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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Political Science and International Studies.

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Submissions from 2015

Social Media: Ammunition for Civil War, Social Change, and Revolution, Amber Bailey and Christopher M. Brown

International Field Research in Conflict Zones, Srobana Bhattacharya

Rebellion and Maoist Conflict in India, Srobana Bhattacharya

Terrorism and ISIS in the aftermath of Paris attacks, Srobana Bhattacharya

The Migration Crisis in Europe, Srobana Bhattacharya

Who Supports terrorism? A Comparative Study of Terrorist Resource Networks, Srobana Bhattacharya

Women in the Academy, Srobana Bhattacharya

Post conflict Effects on Gender Rights, Srobana Bhattacharya and Courtney Burns

Anachronistic Transitions: From Command to Demand and the Lessons for 'Revolutionary' Cuba, Christopher M. Brown

Featured Workshop Participant: Coming in From the Cold War: Cuba and the Normalization of US-Cuban Relations, Christopher M. Brown

Governability is Not Democracy: Representation, Co-optation, and the Sustainability of Poor- Quality Democratic Systems in the Developing World, Christopher M. Brown

Relieving Abjection: Post-Modern Transitions, Cuban Liberalization, and a Reconciliation via Cultural Unity, Christopher M. Brown

Rethinking Post-Modern Governance: The Contributions and Challenges from Gross National Happiness as a Development Model, Christopher M. Brown


Post conflict Effects on Gender Rights, Courtney Burns and Srobana Bhattacharya

Ideology, Judicial Specialization, and the Diffusion of Precedent: Citation Patterns in the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Brett W. Curry and Banks Miller

Judicial Deference and Opinion Specialization on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Brett W. Curry and Banks Miller

Argentina, Brazil, and Chile: The Promotion of Women’s Empowerment at the Ballot Box and Through Revolution, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Cybersecurity in the Americas: U.S. National Security Implications, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Ladies Like No Others: Dilma, Kirchner, and Bachelet, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Megacities in the 21st Century: The New Battlefield and its National Security Implications, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Relations between European Union and Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Seminar in Global Politics, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Urban Conflict in the Megacities in the Twenty-first Century, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Beyond Replacing Gen Ed: The Future of Honors Curricula, Steven Engel

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Celebrating Irish Savannah and the Wexford-Savannah Axis Research Project, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Wexford-Savannah Axis, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Wexford-Savannah Axis, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Inclusionary State Activism or Particularistic Bureaucratic Rings? Evaluating Industrial Policies in Brazil’s Pharmaceutical Sector, Matthew Flynn


Bureaucratic Capitalism and the Immigration Industrial Complex, Matthew B. Flynn


The Dilemma of High-Priced Medicines, Matthew B. Flynn

Executive Orders: When, Why, and How Presidents Use Them, Joshua B. Kennedy

Government Accountability Office Reports as Oversight: When Are Agencies Investigated?, Joshua B. Kennedy

ISIS and the US, Jacek Lubecki


Euroskeptic Voting in European and National Elections: A Coalition Theory of European Voting, Robert Pahre, Elizabeth Radziszewski, and Jamie Scalera

Analyzing the Future of ASEAN in Mitigating Disputes in Asia, Nalanda Roy

Analyzing the Implication of Beijing’s Strategies and Tactics for Asia-Pacific Politics, Nalanda Roy


Does ASEAN Work? Analyzing the Future of ASEAN in Mitigating Disputes in Asia, Nalanda Roy

Ganer Opare: Analyzing the Lifestyle of the Indian Diaspora in the United States, Nalanda Roy

Will the Dragon Reconsider Its Maritime Strategy in the South China Sea Following the Melting of the Arctic?, Nalanda Roy


Negotiating Membership in the European Union, Jamie E. Scalera

When Relations Sour: The Negative Consequences of Partnership with an International Organization, Jamie E. Scalera

To Mediate or Not? The European Union’s Mediation Strategy in Civil Conflicts, Jamie E. Scalera and Krista E. Wiegand


To Mediate or Not? The European Union’s Mediation Strategy in Territorial, Maritime, and River Disputes, Jamie E. Scalera and Krista E. Wiegand

Who’s Afraid of the Philosopher-King? Political Theory and the Problem of Technocratic Reason, Daniel Skidmore-Hess

Submissions from 2014

Allegiance to Liberty: The Changing Face of Patriots, Militias, and Political Violence in America, Barry J. Balleck

Allegiance to Liberty: The Changing Face of Patriots, Militias, and Political Violence in America, Barry J. Balleck

Political Extremism and Terrorism, Barry J. Balleck

Political Extremism and Terrorism, Barry J. Balleck

ISIS and terrorism, Srobana Bhattacharya

An Urgent Reconceptualization of Post-Modern Development: The Agenda of the Small Island Developing State, Christopher M. Brown

Balancing the Joint Force to Meet Future Security Challenges, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

China’s Role in the African Continent: Appetite for Resources, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Political Institutions, Economic Policy and Economic Development in Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz


Scientific Methods of Inquiry for Intelligence Analysis, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Social and Political Changes and Conflicts in Contemporary Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Dilma Roussef: Brazil’s Policy Entrepreneur-in-Chief?, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Evangelia Petridou

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Wexford-Savannah Axis, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

From Wexford to Savannah: An Inter-Region Migration Pathway, Steven Engel, Howard Keeley, Richard Hayes, and Sean Reidy

Complexity Theory and Health Care Reform, Matthew Flynn

On the Maturation of Immigration Detention: Theoretical Approaches and Evidence, Matthew Flynn

Theoretical Perspectives on Pharmaceutical Autonomy, Matthew Flynn

Organized Interests and Administrative Rulemaking: An Ecological Study of the State of Wisconsin, Nathan Grasse, Brett W. Curry, and Brianne Heidbreder

Pilsudski in World War One, Jacek Lubecki

Opinion Specialization and Decision Making on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry

Aesthetic Legacies and Dashed Political Hopes: David Caspar Friedrich Motifs in Roland Emmerich’s Post-9/11 Popcorn Message Movies, Robert Pirro

`Politics of Tragedy’: Ein Konzept für die Politikwissenschaft, Robert Pirro

Primo Levi’s Machiavellian Moment, Robert Pirro

Tragedy and the Tragic in German Literature, Art & Thought, Robert Pirro

Crouching Dragon - The Role of Beijing in the South China Sea Dispute, Nalanda Roy

Will Beijing Reconsider Its Maritime Strategy in the South China Sea Following the Melting of the Arctic?, Nalanda Roy

Crisis of Confidence: The 2008 Global Financial Crisis and Public Trust in the European Central Bank, Jamie Scalera

Euroskeptic Voting in European and National Elections: A Coalition Theory of European Voting, Jamie Scalera, Robert Pahre, and Elizabeth Radziszewski

“Free Thought and Owenite Socialism in the Antebellum United States: The Intersecting Lives of Frances Wright and Abner Kneeland, Cathy Skidmore-Hess and Daniel Skidmore-Hess

Submissions from 2012

Teaching and Learning Workshop: Games and Simulations II, Barry J. Balleck

Preserving Institutional Power: The Court’s Strategic Decision-Making and the Effects of Congress, Brett W. Curry, Bryan Marshall, and Richard L. Pacelle Jr.