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Submissions from 2015


The Nonreligious – Nonspiritual Scale (NRNSS): Measuring Everything from Atheists to Zionists, Ryan T. Cragun, Joseph H. Hammer, and Michael Nielsen

Book Review "From the Gulag to Guantanomo: Political, Social and Economic Evolutions of Mess Encarceration" by Wesley Kendal, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Book Review of "Governing Military Technologies in the 21st Century" by Richard Michael O'Meara, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Book Review of "Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America", Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Book Review of "The Islamist Phoenix: The Islamic State and the Redrawing of the Middle East" by Loretta Napoleoni, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Book Review "The Politics of Civil-Military Cooperation: Canada in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan" Christopher Ankersen, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

From Ideology to Geopolitics: Russia’s Interests in Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Iran, Latin American, and U.S. National Security, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Strategic Insights: Brazil's Election 2014: Continuity or Change for the "Sleeping Giant"?, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Strategic Insights: Guyana-Venezuela: The Essequibo Region Dispute, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Economics of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Nikki DiGregorio


Same-Sex Marriage Policies and Lesbian Family Life, Nikki DiGregorio


Honors Inquiry in Ireland: Developing a Research-Based Study Abroad Experience for Honors Students, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley


Violence and warfare in the European Mesolithic and Paleolithic, Virginia Estabrook


Deconstructing the LGBT-Victimization Association: The Case of Sexual Assault and Alcohol-Related Problems, Shanna N. Felix, Justin Hoyle, Chad Posick, Bryan Lee Miller, and John Stogner


Pharmaceutical Autonomy: Technology, Alliances, and Norms, Matthew B. Flynn


A Survey of Texas HIV, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Tuberculosis, and Viral Hepatitis Providers’ Billing and Reimbursement Capabilities, Matthew B. Flynn, Robin Atwood, Jennifer B. Greenberg, Tara Ray, and Karol Kaye Harris


Evidence Consistent With the Multiple-Bearings Hypothesis From Human Virtual Landmark-Based Navigation, Martha R. Forloines, Kent D. Bodily, and Bradley R. Sturz


Power-Control Theory, Laurie A. Gould and Brenda Blackwell


Organized Interests and Administrative Rulemaking: The State of Wisconsin’s Lobbyists and Coalitions, Nathan Grasse, Brett Curry, and Brianne Heidbreder

Intentionally Changing Dramatic Play, Alice Hall

Twenty-five Years of Out-of-school Time Jargon and Acronyms, Alice Hall


Virgina’s Fairfax County SACC Reviewed: Celebrating 40 Years of High-quality Afterschool Programming, Alice Hall


What Afterschool is Reading? [Review of the book "Who was Steve Jobs?" by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso], Alice Hall


Can Differences in Attachment to Parents and Level of Self-Control Explain the Gender Gap in Juvenile Delinquency? Testing a Gendered Attachment-Self-Control Theory, Helmut Hirtenlehner, Brenda Blackwell, and Johannes Kepler

The Roots of Narcissus: Old and New Models of the Evolution of Narcissism, Nicholas S. Holtzman and M. Brent Donnellan

Exploring Political Ideologies of Senators With Semantic Analysis Tools: Further Validation of CASS, Nicholas S. Holtzman, Simon Kwong, and Kirsten L. Baird


A Review of Significant Tactical Police Cases: Learning from Past Events to Improve upon Future Responses, Kevin Jennings


Developing a Service-Learning Student Facilitator Program: Lessons Learned, Jerri J. Kropp, Nancy M. Arrington, and Veena Shankar


The Aftermath of Newtown: More of the Same, Aaron C. Kupchik, John J. Brent, and Thomas J. Mowen


Religiousness and Social Support: A Study in Secular Norway, Marianne Nilsen Kvande, R. Johansen, A. Lehre, Michael E. Nielsen, and Geir Arild Espnes


Church Attendance and Religious Experience: Differential Associations to Well-Being for Norwegian Women and Men?, Marianne Nilsen Kvande, Christian Andreas Klöckner, and Michael Nielsen


User Experience and Wayfinding in an Academic Library, Seunghae Lee and Sibel Seda Dazkir


