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The publications archived in this Digital Commons@Georgia Southern collection are produced by the faculty of the College of Behavioral and Social Science.

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Submissions from 2023


Brief Historical Summary of the Tybee Lazaretto, Kara Bridgman Sweeney


Disparities in extreme contexts: The impact of gender and mental health status on the criminal justice outcomes of extremists, Andrea Corradi


Increasing Character Strength Knowledge, Interest, and Skill: Preliminary Evidence for a Collaborative and Multimethod Assessment Procedure, Jeff J. Klibert, Michaela D. Simpson, Brandon J. Weiss, C. Thresa Yancey, Calla Pritulsky, Amy Luna, Hayley Houseman, and Hani M. Samawi


Essay 10.6 Motivation in the Wild: Capturing the Complex Social Ecologies of Academic Motivation, Ellen Skinner, Thomas A. Kindermann, Justin W. Vollet, and Nicolette P. Rickert


Milling Around in Scriven**, M. Jared Wood

Submissions from 2022


Understanding Nonprofit Leaders' Perceptions of Organizational Efficiency, Jessica L. Berrett and Jayce Sudweeks

Paleoindian and Early Archaic South Carolina, Kara Bridgman Sweeney, J. Christopher Gillam, and Christopher R. Moore


Infirmities of Will: Good Governance, Public Service Reform, and Democratic Legitimacy in the Caribbean, Christopher M. Brown


Perceptions of Fatigue and Safety Climate Pertaining to Residency Duty-Hour Restrictions, Michele M. Carr, Jonathan E. Friedel, Daniel O'Brien, Anne M. Foreman, and Oliver Wirth


A Hostile Reputation: A Social Network Approach to Interstate Hostility, Andrea Corradi, Cassie McMillan, and Nick Dietrich


Pandemic Partnerships: Community/University Experiences with Community-Based Learning in the COVID-19 Era, Ryan J. Couillou, Beth McGee, April S. Carr, and Tabitha A. Lamberth


How Neofascism Emerges from Neoliberal Capitalism, Ronald W. Cox and Daniel Skidmore-Hess


Irregular Warfare, Insurgencies, and Counterinsurgencies: Culture Matters, José de Arimatéia da Cruz


Mental Health Symptoms Predicting American College Students’ Academic Performance: The Moderating Role of Peer Support, Gabrielle M. Goselin and Nicolette P. Rickert


Back in My Day: Generational Impacts on Beliefs about School Shootings, Amanda Graham, Cheryl Lero Jonson, and Heejin Lee


Book Review of Racial Resentment in the Political Mind By Darren W. Davis and David C. Wilson, Amanda K. Graham


Explaining White Supremacy and Domestic Terrorism, Amanda K. Graham

Bryan County Sheriff's Office Community Survey, Amanda K. Graham, L. Somers, K. Thompson, and C. Posick

The Wrapping Paper Problem: Expediting the Peer Review Process Without Sacrificing Rigor, Cheryl L. Jonson and Amanda Graham


Celebrity Admiration, Conspiratorial Belief, and Anti-vaccination Attitudes: Examining Relationships and Establishing Pragmatic Research, Nancy McCarley, Catherine Jones, and Joshua L. Williams


Further Validation of the Realness Scale: Are Celebrity Worshipers Unreal?, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Lillian Donahue, Joshua L. Williams, Sarah K. Nielson, Scott Peterson, and Terry F. Pettijohn II


“No Better Way of Selecting the Man in Whom They Place the Highest Confidence”: A Note on James Madison’s Remarks on the Electoral College at Richmond’s Ratifying Convention, Patrick J. Novotny


Sex Trafficking and the Proliferation of HIV in Africa, Kate Perry and Sam R. Bell


Remembering the “Human” in Human Trafficking: An Analysis of Female Leadership and Anti-Trafficking Policy Choices, Kate Perry and Courtney Burns


The American Racial Divide in Fear of the Police, Justin T. Pickett, Amanda Graham, and Francis T. Cullen


“Well Duh, That’s How You Raise a Kid”: Gender-Open Parenting in a (Non)Binary World, Elizabeth Rahilly

