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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the College of Science and Mathematics.

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Submissions from 2001

Modeling Sounds Waves with the Sine Function, Sharon Barrs

Probability Involving a TV Game, Sharon Barrs and Susie M. Lanier


A New Method for Locating Possible Active Faults Beneath the Lower Coastal Atlantic Plain, Southeastern USA, Mervin J. Bartholomew and Fredrick J. Rich


Environmental Literacy for All Students: Assessment of Environmental Science Courses in a New Core Curriculum, Denise A. Battles, James S. Reichard, Fredrick J. Rich, and Matt Franks

A Fractal Analysis of Human Cranial Sutures, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, Matthew A. Williamson, Ronald Wright, and Jack C. Yu

Visualization of the Energy Flow for a Guided Forward Wave in and Around a Fluid Loaded Elastic Cylindrical Shell, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

The Identification of Calcium Oscillators in Immature Rat Cranial Sutures, James P. Braselton, Jack C. Yu, Martha L. Abell, and James Borke

The Identification of Calcium Oscillators in Immature Rat Cranial Sutures, James P. Braselton, Jack C. Yu, Martha L. Abell, and James Borke


Isolating Non-Point Sources of Nitrogen in a Black Water River in Coastal Georgia, Chandra Brown and James Reichard

Designing an ARL Unbiased R Chart, Charles W. Champ


Graph-Directed Iterated Function Systems With Overlaps, Manav Das and Sze-Man Ngai

Investigation of the Photon Avalanche Phenomenon in Praseodymium Doped Lanthanum Trichloride, Delena Bell Gatch

Prevalence and distribution of the trematode Microphallus turgidus in grass shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.) from coastal Georgia, Ritindra Khan, Oscar J. Pung, and Stephen Vives

Aids Policy in Cuba, Brett Larson

Higher-Order Homogeneous Interior-Point Algorithm for Monotone LCP, Goran Lesaja

The Convergence Rate of the Chebyshev SIM under a Perturbation of Foci of an Elliptic Domain, Xiezhang Li


The Representation and Iterative Methods for Drazin Inverse with Complex Spectrum, Xiezhang Li and Yimin Wei

On Inequalities and Estimation of Reliability Measures Under Length Biased Sampling, Broderick O. Oluyede


On the Estimation of Reliability Measures under Length Biased Sampling, Broderick O. Oluyede

Prevalence, geographic distribution, and fitness effects of the trematode Microphallus turgidus in grass shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.) from coastal Georgia, Oscar J. Pung, Ritindra Khan, Stephen Vives, and C. Walker

Submissions from 2000

Mathematical Modeling in Courses Beyond College Algebra, Martha L. Abell, John A. Rafter, James P. Braselton, and Lorraine Braselton


A Condition for the Superiority of the (2,2)-step Methods Over the Related Chebyshev Method, Edward Arroyo and Xiezhang Li

Math Activities for Project SMOC, Keith Jacob Barrs and Sharon Barrs

Let's Play Plinko, Sharon Barrs and Susie M. Lanier

Problems with Technology – What Are the Solutions?, Deborah A. Bell

Problems with Technology—What are the Solutions?, Deborah A. Bell

Sine of the Times, Deborah A. Bell

The Chemostat, James P. Braselton and Martha L. Abell

The Use of Biological Applications in Differential Equations, James P. Braselton and Martha L. Abell

Population Modeling with a Computer Algebra System, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, Lorraine Braselton, and John A. Rafter

Mathematical Modeling Beyond College Algebra, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, and John A. Rafter

Visualization of the Energy Flow for a Guided Forward Wave in and Around a Fluid Loaded Elastic Cylindrical Shell, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

The Use of Simulations in the Statistics Classroom, James P. Braselton, John Rafter, and Martha L. Abell

Method for Deriving Integral Equations Useful in Control Chart Performance Analysis, Charles W. Champ

Minnows as model organisms for studies of behavior and conservation, Carol E. Johnston and Stephen Vives

Using Combined Geophysical and GIS Techniques to Define the Ancient Savannah River Channel, J. T. Lennane and Frederick J. Rich


Development of Interior-Point Methods, Goran Lesaja

Interior-Point Approach to Conic Quadratic Reformulation of Stratified Sampling Problem, Goran Lesaja and Verlynda Nicole Slaughter

An Improvement on the Perturbation of the Group Inverse and Oblique Projection, Xiezhang Li

Is a CHSIM Optimal for an Ellipse Domain also Optimal for a Pseudoelliptic Domain?, Xiezhang Li

The Harbor-Deepening Project and its Relationship to Savannah’s Water Supply, James S. Reichard

The New Old Frontier of the Georgia Coastal Plain - Palynological Investigations Across the Tertiary-Quaternary Divide, Fredrick J. Rich

Influence of pH on Sunfish Distributions, W. Tate and Stephen Vives

The effect of pH on sunfish distributions in the Southeast coastal plain, W. Tate and Stephen Vives

