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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the College of Science and Mathematics.

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Submissions from 2015

How to Turn a YouTube Video into an Interactive Learning Experience, Dragos Amarie

Thinking of Personalized Medicine (Part II): A Microcavity Surface Plasmon Resonant Biosensor, Dragos Amarie

Investigating the Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Hydrocotyle bonariensis, A. Brown, D. Bynes, and Heather M. Joesting


Reinforcement Learning for Categorical Data and Marginalized Transition Models, Stephen W. Carden

Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? A Tale of Two Herbivory Studies From Discovery Bay, Jamaica, John M. Carroll, Christopher M. Finelli, Amber D. Stubler, and Bradley J. Peterson


Millions Strong and Growing: Building Scallop Populations and Fisheries Following Intense Restoration, John M. Carroll, Stephen T. Tettelbach, Bradley J. Peterson, Bradley T. Furman, and Christopher F. Smith

Estimating Distribution Function Based on Stratified Ranked Set Sampling, Arpita Chatterjee


Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Leaf Decomposition in Three River Basins of the Southeastern Coastal Plain, Vallie B. Collins II and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud

Aquatic Invertebrates as Indicators of Ecosystem Health and Condition in Southeastern Coastal Plain Rivers, José Checo Colón-Gaud


Benthic Macroinvertebrates Colonizing Leaf Packs in the Ogeechee River Near Rocky Ford: Contrasting Assemblages Between Drought vs. Wet Years, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Vallie B. Collins II, T. Goehrig, and K. Franks


Promoting Diversity in Freshwater Science Through Mentoring: Celebrating Five Years of Instars, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Tamara D. Sluss, Krista A. Capps, Patina K. Mendez, Judy Li, and Marcelo Ardon-Sayao

Investigating the Function of Leaf Inclination in the Sand Dune Herb Hydrocotyle bonariensis, J. Counts, J. Grier, H. Zook, and Heather M. Joesting

Using Formative Assessment to Foster a Growth Mindset for Learning Fraction Operations, Joy W. Darley, Ha Nguyen, and Olufunke Adefope

Building Early Number Sense: Understanding Your Students' Struggle by Making Sense of Counting and ReGrouping, Heidi Eisenreich and Rebecca G. Gault

Comparing Fractions: Using Strategies and Discourse to Develop Conceptual Understanding, Heidi Eisenreich and Katie Harshman


Hybridization and Replacement of Roanoke Bass (Ambloplites cavifrons) with Invasive Rock Bass (A. rupestris) in Virginia: A Genetic Assessment of the Scope of the Problem, Jackman C. Eschenroeder and James Henry Roberts

Vector Preferences and Host Defenses in the West Nile Virus System: A Role for Avian Stress Hormones?, Stephanie S. Gervasi, Nathan Burkett-Cadena, Aaron W. Schrey, Hassan K. Hassan, Thomas R. Unnasch, and Lynn B. Martin


Integration of in Situ Radon Modeling With High Resolution Aerial Remote Sensing for Mapping and Quantifying Local to Regional Flow and Transport of Submarine Groundwater Discharge From Coastal Aquifers, Craig R. Glenn, Joseph J. Kennedy, Henrieta Dulaiova, Jacque L. Kelly, Paul G. Lucey, Eunhee Lee, and Joseph Fackrell


Introduction to Superpatterns, Daniel Gray


Superpatterns and Generalizations of Layered Permutations, Daniel Gray, Matthew R. Just, and Hua Wang


Gorenstein Flat and Projective (Pre)Covers, Alina Iacob


Gorenstein Flat Preenvelopes, Alina Iacob


Gorenstein Projective Precovers, Alina Iacob


Gorenstein Projective Precovers, Alina Iacob

Gorenstein Projective Precovers, Alina Iacob

Gorenstein Projective Precovers over GF-Closed Rings, Alina Iacob

Gorenstein Projective Precovers over GF-Closed Rings, Alina Iacob

Delayed Development in a Lizard: A Possible Animal Model for Determinants of Ageing and Life Span, D. Jaramillo, P. Pacheco, A. Jacobs, M. Martinez, Aaron W. Schrey, T. Langkilde, M. Izaguirre-Sierra, and Travis R. Robbins

Investigating the Function of Leaf Inclination in Hydrocotyle bonariensis, Heather M. Joesting, J. Counts, J. Grier, and H. Zook


Permutations Containing Large Number of a Prescribed Pattern, Matthew Just and Hua Wang

Evaluation of the Role of Groundwater and Elevation on Marsh Dieback and Recovery, Jacque L. Kelly and Christine M. Hladik

