The publications contributed to this Digital Commons@Georgia Southern collection are authored by the faculty of Georgia Southern University.

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Faculty publications series include content attributed to Georgia Southern faculty. For a complete list of their works, view their SelectedWorks profiles.

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Submissions from 1999

P. Medina and J. Wittreich, eds. Soundings of Things Done: Essays in Early Modern Literature in Honor of S. K. Heninger, Christopher P. Baker

R. Green, A Crisis of Truth: Literature and Law in Ricardian England, Christopher P. Baker

S. Lynch, Shakespearean Intertextuality: studies in selected sources and plays, Christopher P. Baker

V. Comensoli and P. Stevens, Discontinuities: new essays on Renaissance literature and criticism, Christopher P. Baker

Beyond Athletics – Utilizing local Cultural Heritage Resources in Recreation Programming, James D. Bigley

A Report on the Assessment of Tourism Assets at State Parks in Regional Service Delivery Areas 7 & 12 and Recommendations Regarding the Development and Promotion of Those Assets, James D. Bigley, Simon P. Attle, and Larry Mutter

Assessing the Perceived Importance of Preparing Health Educators to Teach Adult Learners, Helen W. Bland and Catherine A. Hansman


Predicting a Behavioral Profile for Pleasure Travelers on the Basis of Internet Use Segmentation, Mark A. Bonn, H. Leslie Furr, and Alex M. Susskind


Visualization of Symmetric and Antisymmetric Lamb Waves Via the Elastodynamic Poynting Vector, James P. Braselton and Cleon Dean


Randomly Walking Through Wall Street, James P. Braselton, John Rafter, Patricia B. Humphrey, and Martha L. Abell


Exploring a Regional Technical Efficiency Frontier in the Former USSR, Gregory Brock


Transition= Improved Revenue Performance Plus Elektrificatsiya? A Look at Irkutsk Region During the Early Transition Era, Gregory Brock


Gender Differences in Self-attributions: Relationship of Gender to Attributional Consistency, Style and Expectations for Performance in a College Course, Constance Campbell and John W. Henry

The Minnesota Population Problem, Gregory Chamblee and Julie Silva


Cipolla, Carlo M., Kathleen M. Comerford


Delumeau, Jean, Kathleen M. Comerford


Gurevich, Aaron, Kathleen M. Comerford


Historical Writing: Renaissance, Kathleen M. Comerford


Italy (Renaissance), Kathleen M. Comerford


Italy (Since the Renaissance), Kathleen M. Comerford


What Did Early Modern Priests Read? The Library of the Seminary of Fiesole, 1646-1715, Kathleen M. Comerford


The good faith exception in a computerized society: State court reactions to U.S. v. Leon and Arizona v. Evans, Rebecca Davis

Poynting vector fields in a perpendicularly ensonified fluid loaded elastic cylinder, Cleon Dean and James P. Braselton


Intimate Dwellings: Meditations on Shelter and Sheltered Meditations in Roberto G. Fernández's 'Coquina House', William O. Deaver


La aceleración, la inercia polar y lo escatológico en 'La máquina de hacer ¡pu! ¡pu! ¡puuu!' por Julio Garmendia, William O. Deaver


La vida es un special o la vorágine del consumo, William O. Deaver


The Last Supper: Art as Propaganda, William O. Deaver


The Punishment of Juvenile Murderers: Should They Be Executed? YES, Michael E. Donahue

Exporting the Right Way, Leslie B. Fletcher, Lynda S. Hamilton, and Luther T. Denton

Irving Stone, Ann O. Fuller


Preparing Graduates for a Diverse Job Market: A Comparison of Human Development and Family Science Programs, Ted G. Futris, Susan Hicks, Alice Hall, Kathy Etz, Fabienne Doucet, and Garrett Lange

Vesting students in their academic career: Using goal setting from introductory public speaking to internships, Beverly L. Graham and Pamela G. Bourland-Davis

A Profile of the Small Business Development Center, Sara J. Grimes


Managers’ outward influence tactics and their consequences: an exploratory study, Sanjay Gupta and Thomas Louis Case

An IRR Analysis of Defined Benefit Versus Defined Contribution Retirement Plans, John Hatem, Shawn M. Forbes, and Ken Johnston


Interior-Point Methods and Modern Optimization Codes, Goran Lesaja


An Analysis of Family Income Inequality in Metropolitan Counties, William Levernier

The Investment Management of Promotion Expenditures, William Levernier, Morgan P. Miles, and John B. White

Barbara Boxer, Karen M. McCurdy

Dianne Feinstein, Karen M. McCurdy

Donna Edna Shalala, Karen M. McCurdy

Joan Kelly Horn, Karen M. McCurdy

Lynne Vincent Cheney, Karen M. McCurdy

Margaret Chase Smith, Karen M. McCurdy

Martha Wright Griffiths, Karen M. McCurdy

Nancy Landon Kassebaum (Baker), Karen M. McCurdy

Olympia Jean Snowe, Karen M. McCurdy


Publish or Perish: A Dilemma for Academic Librarians?, W. Bede Mitchell and Mary Reichel


Accounting Information Systems Test Bank, J. Lowell Mooney

It’s Time to Reinvent CPE, J. Lowell Mooney and W. J. Bostwick

Are We Teaching Our Students the Software That CPAs Use?, J. Lowell Mooney and Leslee N. Higgins

Class Computer Projects: Are We All on the Same Page?, J. Lowell Mooney and Leslee N. Higgins


The Post-Cold War Era, the Persian Gulf War, and the Peace and Justice Movement in the 1990s, Patrick J. Novotny


