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The publications archived in this Digital Commons@Georgia Southern collection are produced by the faculty of the College of Behavioral and Social Science.
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Submissions from 2014
Visiones Estrategicas: El Dragon en los Tropicos: La Expansion Militar de China en el Hemisferio Occidental (Part I), Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Visiones Estrategicas: El Dragon en los Tropicos: La Expansion Militar de China en el Hemisferio Occidental Part II, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
HIV/AIDS Among Brazil's Prison Populations: Significant Political, Public Health, and Human Rights Implications for Failing to Provide Prisoners with Adequate Care, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Leigh Rich
Competing Imperatives? Moral and Public Health Duties of Preventing and Treating Infectious Disease in Prisons, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Leigh E. Rich
Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Rights Movement, Nikki DiGregorio and Bahira Sherif Trask
Are There Cracks In The Democratic Peace?, James W. Farmer and Jamie E. Scalera
Juvenile Violence, James A. Fox, Michael Rocque, and Chad Posick
Exploring Gender-Based Disparities in Legal Protection, Education, Health, Political Empowerment, and Employment in Failing and Fragile States, Laurie A. Gould
Pickpockets, Laurie A. Gould
Prison Privatization: the Political Economy of Race, Laurie A. Gould and Matthew Pate
Understanding the Compensation of Nonprofit Executive Directors: Influence of Performance on Organizational Characteristics, Nathan Grasse, Trenton J. Davis, and Douglas M. Ihrke
Early Childhood Industry Accreditation: Standards and Criteria for Industry Certification, Katy Gregg
Children’s Perceptions of Summer Day Camp Program Staff, Alice Hall and Alexius Coleman
'Me and My Drank:' Exploring the Relationship between Exposure to Popular Music and 'Purple Drank' Experimentation, Melanie Hart, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller
Framing Mass Gun Violence: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedies, James Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, Robert S. Wood, and John Ryan
Media Framing of a Tragedy: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech Tragedy, James E. Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, and John Ryan
Cybercrime, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
Assessing the Risk Factors of Cyber and Mobile Phone Bullying Victimization in a Nationally Representative Sample of Singapore Youth, Thomas J. Holt, Sarah Fitzgerald, Adam Bossler, Grace Chee, and Esther Ng
Fast and Slow Sexual Strategies Are Not Opposites: Implications for Personality and Psychopathology, Nicholas S. Holtzman and Angela L. Senne
A Consistent but Non-Coincident Visual Pattern Facilitates the Learning of Spatial Relations among Locations, Scott S. Katz, Michael F. Brown, and Bradley R. Sturz
"Do This! Do That!’ and Nothing Will Happen”: Executive Orders and Bureaucratic Responsivenes, Joshua B. Kennedy
Executive orders are not always effective, and presidential attempts to gain control of agencies has the potential to backfire, Joshua B. Kennedy
Signing Statements, Gridlock, and Presidential Strategy, Joshua B. Kennedy
Drug Policy, David N. Khey and Bryan Lee Miller
Cross-cultural Models of Suicide Risk, Jeff Klibert, K. Nikki Barefoot, Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, K. Bryant Smalley, and Jacob C. Warren
Resilience Mediates the Relationships between Perfectionism and College Student Distress, Jeff J. Klibert, Dorian A. Lamis, Walt Collins, Jacob C. Warren, K. Bryant Smalley, and Carrie Winterowd
Hopelessness and Suicide Proneness in U.S. and Japanese College Students: Depressive Symptoms as a Potential Mediator, Dorian A. Lamis, Motoko Saito, A. Osman, Jeff J. Klibert, P. S. Malone, and Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling
Wayfinding Experience of University Library Users, Seunghae Lee and Sibel Seda Dazkir
Comprehensibility of Universal Healthcare Symbols for Wayfinding in Healthcare Facilities, Seunghae Lee, Sibel Seda Dazkir, Hae Sun Paik, and Aykut Coskun
Preserving Institutional Power: The Supreme Court and Strategic Decision Making in the Separation of Powers, Bryan Marshall, Brett W. Curry, and Richard L. Pacelle Jr.
Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning in Financial Literacy Education, Trent W. Maurer
Teaching Financial Literacy with Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL), Trent W. Maurer
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Who, what, when, where, why, and how?, Trent W. Maurer, Diana Sturges, Nancy Arrington, and Hsiu-Lien Lu
Social Psychology for Today’s World, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Jean E. Bartels, Amy Hackney, Jason Hart, and S. M. Rauch
Keeping it Between the Buoys: Assessing Self-Reported Boating under the Influence (BUI) in a Young Adult Population, Bryan Lee Miller and John M. Stogner
Race and the Construction of Evidence in Homicide Cases, Glenn L. Pierce, Michael L. Radelet, Chad Posick, and Tim Lyman
Atrocity and Agency: W.G. Sebald’s Traumatic Memory in the Light of Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Tragedy, Robert Pirro
Deviant Places, Chad Posick
Victimization and Reporting to the Police: The Role of Negative Emotionality, Chad Posick
Family Matters: A Cross-National Examination of Family Bonding and Victimization, Chad Posick and Michael Rocque
More Than a Feeling: Integrating Empathy into the Study of Lawmaking, Lawbreaking, and Reactions to Lawbreaking, Chad Posick, Michael Rocque, and Nicole Rafter
Person-in-context: Insights on Contextual Variation in the Victim-Offender Overlap across Schools, Chad Posick and Gregory M. Zimmerman
A Study on Brand Personality: Consumers’ Perceptions of Colours Used in Fashion Brand Logos, Jessica Ridgway and Beth Myers
Identity and Crime across the Life Course, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and R. Paternoster
Identities through Time: An Exploration of Identity Change as a Cause of Desistance, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Ray Paternoster
Crouching Dragon: The Role of Beijing in the South China Sea Imbroglio, Nalanda Roy
Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? Analyzing Beijing-India Relationship in the South China Sea Dispute, Nalanda Roy
The 9/11 Attacks, the U.S.'s Homeland, and Its Implication for Airport Security, Nalanda Roy and José de Arimatéia da Cruz
Victim Profiles, Christopher J. Schreck and Chad Posick
‘It's almost like white supremacy’: Interracial mixed-status couples facing racist nativism, April M. Schueths
Aging: A Context for Primary Prevention and Health Promotion, Bahira Sherif Trask and Nikki DiGregorio
Mothers in the Workforce, Bahira Sherif Trask and Nikki DiGregorio
Review Essay: Globalization and/or Democratization?, Daniel Skidmore-Hess
Modeling a Role of Field of View in the Extraction of Geometric Cues During Reorientation, Bradley Sturz
Asymmetrical Interference Effects Between Two-Dimensional Geometric Shapes and Their Corresponding Shape Words, Bradley R. Sturz, Joshua E. Edwards, and Ty W. Boyer
Incidental Encoding of Enclosure Geometry Does Not Require Visual Input: Evidence from Blindfolded Adults, Bradley R. Sturz, Katherine A. Gaskin, and Jonathan E. Roberts
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS) Islands Sports Complex, Chatham County. Georgia, Kara Bridgman Sweeney
U.S. Army Reserve Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Update, 81st Regional Support Command, Florida, Kara Bridgman Sweeney
Editor’s Introduction, M. Jared Wood
Mapping and Documentation of the Montezuma Well Smokehouse, Montezuma Castle National Monument, M. Jared Wood
Detecting Specialization in Interpersonal Violence Versus Suicidal Behavior, Gregory M. Zimmerman and Chad Posick
Submissions from 2013
A Cross-National Analysis of Principals' Reports of School Violence, Laura E. Agnich and Yasuo Miyazaki
A Multilevel Cross-National Analysis of Direct and Indirect Forms of School Violence, Laura E. Agnich and Yasuo Miyazaki
Purple Drank Prevalence and Characteristics of Misusers of Codeine Cough Syrup Mixtures, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, Bryan Lee Miller, and Cathy D. Marcum
Infants’ Knowledge of Object Continuity and Discontinuity, Bennett I. Bertenthal, Gustaf Gredebäck, and Ty W. Boyer