Examining the Mediating Effects of Social Learning on the Low Self-Control – Cyberbullying Relationship in a Youth Sample, Carrie K.W. Li, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and David C. May


Review of "Empowering Revolution: America, Poland, and the End of the Cold War", Jacek Lubecki


Perceptions of Incapacitated Heterosexual Sexual Assault: Influences of Relationship Status, Perpetrator Intoxication, and Post-Assault Sleeping Arrangements, Trent W. Maurer


The impact of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique on course evaluations, Trent W. Maurer and Jerri Kropp


Using Reading Guides and On-line Quizzes to Improve Reading Compliance and Quiz Scores, Trent W. Maurer and Judith Longfield


Disfluent Fonts Don't Help People Solve Math Problems, Andrew Meyer, Shane Frederick, Terence C. Burnham, Juan D. Guevara Pinto, Ty W. Boyer, Linden J. Ball, Gordon Pennycook, Rakefet Ackerman, Valerie A. Thompson, and Jonathon P. Schuldt


Cheating Around the World: A Cross-National Analysis of Principal Reported Cheating, Bryan Lee Miller, Laura E. Agnich, Chad Posick, and Laurie A. Gould


Marketing a Panic: Media Coverage of Novel Psychoactive Drugs (NPDs) and Its Relationship with Legal Changes, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, Laura E. Agnich, Amber Sanders, Joseph D. Bacot, and Shanna N. Felix


Cause-related Marketing Campaigns: Do Consumer Perceptions and Brand Motivations Matter?, Beth Myers


Creating a Game for Psychology, Michael Nielsen


Perceptions, In-Groups, and Out-Groups: Challenges and Opportunities for Division 36, Michael Nielsen


Strategies and Resources for Teaching Psychology of Religion, Michael Nielsen and Christopher F. Silver


A Service-Learning Partnership for Wilderness Education in Coastal Georgia, John Peden, Madalyn Russell, and Monica Harris


Public Values of the Antarctic Wilderness: A Comparison of University Students in Spain and the United States, John Peden, Tina Tin, Javier Benayas, Luis R. Pertierra, Pablo Tejedo, Jessica O’Reilly, Kees Bastmeijer, and Patrick Maher Dr.


On the General Relationship between Victimization and Offending: Examining Cultural Contingencies, Chad Posick and Laurie A. Gould


Empathy, Crime, and Justice, Chad Posick, Michael Rocque, and Matt Delisi


An Integrated Framework for Intersectorality: Nonprofitness and Its Influence on Society and Public Administration Programs, Robbie Robichau, Kandyce M. Fernandez, and Patsy B. Kraeger


Marriage and County-level Crime Rates: A Research Note, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, Steven E. Barkan, and Ray Paternoster


The Role of the Brain in Urban Violent Offending: Integrating Biology with Structural Theories of 'The Streets', Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Shanna Felix


Age and Crime, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Justin Hoyle


A Comparative, Cross-Cultural Criminal Career Analysis, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, Ineke Haen Marshall, and Alex R. Piquero


Growing Up Is Hard to Do: an Empirical Evaluation of Maturation and Desistance, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Helene R. White


Measuring Procedural Justice and Legitimacy at the Local Level: The Police–Community Interaction Survey, Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Daniel S. Lawrence, Susan M. Hartnett, Jack McDevitt, and Chad Posick


Dragon-Elephant Relationship in the South China Sea Imbroglio, Nalanda Roy


Review of Sociology of Human Rights by Mark Frezzo, Nalanda Roy


Review of The Human Rights Enterprise: Political Sociology, State Power, and Social Movements by William T. Armaline, Davita Silfen Glasberg, and Bandana Purkayastha, Nalanda Roy

Scramble for Africa: Beijing’s Move in Africa, Nalanda Roy


Barriers to Interracial Marriage? Examining Policy Issues Concerning U.S. Citizens Married to Undocumented Latino/a Immigrants, April M. Schueths


Life and Love outside the Citizenship Binary: Mixed-Status Couples in the U.S., April M. Schueths


Introduction: Living Together, Living Apart: Mixed-Status Families and US Immigration Policy, April M. Schueths and Jodie Lawston