Eating Disorders: No Longer Trapped by Food, Sara Oswalt and Helen W. Bland

Data Analysis Using Excel, L. Parrish, L. Pickett, and J. Lowell Mooney


Review of "The Dissonance of Democracy: Listening, Conflict, and Citizenship", Robert Pirro

Policy Issues for the 21st Century Library Media Center, Judi Repman and Elizabeth Downs


Is it time for a policy checkup?, Judi Repman and Elizabeth A. Downs

A Preliminary Look at IS Job Listings On The Internet, Camille F. Rogers and Thomas L. Case

The Information Systems Industry: Another Look at the Southeastern U.S., Camille F. Rogers, Thomas L. Case, and Barbara A. Price


Implementing Technology in Secondary Mathematics and Science Classrooms: Do We Have Common Goals? Barriers? Models for Change?, Julie Silva, Scott W. Slough, Cynthia Louden, and Gregory Chamblee


Simultaneous vs. Sequential Scheduling of Multiple Resources which Constrain System Throughout, Jacob V. Simons, M. D. Stephens, and Wendell P. Simpson III


Process Design in a Down-Sizing Service Operation, Jacob V. Simons, Christopher Wicker, Michael Garrity, and Mark E. Kraus

Review of Encyclopedia of Television News by Michael Murray, Reed W. Smith


Review of Public Access Television: America’s Electronic Soapbox by Laura Linder, Reed W. Smith

Ethnicity and Ethnic Groups, William L. Smith

Priests From Ireland, William L. Smith

Caring for the Elderly Hip Fracture Patient, Helen M. Taggart


Using Research in Practice: Research Abstracts, Helen M. Taggart


Coherence Properties of an Atom Laser, Marek Trippenbach, Y. B. Bland, Mark Edwards, Marya Doery, P. S. Julienne, E. W. Hagley, L. Deng, M. Kozuma, K. Helmerson, S. L. Rolston, and W. D. Phillips

Savannah Inlet and Estuary Processes Study: Biotic Resource Distributions, Stephen Vives


Assessing the Risks of Y2K Reporting, Harry R. Wright Jr., J. Lowell Mooney, and G. Benjamin Thompson IV


Extended Stratification: Immigrant and Native Differences in Individual and Family Labor, Pidi Zhang and Jimy Sanders

Submissions from 1998

Anthony Edwards, K.G. Rodgers, C.H. Miller, eds. The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vol. I, Christopher P. Baker

Chris Richards, ed. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Religions, Christopher P. Baker

Howard Marchitello, Narrative and Meaning in early modern England: Browne's Skull and other histories, Christopher P. Baker

R.S. White, Natural law in English Renaissance Literature, Christopher P. Baker

Thomas Merton, Christopher P. Baker

Thomas Shepard, Christopher P. Baker

W. B. Hunter, Visitation Unemplor'd: Milton and the Authorship of De Doctrina Christiana, Christopher P. Baker


A Georgia Initiative: Calculus, The TI-92, Distance Learning and Support via The Internet, Sharon Barrs and Cindy Gonzalez

Site Management and Interpretation Plan for the LeConte Woodmanston Plantation – Part II Site Development and Operations, James D. Bigley

Disease Mnemonics: A Learner-Centered Activity, Helen W. Bland and M. K. Ludwig

Around the World of Addictions: An Adolescent Perspective, Helen W. Bland and K. O'Rourke


Using the Internet as a Pleasure Travel Planning Tool: An Examination of the Sociodemographic and Behavioral Characteristics Among Internet Users and Nonusers, Mark A. Bonn, H. Leslie Furr, and Alex M. Susskind


Poisson EWMA Control Charts, Connie M. Borror, Charles W. Champ, and Steven E. Rigdon


An Integrative Attributional Perspective of Empowerment and Learned Helplessness: A Multimethod Field Study, Constance Campbell and Mark J. Martinko


Expanding Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership: an Integration of the Green and Mitchell Model of Leader Behavior With Leader-member Exchange Status, Constance Campbell and Cathy Owens Swift

Viva Mexico, Georgia Calls on our Southern Neighbor, Constance Campbell, Cathy Owens Swift, and L. Hamilton

So You Want To Develop Web-Based Instruction--Points to Ponder, Randal D. Carlson, Elizabeth A. Downs, Judith Repman, and Kenneth F. Clark

What Abilities Are Employers Seeking in New IS Hires? Are Patterns in South Georgia Similar to Those in the Southeast?, Thomas L. Case, Barbara A. Price, and Camille F. Rogers


Influence of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Nest Defence in Male Dark-Eyed Juncos, J. Michelle Cawthorn, Dana L. Morris, Ellen D. Ketterson, and Val Nolan Jr.

Monitoring Variability Using the Run Sum Chart, Charles W. Champ and Steve E. Rigdon


Predicting Alcohol and Tobacco Use in a Sample of Rural Adolescents, Joanne Chopak-Foss, Judith R. Vicary, and Lisa J. Crockett


Assessing Concerns of Algebra Teachers During a Curriculum Reform: A Constructivist Approach, Ann R. Crawford, Gregory Chamblee, and Russell J. Rowlett

What I Learned at the CET and How I’m Using It, Rebecca M. Davis


Visualization of a surface wave in an elastic medium via the complex Poynting vector, Cleon Dean and James P. Braselton


Visualization of the energy flux in an ensonified fluid-loaded elastic sphere, Cleon Dean and James P. Braselton


Asymptotically correct shell theories with fluid loading for the thin spherical shell: new results, Cleon Dean and Michael F. Werby

La transposición de fuentes indígenas en Cien años de soledad, William O. Deaver