Parent and Teacher Involvement and the Development of Students' Academic Engagement: A Growth Curve Analysis Over Four Time Points, Nicolette P. Rickert and Ellen A. Skinner


Mindfulness Training Improves Middle School Teachers’ Occupational Health, Well-Being, and Interactions with Students in Their Most Stressful Classrooms, Robert W. Roeser, Andrew J. Mashburn, Ellen A. Skinner, Jaiya R. Choles, Nicolette P. Rickert, Cynthia Taylor, Jessica Robbeloth, Emily Saxton, Emily Weiss, Margaret Cullen, and Jillayne Sorenson


China’s Diplomatic Forays in the CARICOM-Caribbean Community in the Light of the Belt and Road Initiative, Nalanda Roy

Is India Retreating from its Act East to Act Indo-Pacific Policy?, Nalanda Roy


One Hundred Years of the Dialectic: Reflections on “Marxism and Philosophy”, Daniel Skidmore-Hess


Complex Social Ecologies and the Development of Academic Motivation, Ellen A. Skinner, Thomas A. Kindermann, Justin W. Vollet, and Nicolette P. Rickert


The Complex Social Ecology of Academic Development: A Bioecological Framework and Illustration Examining the Collective Effects of Parents, Teachers, and Peers on Student Engagement, Ellen A. Skinner, Nicolette P. Rickert, Justin W. Vollet, and Thomas A. Kindermann


Going Above and Beyond: Assessing the Characteristics of Officers Who Complete Additional in-Service Training, Logan J. Somers and Jacob T. Foster


Bail Denied or Bail Too High? Disentangling Cumulative Disadvantage by Pretrial Detention Type, Stacie St. Louis


Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 48: “Novo Cangaço” Style Urban Raid in Guarapuava, Paraná (PR), Brazil, John P. Sullivan, José de Arimatéia da Cruz, and Robert J. Bunker


The Role of Fisher Engagement in the Acceptance of Turtle Excluder Devices in Georgia's Shrimping Industry, Jennifer Sweeney Tookes, Tracy Yandle, and Bryan Fluech


Consequences of Victimization on Perceived Friend Support During Adolescence, Jillian J. Turanovic, Sonja E. Siennick, and Kristin M. Lloyd


Comparison of Two Video Prompting Interventions to Teach Daily Living Skills to Adolescents With Autism, Jennifer Wertalik and Richard Kubina


I’ll See Your Beautified Photo and Raise You One: An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Edited Social Media Photo Exposure., Wendy L. Wolfe and Leah Yakabovits


Factors in Predicting and Preventing Conspiracy Theory Endorsement: An Empirical Review, Leah Yakabovits and Joshua L. Williams

An Assessment of the Viability of a Commercial Lionfish Fishery in the US Virgin Islands, Tracy Yandle, Jennifer Sweeney Tookes, Paulita Bennett-Martin, Sherry Larkin, and Michael Page


The Call2Care Program: Linking College Students and Older Adults, Jennifer Zorotovich and Adrienne Cohen


Death Education among Social Science College Students: The Good, the Bad, and the Unchanged, Jennifer Zorotovich and Adrienne L. Cohen

Submissions from 2021


The Great Equalizer? Gender, Parenting, and Scholarly Productivity during the Global Pandemic, Marijke Breuning, Christina Fattore, Jennifer M. Ramos, and Jamie E. Scalera


Examining the Effect of Perceived Responsibility On Online Bystander Intervention, Target Hardening, and Inaction, Leah C. Butler, Amanda K. Graham, Bonnie S. Fisher, Billy Henson, and Bradford W. Reyns


Racial Attitudes and Criminal Justice Policy, Francis T. Cullen, Leah C. Butler, and Amanda K. Graham


Catholics and Capital Punishment: Do Pope Francis’s Teachings Matter in Policy Preferences, Francis T. Cullen, Amanda K. Graham, Kellie R. Hannan, Alexander L. Burton, Leah C. Butler, and Velmer S. Burton Jr.


