritchard, and Starla McCollum


Addressing Both Health and Academic Achievement Gaps in Rural Contexts, Jody Langdon, Ashley Walker, and Gavin T. Colquitt

Ground Reaction Forces From Depth Jumps at Different Heights Do Not Support Standard Weight Limitations, Robert G. LeFavi, Bryan L. Riemann, and William Thomsen

Effects of Medicine Ball Load on Chest Pass Performance and Selected Underlying Kinematics, G. Ken Limbaugh, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis


Students' Academic Motivations in Allied Health Classes, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, Padmini Shankar, and Diana Sturges


Students' Academic Motivations in Allied Health Classes, Trent W. Maurer, Deborah Allen, Delena Gatch, Padmini Shankar, and Diana Sturges

Doing SoTL: Inspiration and application, Trent W. Maurer, Lorraine S. Gilpin, Laura B. Regassa, and Diana Sturges

Increasing Physical Activity During Skill Practice, Starla McCollum, Gavin T. Colquitt, Katherine Pruitt, Jody Langdon, and GSU HPE Majors Club

Kinematic Analysis of Four Plyometric Push-up Variations, Laura Moore, Michael J. Tankovich, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

Biomechanical Comparison of Forward and Lateral Lunges Using Standardized and Self Selected and Step Lengths, Bryan L. Riemann, Amanda Congleton, Rebecca Ward, and George J. Davies

How “brain” smart are you?, Diana Sturges

Human Anatomy and Physiology in Health Careers, Diana Sturges


Infant and Maternal Factors Affecting Neonatal and Post-neonatal Infant Mortality among Georgia Residents (1995-2004), Diana Sturges, Laura H. Gunn, Vaibhav Garg, and Priyanka Thumar Garg


What Makes Anatomy and Physiology Difficult: An Investigation of Student Perceptions, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer


What Makes Anatomy and Physiology Difficult?: An Investigation of Student Perceptions, Diana Sturges and Trent W. Maurer

Kinematic Analysis of the Landing Phase Onto an Elevated Surface in Box Drop Plyometric Push-ups, Michael J. Tankovich, Laura Moore, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

Spine and Hip Kinematic Differences Between Dominant and Non-dominant Kicking in Collegiate Women Soccer Players, Leeanna Woodworth, Bryan L. Riemann, and George J. Davis

Submissions from 2010

Developing Professionalism in Undergraduates: Effective Major's Clubs, Gavin Colquitt, Starla McCollum, Tony Pritchard, S. Williams, and A. Kendrick