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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Political Science and International Studies.

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Submissions from 2006

International Terrorism, Barry J. Balleck

International Terrorism, Barry J. Balleck

Miscellaneous International Issues in Domestic Perspective, Barry J. Balleck

Review of the War on Terror, Barry J. Balleck


Teaching for the Future: Experiential Learning and the Use of New Strategies and Techniques Available to the International Studies Classroom, Barry J. Balleck

An Unusual Choice: Michelle Bachelet, President, in Conservative South America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

CAFTA: An Early Assessment of its Political, Economic, and Social Impact, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

HIV/AIDS in Brazil: How Power and Gender Inequality Perpetuate the Pandemic, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The US Midterm Elections of November 7th and Its Foreign Policy Ramifications, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Neoliberal Foreign Policy of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Evie Daughtrey

Gender, Power & HIV/AIDS, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Corie Hammers

Democratic Theory and Democratic Policing, Steven Engel

Devolution and Beyond: New Political Structures for Celtic Peoples, Steven Engel

Rousseau and the Problem of Patriotism, Steven Engel

Coal Disasters: Geology and Politics in Uneasy Collaboration, Karen M. McCurdy

Coal Fires in the United States: A Case Study in Government Inattention, Karen M. McCurdy

Earth Sciences Influence in Non-renewable Resource Policy: An Evolutionary Process, Karen M. McCurdy

Geology as Policy Problem: An Evolution from Progressive to Conservative Politics, Karen M. McCurdy

Patriotic Songs Becoming Un-American, Karen M. McCurdy and Julia Schmidt-Pirro

Critical Assessments of the Writings of Hannah Arendt, Robert Pirro

Invited Lecture: “Hannah Arendt und die Politik der Tragödie: Die Eröffnung einer neuen Forschungsrichtung”, Robert Pirro

Invited paper: “Tragedy, Theodicy and 9/11”, Robert Pirro

Invited Seminar Presentation: “Is the Age of Terrorism an Age of Nationalism?”, Robert Pirro

On the Aesthetic Political, Robert Pirro

Submissions from 2005

Forum on Terrorism, Barry J. Balleck

Forum on Terrorism, Barry J. Balleck

International Institutions, Barry J. Balleck

The Ins and Outs of the United Nations, Barry J. Balleck

The Ins and Outs of the United Nations, Barry J. Balleck

The Rhetoric of War, Barry J. Balleck

Brazil’s Politics of AIDS: Addressing the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the “Sleeping Giant” of South America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Brazil”s Politics of AIDS: Addressing the Pandemic in the “Sleeping Giant” of South America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Brazil’s Rainbow Coalition Foreign Policy Under Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Corruption & Perceptions of Democracy, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Latin America in Historical Perspective, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Neoliberalism in Brazil, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Administration of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva: Is Brazil Still Afraid of Neoliberalism?, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Violence and Society in Democratizing Brazil, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Violence, Society, and the Future of Brazil’s Democratic Consolidation, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Incorporating East African into the Political Science Curriculum, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Margaret Keiley-Listermann

The UnRule of Law, Violence, and Society in Brazil: Challenges to Brazil’s Fragile Democratic Consolidation, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz


Human Rights and Conflict Regulation in the Northern Ireland Peace Process, Steven Engel

Earth Sciences Changed Influence in the Public Policy Process, or How Congress Stopped Communicating with Geologists, Karen M. McCurdy

Oil and Gas in the Political Environment: Unavoidable Paradox?, Karen M. McCurdy

Between Folk Cult and Polis Religion: Reason and Ritual in Plato’s Republic, Robert Pirro


Think Your Students Don't Know Enough about International Relations?, Darin H. Van Tassel and Barry J. Balleck

Submissions from 2004

The Progress of Women’s Rights in the United Nations, Barry J. Balleck

The Progress of Women’s Rights in the United Nations, Barry J. Balleck

What is the G-8? The Sea Island Summit and Its Implications for Georgia, Barry J. Balleck

Moral and Ethical Challenges in the Global Village: Team-Teaching Strategies for the International Studies Professor, Barry J. Balleck and Darin H. Van Tassel

General Ernesto Geisel: From Dictator to Savior of Brazil’s Fragile Democracy, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Latin American Social and Political Problems in the 21st Century, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The AIDS Pandemic Hits Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Economic and Social Impact of the AIDS Pandemic in Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

What is Globalization?, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Bolivia's Poverty Reduction Strategy, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Alejandra Garcia

Incorporating An African Perspectives in Political Science, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Margaret Keiley-Listermann

Prospects for the G8 Sea Island Summit, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and John Kirton

U.S.-- Cuba Relations in the Post-Cold War International System, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and John Kirton

Brazil's Programa Zone Zero [Zero Hunger Program], Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz

Human Rights and Democratic Police Reform in Northern Ireland, Steven Engel

Beyond Clean Coal/Dirty Air: The Complexity of Policy Space Concerning Coal Fires, Karen M. McCurdy

Beyond Clean Coal/Dirty Air: The Complexity of Policy Space Concerning Coal Fires, Karen M. McCurdy

Integrating GIS in Social Science Research: How Bad Can It Be?, Karen M. McCurdy

The Fog of Wartime Relocation: What Students Should Know About the Relocation of Japanese Americans During WWII, Karen M. McCurdy and Todd T. Kunioka

Television Comes to Georgia Politics, 1948-1952, Patrick J. Novotny

Invited Lecture: "The Political Uses of Tragedy: A U.S.-German Comparison", Robert Pirro

What Will Decide the U.S. Presidential Elections?, Robert Pirro

Ruth Crawford Seeger and Zilphia Horton: Music as a Tool for Social Justice, Julia Schmidt-Pirro and Karen M. McCurdy