Beacons and Surface Features Differentially Influence Human Reliance on Global and Local Geometric Cues When Reorienting in a Virtual Environment, Kent D. Bodily, Zachary A. Kilday, Caroline K. Eastman, Katherine A. Gaskin, April A. Graves, Jonathon E. Roberts, and Bradley R. Sturz
Substance Use and Friendship Quality: Examining the Impact of Similar Use Patterns on Friendships., John H. Boman IV, John Stogner, and Bryan Miller
Assessing Officer Perceptions and Support for Online Community Policing, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt
The Impact of Print Media on the Thin Ideal of Collegiate Female Athletes, A. G. Bowers, N. M. Speed, Brent Wolfe, J. J. Miller, and C. L. L. Martin
Exploring the Utility of Open Source Data to Predict Malicious Software Creation, George Burruss, Thomas J. Holt, and Adam Bossler
Assessing the Mediation of a Fuller Social Learning Model on Low Self-Control's Influence on Software Piracy, George W. Burruss, Adam Bossler, and Thomas J. Holt
Compliance Costs: What States Don’t Know, P. Cary Christian
Why Evasion under a National Sales Tax Would Explode the Tax Gap: Lessons Learned from the States, P. Cary Christian
Family Assistance and Autonomy in the Lives of Rural Elders, Adrienne L. Cohen
An Exploration of Design Students' Inspiration Process, Sibel Dazkir, Jennifer Mower, Kelly Reddy-Best, and Elaine Pedersen
Book Review of "Global Security Upheaval: Armed Nonstate Groups Usurping State Stability Functions" by Robert Mandel, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Terrorism, War, and Cyber (In)Security, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Brazil's Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) and its National Security Implications, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
The Asylym-Migration Nexus: Can Motivations Shape the Concept of Coercion? The Sudanese Transit Case, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Ester Serra Mingot
The Election of Barack Obama and the Importance of the Internet: Bring the People Back into Government Again, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Adriana Oliveira
“I Feel Pressure:” Exploring the Phenomenon of Body Image Formation in Collegiate Female Athletes Within the Context of Social Comparison Theory, Ashley Gibson Bowers, Christina L. L. Martin, John Miller, Brent Wolfe, and Nancy Magee Speed
Mobilizing Law in Latin America: An Evaluation of Black’s Theory in Brazil, Kristin Graham, Marian Borg, and Bryan Miller
Reverse Deterrence in Racial Profiling: Increased Transgressions by Nonprofiled Whites, Amy Hackney and Jack Glaser
25 Years of Out-of-school Time Jargon and Acronyms, Alice Hall
STEAM: “A” Is For Arts Education, Alice Hall
Twenty-five Years of Out-of-school Time Jargon and Acronyms, Alice Hall
Twenty-five Years of Out-of-school Time Jargon and Acronyms, Alice Hall
Mormonism, Arthur T. Hatton Sr. and Michael Nielsen
The Power of Names: Place-Making and People-Making in the Riojan Wine Region, Barbara A. Hendry
An Assessment of the Current State of Cybercrime Scholarship, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
Examining the Relationship between Routine Activities and Malware Infection Indicators, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler
Examining State and Local Law Enforcement Perceptions of Computer Crime, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and Sarah Fitzgerald
Exploring the Consequences of Bullying Victimization in a Sample of Singapore Youth, Thomas J. Holt, Grace Chee, Esther Ng, and Adam Bossler
Above and Beyond Short-Term Mating, Long-Term Mating is Uniquely Tied to Human Personality, Nicholas S. Holtzman and Michael J. Strube
People With Dark Personalities Tend to Create a Physically Attractive Veneer, Nicholas S. Holtzman and Michael J. Strube
Geometric Cues, Reference Frames, and the Equivalence of Experienced-Aligned and Novel-Aligned Views in Human Spatial Memory, Jonathon W. Kelly, Lori A. Sjolund, and Bradley R. Sturz
Examining the Role of Adverse Life Events And Daily Hassles in Suicide, Jeff J. Klibert and Dorian A. Lamis
Healthcare Symbols Tested in Three Countries, Seunghae Lee, Sibel Seda Dazkir, Hae Sun Paik, and Aykut Coskun