Nest-building minnows as keystone species, Stephen Vives and Carol E. Johnston

Submissions from 1999

Math Activities for Science, Sharon Barrs

Math Activities for Science, Sharon Barrs

Math is Alive Outside!, Sharon Barrs

What Fault Caused the August 31, 1886 Charleston Earthquake? An Old Fort’s Answer After a Century, Mervin J. Bartholomew and Frederick J. Rich

Tectonic Fracture Sets in Late Pleistocene Strata Along Sapelo Sound, Georgia, Mervin J. Bartholomew, Fredrick J. Rich, Amanda Whitaker, and Brendan M. Brodie

Enhancement of Geology Curriculum and Research and Service Activities through the Installation of an On-Campus Piezometer Network, Denise A. Battles, James S. Reichard, J.D. Darrell, and K.V. Vance

In Pursuit of Environmental Literacy: Development of the Environmental Geology Component in a New Core Curriculum, Denise A. Battles, James S. Reichard, Fredrick J. Rich, and J. H. Darrell

Designing Test Questions with the Graphing Calculator, Deborah A. Bell

How Technology Influences Types of Questioning Used on Tests and in Classroom Discussions, Deborah A. Bell

Variations on Newton’s Law of Cooling, James P. Braselton and Martha L. Abell

Multiple Comparison Methods for Means, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

Poynting Vector Fields in a Perpendicularly Ensonified Fluid Loaded Elastic Cylinder, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

Visualization of the Energy Flow in an Around a Fluid Loaded Elastic Sphere, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

Performance of EWMA Charts When Parameters Are Estimated, Charles W. Champ


Introducing Fourier Analysis via Sound, John W. Davenport and Sharon Barrs


A Successful Calculus Distance Learning Model, Cynthia Gonzalez and Sharon Barrs

An Asymptotical Homogeneous Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problem, Goran Lesaja


Interior-Point Methods and Modern Optimization Codes, Goran Lesaja

The Convergence Rate of the Chebyshev SIM under a Perturbation of Vertices of an Elliptic Domain, Xiezhang Li

Groundwater Withdrawals and their Effects on Surface Systems, James S. Reichard

From Deepstep to Waycross: A Review of the Tertiary-Quaternary Boundary in Georgia, Fredrick J. Rich

Paleoecological Assessment of a Peridinium-Bearing Horizon in Sediments From Ulmers Pond, Valdosta, Georgia, Fredrick J. Rich, H. W. Markewich, and J. McGeehin

Palynology and Paleoecology of a Wood-Bearing Clay Deposit From Deepstep, Georgia, Fredrick J. Rich, A. H. Semratedu, J. Elzea, and Lee A. Newsom

Submissions from 1998

A Quadratic Model Using the Calculator Based Laboratory System, Sharon Barrs

Math Models with TI-83, Deborah A. Bell

Music in Testing, Deborah A. Bell

Presentation given at Science and Math in the Outdoor Classroom Fall Weekend Workshop, Georgia Southern University, Deborah A. Bell

Presentation given at Science and Math in the Outdoor Classroom (SMOC) Summer Training Program, Deborah A. Bell

Presentation given at Wetland Wonders Project Spring Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers and Students, Deborah A. Bell

Wetland Wonders Project, Deborah A. Bell

With Technology, Testing Changes, Deborah A. Bell

Randomly Walking through Wall Street: Comparing Lump-Sum Versus Dollar-Cost Average Investment, Part I, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, John A. Rafter, and Patricia B. Humphrey

Technology: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, John A. Rafter, and Patricia B. Humphrey

Using Mathematica to Calculate the Exact Distribution of Cochran’s Q Statistic, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, John A. Rafter, and Patricia B. Humphrey

Randomly Walking through Wall Street: A Comparison of Investment Strategies, James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell, John A. Rafter, Patricia B. Humphrey, and Lorraine Braselton

The Energy Flow Inside an Ensonified Fluid Loaded Elastic Sphere, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

Visualization of the Energy Flux in an Ensonified Fluid-Loaded Elastic Sphere, James P. Braselton and Cleon E. Dean

Bridging the Gap With Real World Data, James P. Braselton, John A. Rafter, and Martha L. Abell

Randomly Walking through Wall Street: Comparing Lump-Sum Versus Dollar-Cost Average Investment, Part II, James P. Braselton, John A. Rafter, and Martha L. Abell

Run Sum Charts for Monitoring Variability, Charles W. Champ

A Georgia Initiative: Calculus, TI-92, Distance Learning and Support via the Internet, Cynthia Gonzalez and Sharon Barrs

Effects of fish chemical and visual cues on behavior, growth, and age at metamorphosis of larval mole salamanders, Ambystoma talpoideum , L.L. Kohnke, Stephen Vives, and David C. Rostal

Introducing Interior-Point Methods Into the First Linear Programming or Operations Research Course, Goran Lesaja