Discrete Blending, Scott N. Kersey

Interpolation from the Sum of Tensor Product Spaces, Scott N. Kersey


Polynomial Approximation on Quasi-Uniform Grids, Scott N. Kersey

The Effects of Early-Life Stressors on Sickness Behavior in Adulthood in Zebra Finches, Holly J. Kilvitis, M. Boruta, Aaron W. Schrey, Christina L. Richards, and Lynn Martin

Fish Community Assessment across a Longitudinal Gradient Three Years Post Fish Kill in SE Georgia, Thomas Kuhn and Stephen Vives

Post Fish-Kill Monitoring on the Ogeechee River, Thomas Kuhn and Stephen Vives


Fostering Global Sustainability through Teaching, Service and Research, Lisa Leege, Rebecca Larson, Jacek Lubecki, and Subhrajit Saha


An Improved Feasible Full Nesterov-Todd Interior-Point Algorithm for Symmetric Optimization, Goran Lesaja


An Improved Infeasible Full Nesterov-Todd Interior-Point Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem over Symmetric Cones, Goran Lesaja


Use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) to Identify Interactive Meteorological Conditions Affecting Throughfall, Elliot S. Lewis, John T. Van Stan, and Trent E. Gay

Lq-Spectrum and Multifractal Formalism of a Class of Self-Similar Measures of General Finite Type, Sze-Man Ngai


Topological Properties of a Class of Self-Affine Tiles in R3, Sze-Man Ngai

Topological Properties of a Class of Three Dimensional Self-Affine Tiles, Part I: Connectedness, Sze-Man Ngai

Topological Properties of a Class of Three Dimensional Self-Affine Tiles, Part II: Homeomorphism to a Round 3-Ball, Sze-Man Ngai

The Effects of Early Rote Memorization on Fraction Preparation & Mathematical Interest of Pre-Service Teachers, Ha Nguyen, Joy W. Darley, and Olufunke Adefope

Fence Lizard Response to Fire Ant Invasion at the Phenotypic, Epigenetic, and Genetic Levels, P. Pacheco, D. Jaramillo, Aaron W. Schrey, T. Langkilde, M. Izaguirre-Sierra, and Travis R. Robbins

Fence Lizard Response to Fire Ant Invasion at the Phenotypic, Epigenetic, and Genetic Levels, P. Pacheco, D. Jaramillo, Aaron W. Schrey, T. Langkilde, M. Izaguirre-Sierra, and Travis R. Robbins

“She Goes into Character as the Lady of the House”: Tour Guides, Performance and the Southern Plantation, Amy E. Potter

“She Goes into Character as the Lady of the House”: Tour Guides, Performance and the Southern Plantation, Amy E. Potter

The Commons as a Tourist Commodity: Mapping Memories and Changing Sense of Place on the Island of Barbuda, Amy E. Potter


The Role of Geography in Nexus Thinking: Becoming Institutional and Community Leaders While Defending the Discipline!, Amy E. Potter


A Tale of Mice and Men: The WPA, the LSU Indian Room Museum, and the Emergence of Professional Archaeology in the U.S. South, Amy E. Potter, Dydia DeLyser, and Rebecca Saunders


Placing the Museum: Toward Museum Geography, Amy E. Potter and E. Arnold Modlin


Long-Term Effects of Disease-Driven Amphibian Declines on Macroinvertebrate Communities in Tropical Streams, Heidi M. Rantala, Amanda Rugenski, Thomas R. Barnum, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Cesc Múrria, and Matt R. Whiles


Leaf Decomposition Along a Longitudinal Gradient of the Lower Ogeechee River, Tyler G. Reeves and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud


The North Charleston Mastodon Site – New Insights Drawn From a Paleoecological Synthesis, Fredrick J. Rich and Kathlyn M. Smith

The Sharpest Tool in the Shed? How Molecular Genetic Studies Help Advance the Conservation of Freshwater Fishes, James Henry Roberts


The Food Web of a Tropical Island Stream, Keysa G. Rosas, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Alonso Ramirez, and Tavis K. Anderson

DNA Sequence Variation in the Toll-Like Receptor 4 Gene among House Sparrow Populations, Aaron W. Schrey and L. B. Martin

Genetic Structure of Populations of Mealybugs on Epiphytic Orchids of South Florida, Aaron W. Schrey, Z. Zettler, K. Adams, Bridget Frederick, A. Gutting, Nicholas Ingebretsen, and Alexandria Ragsdale


Generalizations of the Euler–Glaisher Bijection, Andrew V. Sills


MacMahon’s Partial Fractions, Andrew V. Sills


Parts and Subword Patterns in Compositions, Andrew V. Sills


Rogers–Ramanujan Type Identities, Andrew V. Sills


A Formula for the Partition Function that "Counts", Andrew V. Sills and Yuriy Choliy