The Denier in Chief: Faith in Trump and Techniques of Neutralization in a Pandemic, Francis T. Cullen, Amanda K. Graham, Cheryl L. Jonson, Justin T. Pickett, Melissa M. Sloan, and Murat Haner


Enhancing Student Self-reflection in College-level Diversity Courses, Nikki DiGregorio and Delores D. Liston


Development and Validation of an Intimate Partner Cyber Abuse Measure in an Adult-based Sample, Erica R. Fissel, Amanda K. Graham, Leah C. Butler, and Bonnie S. Fisher

A New Generation of Survey Research in Criminology: Online Opt-In Surveys., Amanda K. Graham

Police Use of Force, Particularly Police Brutality and Lethal Force, Amanda K. Graham


Beyond a Crime Gene: Genetic Literacy and Correctional Orientation, Amanda K. Graham, J. C. Barnes, Hexuan Liu, and Francis T. Cullen


Who Wears the MAGA Hat? Racial Beliefs and Faith in Trump, Amanda K. Graham, Francis T. Cullen, Leah C. Butler, Alexander L. Burton, and Velmer S. Burton Jr.

Procedural Justice: In Theory and Practice, Amanda Graham, Travis C. Pratt, and Kyle McLean


Instructional Scaffolding in Internships: Supporting future professionals in Family Science, Katy Gregg, Meghan K. Dove, and Nikki DiGregorio


Racial Sympathy and Support for Capital Punishment: A Case Study in Concept Transfer, Kellie R. Hannan, Francis T. Cullen, Leah C. Butler, Amanda K. Graham, Alexander L. Burton, and Velmer S. Burton Jr.

Polish Non-violent Resistance against Foreign Occupation 1795-1918: A Post-revisionist Perspective, Jacek Lubecki


Beyond Plants: Biophilic Design as a Pedagogical Tool, Beth McGee and Nam Kyu Park


Brotherhood and sexism as manhood acts for trans men in the Southeastern United States, Megan Y. Phillips and Baker Rogers


Anxiety and the Onset of COVID-19: Examining Concerns of Historically Excluded Scholars, Jennifer M. Ramos, Jamie E. Scalera, Christina Fattore, and Marijke Breuning


Parent and Teacher Warm Involvement and Student's Academic Engagement: The Mediating Role of Self-System Processes, Nicolette P. Rickert and Ellen A. Skinner

Kurdish Identity, Resistance, and Agenda Setting in a Time of Renewed Turkish Hostility: Social Media and the HDP, Ned Rinalducci


Inequitable Power Comes from and Creates Inequitable Structure: The Continued Relevance of Feminist Theory for Understanding Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives, Baker Rogers


Drag Kings, Baker A. Rogers


Evidence for Hope?: Mississippi Christians’ Views Toward Gay and Lesbian Equality Post Obergefell v. Hodges, Baker A. Rogers


Wearable Accessory Designers’ Perceptions Using 3D Printing Technology, Virginia Rolling


Beholding: the Neuroaesthetic Experience of a Synesthetic Dress, Virginia Rolling and Karla Teel


A Qualitative Analysis of the South China Sea Dispute, Nalanda Roy

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor – Is It the Road to the Future?, Nalanda Roy

Global Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Nalanda Roy

Exploring the Culture of Digital Resistance in India: The Nirbhaya effect, Nalanda Roy and Stephanie Mae-Pedron

Understanding the Face of Humanity- The Rohingya Genocide, Nalanda Roy and Stephanie Mae Pedron


Family Preservation Strategies: Regendering Labor in Mixed-Status Marriage After Co-Deportation, April M. Schueths Dr. and Nathan S. Palmer


Pandemic Emotions: The Extent, Correlates and Mental Health Consequences of Personal and Altruistic Fear of COVID-19, Melissa M. Sloan, Murat Haner, Amanda K. Graham, Francis T. Cullen, Justine T. Pickett, and Cheryl L. Jonson

The Opt-In Internet Survey, Angela J. Thielo, Amanda K. Graham, and Francis T. Cullen


“You Can’t Catch ‘Em and Sell ‘Em”: Perceptions of Obstacles to Direct Marketing among Georgia Fishers, Jennifer Tookes and Tracy Yandle

