China’s Diplomatic Forays in the CARICOM-Caribbean Community in the Light of the Belt and Road Initiative

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date


Publication Title

Managing New Security Threats in the Caribbean




The emergence of China and India is reshaping the global power structure and also forging a new phase of multi-polarity. Beijing’s significant inroads in the Caribbean have led to the question of what is going to be its long-term strategy? The Belt and Road Initiative is aimed at deepening economic integration between China and regions around the world. And CARICOM is not an exception! China’s engagement in the Caribbean has ushered new and emerging development initiatives, however, we need to see whether such a relationship will escalate rivalries or prove to be sustainable and forge synergy in the future? After all, the greatest skill to “earn a victory is to do without even fighting a battle”. The paper will briefly examine the extension of China’s BRI strategy in the region; explain the geopolitical and security implications of BRI diplomacy, and finally, conclude whether it will have unpleasant side effects.


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