Genetic Stock Structure of Juvenile Channel (Ictalurus punctatus) and Blue (Ictalurus furcatus) Catfish in a Large Unimpounded Midwestern River, V. Alex Sotola, Aaron W. Schrey, Eric K. Bollinger, Les Frankland, and Robert E. Colombo

Age-0 Growth, Timing of Spawning Events, and Genetic Population Structure of Channel (Ictalurus punctatus) and Blue (Ictalurus furcatus) Catfish in the Wabash River, V. Alex Sotola, Aaron W. Schrey, Eric K. Bollinger, Les Frankland, Robert E. Colombo, and S. Rayford

Timing and Location of Spawning Events and Genetic Population Structure of Juvenile Channel (Ictalurus punctatus) and Blue (Ictalurus furcatus) Catfish in the Wabash River, V. Alex Sotola, Aaron W. Schrey, Eric K. Bollinger, S. Rayford, Les Frankland, and Robert E. Colombo


Fejer Polynomials and Non-Linear Dynamics, Alexander M. Stokolos

Magical Waters: The Fishes of Beautiful Eagle Creek, Garret J. Strickland and James Henry Roberts


Structural, Stratigraphic and Anthropogenic Controls on the Hydrology and Wetland Evolution of a Georgia Barrier Island, R. Kelly Vance, James S. Reichard, Brian K. Meyer, Gale A. Bishop, and Fredrick J. Rich


Current State and Challenges of Monitoring Tree Canopy Water Storage, John T. Van Stan

Hydrological and Biogeochemical Effects of Rainfall Partitioning by Forest Canopies, John T. Van Stan


A Review and Evaluation of Forest Canopy Epiphyte Roles in the Partitioning and Chemical Alteration of Precipitation, John T. Van Stan and Thomas G. Pypker


Throughfall-mediated Alterations to Soil Microbial Community Structure in a Forest Plot of Homogenous Soil Texture, Litter, and Plant Species Composition, John T. Van Stan, Carl L. Rosier, Leslie Dean Moore, Trent E. Gay, James S. Reichard, Tiehang Wu, and Jinjun Kan

Can Throughfall Connect Forest Canopy Architecture to Soil Microbial Community Structure & Function? Findings From an Epiphyte-laden Subtropical Forest, John T. Van Stan, Carl L. Rosier, Leslie Dean Moore, Tiehang Wu, and Jinjun Kan

Vectorborne Diseases: a Generalized Scale Structured Network Stochastic Epidemic Dynamic Model, Divine Wanduku


A Small Branch Goes a Long Way: Subtrees and Distances, Hua Wang

Combinatorial Topics from a Distance Question, Hua Wang


Maximizing Distance in Trees, Hua Wang

Numbers and Patterns: Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Hua Wang

Optimization through Structural Information, Hua Wang

Parts and Subword Patterns in Integer Compositions, Hua Wang

Topological Indices of Trees, Hua Wang


Mathematical Model of Dynamic Protein Interactions Regulating Protein Stability of Tumor Suppressors, Hua Wang and Guang Peng


Not a Fun Threesome: The Prevalence and Impacts of Two Oyster Pests on Their Host, Jessica C. Watts, J. Guis, John M. Carroll, Daphne Munroe, and Christopher M. Finelli


A New Approach to Measure the Risk of a Financial Time Series, Tharanga Wickramarachchi


Long Time Existence for Magnetic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Shijun Zheng


Recent Progress on Global Regularity for Rotating BEC, Shijun Zheng


Symplectic Mackey Theory, François Ziegler

The Image of the Change: From the I Ching to the Evolution of Chaos, Yuting Zou

Submissions from 2014

Basics in Laser Scanning Confocal and MultiPhoton Microscopy, Dragos Amarie

Basics in Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Dragos Amarie

Thinking of Personalized Medicine (Part I): A Microcavity Surface Plasmon Resonant Biosensor, Dragos Amarie

Molecular Biosciences: Geometric Modeling in Biomolecular Systems, Jaydeep P. Bardhan and Zhan Chen


Development of Soil Carbon Inventory: Understanding the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Georgia Southern University Campus, Stuart Barker, Matthew Pfister, and Subhrajit Saha


Examining Why Grazing Mayflies Do Not Functionally Compensate for the Top-Down Control of Algal Communities Following Disease-Driven Tadpole Declines in a Neotropical Stream, Thomas R. Barnum, J. Timothy Wootton, Rebecca J. Bixby, John M. Drake, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, David Stoker, Amanda T. Rugenski, Therese C. Frauendorf, Scott J. Connelly, Susan S. Kilham, Matt R. Whiles, and Karen R. Lips