Ballots for Equality: An Approach to the Radical Tradition in U.S. Electoral Politics, Daniel Skidmore-Hess


Review Essay: Advances in Hutterian Scholarship, William L. Smith


Comparative Psychology, Janice N. Steirn, Kent D. Bodily, and Bradley R. Sturz


Assessing the Relationship between Divergent Drinking and Perceptions of Friendship Quality between Students, John Stogner, John H. Boman, and Bryan Lee Miller


Assessing the Dangers of ‘Dabbing’ – Mere Marijuana or Harmful New Trend?, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller


The Dabbing Dilemma: A Call for Research on Butane Hash Oil and Other Alternate Forms of Cannabis Use, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller


Youth Drug Trends and Societal Reactions, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller

Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of 6.43-Acres of the Savannah State University Italian Club Tract, Chatham County, Georgia, Kara Bridgman Sweeney, Charlie Phillips, and Alexander Y. Sweeney

Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Update, United States Army Garrison, Okinawa, Japan, 2015-2019, Kara Bridgman Sweeney and Alexander Y. Sweeney


It Really Is Not Just Gay, But African American Gay’: The Impact of Community and Church on the Experiences of Black Lesbians Living in North-Central Florida, Clare F. Walsh


Chapter Nine: Establishing Community-based Organizations, M. West, Patsy B. Kraeger, and T. Dahlstrom


Facilitating Group Experiences, Brent Wolfe


Closely-Spaced Administrative Centers and the Organization of Mississippian Chiefdoms, M. Jared Wood


The Transition from High School to College: Parents’ and Students’ Perceptions of Parents’ Helpfulness, Pidi Zhang and William L. Smith


Investigating the Role of Neighborhood Youth Organizations in Preventing Adolescent Violent Offending: Evidence from Chicago, Gregory M. Zimmerman, Brandon C. Welsh, and Chad Posick

Submissions from 2014


Book Review: Why We Harm, Laura E. Agnich


Review of Amy Fried’s, Muffled Echoes: Oliver North and the Politics of Public Opinion, Barry J. Balleck


When Do Infants Begin to Follow a Point?, Bennett I. Bertenthal, Ty W. Boyer, and Samuel Harding


Institutional Review Board and International Field Research in Conflict Zones, Srobana Bhattacharya


Examining Perceptions of Substance Use in Friendships of Different Gender Structure, John H. Boman IV, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, Laura E. Agnich, and Marvin D. Krohn


Chapter 10: Further Examining Officer Perceptions and Support for Online Community Policing, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Who Benefits from Honors: An Empirical Analysis of Honors and Non-Honors Students’ Backgrounds, Academic Attitudes, and Behaviors, Ted Brimeyer, April M. Schueths, and William Smith


Conservative Protestant College Students and Their Peers: Similarities and Differences, Ted Brimeyer and William L. Smith


Assessing the Factors Associated with the Possession of an Academic Ethic in College, Kyong Hee Chee, Nathan W. Pino, and William L. Smith


Review of DIY the Search for Control and Self-Reliance in the 21st Century by Kevin Wehr, Adrienne L. Cohen


Review of "Electing Judges: The Surprising Effects of Campaigning on Judicial Legitimacy", Brett W. Curry


Utilizing Experiments in Judicial Research, Brett W. Curry


Of Politics, Self-Preservation, and Symbolism: An Investigation of Jurisdiction-Stripping and Legislative Redistricting, Brett W. Curry and Trenton J. Davis


The Value of Research in the Interior Design Studio: Student Perspectives, Sibel Seda Dazkir


Interviews with Turkish Women: Rise of Consumerism and Its Influence on Home Interiors, Sibel Seda Dazkir and M. Read


Book Review of "Cuban in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism, and Transnationalism" by Catherine Krull, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Book Review of "Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla" by David Kilcullen, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Book Review of "Studies in Gangs and Cartels" by Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Iran, Latin American, and U.S. National Security, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Strategic Insights: The Dragon in the Tropics: China’s Military Expansion into the Western Hemisphere, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


The Age of Digital Conflict: A Review Essay, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Visiones Estrategicas: El Dragon en los Tropicos: La Expansion Militar de China en el Hemisferio Occidental (Part I), Jose de Arimateia da Cruz