Submissions from 2020


A Consensus-Based Transparency Checklist, Balazs Aczel, Barnabas Szaszi, Alexandra Sarafoglou, Zoltan Kekecs, Šimon Kucharský, Daniel Benjamin, Christopher D. Chambers, Agenta Fisher, Andrew Gelman, Morton A. Gernsbacher, John P. Ioannidis, Eric Johnson, Kai Jonas, Stavroula Kousta, Scott O. Lilienfeld, D. Stephen Lindsay, Candice C. Morey, Marcus Munafò, Benjamin R. Newell, Harold Pashler, David R. Shanks, Daniel J. Simons, Jelte M. Wicherts, Dolores Albarracin, Nicole D. Anderson, John Antonakis, Hal R. Arkes, Mitja D. Back, George C. Banks, Christopher Beevers, Andrew A. Bennett, Wiebke Bleidorn, Ty W. Boyer, Cristina Cacciari, Alice S. Carter, Joseph Cesario, Charles Clifton, Ronán M. Conroy, Mike Cortese, Fiammetta Cosci, Nelson Cowan, Jarret Crawford, Eveline A. Crone, John Curtin, Randall Engle, Simon Farrell, Pasco Fearon, Mark Fichman, Willem Frankenhuis, Alexandra M. Freund, M. Gareth Gaskell, Roger Giner-Sorolla, Don P. Green, Robert L. Greene, Lisa L. Harlow, Fernando Hoces de la Guardia, Derek Isaacowitz, Janet Kolodner, Debra Lieberman, Gordon D. Logan, Wendy B. Mendes, Lea Moersdorf, Brendan Nyhan, Jeffrey Pollack, Christopher Sullivan, Simine Vazire, and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers

Exploring Regenerative Co-benefits of Biophilic Design for People and the Environment, Maria Beatrice Andreucci, Angela Loder, Beth McGee, Jelena Brajković, and M. Brown


Chapter 5: U.S. Foreign Policy in the South China Sea, Barry J. Balleck


The Temporal Dynamics of Infants' Joint Attention: Effects of Others' Gaze Cues and Manual Actions, Ty W. Boyer, Samuel Harding, and Bennett I. Bertenthal


Belief in Redeemability and Punitive Public Opinion: “Once a Criminal, Always a Criminal” Revisited, Alexander L. Burton, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton Jr., Amanda Graham, Leah C. Butler, and Angela J. Thielo


The securitization of Post-9/11 reception patterns of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants: deconstructing the Venezuelan Exodus (A case study), Georgina Chami, Christopher M. Brown, and Nalanda Roy

La légitimation du Rassemblement national et la lutte pour une Franceeuropéenne, Alison Clifton and Jamie E. Scalera

The Comedian, Nikki DiGregorio


Reflecting Upon Teaching Diversity-centered Courses: Dialogues Between Novice and Veteran Professors, Nikki DiGregorio and Delores D. Liston


Working Toward Reducing Violence Against LGBTQQIA+ Populations, Nikki DiGregorio and Bahira Sherif Trask


Democracy (Still) on the Edge: An Analysis of Brazil's Political Response to the Covid-19 Crisis, Matthew B. Flynn, André Pereira Neto, and Letícia Barbosa


Book Review of Fight the Power: African Americans and the Long History of Police Brutality in New York City , Amanda Graham


Race and Worrying About Police Brutality: The Hidden Injuries of Minority Status in America, Amanda Graham, Murat Haner, Melissa M. Sloan, Francis T. Cullen, and Teresa C. Kulig


Faith in Trump, Moral Foundations, and Social Distancing Defiance during the Coronavirus Pandemic, Amanda K. Graham, Francis T. Cullen, Justin T. Pickett, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Murat Haner, and Melissa M. Sloan


Advantages of Matched Over Unmatched Opt-in Samples for Studying Criminal Justice Attitudes: A Research Note, Amanda Graham, Justin T. Pickett, and Francis T. Cullen


Making America Safe Again: Public Support for Policies to Reduce Terrorism, Murat Haner, Melissa M. Sloan, Francis T. Cullen, Amanda Graham, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Teresa C. Kulig, and Ömer Aydın